Tuesday, May 28th 2019

Intel 10th Generation Core Case-badges Revealed
Intel laid rest to speculation that post 9th generation, it could replace its Core brand with something else. The 10th generation Core processors, built around the 10 nm "Ice Lake" microachitecture, will feature the first noteworthy IPC increments since "Skylake" thanks to their new "Sunny Cove" CPU cores. These will also feature DLBoost, a fixed-function matrix-multiplication hardware that speeds up deep-neural net building and training by 5x, as well as certain AVX-512 instructions. The cores will be optimized to cope with 2.4 Gbps 802.11ax Wi-Fi and faster Ethernet standards. The first of these chips will target mobile computing platforms, and will be quad-core parts like the dies pictured below. To save notebook PCB real-estate, Intel will put the processor and PCH dies into a multi-chip module. It will be quite a wait for the desktop implementation, but at least you know what their case-badges look like.
55 Comments on Intel 10th Generation Core Case-badges Revealed
The bin and the HT fetch more money, yes. There are bins that go either way, some leaky, some not so results will vary between CPUs. The 9900K is a better binned CPU than a 9700K in most cases. There will always be exceptions as no two CPUs are the same. If you disable HT on the 9900K it will look more like a 9700K....................................................because that's what it is (for all intents and purposes).
Of course the 9900k (any CPU with HT) can use a bit less volts with (much seems a bit, well, much, lol) HT disabled... this is common knowledge. There are many factors which go into the power results ;).
Point is, I fully believe those results listed in real world applications and could give two hoots about response in a stress testing application's power use considering most are above and beyond real world activities. Im sure it uses a lot more power in stress tests... nobody would disagree. That said, I believe those results with real world apps. I've literally done that kind of testing for years. Please do not confuse temperature in degrees with the wattage its putting out. Ive burned my finger on a 5W IC in a built-for-purpose mining rig... ;)
Remember, a bonfire with yellow flames is just as hot temperature wise as a lighter with a yellow flame... but which has more energy behind it?
review here at tpu says 18 watts in multithread tests but yeah I agree with you, 30 or more watts is the normal x 9700k, here at tpu might have had a better bin on stock voltage.
Here on anandtech says a lot more, 44 watts.
Anyway, just know its believable, that result you think isn't...mmkay? There are different results from different tests. :)
The Anandtech power is also a stress testing application, btw (P95).
Well, data previous than 2010 cant be found, I found this, many images could not be loaded, it has been a long time.
These images could be loaded, the others no.
Anyway, I tried but you get my point.
> speeds up deep-neural net building and training by 5x, as well as certain AVX-512 instructions.
> The first of these chips will target mobile computing platforms
rip desktop users, none of that sounds interesting.
If you are an overclocker you can reduce the power consumption a lot by reducing cpu vcore but the catch is you will need to disable hyperthreading and if you disable hyperthreading on a 9900k then why haven't bought a 9700k then? see, okay so 9900k might have a better bin, so disable ht and enjoy, hyperthreading uses too much electricity and it gets worse if people dont have an adequate cooling solution, at that time i had an amazing watercooling solution, custom made with 2 pumps 18 watts each, triple radiator. Was it worth? at that time it was hehe but today I see is not worth for me. I rather have something that can be used on air cooling and cpus with tdp lower than 95 watts is good to go, my i7 920 was130 watts but 130 watts was at 2.4 ghz hehe, at 4.2ghz used around 350watts.
They spent so much time using 100s to light cigars that the retards forgot how to make CPUs. Now, they're going to burn in hell and make VIA look good.
Whiskey lake should be pretty self-explanatory.
Intel will NEVER drop their prices. That's wishful fanboy dreaming.
There are several generations between your testing (which I never saw back then) and today's reality. :)
9900k is not a failure, btw. Not even close.
Anyway..OT. I digress. :)
Intel have reserved more 14nm production capacity for CPUs than ever before, and will not go full-scale on 10nm, but they are not "reverting" production lines back to 14nm.