Friday, June 16th 2017
Core i9-7900X Skylake-X Review Shows Up
An Intel Core i9-7900X has appeared for a full review at the site Spoiler alert, it clocks to 4.7 GHz on all ten cores with relative ease (only taking 1.25 V, apparently, though it racked up nearly 100°C in Cinebench at that voltage).
The review praised Intel's overclocking headroom and general muscle in a mostly positive review. Still, not all is rosy in Intel land. They found performance per watt to not have improved much if at all, criticized the high price tag, and had the following to say about the overall experience:
"X299 motherboards don't appear to be quite ready, there are question marks surrounding the Skylake-X processors due later this year, and at the lower end of the Core X spectrum, Kaby Lake-X is nothing short of puzzling."
It would seem AMD is not the only major chip-maker who can have motherboards ill prepared at launch time, even the mighty Intel may have teething issues yet.
You can read the full review (which is mostly positive, by the way) in the source link below.
Oh, and a special shoutout to our own @the54thvoid for discovering this article.
The review praised Intel's overclocking headroom and general muscle in a mostly positive review. Still, not all is rosy in Intel land. They found performance per watt to not have improved much if at all, criticized the high price tag, and had the following to say about the overall experience:
"X299 motherboards don't appear to be quite ready, there are question marks surrounding the Skylake-X processors due later this year, and at the lower end of the Core X spectrum, Kaby Lake-X is nothing short of puzzling."
It would seem AMD is not the only major chip-maker who can have motherboards ill prepared at launch time, even the mighty Intel may have teething issues yet.
You can read the full review (which is mostly positive, by the way) in the source link below.
Oh, and a special shoutout to our own @the54thvoid for discovering this article.
247 Comments on Core i9-7900X Skylake-X Review Shows Up
And the article posted right here at TechPowerUp...
Stop grasping at straws and give it up already. This is really getting tiresome between you two and your meritless stance and throwing crap up on the wall to support it. Some members are better off learning than sharing bullshit info to form an opinion, a wrong one, and call it The Gospel. Too kany clueless noobs here at tpu... oye.
I don't buy PC hardware, so I think it's all awesome, and enjoy it all, Intel or AMD. I like OC'ing, and both do it, and do it well, and in different ways. The rest, and complaining, man, I got hardware to tweak instead, but it's always fun to take a breath from palying with this hardware and see what people are saying, and have a laugh. I enjoy overcoming the problems presented by hardware, since that's EXACTLY what OC'ing and tweaking is all about.
They used shit TIM? AWESOME! More overhead if you fix it! Why is that a negative?? I'll never know. Enthusiasts can get all enthusiast-like and replace the TIM. Solder? They can't do nothing, game over.
We don't complain about problems, we overcome them! So anyone OC'ing, and complaining about what they run into has an internal struggle they must finish before they can get the results they desire! No fancy TIM or solder can fix that.
I got some X299-ready memory in the mail today. I guess I'll have to fire up the X299 rig and play with and have some fun. Life sucks, don't it? :p
I may not know too well how a cpu actually works, but I know intel TIM going grainy isn't good and it has in the past with better TIM and lower temps, so it's definitely a point of concern.
So, if solder raises st9ck clocks, why is the 6950x, soldered, have lower clocks than 7900k?????
It gets grainy now??? Wtf???
Nearly everything out of you and your boy trparky mouth has been bunked but here we are days into the same conversation with your same bunked points being brought losing faith in humanity now...
There isnt talking sense into me in this case. I make sense, and supported any assertion i needed to. Its trying to teach you two rodeo clowns to listen and comprehend that is the real issue here... and frankly, its goddamn useless. Its a shame really, this is a place to learn, yet, people aren't receptive to it and stuck in their ways...but lord knows you will throw that comment right back at me realizing nothing of which i and many others posts is true. Its a shame, really. Opinions can be wrong. ;) join the club...hahaha, wow... :(
they were different damn processors and different generations ago... dies were larger and could dissipate more heat to name one, MAJOR difference...
What do you mean with "They can't do nothing, game over."? As far as I know you can delid Ryzens to your hearts content. You wouldn't much of an improvement compared to paste, but nobody is stopping you from whacking at it. Or does that go into the "too difficult" spectrum of the enthusiast.
Yeah, free hardware sure is nice, but most of us do not have that privilege/job/whatever you want to call it.