Tuesday, August 6th 2019

News of Lisa Su Leaving AMD Was an Exaggeration: "Zero Truth to This Rumor"
News made the rounds recently of AMD's Lisa Su's reported plans of leaving the company in favor of a #2 position at IBM. The report, which was broken by WCCFTech, pegged Lisa Su as already being sprucing up her successor in the form of Rick Bergman, who recently joined AMD after leaving his CEO position with Synaptics.
Now, Lisa Su herself has come out on Twitter to say that there was zero truth to the report, and that she plans to stay with AMD, where "the best is yet to come". Of course, no CEO would confirm such a report from a media outlet - these things take their time and are done in their own corporate way, and there's really no other response that Lisa Su could have given that wouldn't damage AMD's current outlook. Her presence and confidence in her delivery is part of the reason for investor confidence in AMD. That said, I doubt there would be a better time for Lisa Su to actually move higher up in her own career perspectives than from AMD's current state.
Twitter, WCCFTech
Now, Lisa Su herself has come out on Twitter to say that there was zero truth to the report, and that she plans to stay with AMD, where "the best is yet to come". Of course, no CEO would confirm such a report from a media outlet - these things take their time and are done in their own corporate way, and there's really no other response that Lisa Su could have given that wouldn't damage AMD's current outlook. Her presence and confidence in her delivery is part of the reason for investor confidence in AMD. That said, I doubt there would be a better time for Lisa Su to actually move higher up in her own career perspectives than from AMD's current state.
69 Comments on News of Lisa Su Leaving AMD Was an Exaggeration: "Zero Truth to This Rumor"
AMD has become her child. I truly believe it wouldn’t be in the position it is today without her. She spearheaded the whole operation into the success it is today.
How about when the new consoles, Rome, Milan and the new GPUs are all succesfully launching and the company is profitable?
If AMD gets to that point under her leadership, she could have any job she wants or more likely, wouldn't need to move at all and might start acquiring other companies.
@lynx29 Agreed, "Where Consumers Come First" my eye. ;)
@RH92 She gets a shed load of options at AMD, if she can grown the company (like nVidia did) to $300, that's a huge pile of cash plus the added kudos of pulling AMD out of the gutter. IMO that will be of more interest than moving. Maybe later, but not for another 2 years anyway.
Wccf this year were the first ones reporting:
2070 super specs
Navi pre launch price drop
MSI b450 max
And the list goes on. For a "fud" website, not bad at all.
Besides this is unrelated to my point , my point was what stock market and community cares the most about are good products not the name of the CEO .
2. If she is "the main rallying point" for "the community", then "the community" is in trouble. There is no guarantee that she is at AMD forever and if they crumble because of one person leaving, then they were poorly built and led to begin with (meaning she didn't do part of her job). A great CEO builds a leadership team that can continue to perform after the CEO is gone. Yes, they would miss her, but they should be able to continue in without her.