Saturday, October 7th 2017

German Company to Sell Binned Core i7 8700K With 99.9% Silver Heatspreader

For those users who thought they'd like some silver with their Intel, german webshop Caseking has a product for you. The company has taken the binning concept that we've already seen with other webshops, which pass the onus of the silicon lottery towards themselves, and taken it to the next level. Caseking will offer Core i7 8700K products that have not only been binned towards achieving guaranteed speeds of 5 GHz, 5.1 GHz and 5.2 GHz, but they're also retrofitting these binned 8700K processors with a 99.9% purity silver heatspreader to improve operating temperatures for these guaranteed-overclocking processors.
Caseking is basically testing batches of i7 8700K processors, delidding them, and then applying Thermal Grizzly's Conductonaut liquid metal thermal grease and the aforementioned silver heatspreader to improve operating temperatures as much as they can be. The company is doing this in partnership with overclocking poster child der8auer, and brands the silver IHS with both Caseking's and Der8auer's logo. The silver heatspreader versions of the Core i7 8700K are being sold as the Ultra Edition, and Caseking are asking a hefty premium for their binned CPUs: €690 will get you an 8700K that is guaranteed to clock up to 5.0 GHz, €750 will guarantee 5.1 GHz, and the premium of premiums (for now, we'd imagine) 5.2 GHz overclockable processor will cost €870.
These are some hefty, hefty price premiums to be sure; however, the company really is taking many risks out of their prospective buyer's hands, in that they not only won't have to bet on the silicon lottery to get some good results, but also won't have to run the risk of delidding their six-core Intel CPU. There's also an Advanced Edition (stock heatspreader with Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut) and a Pro Edition (Niquel-plated heatspreader with Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut) available, for lower prices than the silver options.
Sources: Caseking, via Guru 3D
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109 Comments on German Company to Sell Binned Core i7 8700K With 99.9% Silver Heatspreader

Vayra86I wouldn't call that a good binned chip, 1.4 for 4.8 or 4.9...
Well yeah somewhere those bad bins had to go too. Still they are usable cpus, which can OC from stock 4.3GHz all-core clock speeds with warranty intact and lower stock speed temps.

Edit: they are actually selling delidded i5 8600ks too.
Posted on Reply
in another news, someone other than "durr-bau-er" clocked the 8700K to 7.41GHz on all cores with LN2, beating his record & nabbing a new world record.
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Well, lots of people buy Ferraris.... Not because they are stupid, but because they are rich.
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Tsukiyomi91why "derbauer".... after his publicity stunt on the Core i9 + high VRM temps that got debunked, I doubt ppl will spend 700 Euros for a binned chip with his name on it... Rather let RNGezus decide my silicon luck.
What did he do with the i9 and high temps, I am just interesting in what he did.
Posted on Reply
I think in that price range, i would better try my luck on a I7 7900K that is not binned. Even if fail, i would still get better multicore performance any way.

But for now i stick to my trusty I7 980X.
Posted on Reply
He's making a little money doing what he loves, so people are going to pour hate on him out of jealousy. Binning, delidding, and repasting takes time, and those custom lids are not cheap. He's a nice guy, always answering forum posts on hwbot and ocn. He's a hardware enthusiast, just like us, but he really gives back to the community. All of his tutorials on didn't write themselves, and they are free to view. That said, I wouldn't buy this. I delid and overclock my own stuff because it's fun.
Posted on Reply
RejZoRDer8auer is not just "deliding" expert. He's well known in the hardcore overclocking scene. He's even featured in ASUS RealBench multitasking video.
A deliding expert in the overclocking scene ! What is he thinking ?
Posted on Reply
Pure marketing genius!
Posted on Reply
The amount of "patheticism" in this thread makes me speechless.
Someone finds a way to turn something he knows a lot about into business, and bunch of random forum heroes immediatelly start mocking him, insulting him, and babbling other stupid crap.
What are you, 14 years old?
Posted on Reply
OctopussThe amount of "patheticism" in this thread makes me speechless.
Someone finds a way to turn something he knows a lot about into business, and bunch of random forum heroes immediatelly start mocking him, insulting him, and babbling other stupid crap.
What are you, 14 years old?
At least here are the real benefits. Anyone remembers Fatal1ty everything? Sure, the guy was good professional gamer, but the amount of stuff with his label was getting kinda ridiculous. But I'm happy that he made bucks from it. Coz why the hell not. Same here. Besides, Caseking is known to create aftermarket bundles. They've been offering bunch of pre-designed stuff at a premium (like custom water cooled GTX 1080's series).

Although, just checking, it's double the price. In this case, it's cheaper to just buy one, check it and if clocks badly, sell it at a tiny loss. Repeat until you find a good one. You'll waste less money with loses for selling used one with warranty than buying a verified one for double the price from get go. Unless you can't be bothered and you don't care about price.
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If someone wants to pay that amount of money, that's his problem. But spewing shit onto someone just because he offers something some people are willing to buy, that's just retarded.
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Der8auer making major bank.
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I think everyone is missing a very simple chemistry point here. 99.9% silver oxidizes moderately swiftly when exposed to air, faster when heat is applied. So even if there's just a small amount of silver-oxide on the surface, it acts as a thermal insulator, effectively negating the supposed benefit of using silver in the first place. And there are better, less expensive, thermal conductors that could be used. This is not only an endeavor of morons, for elitist morons, but will guarantee damage to the cpu in the long run.
And before anyone says it, any coating that would prevent oxidation will also create a thermal insulation layer, again negating the desired effect. This only way this would work is to alloy silver with a metal that prevents oxidation. The problem with that possibility is that there are only a few metals that can be alloyed in such a way while preserving the desired thermal conductivity, and all of them are very expensive and the process to create a stable alloy is also expensive. This is a fools effort all the way around. Of course, considering the market sector this product is aimed at, it's par for the course.
Posted on Reply
Sure...K|NGP|N does's fine. der8auer does's shameless self-promotion bordering on false advertisement.

Silicon does's fine. does's somehow controversial.

Double standard much?

P4-630Where are the ones with golden heatspreaders? :p:D
I may have to wait a liitle longer then....:ohwell:
That would actually be worse than the copper heatspreader it came with.
Vayra8699,9% silver heatspreader... lmao. This is entering territory of audiophile audio cables crafted by elves in moonlight.
Basically. Since the thermal conductivity of silver is not significantly higher than copper. I doubt it would make more than 1-2°C difference(if that).
lexluthermiesterI think everyone is missing a very simple chemistry point here. 99.9% silver oxidizes moderately swiftly when exposed to air, faster when heat is applied. Bla bla bla bla....
Point not missed on me. Though it's totally irrelevant. Why? Because copper does the same thing. And it's widely used for such purposes(not nickel plated in heat sinks, or nickel plating removed from IHS by lapping). said it yourself...exposure to air it what causes it. There is no exposure to air when covered in TIM. So oxidation is not going to happen. And you're blowing the effects of oxidation way out of proportion anyway. It's a microscopic layer that has no real/significant impact on thermal conductivity. That's laughable.
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MrGeniusThat would actually be worse than the copper heatspreader it came with.
But I like bling!!!
Once it's outdated I can wear it on a chain!! :D:D
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Well, some people pay premium for Titans instead of the fastest Ti cards. I don't think that this is that "take the money from the stupid people" kind of a thing.
Posted on Reply
MrGeniusSure...K|NGP|N does's fine. der8auer does's shameless self-promotion bordering on false advertisement.

Silicon does's fine. does's somehow controversial.

Double standard much?

It was/is pretty stupid what SL does, so I don't see the double standard. This service is for the meek, those who can't or won't mod themselves. And in the instance of the previous 7700K, they all did 5ghz w/o much effort. And the binned Threadrippers, another example of all chips hitting 4ghz so ppl who did ante up for the binning were literally just throwing money away. And in the case of the Threadrippers, that was/is really a kicker since they are already highly binned from AMD to begin with being the top 5% of all silicon. lol.
Posted on Reply
MrGeniusThere is no exposure to air when covered in TIM. So oxidation is not going to happen. And you're blowing the effects of oxidation way out of proportion anyway. It's a microscopic layer that has no real/significant impact on thermal conductivity. That's laughable.
You were right on your whole post until this, unfortunately I need to stop you there man.

It's solid silver. TIM isn't on every square inch, so oxidation is going to happen. Also silver tarnishes very quickly, much faster and worse than copper.
thesmokingmanIt was/is pretty stupid what SL does, so I don't see the double standard. This service is for the meek, those who can't or won't mod themselves. And in the instance of the previous 7700K, they all did 5ghz w/o much effort. And the binned Threadrippers, another example of all chips hitting 4ghz so ppl who did ante up for the binning were literally just throwing money away. And in the case of the Threadrippers, that was/is really a kicker since they are already highly binned from AMD to begin with being the top 5% of all silicon. lol.
Unless you know, people just don't want to mess around and want a fast chip quick.

It's great you think people who buy there are stupid. As a customer in the past, I will be sure and file that under "don't care."
Posted on Reply
R-T-BYou were right on your whole post until this, unfortunately I need to stop you there man.

It's solid silver. TIM isn't on every square inch, so oxidation is going to happen. Also silver tarnishes very quickly, much faster and worse than copper.
But its silver and its so blingy man!
Posted on Reply
thesmokingmanBut its silver and its so blingy man!
It really is largely a gimick, but to be completely fair, it might ACTUALLY slightly improve thermals if you never remove the chip and ensure a good thermal pathway with the paste.

But we all know that is not why it is being bought...
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Thermal conductivity of copper is 400 w*m k versus silver's 430. I think it's not Worth the change. Silver can be used in more useful applications
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Kinda reminds me of ASROCK and the guy called Fatal1ty, no don't want someones face on my hardware!
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Why do ppls overclock their CPUs? That's because they would like to get every extra ounce of performance out of their CPUs without paying the premium.

IMHO, what this German retailer does defeats the purpose of OC.
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RejZoRMain question her is, why doesn't Intel use top of the line thermal compound and charge I don't know, 15€ more? Surely such tiny premium would still give them massive profit margin on each CPU (where they use cheap generic crap and charge nothing extra for it) while giving users better thermals than with crappy generic paste.
Because the majority of CPUs sold - even the unlocked K SKUs - are never overclocked. In fact, a lot of people buy the K SKUs and use them on non-Z-series boards simply because they have higher speeds than the ordinary ones (e.g. i7-8700 = 3.2GHz base/4.6GHz boost, 8700K = 3.7/4.7). From Intel's viewpoint, they can either spend a bit more on adding a feature that the vast majority of their users will never need nor want... or they could charge a slightly lower price and move more units. Being a capitalist company that exists to make money, which option do you think they're gonna choose?

"So why does Ryzen use solder then?" I can't say for certain, and there's no way to know since removing its IHS destroys the chip, but I'm pretty sure that solder is the only way that AMD could get acceptable thermals on Ryzen. A side effect is that a soldered IHS is good PR for AMD, something they desperately need after Bulldozer (a monkey that will be hanging on their back for many years to come).

I'm quite certain that if AMD could get away with using crap TIM, they would. We may even see it on the next iteration of Ryzen, assuming Samsung/GloFo can actually tweak their process to allow higher clocks than 4GHz.
RejZoRI mean, people don't realize that what Intel is doing is essentially causing you to effectively use 2 layers of thermal compound. The more of this crap you stack, the worse things are. Back in the day of 25W and 60W top end CPU's it didn't even matter. But now with 6+ cores and really high clocks, every little matters. Not to mention heatspreaders came later, in the beginning all CPU's were "delided" from factory. They all had direct contact with the cooler.
The reason "heat"spreaders were introduced was far more to do with preventing CPU dies being destroyed by the ever-larger and ever-more-tightly-pressing coolers that were being released, than due to heat dissipation concerns.
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