Saturday, October 7th 2017

German Company to Sell Binned Core i7 8700K With 99.9% Silver Heatspreader
For those users who thought they'd like some silver with their Intel, german webshop Caseking has a product for you. The company has taken the binning concept that we've already seen with other webshops, which pass the onus of the silicon lottery towards themselves, and taken it to the next level. Caseking will offer Core i7 8700K products that have not only been binned towards achieving guaranteed speeds of 5 GHz, 5.1 GHz and 5.2 GHz, but they're also retrofitting these binned 8700K processors with a 99.9% purity silver heatspreader to improve operating temperatures for these guaranteed-overclocking processors.Caseking is basically testing batches of i7 8700K processors, delidding them, and then applying Thermal Grizzly's Conductonaut liquid metal thermal grease and the aforementioned silver heatspreader to improve operating temperatures as much as they can be. The company is doing this in partnership with overclocking poster child der8auer, and brands the silver IHS with both Caseking's and Der8auer's logo. The silver heatspreader versions of the Core i7 8700K are being sold as the Ultra Edition, and Caseking are asking a hefty premium for their binned CPUs: €690 will get you an 8700K that is guaranteed to clock up to 5.0 GHz, €750 will guarantee 5.1 GHz, and the premium of premiums (for now, we'd imagine) 5.2 GHz overclockable processor will cost €870.These are some hefty, hefty price premiums to be sure; however, the company really is taking many risks out of their prospective buyer's hands, in that they not only won't have to bet on the silicon lottery to get some good results, but also won't have to run the risk of delidding their six-core Intel CPU. There's also an Advanced Edition (stock heatspreader with Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut) and a Pro Edition (Niquel-plated heatspreader with Thermal Grizzly Conductonaut) available, for lower prices than the silver options.
Caseking, via Guru 3D
109 Comments on German Company to Sell Binned Core i7 8700K With 99.9% Silver Heatspreader
I rather take my chances for half the cost
Main question her is, why doesn't Intel use top of the line thermal compound and charge I don't know, 15€ more? Surely such tiny premium would still give them massive profit margin on each CPU (where they use cheap generic crap and charge nothing extra for it) while giving users better thermals than with crappy generic paste.
I mean, people don't realize that what Intel is doing is essentially causing you to effectively use 2 layers of thermal compound. The more of this crap you stack, the worse things are. Back in the day of 25W and 60W top end CPU's it didn't even matter. But now with 6+ cores and really high clocks, every little matters. Not to mention heatspreaders came later, in the beginning all CPU's were "delided" from factory. They all had direct contact with the cooler.
I may have to wait a liitle longer then....:ohwell:
Basically by launching this, you can't trust him anymore; anything he says about delidding now will be to further his own product. This was already the case; but this shop is proof.
The whole business model oozes taking advantage of people's stupidity. Let's not forget - not only do you overspend on a mainstream CPU for performance you'll probably never really use or need, but you also void your warranty along the way.
99,9% silver heatspreader... lmao. This is entering territory of audiophile audio cables crafted by elves in moonlight.
There is a distinct difference between an enthusiast that does his own delid and his own OC and likes to share his skills and knowledge, to someone who markets it as a product. The first guy is someone I can admire and learn from, the second is simply untrustworthy and leaves a foul taste in my mouth. I don't know, it just happens.
Meanwhile, everyone is all focused on the high temps on a 5.1 Ghz 8700k... but have you seen the i5??? It runs 15 C cooler at 5.2... Pretty impressive.
And any one i heard buying one would be emediately binned in the idiot bin buy me personally, i can see some buying one, I've a mate whos probably daft enough, id love him to buy one , that would be a good laugh.
And personally im loving that 5ghz is now a thing for intel ,and required by intel to push their chips that far to compete ,i still remember how shit 5ghz was when intel couldn't do it , now its cool again.
Something tells me that these are not really binned at all.
I would not buy a 8700k general system off them now as it's those chips that are most likely the shit binned chips, they Did have to test them but they then garunteed their non der8haur rated systems have definitely got shit chips in , how else could they do it.
Der8auer doesn´t go full youtube-promo
He needs a "normal" job for some reasons in germany
Yes it´s a symbiosis for him and
some mobo-makers did indeed greaten the surface of the heatsinks
but if you do not delid the big dies you will run into the cpu-internal temp-trap
* Quaranteed all core clock with maximum of 1.4V core voltage.
Simply remove the exsisting ones hit distributor, and add good liquid metal thermal grease on die. Then, carefully and accurately mount the liquide thermal block, I suggest spacers, remove the processor connector into the bay. The processor will not flicker because it keeps it in place with the block. and you did not pay anything more than a good thermal paste. With all of them, even without problem, you achieve better results than with the added, silver-space element.!