The Grand Theft Auto (GTA) series is one of the most popular game franchises ever created, with the latest version V (five), perhaps the most popular installment. However, GTA V was released back in September of 2013, and it is almost a nine-year-old game at this point. Without any regard to its Online part, fans of GTA need new content to keep them satisfied. For a while, we have been collecting rumors about the existence of GTA 6, a successor to the famous GTA V edition. Today, we got the information "straight from the horse's mouth," the game developer Rockstar Games, that the release of GTA 6 is "well underway."
Rockstar GamesWith the unprecedented longevity of GTAV, we know many of you have been asking us about a new entry in the Grand Theft Auto series. With every new project we embark on, our goal is always to significantly move beyond what we have previously delivered — and we are pleased to confirm that active development for the next entry in the Grand Theft Auto series is well underway. We look forward to sharing more as soon as we are ready, so please stay tuned to the Rockstar Newswire for official details.
There is no specific date mentioned here. However, we have confirmation that the fans of the GTA series will get their highly-anticipated sequel sometime in the future.
77 Comments on GTA 6 is "Well Underway", Confirms Developer Rockstar Games
Endwalker indeed. hehehe
They still haven't released a GTAV port for smart fridges yet, but now they're moving on?
Will I have to solve 20 captchas before I can even log in to my account only to have it fail because their servers are down?
Also wonder how horribly they'll monetize the online mode.
Odd to think V came out in 2013, so long ago.
maybe by the time this is out there will be affordable video card.
Lets see I have GTA5 on Steam, disk on PS3... disk copy and digital on Xbox... I don't play it that much.
As for GTA 6 not really that interested other than the possible story, gta 5 online is a total mess in my eye's. Without question they will want it to be as hostile as possible. They try with RDR but most don't bother with the BS attempts.
Some of the trolling I have witnessed was capable of getting a innocent person banned,IF they actually acted on anything that is, I have been Pnwed big P in that game , luckily I don't Have to play it though eh.
GTA 6Shark Card Dispensary 2 is "Well Underway", Confirms Developer Rockstar Games.Fixed it
I want to figure things out myself.
Modern gaming is fuked.
Also don't forget that they usually release for consoles first and don't need nvidia's bribes.
Unless GTA 6 is GTA 3 part 2 with claude or vice city part 2 with tommy, think i will pass.