Tuesday, March 10th 2020

NVIDIA Releases GeForce 442.59 WHQL Game Ready Drivers
NVIDIA today released the latest version of its GeForce software. Version 442.59 WHQL of the software comes game-ready for "Call of Duty: Warzone," which went live earlier today. The drivers also fix a handful of issues. For starters, it fixes game crashes with "NBA 2K20." A blue screen crash when plugging in a VR headset to a notebook. The Windows 7 version of the drivers come with a check for Windows SHA2 patches during installation. Without these patches, the installer won't continue. Grab the drivers from the link below.
DOWNLOAD: NVIDIA GeForce 442.59 Game ReadyThe change-log follows.
Game Ready
DOWNLOAD: NVIDIA GeForce 442.59 Game ReadyThe change-log follows.
Game Ready
- Call of Duty: Warzone
- [NBA 2K20]: The game crashes with some flashing. [200568482]
- [Notebook][VR]: Blue-screen crash occurs when connecting a VR headset to the notebook. [2879605/2867038]
- [Windows 7]: Implemented a check in the installer to verify that the Microsoft SHA2 support patches are installed on the user system. If the patches are not installed, then the driver installation will not continue. This is to prevent potential issues during or after the driver install. [200592190].
11 Comments on NVIDIA Releases GeForce 442.59 WHQL Game Ready Drivers
Windows 7 Issues
- [Call of Duty - Warzone]: ShadowPlay and Screenshot capture does not work with Windows 7 (200593494)
- [World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth][DirectX 12]: The game crashes when switched from DirectX 11 to DirectX 12 mode. [200574934]
Windows 10 Issues- [Call of Duty - Warzone]: Freestyle does not work. (200593020)
- [Forza Motorsport 7]: The curb may display a black strip during a race on certain tracks. [2781776]
- [Zombie Army: Dead War 4][Ansel/Freestyle]: The Ansel & Freestyle tabs are unselectable. [2810884]
- [Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege][Vulkan][G-SYNC]: When playing the game in Vulkan mode with G-SYNC enabled, flickering occurs after switching the game between full-screen and windowed mode.[200578641] To work around, either disable G-SYNC or play using an API other than Vulkan.
us.download.nvidia.com/Windows/442.59/442.59-win10-win8-win7-release-notes.pdfI think Freestyle not working in Warzone is intended. I don't think you would have enough time to do any photo ops in battle royale/plunder mode anyways. :laugh:
None of the old maps are integrated from the looks of it.
But I would want Nuketown (BLOPS) or Shipment (COD4) somewhere though. Those are iconic.
Apparently it seems to be anticipated because I saw some random students carrying their ASUS ROG laptops and MSI GE laptops around the campus. It's unusual since the common devices are Surfaces and iPad Pros.
EDIT: God damn it I was right LOL. Port ranges from 27000 onwards are seeing more access than normal. :laugh: Go back home/to your dorms if you're going to play assholes!
Be sure to also check out tips for Updating Video Card Drivers on a PC.
So when did Windows 7 get DX12 then? Hmmmm... <----- Mar 2019.
Currently messing around with this. Of course, I got this downloading on Xbox One.
According to the specs: