ZOTAC's official Twitter channel has posted an image that promotes the usage of its graphics cards in mining environments. Under the caption "An army of #ZOTACGAMING GPU's hungry for coin!", the company posted an image of a cryptocurrency mining farm populated with its graphics cards. The usage of a gaming hashtag in the post just adds insult to injury, with the picture showcasing at least eight of its GeForce RTX 3070 Twin Edge graphics cards on mining duties.
Of course, for ZOTAC, its cards being re-purposed for mining isn't a make-it-or-break-it affair: the company makes money selling its products to gamers or miners alike. However, considering how global supply of the latest gaming-branded graphics cards has been constrained ever since the initial RTX 3000-series launch, it seems that this Tweet might have been a misstep on the company. It's bound to attract crosshairs towards a seemingly unjust distribution of graphics cards in the market, with several would-be users of their gaming-branded graphics cards being left out in the cold regarding the primary purpose these graphics cards are developed and marketed for: gaming. The company has in the meantime deleted the Tweet.
57 Comments on ZOTAC Promotes Cryptocurrency Mining Farm via Twitter
I mean, I have moved on from gpus for now. Theres just no point if they dont want my business. So many other things I can do. I just dont understand how a company can possibly be this oblivious. Not hard to figure out what people are gonna think.
I really wish the governments of the world would heavily regulate and tax the crap out of cryptocoin... The GPU shortages would end swiftly!
zotac is last on my list. so no worries you don't need to be sensored, Zotac sucks and always has.
ZOTACSadly, there will be no boycott. Gamers need GPU's and if they don't buy them miners will still......... so not much of a backlash for them here :(
However I'm not sure civilization is ready for Nutella-free World. :D Remember fights in shops in France I think it was like 5-6 years ago over Nutella - there was a rumor that Nutella was shutting down. Yeah...
Nobody doing fistfights over zotac plonkers.
Butt-ugly white cards lol
Who MADE Zotac even a thing to start with, was it miner's pre f#£@#& bitcoin, No.
At least one of the people who helped to make Zotac a thing, me , passed Zotac at least 30 sale's.
Passed tense, they don't exist to me now.
Wonder if the white cards will turn yellow soon with the mining heat that is zotac color isn't it :cool:
Never buying from them again. Only bought them because I needed a mini GPU that would fit in my crappy HP prebuilt case - got a new case, no longer limited by that.
It doesn't seem like you can get a GPU to play anymore, it has become an excessively rich hobby because it's become a money machine for an obnoxious minority, now you either join them or you can forget about building a computer for this year at least.