Monday, November 23rd 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 System Requirements Lists Updated, Raytracing Unsupported on RX 6800 Series at Launch

CD Projekt RED released updated PC system requirements lists for "Cyberpunk 2077," which will hopefully release before the year 2077. There are a total of seven user experience grades, split into conventional raster 3D graphics, and with raytracing enabled. The bare minimum calls for at least a GeForce GTX 780 or Radeon RX 480; 8 GB of RAM, Core i3 "Sandy Bridge" or AMD FX "Bulldozer," and 64-bit Windows 7. The 1080 High grade needs at least a Core i7 "Haswell" or Ryzen 3 "Raven Ridge" processor, 12 GB of RAM, GTX 1060 6 GB or GTX 1660 Super or RX 590 graphics. The 1440p Ultra grade needs the same CPUs as 1080p High, but with steeper GPU requirements of at least an RTX 2060 or RX 5700 XT.

The highest sans-RT grade, 4K UHD Ultra, needs either the fastest i7-4790 "Haswell" or Ryzen 5 "Zen 2" processor, RTX 2080 Super or RTX 3070, or Radeon RX 6800 graphics. Things get interesting with the three lists for raytraced experience. 1080p Medium raytraced needs at least an RTX 2060; 1440p High raytraced needs an RTX 3070, and 4K UHD Ultra raytraced needs at least a Core i7 "Skylake" or Ryzen 5 "Zen 2" chip, and RTX 3080 graphics. All three raytraced presets need 16 GB of RAM. Storage requirements across the board are 70 GB, and CDPR recommends the use of an SSD. What's interesting here is that neither the RX 6800 nor RX 6800 XT make it to the raytraced list (despite the RX 6800 finding mention in the non-raytraced lists). PC Gamer reports that Cyberpunk 2077 will not enable raytracing on Radeon RX 6800 series at launch. CDPR, however, confirmed that it is working with AMD to optimize the game for RDNA2, and should enable raytracing "soon."
Sources: Cyberpunk 2077 (Twitter), PC Gamer
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103 Comments on Cyberpunk 2077 System Requirements Lists Updated, Raytracing Unsupported on RX 6800 Series at Launch

now when you buy games you need to verify if your favorite brand's features are supported on it...or is it when buying cards you need to verify the number of games sponsored by your favorite brand?
Posted on Reply
I am almost good with my RX580 4GB @1080p. Will have to cut on the eye candy a bit, but the rest, no problem.
Posted on Reply
enxo218now when you buy games you need to verify if your favorite brand's features are supported on it...or is it when buying cards you need to verify the number of games sponsored by your favorite brand?
Were you checking for PhysX support when buying games? How about TressFX? This RT crap is no different.
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
ray tracing should only be enabled if you enable DLSS as well imo, performance hit isn't worth it otherwise. luckily this game supports both.

I'm fine that I will be missing out on ray tracing, meh.
Posted on Reply
ZeppMan217Were you checking for PhysX support when buying games? How about TressFX? This RT crap is no different.
afore mentioned two do not have dedicated hardware support
Posted on Reply
If you look at system requirements this game is made for gtx 1060 and full HD resolution, everything added after this will make a tiny impact on graphics improvement and it's mostly because sponsorships.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
ZeppMan217Were you checking for PhysX support when buying games? How about TressFX? This RT crap is no different.
Whether it'll turn out crap or not is up to how many games support it and how good the implementation is. At least new GPUs have hardware for it, and the new consoles, so it makes sense to have it I think. A dream is a Jedi Knight with excellent RT...
Posted on Reply
I wonder if they will enable Raytracing on the new consoles from launch which also uses AMD hardware. :rolleyes:
On the other hand it is good that they take their time to optimize it for 6800 series rather than enabling it without optimization which could cripple the cards.

Like the Witcher 3, I think CD Project RED is getting support from Nvidia to integrate their technologies so maybe they did not had the time before to work on optimising for 6800.

As we know that this game has been delay number of times because they were not finished and now they needed to concentrate on some features and leave others for after launch. Maybe they don't want to delay the game again. :laugh:

I enjoy playing their games.
I played all of their Witcher games but usual not from the launch date but few months later.
Maybe this time I will buy Cyberpunk near Christmas to play it in holidays. :rolleyes:
Posted on Reply
So they are comparing 2060 to 5700XT and 2080S/3070 to 6800XT because of DLSS?
So in future AMD sponsored games, can we expect comprasion of 6700XT to 3080 because of AMD's SuperResolution?

Also, between Cyberpunk 2077 and Godfall, there goes the whole DXR is a standard thing.
Looks like, per brand's RT development and optimization, will be the new norm.
Proprietary upsampling and RT implementations.

I don't like where this shit is going. Do you?
Posted on Reply
robot zombie
I'm one of those assholes who will tell you RT is amazing and has huge potential... and RTX, for all of its evils (which absolutely exist,) is having a huge place in that by getting it out there and getting devs to go for it. That's vital to making any of this happen, and arguably fast-tracks the whole process of integrating the technology. Gives devs access to tools and insights that make them able to get it all into the games without majorly cutting into the rest of the development or working out brave and costly overhauls. Love em or hate em, RTX cards getting a foothold has already done a lot to build up the next plateau in gaming visuals.

I do think think that Nvidia is majorly taking advantage of it, trying to corner the whole market... and that's swaying devs to stay in that wheelhouse when it comes to their own work implementing RT. Of course they are going to favor RTX... it's the simplest, most complete option. And as a dev, you can bet on it getting better without you directly working on it, because Nvidia is all in on pushing it forward. No brainer to work with them, put another feather in your cap come release time.

No doubt, the exclusivity sucks, but the cat will be out of the bag eventually. Right now it's enough that we have some hardware that can do it at all, let alone hardware that can actually provide useful and significant results. Have people forgotten how unthinkable RT was as recently as back when Vega and GTX10xx cards were the mainstays? People didn't even believe it. They would've said it 'd have to be many more years away before it even started to be workable, if it could ever be done without major technological shifts.

I'm just sayin... it's noteworthy. This isn't another PhysX. It has picked up, and the impact isn't minor.

Still, it's barely off the starting line. The cost is still very high, both in hardware cost and performance cost. I don't think anyone should feel left out by that, though. The fact is, the techniques that RT is looking to replace are way beyond serviceable and can often produce gorgeous results. They're known parameters for devs, and the good ones make incredible visual art with them. It just takes skilled coders on the shader pipeline (or a versatile ready-made one) and level designers who really understand the pipeline and have a good sense of composition and aesthetic. We have seen so many GLORIOUS looking games without RT, because of efforts like that.

One day, everybody will have RT. Until then, we'll have to 'tolerate' regular old amazeballs visual artistry. It's not that big of a deal. I have a 2060 and have really been influenced by what I've seen with RT - it's really something worth doing if you ask me. But I don't expect that card to hold up RT for this game, and that's fine.

You don't always have to be on the bleeding edge. There are still people happily gaming on RX580's out there. And the thing is... in a few years, the RT games we're seeing now will still be available. And if they're good, they'll still be relevant enough to play and discuss. Meaning that later on when the tech inevitably becomes cheaper and more available... and devs are better able to optimize it (who knows, for big titles you might see patches much later on, as new options become available,) you can play those games in full RT glory. I'm still pulling for AMD getting up to snuff on it. They clearly have an interest. And that goes to show how real this is. They recognize that they'll need cards that can do RT to compete in the future. Nvidia has shown it can be done. It's on the table, now.

That's really the main factor here. Nvidia can only keep their proprietary hegemony going because they're the only ones to really get it done. If AMD can get it going too, there's no telling what happens. And if they don't, well... that kind of is what it is. It's up to them to make that happen. I really hope they will succeed. It's probably the only way we ever get anything resembling a universal standard. Hardware still kind of stands in the way of that too, though.

For now, it's not that big of a deal, though. If CDPR did their job, the game will look great without RT and all you will lose out on is another chance to see the hawt graphical newness in action. Honestly, it's not that great on the bleeding edge anyway. It's costly and unreliable. Call me a half-full type of guy. Panties so not wadded by this that I don't even own a pair.

I mean... fkn Crysis man. How many people never got to see that game in its full glory until years after it came out and the hardware to run it became widely accessible? I don't think that's necessarily prudent from a dev standpoint. If you want those critical release sales, people need to be able to run it. However, this isn't even that bad compared to a game like that. The non-RT requirements are pretty reasonable for a full scale, current-gen AAA title. RT is not a hard requirement for making anything look good, unless your lighting/post-processing work is terrible.

There's no sense getting upset about it just yet. To me, this is more about hardware than propriety or hegemony. It would be a different story if both companies had even footing on the hardware and stuff like this was happening. I'd be clamoring for a standard. But honestly, I don't see how a standard is even viable right now.
Posted on Reply
I'm guessing they disabled DXR support for 6800 series because they haven't had enough time to test them. Maybe it will be enabled later by a patch.
Posted on Reply
robot zombie
FlankerI'm guessing they disabled DXR support for 6800 series because they haven't had enough time to test them. Maybe it will be enabled later by a patch.
Most likely the case, given the amount of general delays. They may even have hoped to have that by release day... could've been part of the reason for the delay, even. Tough to say. But it seems like support on the Nvidia side is better. It's probably faster to get their stuff going. Wish it wasn't so, but it's no surprise at this point. I'm sure that much will come around, though. At this point I think most people will just be happy to be able to play the damned game at all...

...who am I kidding though, this is the gaming community we're talking about :laugh:
Posted on Reply
Looks like im looking at High+ settings on my current rig.
Posted on Reply
Come for the RTX, stay for the DLSS.
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
No delay for this one I am guessing ?
robot zombieI'm one of those assholes who will tell you RT is amazing and has huge potential... and RTX
Posted on Reply
robot zombie
Vya DomusDXR*
When it's actually being used and there is a wide pool of hardware ready to handle it. Very much for that, FWIW. Backwards as it may be, it doesn't seem to be the most straightforward option right now. Not for developers, anyway. "In due time." I can understand why devs seem to prioritize RTX at the moment. It's a better deal for them, and it is easier to pull off. Even if it's really just extra stuff on top. Only things changing that are AMD cards that open up DXR accessibility and make it worth pursuing for devs. Pull it from Nvidia's claws. I think it's a given that it will happen. The question is when. Maybe a gen or two down the road we'll be talking a lot more about DXR in general.
Posted on Reply
ZeppMan217Were you checking for PhysX support when buying games? How about TressFX? This RT crap is no different.
This exactly. Its hardly even as cool as PhysX was.

Who cares, this is Hairworks v2, totally forgettable add-on effects that kill perf. This is the way of RT, get used to it, it'll last for years.
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
robot zombieWhen it's actually being used and there is a wide pool of hardware ready to handle it. Very much for that, FWIW. Backwards as it may be, it doesn't seem to be the most straightforward option right now. Not for developers, anyway. "In due time." I can understand why devs seem to prioritize RTX at the moment. It's a better deal for them, and it is easier to pull off. Even if it's really just extra stuff on top. Only things changing that are AMD cards that open up DXR accessibility and make it worth pursuing for devs. Pull it from Nvidia's claws. I think it's a given that it will happen. The question is when. Maybe a gen or two down the road we'll be talking a lot more about DXR in general.
You don't get it, all games on Windows use DXR, RTX doesn't exist as a software implementation. Nvidia did well to make everyone think RT is their invention on Windows.

That being said all games should run on any hardware that supports DXR, AMD or Nvidia. If it works well on Nvidia and it doesn't on AMD, well ... you can use your imagination on why that might be the case.
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusNo delay for this one I am guessing ?
Considering the 3 delays already, and that footage has leaked online and retailers have been shipped the game and promotional stands, I'm pretty certain a delay at this point is impossible
Posted on Reply
turbogearI wonder if they will enable Raytracing on the new consoles from launch which also uses AMD hardware. :rolleyes:
On the other hand it is good that they take their time to optimize it for 6800 series rather than enabling it without optimization which could cripple the cards.

Like the Witcher 3, I think CD Project RED is getting support from Nvidia to integrate their technologies so maybe they did not had the time before to work on optimising for 6800.

As we know that this game has been delay number of times because they were not finished and now they needed to concentrate on some features and leave others for after launch. Maybe they don't want to delay the game again. :laugh:

I enjoy playing their games.
I played all of their Witcher games but usual not from the launch date but few months later.
Maybe this time I will buy Cyberpunk near Christmas to play it in holidays. :rolleyes:
we not hearing anything about console yet but console usually using tricks here and there to improve performance. if i have to bet they most likely going to have RT from the get go. on Pc it could be numbers of things. remember AMD are very secretive with their new GPU so CDPR most likely not having access to 6800 to gauge their real performance when RT being enabled on those cards. in fact it could be AMD themselves that requesting for RT not to be enabled on their card if that will end up making them look bad against competitor. also it seems cyberpunk will going to used mixed of RT effect in the game. this is just my speculation but this probably one of the problem with AMD RT implementation. just look all RT tittles that being sponsored by AMD. all of them mostly focusing on shadow or AO only. remember when the leak about 6800 performance in real RT games? it is also showing shadow of tomb raider that mostly only implementing shadow based RT.
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
kayjay010101Considering the 3 delays already, and that footage has leaked online and retailers have been shipped the game and promotional stands, I'm pretty certain a delay at this point is impossible
I was being ironic, of course they wouldn't delay the game to add support for AMD hardware when it's an Nvidia sponsored game with their brand plastered all over it.

They do seem to be perfectly capable of delaying the game for every other reason it seems though.
Posted on Reply
Vya DomusYou don't get it, all games on Windows use DXR, RTX doesn't exist as a software implementation. Nvidia did well to make everyone think RT is their invention on Windows.

That being said all games should run on any hardware that supports DXR, AMD or Nvidia. If it works well on Nvidia and it doesn't on AMD, well ... you can use your imagination on why that might be the case.
Because AMD is late as usual. I think that's clear by now and let's stop trying to sell it as anything else. They invest much less and it shows.

The fact is Nvidia had free reign selling RTX as they did, what company wouldn't want to use such a USP?
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
you need Zen 3 for lower res thn 4K but need at 4k at least Xen2, maybe it's just because i am tired (4am)

Never mind just tired and reading it wrong GN.
Posted on Reply
AsRockyou need Zen 3 for lower res thn 4K but need at 4k at least Xen2, maybe it's just because i am tired (4am)

Never mind just tired and reading it wrong GN.
They don't mention Zen 3 at all in specs. It tops out at 3600.
Posted on Reply
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