Sunday, October 2nd 2011

Guru3D Has MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 8 Up For Grabs
Today we release an updated Beta revision of Afterburner, this application successfully secured the leading position on graphics card utilities. We're happy to see MSI Afterburner is leading the overclock applications. MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 8 is ready.There's quite an extensive change list too, including things like faster startup and unlocking of additional hidden video capture formats. Go get it here.
39 Comments on Guru3D Has MSI Afterburner 2.2.0 Beta 8 Up For Grabs
As for the alternatives, there aren't any. There used to be great ATiTool and ATi Tray Tools (ATT) but they are both sort of outdated or they don't offer features needed. ATT does have most of stuff and works right, but it doesn't have fan speed curve. You can only use Auto or fixed value.
damn, still the same issue
1. Go to installed directory of MSI Afterburner, default: C:\Program file\MSI Afterburner
2. Use notepad to edit “MSIAfterburner.cfg”
3. Change the parameter of “EnableUnofficialOverclocking” from “0” to “1”
But i don't like anything MSI in general so i use Trixx from Sapphire i like it better ;)
I want temps, I dont want plane. Why would anyone want the plane icon when temps are already there... speedfan understand this Why is that bad? Because once you set MSI afterburner you very seldom want to go in to options. But to see temperature history and fan speed and stuff like that... that you want much more often. So having on click - options, is IMO terrible idea.
The worst is that I am unable to get to main window from options, only cancel. So you have to keep airplane icon at hand anyway.
But if it would be other way around, options are only one click away from the main window! I love MSI afterburner and speedfan to make my PC beautifully quiet and monitored, but this just irritates me to no end...
In terms of image quality and frame rate i personally think its better than Fraps.
I had a problem with a previous beta not recording sound but i just used a more up to date beta and it worked fine, works fine on this one too.
I also hate that i have to click a billion buttons to actually download that thing. OMG direct link PLS?
It shares the same bad design as RivaTuner. Half of the stuff could be done miles better but developer feels like he knows it better... Only good thing about it is that it works with AMD and NVIDIA stuff. When it comes to doing things right, ATiTool and ATi Tray Tools were so much better, too bad they aren't developed as actively (or not at all).