Thursday, March 19th 2015

AMD Announces FreeSync, Promises Fluid Displays More Affordable than G-SYNC

AMD today officially announced FreeSync, an open-standard technology that makes video and games look more fluid on PC monitors, with fluctuating frame-rates. A logical next-step to V-Sync, and analogous in function to NVIDIA's proprietary G-SYNC technology, FreeSync is a dynamic display refresh-rate technology that lets monitors sync their refresh-rate to the frame-rate the GPU is able to put out, resulting in a fluid display output.

FreeSync is an evolution of V-Sync, a feature that syncs the frame-rate of the GPU to the display's refresh-rate, to prevent "frame tearing," when the frame-rate is higher than refresh-rate; but it is known to cause input-lag and stutter when the GPU is not able to keep up with refresh-rate. FreeSync works on both ends of the cable, keeping refresh-rate and frame-rates in sync, to fight both page-tearing and input-lag.
What makes FreeSync different from NVIDIA G-SYNC is that it's a specialization of a VESA-standard feature by AMD, which is slated to be a part of the DisplayPort feature-set, and advanced by DisplayPort 1.2a standard, featured currently only on AMD Radeon GPUs, and Intel's upcoming "Broadwell" integrated graphics. Unlike G-SYNC, FreeSync does not require any proprietary hardware, and comes with no licensing fees. When monitor manufacturers support DP 1.2a, they don't get to pay a dime to AMD. There's no special hardware involved in supporting FreeSync, either, just support for the open-standard and royalty-free DP 1.2a.
AMD announced that no less than 12 monitors from major display manufacturers are already announced or being announced shortly, with support for FreeSync. A typical 27-inch display with TN-film panel, 40-144 Hz refresh-rate range, and WQHD (2560 x 1440 pixels) resolution, such as the Acer XG270HU, should cost US $499. You also have Ultra-Wide 2K (2560 x 1080 pixels) 34-inch and 29-inch monitors, such as the LG xUM67 series, start at $599. These displays offer refresh-rates of up to 75 Hz. Samsung is leading the 4K Ultra HD pack for FreeSync, with the UE590 series 24-inch and 28-inch, and UE850 series 24-inch, 28-inch, and 32-inch Ultra HD (3840 x 2160 pixels) monitors, offering refresh-rates of up to 60 Hz. ViewSonic is offering a full-HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) 27-incher, the VX2701mh, with refresh-rates of up to 144 Hz. On the GPU-end, FreeSync is currently supported on Radeon R9 290 series (R9 290, R9 290X, R9 295X2), R9 285, R7 260X, R7 260, and AMD "Kaveri" APUs. Intel's Core M processors should, in theory, support FreeSync, as its integrated graphics supports DisplayPort 1.2a.
On the performance side of things, AMD claims that FreeSync has lesser performance penalty compared to NVIDIA G-SYNC, and has more performance consistency. The company put out a few of its own benchmarks to make that claim.
For AMD GPUs, the company will add support for FreeSync with the upcoming Catalyst 15.3 drivers.
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96 Comments on AMD Announces FreeSync, Promises Fluid Displays More Affordable than G-SYNC

arbiterHad a bit of a thought, Since AMD has to certify all monitors to be freesync. They have pretty much locked up freesync to AMD only gpu's. Since g-sync module could possible be updated firmware to support it, but since freesync software is as it stands amd proprietary software. AMD in sense has done same thing everyone rips on nvidia for, they just did it under everyones nose's.
AMD doesn't have to. They offer it free, like a courtesy for marketing. The important part is VESA Adaptive-Sync certification. That doesn't have to reach AMD at all. Once its VESA certified anyone can piggy-back off of it.

As far as software goes Nvidia just has to change the way it communicates through DisplayPort, change the method in which it syncs. Nothing stopping them.
Posted on Reply
As a gamer who always maintains 60fps, is there anything about Gsync or FreeSync that can do anything positive for me, or is it only intended for people that experience frame rates that fall below 60 during gaming?
Posted on Reply
XzibitAMD doesn't have to. They offer it free, like a courtesy for marketing. The important part is VESA Adaptive-Sync certification. That doesn't have to reach AMD at all. Once its VESA certified anyone can piggy-back off of it.

As far as software goes Nvidia just has to change the way it communicates through DisplayPort, change the method in which it syncs. Nothing stopping them.
AMD claims its free and a standard, which its NOT the standard and software is proprietary and locked to AMD gpu's. They did pretty much same thing nvidia did while whining about what nvidia did. AMD spouts freesync/adaptive sync are one and same, which all amd fans believe and and repeat it cause they think its the truth and nvidia can support freesync which they can't since its proprietary amd software.
Posted on Reply
I like now how its in an official announcement finally. The only downside I can see so far is the first reported driver (15.3) is supposed to not support CFX yet sadly :(

I am interested in seeing it in action in the real world as I want some comparisons so we can choose.

I have to say though, these advancements (Gsync and freesync) have one major purpose and that to me when the FPS is constantly changing. Situations like that mostly arise on 144hz displays whether it be 1440p or 1080p so I personally do not see much of a point on a 60hz panel even at 4K with how difficult it is to run. That being said, I will be interested in the pricing of a panel that will be 4K 60hz just for fun but I am more wanting to compare these since no matter what you choose its probably going to lock you to one side of the GPU market.
Posted on Reply
arbiterAMD claims its free and a standard, which its NOT the standard and software is proprietary and locked to AMD gpu's. They did pretty much same thing nvidia did while whining about what nvidia did.
AMD didn't outsource a T-Con to Assera. They proposed changes that have been in eDP 1.1-1.3 to be implemented into DP 1.2a through VESA and it happened. Nvidia is part of VESA governing body but they didn't do that. They choose to use DP 1.2 in its current state and develop a communication method off of that while outsourcing the T-Con module to Assera. The benefit to that is first to market and lock down VRR eco system.

You sound like you want AMD to start making Adaptive-Sync drivers for everyone.
Posted on Reply
I never saw frame tearing before. Heard about it but never seen it.
Posted on Reply
arbiterAMD claims its free and a standard, which its NOT the standard and software is proprietary and locked to AMD gpu's. They did pretty much same thing nvidia did while whining about what nvidia did. AMD spouts freesync/adaptive sync are one and same, which all amd fans believe and and repeat it cause they think its the truth and nvidia can support freesync which they can't since its proprietary amd software.
Not to feed you, but I just want to comment on a few pieces here.

- Amd is NOT charging any manufacturers a licensing fee or charging royalties, so YES it is free.

- Amd has NOT locked free-sync (which I think could just as easily be called adaptive sync) to JUST AMD. I am sorry if your Nvidia cards don't support it, but you should look at your green gods Nvidia, and throw the negativity their way. Nvidia chose to not implement display port 1.2a. Can't blame AMD for that.

- Amd is not charging any markup on monitors that have adaptive-sync/free sync. That doesn't even make sense (since when does AMD make monitors)? It's very easy, Manufactures can double dip. As long as Nvidia fans buy g-sync monitors, they can keep the price high. Now that AMD has free-sync (or just call it VESA adaptive sync, and take AMD's name out all together) they are lowering the cost of basically the same panel by $100. Sure, why not? If I could sell something to you that is $100 cheaper than the competition, put back an extra $100 in my pocket, I would do the same. That basic supply/demand without drowning out the inventory of g-sync monitors.

I appreciated you chiming in with an nvidia slanted response to basically everyone's post is every AMD thread ever, but I had to correct just these few pieces for you.
Posted on Reply
Cybrnook2002Not to feed you, but I just want to comment on a few pieces here.

- Amd is NOT charging any manufacturers a licensing fee or charging royalties, so YES it is free.

- Amd has NOT locked free-sync (which I think could just as easily be called adaptive sync) to JUST AMD. I am sorry if your Nvidia cards don't support it, but you should look at your green gods Nvidia, and throw the negativity their way. Nvidia chose to not implement display port 1.2a. Can't blame AMD for that.

- Amd is not charging any markup on monitors that have adaptive-sync/free sync. That doesn't even make sense (since when does AMD make monitors)? It's very easy, Manufactures can double dip. As long as Nvidia fans buy g-sync monitors, they can keep the price high. Now that AMD has free-sync (or just call it VESA adaptive sync, and take AMD's name out all together) they are lowering the cost of basically the same panel by $100. Sure, why not? If I could sell something to you that is $100 cheaper than the competition, put back an extra $100 in my pocket, I would do the same. That basic supply/demand without drowning out the inventory of g-sync monitors.

I appreciated you chiming in with an nvidia slanted response to basically everyone's post is every AMD thread ever, but I had to correct just these few pieces for you.
Well said Cybrnook2002.
Posted on Reply
64KWell said Cybrnook2002.
As long as one person get's it, then I am happy. So thanks for that :toast:
Posted on Reply
arbiterHad a bit of a thought, Since AMD has to certify all monitors to be freesync. They have pretty much locked up freesync to AMD only gpu's. Since g-sync module could possible be updated firmware to support it, but since freesync software is as it stands amd proprietary software. AMD in sense has done same thing everyone rips on nvidia for, they just did it under everyones nose's.
False on all points.

Nothing has to be certified for it to work. That's a formality for branding b/c people are stupid and have no idea what adaptive sync is.
Posted on Reply
Super Intoxicated Moderator
This is all good news basically. Anandtech has a nice article on it (kinda kybosh the whole G-Sync perf hit though - the hit is ludicrously small, as to be imperceptible). The point is, will it make G-Sync cheaper? - Maybe a a wee bit but G-Sync only works for Nvidia, Free-Sync only works with what supports DP1.2a (which notably isn't supported by R9 280/X or 270/X - bummer for some).

If you buy Nvidia currently, you probably don't mind paying a bit more for G-Sync - after all it is cheaper than buying a new AMD GPU and Free-Sync monitor. If you have a GCN 1.1(?) gpu now, it's great for you as well.

There's no needs for folks to get all antsy about it and leap to either sides defence.
Posted on Reply
To add, Freesync certification does not lock anything up. It's already public knowledge that it's free to have your panel FreeSync certified (put the sticker on the box) and you can choose to do so if you wish (manufacturers). But that does not mean that ONLY freesync monitors will work with adaptive sync. AMD has started AMD cards will support the same technology on basic adaptive sync panels as well, so no white list/black list.
Posted on Reply
the54thvoidThis is all good news basically. Anandtech has a nice article on it (kinda kybosh the whole G-Sync perf hit though - the hit is ludicrously small, as to be imperceptible). The point is, will it make G-Sync cheaper? - Maybe a a wee bit but G-Sync only works for Nvidia, Free-Sync only works with what supports DP1.2a (which notably isn't supported by R9 280/X or 270/X - bummer for some).

If you buy Nvidia currently, you probably don't mind paying a bit more for G-Sync - after all it is cheaper than buying a new AMD GPU and Free-Sync monitor. If you have a GCN 1.1(?) gpu now, it's great for you as well.

There's no needs for folks to get all antsy about it and leap to either sides defence.
Agreed, sigh...

I just like the thought that no matter what camp your in (green or red or intel) , we can all benefit from baby smooth frame rate gaming. That's what it should all be really be about.
Posted on Reply
Cybrnook2002- Amd has NOT locked free-sync (which I think could just as easily be called adaptive sync) to JUST AMD. I am sorry if your Nvidia cards don't support it, but you should look at your green gods Nvidia, and throw the negativity their way. Nvidia chose to not implement display port 1.2a. Can't blame AMD for that.
Um its NOT the standard its proprietary amd software that uses the standard so its AMD locked. <--
DisplayPort Adaptive-Sync is an ingredient DisplayPort feature that enables real-time adjustment of monitor refresh rates required by technologies like AMD FreeSync™ technology. AMD FreeSync™ technology is a unique AMD hardware/software solution that utilizes DisplayPort Adaptive-Sync
Cybrnook2002As long as one person get's it, then I am happy. So thanks for that
you are not one of them that gets it i see.
Cybrnook2002I appreciated you chiming in with an nvidia slanted response to basically everyone's post is every AMD thread ever, but I had to correct just these few pieces for you.
i guess that goes without saying amd fans that flame and troll nvidia threads. Sad all people that bite on every word AMD claims even if they are not true. I guess 75% of market share that uses nvidia shows how well those lies are working out for AMD.
the54thvoidThis is all good news basically. Anandtech has a nice article on it (kinda kybosh the whole G-Sync perf hit though - the hit is ludicrously small, as to be imperceptible). The point is, will it make G-Sync cheaper? - Maybe a a wee bit but G-Sync only works for Nvidia, Free-Sync only works with what supports DP1.2a (which notably isn't supported by R9 280/X or 270/X - bummer for some).
Only works with AMD cards as its proprietary use of the spec. its option part of DP 1.2a not required so. not anything with 1.2a will support it.

/me clicks unwatch on this thread to not see idiot response email updates.
Posted on Reply
arbiterUm its NOT the standard its proprietary amd software that uses the standard so its AMD locked. <--

Only works with AMD cards as its proprietary use of the spec.
arbiterUm its NOT the standard its proprietary amd software that uses the standard so its AMD locked. <--

you are not one of them that gets it i see.

Only works with AMD cards as its proprietary use of the spec. its option part of DP 1.2a not required so. not anything with 1.2a will support it.
Read it a little slower and closer, it's pretty easy to see what it's saying. Adaptive sync is a key ingredient in making freesync work. The way that reads is freesync (which is worded as a software option) needs adaptive sync (VESA Standard in dp1.2a(hardware option)) to work. Where is it technology locked? Except if you are meaning that you can't run an Nvidia card with AMD drivers using freesync, yes that wont work. But that does not mean that only AMD cards can use adaptive sync (needed for free sync). It's open to anyone who wants to adopt it.
Posted on Reply
inb4 DP 1.3 or 1.2b or whatever next version is an updated multiplatform version of freesync, just like what vulkan with mantle
Posted on Reply
Super Intoxicated Moderator
arbiterUm its NOT the....< all the crap I'm dribbling>.....port it.

/me clicks unwatch on this thread to not see idiot response email updates.

I recently had to ignore a chappy like this from the red camp. This must be his green brother. I literally don't know what he's saying.

titter titter tee hee
Posted on Reply

I recently had to ignore a chappy like this from the red camp. This must be his green brother. I literally don't know what he's saying.

titter titter tee hee
What's with you and family relationships lately. :laugh:

/looks around for his "twin" :roll:
Posted on Reply

I recently had to ignore a chappy like this from the red camp. This must be his green brother. I literally don't know what he's saying.

titter titter tee hee
Every site should have a case of these on hand

Posted on Reply
Super Intoxicated Moderator
64KEvery site should have a case of these on hand

Gonna need a bigger can...
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Anyone know when will the windmill demo be available ?
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Reading up on the fresh rates, it appears the AMD freesync driver (likely a adaptive sync range) supports from 9 to 240hz off the adaptive sync standard. But as already has been said, current technology is operating within the 30 - 144 hz range. BUT, what is cool about this is that gives panel manufacturers breathing room to continue developing better panel technologies to broaden our useable range lower than 30 and higher than 144 (with still great input times) using existing sync'ing technology from today.

We are getting there, we are starting to see IPS technology creep into the 120+hz range (on the mainstream, yes I know korean overclocking panels have been around) This is good for everyone, so for Free-sync (adaptive sync) nothing would change just the hardware being released from the panel manf's. Then for G-Sync, a potential update to the G-Sync module broadening its range (which would of course be installed on whatever new panel technology comes out) as you wont be able to update your existing monitors g-sync module to support ranges outside of what the integrated panel can support. Either way a new monitor would be required......

Just wanted to add that.
Posted on Reply
Cybrnook2002To add, Freesync certification does not lock anything up. It's already public knowledge that it's free to have your panel FreeSync certified (put the sticker on the box) and you can choose to do so if you wish (manufacturers). But that does not mean that ONLY freesync monitors will work with adaptive sync. AMD has started AMD cards will support the same technology on basic adaptive sync panels as well, so no white list/black list.
Pretty much. As far as most people are concerned, FreeSync is Adaptive Sync by another name. The hardware and implementation remain the same but the branding attempts to drive differentiation where there is none ( Kind of like how PCI-E x4 b/w sourced M.2 is "Ultra M.2" or "Turbo M.2" depending on who's trying to sell it to you). It allows AMD to keep their branding front-and-centre, but tends to obfuscate the actual implementation. EvenAMD's FAQalludes to the fact that the two are different but provides no actual example of the differences:
How are DisplayPort Adaptive-Sync and AMD FreeSync™ technology different?
DisplayPort Adaptive-Sync is an ingredient DisplayPort feature that enables real-time adjustment of monitor refresh rates required by technologies like AMD FreeSync™ technology. AMD FreeSync™ technology is a unique AMD hardware/software solution that utilizes DisplayPort Adaptive-Sync protocols to enable user-facing benefits: smooth, tearing-free and low-latency gameplay and video.
Is DisplayPort Adaptive-Sync the industry-standard version of AMD FreeSync™ technology?
The DisplayPort Adaptive-Sync specification was ported from the Embedded DisplayPort specification through a proposal to the VESA group by AMD. DisplayPort Adaptive-Sync is an ingredient feature of a DisplayPort link and an industry standard that enables technologies like AMD FreeSync™ technology.
I suspect that once DP1.3 becomes entrenched, the separate branding will largely dissolve and Adaptive Sync will just become another ubiquitous feature found on all but the most basic feature-set monitors.
Posted on Reply
HumanSmokePretty much. As far as most people are concerned, FreeSync is Adaptive Sync by another name. The hardware and implementation remain the same but the branding attempts to drive differentiation where there is none ( Kind of like how PCI-E x4 b/w sourced M.2 is "Ultra M.2" or "Turbo M.2" depending on who's trying to sell it to you). It allows AMD to keep their branding front-and-centre, but tends to obfuscate the actual implementation. EvenAMD's FAQalludes to the fact that the two are different but provides no actual example of the differences:

I suspect that once DP1.3 becomes entrenched, the separate branding will largely dissolve and Adaptive Sync will just become another ubiquitous feature found on all but the most basic feature-set monitors.
Yes, I agree with you that, in my conclusion, adaptive sync and free-sync and the same thing. With AMD helping to work with VESA on creating the standard, AMD is able to offer now a certification on technology. (And they should be able to)

I think the devil in the details will be those monitors that have not gone through the AMD certification program, BUT offer adaptive sync MAY give users a sub-par experience which people might confuse and throw back at AMD, calling it free-sync. Free-Sync monitors are only monitors that AMD has sanctioned to perform within AMD spec and offer AMD's sough after experience in the adaptive sync realm. This is where I think we might see a fork in the road.....

Keep in mind a "Free-Sync" experience will involve a driver portion from AMD, so they do have skin in the game. This is why they also have the cert program to make sure it's all correct. Now running a intel broadwell with a normal adaptive sync monitor, that's not AMD anymore.

I am just glad we have finally rid the issues of v-sync vs input vs tearing across the board. (Or at least are working towards there)
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
Good for you AMD and I can't wait.. Did I see a 15.3 driver be said hmm cool, testing time ;)
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