Tuesday, April 17th 2012

iPad Mini Rumors Get Louder, Video Games Industry Echos Them
To capitalize on its dominant iPad brand, and offer devices at untapped price-points, Apple is said to be working on a smaller variant, so far referred to as "iPad Mini". This little fellow will pack a smaller 7.85-inch screen compared to the 9.7-inch screen on standard-sized iPad. The fresh round of rumors were supported by sources in the video games industry, who tend to be aware of upcoming iPad products, since it's a gaming platform with sizable reach. The iPad Mini could start at a staggering price of US $199, and is headed for a Q3, 2012 release.
28 Comments on iPad Mini Rumors Get Louder, Video Games Industry Echos Them
Laptop/desktop for work; iThing for play and footling. :pimp:
iJack-of-all-trades-master-of-none is OK as something to keep in your pocket. But don't pretend it is better than the tools you should have to do the job properly
Macbook Air running W2K3 native IS a decent machine.
that fact that you, steevo - and others - don't like or see a use for it means NOTHING. other people see a use, and they buy it. end of story. your thoughts on the subject don't matter.
and fyi, i have a 7" and a 10" android tablet, and though i'll readily say i use the 10" more, the 7 definitely has it's uses. remote media control for every machine in my house. remote access to my desktop from *gasp* my pocket, because a 7" tablet actually CAN fit in a lot of pockets, including jacket pockets and some of my jeans - and not oversized jeans but regular style.
i don't know if you people just want to be contradictory, whether you wish you had a tablet of your own, or are simply angry - but the fact is you are wrong. it's an established market, and it is useful. end of story.