Friday, August 28th 2020

Microsoft Rolls Out DirectX 12 Feature-level 12_2: Turing and RDNA2 Support it
Microsoft on Thursday rolled out the DirectX 12 feature-level 12_2 specification. This adds a set of new API-level features to DirectX 12 feature-level 12_1. It's important to understand that 12_2 is not DirectX 12 Ultimate, even though Microsoft explains in its developer blog that the four key features that make up DirectX 12 Ultimate logo requirements were important enough to be bundled into a new feature-level. At the same time, Ultimate isn't feature-level 12_1, either. The DirectX 12 Ultimate logo requirement consists of DirectX Raytracing, Mesh Shaders, Sampler Feedback, and Variable Rate Shading. These four, combined with an assortment of new features make up feature-level 12_2.
Among the updates introduced with feature-level 12_2 are DXR 1.1, Shader Model 6.5, Variable Rate Shading tier-2, Resource Binding tier-3, Tiled Resources tier-3, Conservative Rasterization tier-3, Root Signature tier-1.1, WriteBufferImmediateSupportFlags, GPU Virtual Address Bits resource expansion, among several other Direct3D raster rendering features. Feature-level 12_2 requires a WDDM 2.0 driver, and a compatible GPU. Currently, NVIDIA's "Turing" based GeForce RTX 20-series are the only GPUs capable of feature-level 12_2. Microsoft announced that AMD's upcoming RDNA2 architecture supports 12_2, too. NVIDIA's upcoming "Ampere" (RTX 20-series successors) may support it, too.
Microsoft DirectX Blog
Among the updates introduced with feature-level 12_2 are DXR 1.1, Shader Model 6.5, Variable Rate Shading tier-2, Resource Binding tier-3, Tiled Resources tier-3, Conservative Rasterization tier-3, Root Signature tier-1.1, WriteBufferImmediateSupportFlags, GPU Virtual Address Bits resource expansion, among several other Direct3D raster rendering features. Feature-level 12_2 requires a WDDM 2.0 driver, and a compatible GPU. Currently, NVIDIA's "Turing" based GeForce RTX 20-series are the only GPUs capable of feature-level 12_2. Microsoft announced that AMD's upcoming RDNA2 architecture supports 12_2, too. NVIDIA's upcoming "Ampere" (RTX 20-series successors) may support it, too.
27 Comments on Microsoft Rolls Out DirectX 12 Feature-level 12_2: Turing and RDNA2 Support it
Good. Maybe now DX12 can finally get some true adoption rate and actual benefit for gaming. Man, what a mess this API has been so far.
Still glad to hear RDNA2 is going to support this - a fortunate benefit from AMD and Microsoft working so closely together on the new Xbox.
I too am upset with this .
Microsoft do good, give developers low hanging fruit "insert Yao Ming disgusted face meme" = developers about MGPU on dx12
is really seems like the micro stutter was more akin to game engine limitations that actual use of AFR. Seem to be non-existing is scissor or title/super title mode.
They simply open the doors at gaming industry software developers so them to use some new options.
But gaming industry software developers, they are the ones to decide of what to use and of what to trash.
High frame rate and stability, this is what a perfect game engine it should deliver.
If the recent Microsoft DirectX 12 Features they shown as GPU cycles hungry, they might never be adopted.
Microsoft Adds DirectX 12 Feature-level 12_2, and Turing, Ampere and RDNA2 Support it
I am so disappointed from AMD RED TEAM...
You guys screwing us again and again, and for what, for money? You developed RDNA1 With Xbox and PS5 and left Ray Tracing out So that you could charge us again after 1 year on gen2!! at least learn from Nvidia if u want consumer to pay prices that high out of respect for your business give us support for two years for New Features like "Hardware Scheduling Ray Tracing and Direct12_x" !!!
You are the One's that killing the Pc Hardware Industry and gaming Industry and I am in my late 30's...
It is a shame that every time the community needs to get evolve and beg for updates...
I will give you a reminder next year is 2021 and new player comes to town and it's name is "Intel".
The way it looks right now even RDNA2 will fall behind Nvidia and Intel in 2021!!!
Can we assume Windows 10 20H2? What are you going on about? RDNA2 was what AMD developed for Sony and Microsoft, RDNA1 was simply the foundation which it was built on. But surely, you cannot be pissed about your card not having ray tracing? Nobody ever said that it did, or that it would magically get enabled.
Oh, and I think you need to forget about Intel and Raja's magic chip. Its going to be low to mid end, at best.,shading%2C%20and%20sampler%20feedback%E2%80%9D.
According to Microsoft it is "huge jump in visual and performance" and by the way from every site I've checked I find this statement:
"So, next-gen graphics API tech is separated into a new feature level in DX12, and Microsoft says there are a few hardware platforms that will support this feature level: Nvidia GeForce RTX and Quadro RTX GPUs, AMD RDNA 2 GPUs, Qualcomm Snapdragon SoCs, and upcoming discrete Intel GPUs (this serving pretty much as confirmation, as expected, that Intel Xe GPUs will have high-level DirectX capabilities)."
I think all Navi first gen owner's needs to wake up and understand what AMD did... IT is not possible to people buy new gpu every 1 year it is insane... I think it will be the end of Radeon at least for so called mid-high GPU'S...
With Nvidia u pay more at first but over time u get more for bucks if u look for updates and features not only fps...(which nvidia kind of win anyway most of the time)...
I am really disappointed...hope that the community will help with this.
Not to mention... Respect their investment. "They wanted us to pay respect to the dollars they were giving us and do things in the architecture or transistors or APIs or ASync Compute, that provided a measure of 'futureproofness.' They wanted to be reassured that even if they're only spending $200 they'd feel secure in their investment for a couple years."
Chris Hook and Raja never failed to make us all laugh.
I'm sure if RDNA2 shines, these things will suddenly become important again.
Ultimate on the other hand, is a 2000 series/RDNA2 exclusive for now.
Turing release date was September 2018 and NAVI 10 was july 2019!!!
Doesn't make any sense at all, expect AMD don't give a shit about updates and software...
If Navi 10 won't get support in six months it will become a 250$ nothing more...
vega 64 on paper much more stronger than navi 10 but falls behind in every game because it does not have the new features...
Navi 10 Owner's, make the conclusion by yourself:mad::banghead: This Cards won't worth much the minute the console's are out there in the end of the year...
What this shows us is how limited GCN and RDNA1 are. Microsoft, in the same way as Khronos does, talks to the vendors to decide the specification, they will always release standards that are achievable. So, AMD is basically saying that RDNA1 was DoA, all the effort is on RDNA2.
Well, they can always do what they did when the OpenGL 4.4 spec came out with Terascale, offer support via CPU emulation.
Vega 64/VII processes GCN instructions in 12 clock cycles.
At the same FLOPS, NAVI 10 has about 30% to 40% completion time advantage when compared to
Q: Which hardware platforms will support feature level 12_2?
A: We’re absolutely pleased to inform that:
- Feature level 12_2 is supported on NVIDIA GeForce RTX and NVIDIA Quadro RTX GPUs.
- AMD’s upcoming RDNA 2 architecture based GPUs will include full feature level 12_2 support.
- Intel’s roadmap includes discrete GPUs that will empower developers to take full advantage of Feature Level 12_2.
- Microsoft is collaborating with Qualcomm to bring the benefits of DirectX feature level 12_2 to Snapdragon platforms.
Where Turing GTX's Feature level 12_2 level support?Not mention that the last of games with out mgpu support is much larger.
I stay away from DRM games anymore so the list for me is even smaller.