Thursday, May 13th 2021

Apple Could Be Working on Switch-Like Gaming Console
Nintendo Switch is one of the most successful gaming console launches in the past few years. It has seen massive consumer adoption, and Nintendo is even expanding its production. The only logical thing for other companies watching this would be to step in the game and launch their console. That is exactly was the latest rumor suggests about Apple. According to a rumor coming from the South Korean forum, Apple could be preparing a Switch-like design, just with its custom Apple ecosystem surrounding it. As the rumors suggest, the fruit company could get into the console gaming market by launching a product based on custom hardware. Rumors suggest that Apple could use a custom processor to power the console, which wouldn't be like M or A versions the company currently uses. Of course, this is just a rumor and it should be treated as such.
21 Comments on Apple Could Be Working on Switch-Like Gaming Console
Oops I forgot the fact that they only need to sell the brand, because people will buy anything Apple. ah well~
Apple's problem is that they don't make games, and the 3rd party catalogue on Mac is piss poor, too. The novelty of playing app crap on a glorified iPad would wear off quickly.
Amazon tried to get into the gaming market as well, with their own studio and numerous titles. Their foray was a complete and utter failure.
Apple once made a console, but that died faster than Phillips CDi. You need a good studio to make a good platform, single handedly rely on brand acknowledgment won't cut it.
There will be no exclusives ( just plays ios games generically, like every other Android handheld console does!) Will have the same limitations on controller compatibility that all mobile games already suffer from.
A: Could Apple sell a console at the sub $400 bracket? Doubt it.
B: Apple hasn't been noted buying any studios or even recruiting talent. We all know that the game industry is content driven now, and if they aren't buying studios, they aren't making a console.
Seriously, no thank you Apple! Keep your lacking sensibilities to your phones, tablets and the rubbish you call PC's...
they expect and want all their money to be managed internally.
Pretty normal for a trash tier company that freezes its money abroad.
They already have one with every single iPad in circulation. No other hand-held console can match that coverage and market saturation, considering millions sold every year. Apple sold nearly 60M iPads just in 2020, Switch is nowhere.