Thursday, June 18th 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed Again: Now coming November 19th; Previews Coming After June 25th

CD Projekt Red has announced another delay for what most certainly is the most anticipated game of this year. Cyberpunk 2077, which had a release date set for September, had already been delayed from its original release date in April. Now, the developers have announced they need some more time with the game before they let it loose on soon-to-be-empty shelves and digital storefronts.

Fret not: the game is apparently in great development shape. The announcement that was made today makes it clear that the game is already technically finished: all the quests, cutscenes, skills, items, and functionality are already in place. However, the game itself has become so complex that CD Projekt Red wants these extra months to get balance and bugs just right for the games' release. This makes sense, as it seems that CD Projekt Red's systems will be intertwined in a much more organic way than they ever did in The Witcher 3, which could result in some emergent gameplay and consequences for the games' systems. CD Projekt has already started distributing the game to specific outlets and gaming media who will be releasing their previews after the Night City Wire event, set for June 25th (itself delayed from June 11th as a show of respect for the Black Lives Matter movement). To their credit, the team at CD Projekt keeps their promises once again: the game will ship. When it's ready.

This also puts the games' launch around the release of both next generation systems from Sony and Microsoft. CD Projekt has already confirmed that the next-gen version of Cyberpunk 2077 will be released after the original release, so it seems that console players who want to play Cyberpunk 2077 on their next-gen systems will have to take advantage of Microsoft's Smart Delivery system.
Source: CD Projekt Red @ Twitter
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52 Comments on Cyberpunk 2077 Delayed Again: Now coming November 19th; Previews Coming After June 25th

Vanguard Beta Tester
/sadface. I bought it a year ago now, no regrets but seeing the countdown reset yet again when it got down to double digits again kinda blows.
Posted on Reply
The Witcher 3, Red dead Redemption 2 and so many other great games had pretty huge delays before launch and guess what, there was nothing "broken and unplayable" with the games at the end.
Posted on Reply
But of course, its only 2020, they have 57 years to polish it.
Posted on Reply
M2BThe Witcher 3, Red dead Redemption 2 and so many other great games had pretty huge delays before launch and guess what, there was nothing "broken and unplayable" with the games at the end.
my thoughts. Better this than something like a "we can fly everywhere in amazing suits of armor and it will be THE GAME OF THE CENTURY!!!! GO GRAB IT NOW." stuff …..

I really enjoy ProjectRed games and I'm willing to wait for them - I've never felt disapointed by what I got (compared to People super hyped About the referenced game above ^^)
Posted on Reply
Vanguard Beta Tester
Arcdarmy thoughts. Better this than something like a "we can fly everywhere in amazing suits of armor and it will be THE GAME OF THE CENTURY!!!! GO GRAB IT NOW." stuff …..

I really enjoy ProjectRed games and I'm willing to wait for them - I've never felt disapointed by what I got (compared to People super hyped About the referenced game above ^^)
I really liked “that game” but with no community it’s utterly useless...thankfully I won’t have to worry about that with this.
Posted on Reply
Getting Delayed once is Acceptable..but Twice..NOO!! and that too keeping hold of Thousands of players's 60$ pre-oreder money..
Posted on Reply
That's okay CDPR, take your time. I'm kinda busy play TLOU in the moment :D
Arcdarmy thoughts. Better this than something like a "we can fly everywhere in amazing suits of armor and it will be THE GAME OF THE CENTURY!!!! GO GRAB IT NOW." stuff …..
I really enjoy ProjectRed games and I'm willing to wait for them - I've never felt disapointed by what I got (compared to People super hyped About the referenced game above ^^)
I kinda like concept of that game, but execute poorly. Another example of hype train become sinking ship, I do hope CP2077 living up the hype.
Posted on Reply
This isn't so bad, at least it gives me time to prep my Zen 3 + RDNA 2 build.
Posted on Reply
Witcher 3 got pushed a couple of times before it released, and look what came out, a masterpiece.
Posted on Reply
I'm not worried that CDPR have bit off more than they can chew, but I do think people have probably hyped up this game past what's healthy. Expecting something new and amazing that's never been seen before, and then having the hype let loose for an extra 6 months after it was supposed to launch puts them in a difficult situation.
Posted on Reply
M2BThe Witcher 3, Red dead Redemption 2 and so many other great games had pretty huge delays before launch and guess what, there was nothing "broken and unplayable" with the games at the end.
Red Dead Online would like a word with you.
Posted on Reply
FatalfuryGetting Delayed once is Acceptable..but Twice..NOO!! and that too keeping hold of Thousands of players's 60$ pre-oreder money..
Can also turn it around... fool me once... fool me twice though... ;)
Posted on Reply
Kinda wanted to support CD projekt when I preordered... The first delay was a stretch, this kinda makes me regret trusting them with a preorder. That said development estimations can be complicated even for proffesionals. That said; it seems as if they did not estimate their risks high enough. The delay could be due to corona, but that seems odd when everyone knows that coders get more shit done when they sit at home! :D
Posted on Reply
Ehh. This Politically correct and progressive game is not worth any interest to me personally but the hype is overblown to the space. The game art from original teaser looked like something great and from Japan, but now it just looks ugly game from whatever demos they showed, then they removed the natural aspect of humans and said the player will be addressed by their voice selection. Then they had 3 delays for this game remember, also QLOC was hired, they also changed the default female V to fit more of their pandering, the worst is they are right now saying all game journos around the world are currently playtesting this game while game being fully finished and on June 25 there will be some showcase, since when we had these so called journos doing that bs ? screams more hype just like Soyny. I hate this direction that every game studio is going for and also entertainment industry. It just feels all wrong and a gigantic load of crap.

CDPR went too big and started to pander to the politics and social media hype machine.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
Ashtr1xEhh. This Politically correct and progressive game is not worth any interest to me personally but the hype is overblown to the space. The game art from original teaser looked like something great and from Japan, but now it just looks ugly game from whatever demos they showed, then they removed the natural aspect of humans and said the player will be addressed by their voice selection. Then they had 3 delays for this game remember, also QLOC was hired, they also changed the default female V to fit more of their pandering, the worst is they are right now saying all game journos around the world are currently playtesting this game while game being fully finished and on June 25 there will be some showcase, since when we had these so called journos doing that bs ? screams more hype just like Soyny. I hate this direction that every game studio is going for and also entertainment industry. It just feels all wrong and a gigantic load of crap.

CDPR went too big and started to pander to the politics and social media hype machine.
What are you smoking? Where have you been with the news in the last 6 months? CDPR made news by specifically NOT pandering to any special interests and their demands/complaints. So how is it “politically correct and progressive?”
Posted on Reply
Although the press release only mentioned in game bugs my guess is there's more to it than that. They have to account for compatibility across 4 consoles (2 Generations of two companies) upcoming graphics card releases from Nvidia and AMD all during a pandemic. That's one hell of a burden to deal with. This isn't Duke Nukem Forever.
Posted on Reply
steve360This isn't so bad, at least it gives me time to prep my Zen 3 + RDNA 2 build.
im with u on this . i just checked out Cyberpunk on the 15min you tube gameplay video for the first time , and i must admit and say it looks Pretty frickin good
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieWhat are you smoking? Where have you been with the news in the last 6 months? CDPR made news by specifically NOT pandering to any special interests and their demands/complaints. So how is it “politically correct and progressive?”
Go and read their latest investor relations PDF from their own website (here's the one) and see the usual Virtue Signalling from the CDPR with their so called new Internal Ethics Dept with Diverstity and Inclusion just like Square Enix, and Riot games, EA, etc which is as usual for many western studios or do you prefer a tweet. Next is their Female V change, and then the removal of the gender options. They are "woke" but you can ignore, doesn't matter if you enjoy the game. I do not see the game as one which was inspired by the Ghost in the Shell / their original teaser and have no hope for this studio anymore.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
Ashtr1xGo and read their latest investor relations PDF from their own website (here's the one) and see the usual Virtue Signalling from the CDPR with their so called new Internal Ethics Dept with Diverstity and Inclusion just like Square Enix, and Riot games, EA, etc which is as usual for many western studios or do you prefer a tweet. Next is their Female V change, and then the removal of the gender options. They are "woke" but you can ignore, doesn't matter if you enjoy the game. I do not see the game as one which was inspired by the Ghost in the Shell / their original teaser and have no hope for this studio anymore.
A teaser is a teaser is a teaser. That’s all it is. If you put much stock in those from any company you are terribly gullible.

The tweet says nothing about the game. It does say they support cultural diversity in the workplace. Like every other employer on the planet with more than just a few employees. Many large corporations and governmental departments it has been policy or law for 20 years. Welcome to the world, Rip Van Winkle.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieA teaser is a teaser is a teaser. That’s all it is. If you put much stock in those from any company you are terribly gullible.

The tweet says nothing about the game. It does say they support cultural diversity in the workplace. Like every other employer on the planet with more than just a few employees. Many large corporations and governmental departments it has been policy or law for 20 years. Welcome to the world, Rip Van Winkle.
You asked for how they are "Politically Pandering" and "Progressive", you got the proof, and still you are in your own world of defending CDPR with usual blatant fanboysim was expected though. And "since 20 years", nice joke there. Wonder why does everyone started doing in 2019-2020 instead of 2000, esp likes of Intel for which has been a big corporation since a long time. Anyways good for you if you are going to enjoy the game as I said already ofc without any real gameplay since it was "NOT FINAL" always. But they are "Woke", deal with it & there's nothing to discuss anymore here.
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PC Gaming Enthusiast
Ashtr1xYou asked for how they are "Politically Pandering" and "Progressive", you got the proof, and still you are in your own world of defending CDPR with usual blatant fanboysim was expected though. And "since 20 years", nice joke there. Wonder why does everyone started doing in 2019-2020 instead of 2000, esp likes of Intel for which has been a big corporation since a long time. Anyways good for you if you are going to enjoy the game as I said already ofc without any real gameplay since it was "NOT FINAL" always. But they are "Woke", deal with it & there's nothing to discuss anymore here.
You’re really clueless if you think policies and laws against sexual and racial discrimination, age discrimination, gender discrimination have not been illegal or part of company policy of major corporations. You’ve just started hearing about these things in the news.

If you’ve been part of the workforce in any large company or governmental agency for 20 to 30 years as I have, you know none if this is new. Why? Because it’s just the right thing to do. Beyond that, it is done to prevent costly lawsuits.

You assume because I am not slamming CDPR that I’m fanboying it. If that makes you sleep better go ahead. But until you recognize these basic truths, you’re going to find that your financial success with any large employer will not be long term if you keep with that line of thinking.

You have a good evening, Sir.
Posted on Reply
Haha, people who pre-order.



I mean, sure, give the devs some money if you're feeling charitable or if they're so financially-troubled that they may not complete the game before going bankrupt, but otherwise anyone pre-ordering with expectations that anything is guaranteed are just ignorant fools completely oblivious to the last 25 years of video-gaming product launch history.
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieWhat are you smoking? Where have you been with the news in the last 6 months? CDPR made news by specifically NOT pandering to any special interests and their demands/complaints. So how is it “politically correct and progressive?”
Don't bother, its just a fancy thing to say nowadays. It also separates people in a good way. A bit like a flag on a turd.
Posted on Reply
I haven't been following the game closely, but is it very different to the Watchdogs?
Posted on Reply
LomskijI haven't been following the game closely, but is it very different to the Watchdogs?
"Watchdogs done properly" may not be the worst description I've ever heard. I'm assuming that the narrative and effect of your choices will have a pretty big impact on the game. I'm expecting some decent replayability from CP2077 based on preview gameplay videos.
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