Tuesday, August 6th 2019

News of Lisa Su Leaving AMD Was an Exaggeration: "Zero Truth to This Rumor"

News made the rounds recently of AMD's Lisa Su's reported plans of leaving the company in favor of a #2 position at IBM. The report, which was broken by WCCFTech, pegged Lisa Su as already being sprucing up her successor in the form of Rick Bergman, who recently joined AMD after leaving his CEO position with Synaptics.

Now, Lisa Su herself has come out on Twitter to say that there was zero truth to the report, and that she plans to stay with AMD, where "the best is yet to come". Of course, no CEO would confirm such a report from a media outlet - these things take their time and are done in their own corporate way, and there's really no other response that Lisa Su could have given that wouldn't damage AMD's current outlook. Her presence and confidence in her delivery is part of the reason for investor confidence in AMD. That said, I doubt there would be a better time for Lisa Su to actually move higher up in her own career perspectives than from AMD's current state.
Sources: Twitter, WCCFTech
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69 Comments on News of Lisa Su Leaving AMD Was an Exaggeration: "Zero Truth to This Rumor"

TPU addict
WOW, gotta hate rumors. They should learn to keep their mouths shut spreading such crap.

If she said already she's not leaving then she's not.

wccftech dislike AMD ?, never liked the site to begin with and managed to make me dislike it some more now.
RH92AMD stock is where it is today because of good products and good roadmap not because of Lisa's presence per say ! Same goes for the community , community buys CPUs and GPUs not Lisas so yeah .....
Take's good leadership too.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterKinda have to agree with this.

Same here.
We will see how right the WCCFTech "leak" is in time. I'm sure if it is right, we will here about it, and if it is wrong, I'm sure we will here that too.

They have gotten this stuff right in the past. They leaked that Raja was headed to Intel (before the announcement), as well as a couple of others.

To be honest this wouldn't shock me. Lisa has got to be a very attractive hire for a lot of corporations at the moment. She worked at IBM for 12 years, rising to vice president of the semiconductor research and development center at IBM. So leaving AMD to be the number 2, with a possible succession plan to be CEO of IBM would be a no brainer. There really aren't many more prestigious jobs in the tech world than CEO of IBM (I would be hard pressed to think of one).

The fact that she felt the need to respond is interesting to me. If this was complete crap, then why dignify it at all. Her response probably brought more attention to the rumor than the original rumor by itself.
Posted on Reply
MephisThe fact that she felt the need to respond is interesting to me. If this was complete crap, then why dignify it at all. Her response probably brought more attention to the rumor than the original rumor by itself.
Investor confidence. She had no choice but to address it officially.
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Space Lynx
lexluthermiesterInvestor confidence. She had no choice but to address it officially.
This does make sense.
Posted on Reply
Manu_PTAdoredTV alone spread more BS than all wccf tech articles in the last year, and most of you believed on 8 core/16t chips at 5ghz all core and 250€ price (lel).

Wccf this year were the first ones reporting:

2070 super specs
Navi pre launch price drop
MSI b450 max

And the list goes on. For a "fud" website, not bad at all.
I think AdoredTV nailed the leaks. AMD just didn't show all the products in one go, remember Zen2+ is coming the better half of Jim's leaks might come out.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterInvestor confidence. She had no choice but to address it officially.
I could understand if it was Forbes, CNBC, WSJ or another serious business outlet. It was WCCFTech, not exactly a well know, or regarded source.
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
TheMadDutchDudeOh, yeah, she would leave to go down a rank in a company that she doesn’t truly believe in as much as AMD......

AMD has become her child. I truly believe it wouldn’t be in the position it is today without her. She spearheaded the whole operation into the success it is today.
Still working on it too
Posted on Reply
MephisI could understand if it was Forbes, CNBC, WSJ or another serious business outlet. It was WCCFTech, not exactly a well know, or regarded source.
While that's a good point, rumors tend to spiral out of control if not addressed quickly, which can result in raised eyebrows among investors and even shaky confidence. She made the correct choice to respond on an official level so swiftly.
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
lexluthermiesterWhile that's a good point, rumors tend to spiral out of control if not addressed quickly, which can result in raised eyebrows among investors and even shaky confidence. She made the correct choice to respond on an official level so swiftly.
Yup she Addressed the rumor as it is, a rumor, which are not based upon factual information but assumptions.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterWhile that's a good point, rumors tend to spiral out of control if not addressed quickly, which can result in raised eyebrows among investors and even shaky confidence. She made the correct choice to respond on an official level so swiftly.
I can agree, if she stays. If we find out in a couple of weeks or months that she has been hired at IBM, then not so much.

I just hope that this isn't a case of negotiations going on quietly behind the scenes and now because of WCCFTech, IBM backs off (preferring things to have been done quietly). If she had a shot at that position and wanted it, I hope this doesn't mess it up for her. She deserves to be at a position like CEO of IBM.
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
MephisI can agree, if she stays. If we find out in a couple of weeks or months that she has been hired at IBM, then not so much.

I just hope that this isn't a case of negotiations going on quietly behind the scenes and now because of WCCFTech, IBM backs off (preferring things to have been done quietly). If she had a shot at that position and wanted it, I hope this doesn't mess it up for her. She deserves to be at a position like CEO of IBM.
Far off, you are.

She is CEO of AMD and her goals are to renew the Company and make it a Strong Contender, Innovator and Leader in Microprocessors and GPUs.

She can only do it a step at a time with their operating income being smaller than Intel.
Posted on Reply
eidairaman1Far off, you are.

She is CEO of AMD and her goals are to renew the Company and make it a Strong Contender, Innovator and Leader in Microprocessors and GPUs.

She can only do it a step at a time with their operating income being smaller than Intel.
So, she has no ambitions beyond AMD? You know this for a fact? You've spoken to her privately about this?

You do realize that she worked at IBM longer than she has worked at AMD. I don't know if she has or had any interest, but it definetly would shock me.
Posted on Reply
Super Dainty Moderator
TheMadDutchDudeOh, yeah, she would leave to go down a rank in a company that she doesn’t truly believe in as much as AMD......

AMD has become her child. I truly believe it wouldn’t be in the position it is today without her. She spearheaded the whole operation into the success it is today.
I agree, IDK how #2 at IBM would be a vertical move for her at all.
Posted on Reply
Solaris17I agree, IDK how #2 at IBM would be a vertical move for her at all.
Because of the size and prestige of IBM. If she was leaving to be the no. 2, it would probably include a plan in place for her to eventually take over the top spot.
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
MephisWe will see how right the WCCFTech "leak" is in time. I'm sure if it is right, we will here about it, and if it is wrong, I'm sure we will here that too.

They have gotten this stuff right in the past. They leaked that Raja was headed to Intel (before the announcement), as well as a couple of others.

To be honest this wouldn't shock me. Lisa has got to be a very attractive hire for a lot of corporations at the moment. She worked at IBM for 12 years, rising to vice president of the semiconductor research and development center at IBM. So leaving AMD to be the number 2, with a possible succession plan to be CEO of IBM would be a no brainer. There really aren't many more prestigious jobs in the tech world than CEO of IBM (I would be hard pressed to think of one).

The fact that she felt the need to respond is interesting to me. If this was complete crap, then why dignify it at all. Her response probably brought more attention to the rumor than the original rumor by itself.
Well for her to leave on a high note would only look good for the next placement, So yeah it could happen all so it could damage AMD by her leaving too. So if she did leave it would not say much about her really and could indicate that AMD are possibly be in trouble soon.

This is why i personally like these kinds of rumors.

I guess we will have to see.
Posted on Reply
Manu_PTAdoredTV alone spread more BS than all wccf tech articles in the last year, and most of you believed on 8 core/16t chips at 5ghz all core and 250€ price (lel).
Oh, tone down the BS (and hate).
Adored got hooked on a bait, didn't make shit up himself (harms), while wccftech is not only spitting out nonsense out of nowhere, but also retroactively edits the BS from the past.

The only reason to be mad at AdoredTV is if there is sphincter connection between you and The Leather Men or Intel, so when they feel pain, so do you.
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
MephisSo, she has no ambitions beyond AMD? You know this for a fact? You've spoken to her privately about this?

You do realize that she worked at IBM longer than she has worked at AMD. I don't know if she has or had any interest, but it definetly would shock me.
Not a whole lot of interesting things happening at IBM these days. Most of what they do nowadays is try and research trendy technologies and make acquisitions, they are not the innovation powerhouse they used to be.

Only ambition here would be more cash I guess.
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusNot a whole lot of interesting things happening at IBM these days. Most of what they do nowadays is try and research trendy technologies and make acquisitions, they are not the innovation powerhouse they used to be.

Only ambition here would be more cash I guess.
Really? You sure about that?

No Innovation
Also No Innovation

I hate to break it to you, but IBM's R&D budget is 3.5x AMD's entire revenue.
Posted on Reply
That sounds like "researching trendy tech" to me. :)

Getting it working for real world applications is the next challenge.
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
MephisReally? You sure about that?

No Innovation
Also No Innovation
As I said, they focus on researching trendy technologies. I am glad you are easily impressed by cool web pages with pretty pictures and fancy words, but for me, these things need to be used on a large scale to prove their worth.
MephisI hate to break it to you, but IBM's R&D budget is 3.5x AMD's entire revenue.
And ?

If we're comparing AMD with IBM on common ground, namely the design and manufacturing of semiconductor computing devices the picture is quite sad actually, for IBM. PowerPC is dead and every other endeavor related to it, products using these chips aren't around us no more. Meanwhile AMD is quite literally at the forefront of innovation here.
Posted on Reply
MelvisThere was a rumor? First Ive ever heard of this said "rumor"
Less than 2 hours after wccftech posted on Twitter their rumor piece Su herself replied that it was not true. That's probably why it didn't last long.

EDIT: Looking at the TW thread, lots of "phew!", "thank god" and similar replies to Lisa's answer :D
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusAs I said, they focus on researching trendy technologies. I am glad you are easily impressed by cool web pages with pretty pictures and fancy words, but for me, these things need to be used on a large scale to prove their worth.
You do realize how innovation works, right? Someone has to work on it before it becomes used in a large scale. That is exactly what they are doing with quantum computing. Just because it's "trendy" doesn't discount their leadership in the field. Do you really think that there is more "innovation" at AMD?
Vya DomusAnd ?

If we're comparing AMD with IBM on common ground, namely the design and manufacturing of semiconductor computing devices the picture is quite sad actually, for IBM. PowerPC is dead, has been for quite some time and products using these chips aren't around us no more. Meanwhile AMD is quite literally at the forefront here.
That interesting, because IBM Power Systems had a quarterly hardware revenue of $1.49 billion (almost exactly what AMD's entire revenue was) last quarter. That figure doesn't include software, service or support which is estimated to be around $5.95 billion. So yeah, Power is dead. LOL.

Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
MephisDo you really think that there is more "innovation" at AMD?
In the area mentioned in my previous comment, yes, I do and it should be pretty obvious. And let's stop comparing them overall, they operate in different markets.
MephisThat interesting, because IBM Power Systems had a quarterly hardware revenue of $1.49 billion (almost exactly what AMD's entire revenue was) last quarter. That figure doesn't include software, service or support which is estimated to be around $5.95 billion.
Instead of repeatedly throwing revenue figures at me (I get it IBM has a lot of cash), why not show me some market share figures for data centers using their chips ? What's their presence there among AMD, Intel and Nvidia ?
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusIn the area mentioned in my previous comment, yes, I do and it should be pretty obvious. And let's stop comparing them overall, they operate in different markets.
I'm good with that.
Vya DomusInstead of repeatedly throwing revenue figures at me (I get it IBM has a lot of cash), why not show me some market share figures for data centers ? What's their presence there among AMD, Intel and Nvidia ?
You do realize that the point of running any business is to make revenue and profit, right?

Now you are shifting the goal posts. First you said that Power was dead and that products using it weren't around anymore. I proved that wrong and now you want market share numbers for a very specific market segment. Next you will want the number of consoles that Power is in (none since the PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii U). This is going no where.
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