Tuesday, December 8th 2020

Cyberpunk 2077 Game and Performance Review Roundup—The Antidote to 2020?

The most anticipated (read: hyped) PC game for several years now—Cyberpunk 2077—from CD Projekt Red, is almost here, and several gaming publications posted reviews of the game, as well as the way it handles on the PC. Cyberpunk 2077 is an open-world action-adventure RPG set in the near-future, with a non-linear adventure plot-line joined by dozens upon dozens of main- and side missions—not unlike GTA or RDR. What sets Cyberpunk's premise apart has to be its beautiful world that seems sufficiently futuristic to seem "plausible," and doesn't get carried away by futuristic tropes set by sci-fi franchises like "Star Trek." There's also plenty of social commentary from the creators through the game, which points to where we are likely headed.

As of this writing, review aggregator Metacritic rates Cyberpunk 2077 at 91, based on 44 critic reviews; while OpenCritic bases its bases its Top Critic Average at 91. The single player campaign consists of a main quest with innumerable optional quests. Night City and thereabouts, the fictional post-apocalyptic megapolis the game is based on, is a sprawling techno-concrete jungle with plenty to explore and unravel. Your skill-tree and abilities are based on cybernetic body implants and weapon mods. Critics highly praise the gameplay, the main quest, and the production value of the game—what you're paying for. At the same time, technical reviews point to the game still being extremely heavy on even the latest "Ampere" and "Big Navi" graphics cards, and despite CDPR taking its own sweet time releasing the game; it's still riddled with bugs and glitches that the studio will spend weeks—if not months—fixing.
Gameplay Reviews
Cyberpunk 2077 is easily the year's most engaging game if you go by top critics; although it seems to fall short of being a "magnum opus."

Tom Marks from IGN writes "Cyberpunk 2077 kicks you into its beautiful and dazzlingly dense cityscape with few restrictions. It offers a staggering amount of choice in how to build your character, approach quests, and confront enemies, and your decisions can have a tangible and natural-feeling impact on both the world around you and the stories of the people who inhabit it. Those stories can be emotional, funny, dark, exciting, and sometimes all of those things at once. The main quest may be shorter than expected when taken on its own and it's not always clear what you need to do to make meaningful changes to its finale, but the multitude of side quests available almost from the start can have a surprisingly powerful effect on the options you have when you get there. It's a shame that frustratingly frequent bugs can occasionally kill an otherwise well-set mood, but Cyberpunk 2077's impressively flexible design makes it a truly remarkable RPG."

Right off the bat we see ominous signs that the game is riddled with bugs at launch.

Richard Scott-Jones from PCGamesN writes: "Groundbreaking, but not quite as much as you're hoping it is. Cyberpunk 2077 doesn't surpass its brilliant influences, but in Night City, Johnny Silverhand, and its chilling vision of hyper-capitalism, it claims territory of its own."

Cyberpunk 2077 evokes a 1980s retro-futurist core-aesthetic. Think about the Detroit city depicted in the original RoboCop. Throughout the '80s futurists imagined crime-infested cities run by mega-corporations where democracy is an illusion at best and a delusion at worst, and corporations settle their differences through street gangs as their proxies.

Despite its technical flaws, Cyberpunk 2077 lives up to its expectations of being a remarkable RPG which you'll be playing for long after you've finished the main quest, says Spanish reviewer Víctor Rodríguez of Areajugones "Cyberpunk 2077 gives the player the ultimate freedom to play. A video game that takes the best of modern RPG, first-person shooter, stealth and open world games and masterfully blends it into a single product. If Skyrim and GTA V represented a turning point for their genres at the beginning of the 2010s, Cyberpunk 2077 is called upon to do the same in 2020, despite its technical flaws."

Daniel Van Boom of CNET writes: "Plenty of gamers will find Cyberpunk too much. It has a slow start -- you'll play for about four hours before even seeing the "Cyberpunk 2077" title screen -- and sometimes the main story moves at too slow a pace. Additionally, the roleplaying elements allow for varied combat, but some may find them needlessly complex, or simply overwhelming. A lot of people don't want to spend 50 hours playing one game, much less 200 hours to 100% it, and would rather a more linear, streamlined experience. Even with its shorter main quest, Cyberpunk is unlikely to sustain this type of player from start to end." Van Boom remarks that that Cyberpunk 2077 isn't meant for people looking to run through its quest, but rather people looking for the ultimate escape. "Anyone who's followed the game knows what they're in for. Players keen for a world to get lost in, a game to sink untold hours into, will be satiated by Cyberpunk 2077," he adds.

"Separated from its marketing, hype, and expectations, so far Cyberpunk 2077 just feels like a huge, scope-ambitious video game, with tons of attention paid to its lore and scenery and lots of dramatic things to do. It's not the best game I've ever played, as so many fans seem to hope it will be." writes Riley MacLeod from Kotaku. "Despite the controversy that's swirled around it and its own missteps, it hasn't yet inspired me to immediately consign it to the trash heap of retrograde video game shit. In many ways, it feels like it's about itself—its genre and source materials, the work that went into it, the flexibility it wants to give the player—from its character creator to its in-the-moment play. Saying "it's just a video game" doesn't quite explain what I find compelling about it, nor what I find complicated. But after all the hype, and despite a certain disappointment of my own hopes, I'm also relieved to find that it's just a video game," he adds.

Cyberpunk 2077 more than manages to be a game where you blink and hours go by IRL, notes James Billcliffe from VG247. "In the midst of such intense anticipation and scrutiny, it's easy to get carried away with what Cyberpunk 2077 could have been. The final experience might be more familiar than many predicted, with plenty of elements that aren't perfect, but it's dripping with detail and engaging stories. With so much to see and do, Cyberpunk 2077 is the kind of RPG where you blink and hours go by, which is just what we need to finish off 2020."

So, should you play Cyberpunk 2077 on the merits of its artistic content and gameplay? Considering that it's being sold at the same price as your annual Call of Duty fix; absolutely! But can you? To answer this question, Tom's Hardware did a technical review of the game, focused purely on how it plays on various current-generation graphics cards, and how certain settings such as real-time raytracing and DLSS affect performance.

Technical Aspects and Performance
According to Jarred Walton from Tom's Hardware, who tested a wide selection of graphics cards, resolutions, and combinations of game-settings; a GeForce RTX 2060 or Radeon RX 5600 XT should set you up for comfortable 60 FPS gameplay at Full HD (1080p) with Medium settings. 4K UHD with Medium settings takes at least an RTX 3080, even the RX 6800 XT is bogged down, and averages 55 FPS—and we're not even running the highest settings or raytracing!
4K UHD with Ultra settings is devastating on most graphics cards, with the game being barely playable at 33 FPS with an RX 6800 XT, barely above 40 FPS with the RTX 3080, and no more than 46 FPS with an RTX 3090. The various DLSS presets come to the rescue of NVIDIA GPUs, adding 40-60 percent performance; however, AMD users won't have any such luck, with FidelityFX Super Sampling still being a unicorn.
Another interesting observation by Walton has to be their CPU testing. An RTX 3090 paired with a 3-year old i7-7700K barely loses 1-2% performance compared to a Core i9-9900K, which has double the muscle. Both chips have an identical IPC as their individual cores are derived from the same "Skylake" microarchitecture; however you're barely gaining 1-2% going from 4-core/8-thread to 8-core/16-thread. This should mean that with Cyberpunk 2077, IPC is king, and if you're building a PC specifically for this game, you should allocate more of your budget on the graphics card, than the CPU.

Update 08:25 UTC: As one of our readers correctly pointed out, the performance preview was tested on graphics cards without day-one performance-optimization drivers; and you should wait for technical reviews with these launch drivers. The preview version also uses Denuvo DRM, which probably impacts performance, the release version won't come with Denuvo.

All in all, Cyberpunk 2077 seems like a game that you should definitely check out, considering it costs the same as your yearly Call of Duty fix.
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105 Comments on Cyberpunk 2077 Game and Performance Review Roundup—The Antidote to 2020?

W1zzardAre we talking about the same internet people? :roll:

We'll know more tomorrow
That's the core of the issue of the internet today. You are considered just as 'credible' as a random n00b who just managed to find his underpants and then stumbled upon a random blurb somewhere, by the vast majority of the audience who has no handle whatsoever on fact/source checking. Stupidity and mindless following dominates reality.

The result is outrage over every other fart. I fall prey to it too... trying not to anymore.
lexluthermiesterI think it'll be fine. Might have a few undiscovered glitches but I'll bet all the bugs are gone.
I bet the game still has bugs and will receive a mountain of patches post release, and (free) dlc with another host of fixes.

TW3 was not smooth on release either.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86TW3 was not smooth on release either.
I played TW3 about a year after launch and it still needed me to roll back my save twice just to continue the main story missions because of bugs.

I'm not expecting CP to be as buggy as, say, Bethesda's Skyrim - but it's still a huge game where it's impossible for playtesters to have encountered every possible bug.
Posted on Reply
kayjay0101014K High with DLSS perf mode
Means: "dear computer, please run this at 1080p resolution, upscale it to 4k and use TAA based anti-aliasing"
Posted on Reply
watching CohhCarnage playthrough because reviews are not my teacup ... i prefer watching someone who enjoy the game than reading a resume of someone else opinion :laugh:

well so far looks errrr... did not expect to say that but, it look's "meh" just a generic open world RPG with graphics looking like Deus Ex (HR/MD ) with some more emphasis on RTX (doesn't seems much tho ... for now ... )
let say the story and the game itself will probably "wow" me more than the graphics ... i hope ...

no mistake i love CDPR games but CP2077 is not the revolution in gaming they projected it would be, nothing new aside the franchise.
will probably buy it once it hit the bargain bin.
Posted on Reply
the54thvoidI saw a cool CDPR vid which explained how they put bugs into the game (admittedly, TW3) to ensure the player doesn't confuse it with real life. :roll:I'm sure they've simply done the same for Cyberpunk 2077.

Isnt that just an April fools video?
Posted on Reply
Super Intoxicated Moderator
AbsolutionIsnt that just an April fools video?
It's clearly a joke. Yes.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86I bet the game still has bugs and will receive a mountain of patches post release, and (free) dlc with another host of fixes.
I wouldn't put money on that.
Vayra86TW3 was not smooth on release either.
It wasn't perfect, no, but the game was playable and the few problems that it had were hardly game-breaking.

Needless to say, Cyberpunk2077 will be anything but a Fallout4/Fallout76/Battlefield type of situation. It will be solid. I've already bet money on it.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
lexluthermiesterNeedless to say, Cyberpunk2077 will be anything but a Fallout4/Fallout76/Battlefield type of situation. It will be solid. I've already bet money on it.
Someone is confident! ;)
Posted on Reply
rtwjunkieSomeone is confident! ;)
True. I trust that CDPR will deliver the goods. In my book, trust(much like respect) is earned not bestowed. CDPR has earned my trust & respect many times over. I rarely prepay for games and can count on one hand how many times I've done so in the past 30 years, Cyberpunk2077 included. The first was The Legend Of Zelda : Ocarina Of Time. Next was the GameCube, Nintendo Wii and C&C3 : Tiberium Wars.
Posted on Reply
Turning on the game’s extensive ray tracing effects hammers it even harder. Most games aside from Control support only a single ray tracing effect, but Cyberpunk crams in ray-traced shadows, ray-traced reflections, ray-traced ambient occlusion, ray-traced diffuse illumination, and ray-traced global illumination. Phew. When you use the game’s “RT Ultra” preset in my prerelease build, the RTX 3090 still hovers around or just below 60 fps, even with DLS S 2.0’s frame-boosting Performance mode active, and plummets all the way to 30 fps to 40 fps while staring directly into a mirror.
It’s also been refreshingly bug-free so far. The only issue I’ve had with my prerelease build is that weapons from dead enemies sometimes float in the air, rather than falling to the ground like they should. It’s immersion-breaking, sure, but not game-breaking.
Posted on Reply
I just hope it doesn't play like Deus Ex. I mean, I really dug into their universe investing into the game and the book, but once I actually started playing Deus Ex Human Revolution I realized it's not my thing (I just left it at the beginning). The only stealth game I ever played and enjoyed was Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Everything else I just go balls-to-the-wall, physics breaking, guns blazing fiasco. I don't have the time or the patience to be hiding in the shadows for hours. (same reason I will never play Alien Isolation or SOMA). I really hope 2077 gives a chance you can get those enhancements and start mowing down.
Posted on Reply
Riddled with bugs holy cow.

Also seems a very far cry from the Game of the Year it was hyped to be, its Metacritic review average will slip under 90.
Posted on Reply
Shatun_BearRiddled with bugs holy cow.

Also seems a very far cry from the Game of the Year it was hyped to be, its Metacritic review average will slip under 90.
Are you having another brown-trousers moment again?
Posted on Reply
lZKoceI just hope it doesn't play like Deus Ex. I mean, I really dug into their universe investing into the game and the book, but once I actually started playing Deus Ex Human Revolution I realized it's not my thing (I just left it at the beginning). The only stealth game I ever played and enjoyed was Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Everything else I just go balls-to-the-wall, physics breaking, guns blazing fiasco. I don't have the time or the patience to be hiding in the shadows for hours. (same reason I will never play Alien Isolation or SOMA). I really hope 2077 gives a chance you can get those enhancements and start mowing down.
You can pretty much do whatever you want.
Posted on Reply
PC Gaming Enthusiast
lexluthermiesterAre you having another brown-trousers moment again?
He’s just hearing about it, apparently and doesn’t know the circumstances.
Posted on Reply
lZKoceI just hope it doesn't play like Deus Ex. I mean, I really dug into their universe investing into the game and the book, but once I actually started playing Deus Ex Human Revolution I realized it's not my thing (I just left it at the beginning). The only stealth game I ever played and enjoyed was Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay. Everything else I just go balls-to-the-wall, physics breaking, guns blazing fiasco. I don't have the time or the patience to be hiding in the shadows for hours. (same reason I will never play Alien Isolation or SOMA). I really hope 2077 gives a chance you can get those enhancements and start mowing down.
I played Deus Ex HR and also Prey 2017 non stealthy, it was actually overpowered to not sneak around. The games didn't really punish the aggressive playstyle. I found it kind of fun to play them like shooters, after all the point of these games was to play however you want. The Hitman games can be played similarly. Nothing says you have to be sneaky. On the other hand, Skyrim is much easier as a stealthy character.

A proper stealth game was Thief: Dark Project, or maybe the older Rainbow Six games.
Posted on Reply
There is Always Moar
been playing a couple hours no no issues
performance is great with the odd fps dip on cut scenes with DLSS on auto and details set to med-high I am pulling a good 60-75fps
nogame breaking bugs no random crashes nothing typical cdproject quality

yall are idiots 4 hours in still no issues
Posted on Reply
TomTomTomThe Witcher 2 & 3 were also big hardware hogs in the first 2 years since their release and were always used as benchmarks on various sites, CP2077 is no exception.
waiting for the in-depth performance analysis!
They were also filled with bugs (at least TW3 was), just like almost every game on launch day. I'm sure a few patches will solve every issue, maybe even improve performance.
Posted on Reply
They were also filled with bugs (at least TW3 was), just like almost every game on launch day. I'm sure a few patches will solve every issue, maybe even improve performance.
It just dawned on me. Fine Wine happens in the games, not the hardware o_O
Posted on Reply
I'm hoping raytracing options can be independently turned on or off.

IMO raytraced reflections are worth turning on if the performance hit isn't too terrible. As for GI, DI, and shadows - they're barely better than super-cheap raster-based methods and TBH I can only tell the difference in most games when going to a website to look at side-by-side still images.
Posted on Reply
Played for 6 hours. Runs fine for me.

I'm using mostly high settings at 4k, with DLSS in performance mode - looks pretty close to native 4K.

DLSS is making it playable on my RTX 2070 (still waiting for a 3080 FE).
Posted on Reply
I played Cyberpunk 2077 this morning.

TAKE NOTE - Ultra enables Ray tracing but leaves DLSS disabled.

If you move Ray tracing down to meduim and DLSS to performance I can get on my 2080TI to around 79fps to 100fps. at 1440p
Posted on Reply
Hawkster222I played Cyberpunk 2077 this morning.

TAKE NOTE - Ultra enables Ray tracing but leaves DLSS disabled.

If you move Ray tracing down to meduim and DLSS to performance I can get on my 2080TI to around 79fps to 100fps. at 1440p
DLSS isn't that great, turn it and AA off and enjoy the higher frame-rates. At 1440p neither are needed.
Posted on Reply
Everything as expected.

Bought W3 after one of last patches, will do same for CP2077. They will fix it, eventually..
Posted on Reply
There is Always Moar
now 10 hours in and aside from the odd case of fps drop when loading a new area no major bugs to report had a couple instances of derpy AI and the map and fast travel system could stand with some usability buffs but no major issues
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