Wednesday, May 13th 2020

Epic Games Gives Mesmerizing Look at Unreal Engine 5 Running Real Time on PlayStation 5

Epic Games has just released a trailer for version 5 of their industry/acclaimed Unreal Engine. Dubbed "Lumen in the Land of Nanite", the demo they've shared is nothing short of mindblowing when it comes to the amount of environment and character detail. Unreal Engine 5 will feature a new geometry processing engine Epic is calling Nanite, which the company promises will virtually eliminate polygon budgets for developers, with automatic stream and scaling, thus eliminating the need to develop LOD levels for particular assets. Another addition, and an as impressive one, is the Lumen global illumination engine, which will save developers the need to manually bake lightmaps accounting for every little change in a scene's lighting - the global illumination system makes these changes in lighting conditions as seamless and integrated as they can be. This among other features already introduced with version 4.25 such as Niagara VFX and Chaos destruction systems.

Unreal Engine 5 is pegged for an early 2021 release; Epic Games has already announced they will be porting their popular Fortnite videogame into the engine, which makes sense, considering it's being particularly optimized for PC and next-generation consoles. These will become the backbone of games development - and an important source of Epic's Fortnite revenue stream. Take a look at the trailer after the break - and remember this was all running real-time in a PlayStation 5 console.
This demo previews two of the new core technologies that will debut in Unreal Engine 5:
Nanite virtualized micropolygon geometry frees artists to create as much geometric detail as the eye can see. Nanite virtualized geometry means that film-quality source art comprising hundreds of millions or billions of polygons can be imported directly into Unreal Engine—anything from ZBrush sculpts to photogrammetry scans to CAD data—and it just works. Nanite geometry is streamed and scaled in real time so there are no more polygon count budgets, polygon memory budgets, or draw count budgets; there is no need to bake details to normal maps or manually author LODs; and there is no loss in quality.
Lumen is a fully dynamic global illumination solution that immediately reacts to scene and light changes. The system renders diffuse interreflection with infinite bounces and indirect specular reflections in huge, detailed environments, at scales ranging from kilometers to millimeters. Artists and designers can create more dynamic scenes using Lumen, for example, changing the sun angle for time of day, turning on a flashlight, or blowing a hole in the ceiling, and indirect lighting will adapt accordingly. Lumen erases the need to wait for lightmap bakes to finish and to author light map UVs—a huge time savings when an artist can move a light inside the Unreal Editor and lighting looks the same as when the game is run on console.
Numerous teams and technologies have come together to enable this leap in quality. To build large scenes with Nanite geometry technology, the team made heavy use of the Quixel Megascans library, which provides film-quality objects up to hundreds of millions of polygons. To support vastly larger and more detailed scenes than previous generations, PlayStation 5 provides a dramatic increase in storage bandwidth.

The demo also showcases existing engine systems such as Chaos physics and destruction, Niagara VFX, convolution reverb, and ambisonics rendering.
Source: Epic Games
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123 Comments on Epic Games Gives Mesmerizing Look at Unreal Engine 5 Running Real Time on PlayStation 5

The SHORT video clips look amazing. The engine is very capable. But if objects are not described by geometry (thousands of points and triangles) but by macro-atom (tens of millions of points and pixels), then the memory requirements become ENORMOUS. Until we see a whole city scenario playthrough, without load-pause, and not these easy scene low memory requirement cave, corridor, or indoor room, then I reserve my judgement. I would imagine that game maps and objects would still be recorded as geometry in the original DVD or download, and then converted to macro-atom data at the start, just like “load map” delay of yesteryear. Only this time we are going to need SSD, multiprocessor, and massive amounts of memory, just to crunch the geometry data into the atomic data.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Consoles and PCs do compete, its just a very weird symbiotic relationship really. Maybe its like marriage. They need each other, but they can't stand each other.
I do agree on the symbiotic, especially now that they're using parts that are very similar to what you have on the PC side, but I still don't see them as competing, especially as their feature set is so different. I see them as a value oriented gaming devices for people that don't want or can't spend much or just want a simpler, plug and play experience and don't care for the benefits of gaming on a pc. Or as a side gaming device, which is what I personally do (currently have a PS4 and a 3DS).
londisteEven with the video being what it is you can clearly see frame rate stutters and stutters to below 30fps.
Can you give me an example timestamp?
Posted on Reply
RahnakCan you give me an example timestamp?
Around 3:00 and 4:40 seems to be visible.
Posted on Reply
This is an early version, they have months to optimise the software to run it smoothly.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86No? There are still shared resources, limited power budget, and a custom chip built around cost efficiency before performance. In a well balanced package, but let's not start acting like we are getting copies of full fat discrete GPUs because that is not what AMD is cooking for them. This counts for both GPU and CPU. You get a gaming optimized chip, not the full fat one.

Come on man, you can't be this naive.
Have you even seen the GPU specs? Yet another who failed to read them up?
Posted on Reply
londisteAround 3:00 and 4:40 seems to be visible.
Thanks! I see something at 4:48 but seems more like uneven/bad camera movement than a stutter. I wish they'd release the same thing but at 60fps so I could watch them side by side.
Posted on Reply
ARFThis is an early version, they have months to optimise the software to run it smoothly.
Version is kind of a misnomer for Unreal Engine. It is an evolving engine with constant improvements, replacements and optimizations. Versioning is a marketing thing. As they said themselves in the video, almost all of what they show is already there in now-released UE 4.25.

Ship of Theseus could be an apt analogy :)
RahnakThanks! I see something at 4:48 but seems more like uneven/bad camera movement than a stutter. I wish they'd release the same thing but at 60fps so I could watch them side by side.
I have my suspicions about some of the transition or effect choices that seem to hide things. But this is a tech demo and extremely smooth one at that, so its all good. I don't mean to take anything away from the demo, it indeed looks very impressive.
Posted on Reply
Decryptor009Go back to gamespot. Clearly have reading deficiencies.
Your argument is false. peasant. Reminder: I joined TPU before you.
Decryptor009Have you even seen the GPU specs? Yet another who failed to read them up?
PS5 has AMD's Smartshift peasant. You go back to Gamespot.
Posted on Reply
rvalenciaYour argument is false. peasant. Reminder: I joined TPU before you.

PS5 has AMD's Smartshift peasant. You go back to Gamespot.
No you clearly have reading problems, this is why you should go back to Gamespot where you can make up things as counter arguments like you are here.
rvalenciaYour argument is false. peasant. Reminder: I joined TPU before you.

PS5 has AMD's Smartshift peasant. You go back to Gamespot.
And you know nothing of how it works Ron, Just like you never show any understanding of it on Gamespot, you just repeat words to sound like you know anything.

XBX has a much faster GPU core than anything out on the market by AMD, it is a slightly cut down full RDNA2 part also.
Posted on Reply
Decryptor is a console defender from Gamespot forum.
Decryptor009No you clearly have reading problems, this is why you should go back to Gamespot where you can make up things as counter arguments like you are here.
You're a peasant.
Your argument is patently false. hypocrite.
Posted on Reply
rvalenciaDecryptor is a console defender from Gamespot forum.

You're a peasant.
Your argument is patently false.
This is not system wars Ron, it is just stating that these consoles are up there with PC, the hardware spec is of a much better and much more potent ability than PS4 or XBOX One was in retrospect to the hardware availible on PC.

But because people like to throw around 0.001% usage components as a counter-argument i call them out on how stupid they sound when literally no one buys them.
Ryzen 3000 Threadripper for gaming? get real.

2080Ti.. again a card that is very fast, great card, but for the cost.. no one is really going to buy it save for the top tier elitists who need that performance and have the money to go with it, the every day consumer will be eating up equivelent spec to these consoles.

Now back to you Ron, with your need to insult without using your brain.
Posted on Reply
Decryptor009Have you even seen the GPU specs? Yet another who failed to read them up?
Yes, so? It does not change a thing. PS3 was one of the first consumer octa cores and bluray players... Ps2 was early adopting a dvd drive. Its not relevant; the hardware is fixed and not scalable over time and will be relegated to midrange before you know it.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Yes, so? It does not change a thing.
What is so hard to accept that these consoles are up there with PC spec wise?

Is it really this hard?

My god.

Stating what i already stated, does not factor in that these are far easier to code for, plus i said they are up there with PC, not beating, not entirely matching but up there.

Said something positive about console = i am wrong, uses bullshit as counter arguments, people in here are so up their own ass they can't see straight.

Can't understand how the market works, who the common denominator is who buys which hardware, what sells more and how that is a more representative fact of the general PC user base rather than some top of the line way out of proportion gaming card which you need to sell 2 legs to afford.
Posted on Reply
Decryptor009This is not system wars Ron, it is just stating that these consoles are up there with PC, the hardware spec is of a much better and much more potent ability than PS4 or XBOX One was in retrospect to the hardware availible on PC.

But because people like to throw around 0.001% usage components as a counter-argument i call them out on how stupid they sound when literally no one buys them.
Ryzen 3000 Threadripper for gaming? get real.

2080Ti.. again a card that is very fast, great card, but for the cost.. no one is really going to buy it save for the top tier elitists who need that performance and have the money to go with it, the every day consumer will be eating up equivelent spec to these consoles.

Now back to you Ron, with your need to insult without using your brain.
The only person harping on about 2080tis and 0001% is you mate.

As for the rest. The tinted glasses are also clearly on your nose here...I dont think anyone is saying this gen will suck? It looks promising, but it is also just more of the same; another console with finite lifespan, walled garden and obsolete compared to PC in a couple of years. In the early console years however you rarely do get the best each gen has on offer.

So the perf might be there, but will the games be? PS4 and earlier confirmed the opposite many times.

Back to you Ron...
Posted on Reply
Vayra86The only person harping on about 2080tis and 0001% is you mate.
Yes because it needs to be stated when we have low intellect fan girls to hardware people buy.
Vayra86The only person harping on about 2080tis and 0001% is you mate.

As for the rest. The tinted glasses are also clearly on your nose here...I dont think anyone is saying this gen will suck? It looks promising, but it is also just more of the same; another console with finite lifespan, walled garden and obsolete compared to PC in a couple of years. In the early console years however you rarely do get the best each gen has on offer.

So the perf might be there, but will the games be? PS4 and earlier confirmed the opposite many times.

Back to you Ron...
First page has plenty of ignorance on it, why are you so heavily wanting to argue with me if you are on my side? i don't like pretenders and manipulators.
Posted on Reply
Decryptor009Yes because it needs to be stated when we have low intellect fan girls to hardware people buy.
You are now one post away from my very special console peasant ignore corner. You can fight your battle elsewhere.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86You are now one post away from my very special console peasant ignore corner. You can fight your battle elsewhere.
So i am a console peasant for saying the hardware is up there and putting out some facts for you?

Go figure.

Do you think i care what you think of me? your snotty little ego don't bother me.
Posted on Reply
Decryptor009So i am a console peasant for saying the hardware is up there and putting out some facts for you?

Go figure.
No, you are becoming a troll

Well done, sir. Ticket confirmed.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86No, you are becoming a troll
Challenge = troll.

So you give up but want to win even though you can't back up anything you say.

So passive - aggressive, you are a troll, off loads responsibility from you so you look better..

Whatever you wish for mate, good luck.
Posted on Reply
somewhere in a milky way, about a decade ago and ON PLAYSTATION 3, yeah, they are this shameless:

And Unreal 4 demo, or that matter:

MxPhenom 216LOL no, no they are not.
Well, yeah, PS5 and XSeX stomp over 98% and 99% of current PC market respectively.
Posted on Reply
medi01And Unreal 4 demo, or that matter:

Well, yeah, PS5 and XSeX stomp over 98% and 99% of current PC market respectively.
Can't stomp on a market with a product you can't buy and won't be on the market for another 6 months.

And there will already be faster Cpu's and gpu's out when these consoles come out so kinda moot point.
Posted on Reply
MakaveliAnd there will already be faster Cpu's and gpu's out when these consoles come out so kinda moot point.
We are talking about 2080 - 2080super level GPUs in PS5/XSeX.

Even if there is something for $250 that beats those (there won't be, not even remotely) that would barely change the landscape any time soon.

Next game consoles are quite different, Microsoft went crazy on specs in attempt to have revenge, Sony was expecting it.
Posted on Reply
MakaveliCan't stomp on a market with a product you can't buy and won't be on the market for another 6 months.

And there will already be faster Cpu's and gpu's out when these consoles come out so kinda moot point.
Be gentle with him, I can however confirm my future card stomps over everything.
Posted on Reply
medi01We are talking about 2080 - 2080super level GPUs in PS5/XSeX.

Even if there is something for $250 that beats those (there won't be, not even remotely) that would barely change the landscape any time soon.

Next game consoles are quite different, Microsoft went crazy on specs in attempt to have revenge, Sony was expecting it.
That doesn't make my statement incorrect.
Posted on Reply
medi01We are talking about 2080 - 2080super level GPUs in PS5/XSeX.

Even if there is something for $250 that beats those (there won't be, not even remotely) that would barely change the landscape any time soon.
RTX 2080 is 15% faster than the RX 5700 XT while RTX 2080 S is 22% faster than the RX 5700 XT.
You could buy an RX 5700 for $324. And you can flash it with RX 5700 XT BIOS and achieve its performance.

Navi 2X, that is Navi 23 ~240 sq. mm GPU and Navi 22 ~350 sq. mm with 50% higher performance per watt will most probably beat these ^^^^^^^ and cost from around $250.
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