Monday, December 24th 2018

Bethesda is Feeling Generous, or the Apology: 2018 Fallout 76 Players to Receive Fallout Classic Collection for PC

Fallout 76 has quickly been deemed one of the gaming failures of 2018, with the world of Fallout falling prey to a multitude of factors. You can count Bethesda's game engine and it's infinite amount of bugs, blatant misinformation in marketing campaigns, and monetization, monetization, monetization.

It would seem that in a bid to win back player's graces, Bethesda will be offering PC, PS4 and Xbox players of Fallout 76 that logged in to play the game during 2018 a copy of their Fallout Classic Collection, which includes Fallout, Fallout Tactics: Brotherhood of Steel, and Fallout 2. It's a holiday gift given in a pleading position, so to speak. An announcement that Bethesda would be developing a new game engine would likely be better received by the community as an apology, though.
Source: Bethesda Twitter
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36 Comments on Bethesda is Feeling Generous, or the Apology: 2018 Fallout 76 Players to Receive Fallout Classic Collection for PC

'Our future begins'

gives away old games to get player logins and stop the exodus :laugh:
Posted on Reply
What the hell is going on in gamedev space? I mean, they’re all just making suiside in banzai style - dumb and lightning fast!I just watching all the steps huge gamedev companies attempted for 2018 - it just doesn’t make any sence (at least if they’re not willing to demolish everything they have, entirely). Every single dev (I mean, big ones) just failed so much this year..
For example, I’ve just purchased bfv for 25$ (and that’s top price I’m paying for sjw infested fps) - and guess what - there news crawling aroung...that EA is going to include microtransactions for BF V. How do you think, should I call for refund? :D
Posted on Reply
RobcostyleWhat the hell is going on in gamedev space? I mean, they’re all just making suiside in banzai style - dumb and lightning fast!I just watching all the steps huge gamedev companies attempted for 2018 - it just doesn’t make any sence (at least if they’re not willing to demolish everything they have, entirely). Every single dev (I mean, big ones) just failed so much this year..
For example, I’ve just purchased bfv for 25$ (and that’s top price I’m paying for sjw infested fps) - abd guess what - there news crawling aroung...that EA is going to include microteansactions for BF V. How do you think, should I call for a refund? :D
It is arrogance and seeing what they will get away with. Its been happening for many years now, and is part of the reason crowdfunding for games got pretty big. A large audience is clearly looking for other things than MP-focused, MTX, DRM and DLC infested junk that puts a claim on your wallet every 'season' instead of just being a product.

If there is one thing I dó see its that gamers ain't stupid. Just a less experienced, more casual and gullible part of it is. If the big publishers want to cater to that, by all means. Its the playerbase I like to avoid as well, so its killing two birds with one stone :toast:

Clearly, the Bethesda fanbase, which contains many avid gamers and enthusiasts who also mod content (those ain't casual console brats) is not taking this crap for granted. You can almost go by game genre to see where the noncasuals go: strategy, (deep) ARPG, roguelikes, the old style no nonsense arcade shooter, adventure/puzzle/narrative based single player, etc.
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"We're sorry you preordered a game for $100 for the right to beta access that will remain in beta for another year after the beta was said to be completed. Please accept our apology by accepting this gift of a 1997 game that currently costs $2.49."
Posted on Reply
TBF, PC players were already going to get the classic Fallout games for purchasing FO76.

Only thing new here is that console players will be getting it now too.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86It is arrogance and seeing what they will get away with. Its been happening for many years now, and is part of the reason crowdfunding for games got pretty big. A large audience is clearly looking for other things than MP-focused, MTX, DRM and DLC infested junk that puts a claim on your wallet every 'season' instead of just being a product.

If there is one thing I dó see its that gamers ain't stupid. Just a less experienced, more casual and gullible part of it is. If the big publishers want to cater to that, by all means. Its the playerbase I like to avoid as well, so its killing two birds with one stone :toast:

Clearly, the Bethesda fanbase, which contains many avid gamers and enthusiasts who also mod content (those ain't casual console brats) is not taking this crap for granted. You can almost go by game genre to see where the noncasuals go: strategy, (deep) ARPG, roguelikes, the old style no nonsense arcade shooter, adventure/puzzle/narrative based single player, etc.
Well, nothing I can add to that, absolutely bang on
It is sadly though - that the whole thing comes up with, seemingly, even the most impeccable devs... for instance, instead of new chapter in Freeman's adventrure, valve gave us artifact. Oh, well, thats just my thoughts out loud...
Posted on Reply
LOL. "We've messed up, so here's a bunch of 20 y.o. games that will soon become so old that they couldn't even get copyright extension".
Posted on Reply
LOL probably most of those who got Fallout 76 are fans of the title and already own those old games...
Posted on Reply
PPLOT TWIST!!! you get knockoff titles that only have a splash screen and clicking anywhere deletes everything on your computer.
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Vanguard Beta Tester
So I’m gonna get the games GoG gave me free already years ago? And I of course have to use your crappy launcher too? Look I’m not actually hating 76 when it’s not crashing or blocking my friend so we can’t play together but this has got to be the smallest bone ever thrown
Posted on Reply
Old Ladies
What about that time you got 500 atom points that can't even buy anything useful. Or the fact the atom store is extremely overpriced.

Bethesda likely gained money by giving away "free" atom points cause people would have to spend money to get something cool that used to be included for free in older games.
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Fishfaced Nincompoop
Is it ironic that all of those games are better than any Bethsoft-made Fallout?
Posted on Reply
GinoLatinoLOL probably most of those who got Fallout 76 are fans of the title and already own those old games...
this. very on point lol
haha good thing I didnt get suckered into buying "FU76".
and yes I got all the previous games allright.

FU76 Bethesda
Posted on Reply
robot zombie
Oh it all screams sinking ship. The amount of time, manpower and resources they squandered is staggering. To put it into perspective, Fallout 3 had a crew of 70 people on it. Skyrim, 100. Fallout 4, also ~100. 76... 130. And this time around, they were more scattered around the globe than usual. The ones for earlier releases were generally unified. This was a huge undertaking. Hard to believe looking at the result, but it actually was. It may even have been their grandest undertaking to date.

So none of these little stunts surprise me. They are pissing money away, with less to show for it each time. It is flat-out wrong. So wrong. But they really do have no choice. They probably cannot afford to lose more. It's not greed. Just desperation.

I mean, shareholders are probably really gonna want to know where their money went. Now the burden is on the players who used to love and respect the dev to keep them from losing too much to recover. Sad state of affairs really.

Worse yet, this is a time when Bethesda really needs to step up and remind people of what they can really do and just stop pissing everything away. Losing GOTY to Witcher 3 back when FO4 came out was only the beginning. I can think of a couple of future ARPG's that are likely going to crush anything they've done in years. It used to be they were THE go to for the types of games they made. Not so anymore. Wonder what CD Projekt Red is up to these days...

It's a really slippery slope. Sometimes I really think we are witnessing the fall of a giant and it is too late. If they release another lazy, half-baked megatitle with the same dogshit engine... oh god help them. After this and all of their half-hearted apologies nobody is going to stand for that. If this new IP doesn't hold up, if the new Elder Scrolls isn't an absolute breath of new life, things will never ever be the same for them. This shit is serious now. They've had some flops on lesser titles in the past. But this is really egregious. People cherish this franchise as one of the best of all time. All of the laziness and money grabbing, from a fanbase that has been HUNGRY for a new full-fledged Bethesda release for years. All of this time watching the same game come out over and over again. And now, instead of the thing we've all been waiting for, we've gotten this debacle. Things are only going to get more real for them if this continues. All of the faith and goodwill they have amassed over the past decade is now on the line. And in its wake, they are floundering magnificently. It'd be funny if only I didn't actually care. It is painful to see this shit from them. Anybody but them, you know? People used to say they were one of the few good ones left.

At this point, I would be happy to never see another Fallout from them, ever again. It hasn't really been Fallout in several fundamental ways since FO3 anyway. The games themselves haven't been bad. They just aren't good as Fallout games. They completely fail when it comes to those types of choice-based storylines and gameplay mechanics. They still haven't figured out the speech system fer chrissake! Personally I kind of enjoy the dumb exploration/combat/loot cycle their "Fallout" games take you through. They just miss so many awesome opportunities as Fallout games. They don't truly want to make those games, so why butcher an IP in the name of just doing what they want with it? In what universe did they see Fallout fans wanting 76? Like, even if it was good for what it was, it's not what any of us wanted in a Fallout game...

If they can take what they've done with FO4, gut all of the crappy story stuff and focus on the action/exploration/lore based gameplay, and build their new IP around it, I think they'll do okay with the audience that liked Fallout 4. I'd give it a chance. And if it's good I'll play the fuck out of it. Give Fallout to somebody who wants to make a Fallout game. Because christ dude, this shit is going to kill them one day. People are sick of watching them manhandle their beloved franchise. With the direction they've gone, there is absolutely no reason why they *have* to be Fallout games. If anything, all of the half-assed attempts to make the games Fallout-like only hold them back and piss everyone off. I swear they keep it for the sake of the hype that just mentioning a new Fallout game brings. But all of the years of lies and broken promises have made that a lot less viable. Nobody's gonna continue buying these because "Hey, new Fallout!" now.
Posted on Reply
ArbitraryAffectionI'm still enjoying playing it. Oh my gosh, how can this be?
As far as I remember, you got it as a present. Presents tend to grow on you, even if they are not exactly top notch, like handmade sweaters, or mediocre TV-show box sets :roll:
I'm sure the game is playable and some issues will get patched up over time to make it better, but for now it ain't worth picking up cause it's too expensive and ships pre-loaded with tons of in-game monetization garbage. I won't be surprised if they bump everything they've learned from ESO to the next level, and already have at least 3-4 DLC packs ready to be pumped at $20-30/ea whenever the player base gets too low.
Posted on Reply
I think the people are being a little over fatalistic. Square Enix pooped Final Fantasy XIV's launch , acknowledged their mistake and redid the game, now is a very good mmorpg. No Man's Sky has improved a lot since its launch too.

Let's see how things turn, but I doubt things will stay like this.
Posted on Reply
If they want to be generous they can refund 50% of money to people who bought game and maybe then things will get better i hope..
Posted on Reply
silentbogoAs far as I remember, you got it as a present. Presents tend to grow on you, even if they are not exactly top notch, like handmade sweaters, or mediocre TV-show box sets :roll:
I'm sure the game is playable and some issues will get patched up over time to make it better, but for now it ain't worth picking up cause it's too expensive and ships pre-loaded with tons of in-game monetization garbage. I won't be surprised if they bump everything they've learned from ESO to the next level, and already have at least 3-4 DLC packs ready to be pumped at $20-30/ea whenever the player base gets too low.
Sorry but the game is nowhere near as bad as everyone is moaning and complaining about. It's like people just jumped on the bandwagon. I may even buy those DLC packs if i have the money. This is like Fallout 4 but with multiplayer (surprisingly not that bad). And I like Fallout 4. I still actually play Fallout 4. Oh and I spent money in the Creation Club there too. Does that make me a terrible person?
Posted on Reply
Wow. Whiny people being whiny. It's not enough the dev has acknowledged they needed to do better. Now they've offered a token of good will with a number of well done and liked games for those who feel slighted. While I agree that refunds need to be offered, this is at least a sincere effort to offer recompense.
Posted on Reply
ArbitraryAffectionSorry but the game is nowhere near as bad as everyone is moaning and complaining about. It's like people just jumped on the bandwagon. I may even buy those DLC packs if i have the money. This is like Fallout 4 but with multiplayer (surprisingly not that bad). And I like Fallout 4. I still actually play Fallout 4. Oh and I spent money in the Creation Club there too. Does that make me a terrible person?
I didn't like Fallout 4 either, so I can't really share the sentiment. I thought it was a boring generic rehash with complete lack of new ideas, and only managed to clock 6 hours in nearly 2 years.
Bethesda simply killed a die-hard fan in me over the past few years. I've played and liked pretty much every single one of their games, and even spent a ridiculous amount of money on Elder Scrolls Travels: Shadowkey for my NGage-QD back in a day (I think it was originally around $49.99 for a box set on Nokia's portal).
Bethsoft were never about the polish and quality of their product, but lately even the quality of content became so bad, that you start to think if they have any of the creative spirit left in them.
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
lexluthermiesterWow. Whiny people being whiny. It's not enough the dev has acknowledged they needed to do better. Now they've offered a token of good will with a number of well done and liked games for those who feel slighted. While I agree that refunds need to be offered, this is at least a sincere effort to offer recompense.
Sorry Lex what they are offering can be bought on GoG for less than $5 for all of it. I own 76 and enjoying it for what it is but this is a sad attempt at “compensation” Seeing as it will use their launcher I can almost bet it would actually run better on GoG too seeing as they know how to run old games without issues and Bethesda can’t even get this one running smoothly from my own experience ;)
Posted on Reply
INSTG8RBethesda can’t even get this one running smoothly from my own experience ;)
They can't even get their launcher to work (that's also from personal experience) :banghead:
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