Wednesday, July 20th 2022

TechPowerUp is Looking for a Content Proofreader
TechPowerUp is looking for a content proofreader with a strong command of U.S. English. This is a remote, part-time position, the job entails proofreading our written content, like reviews. The position is paid and open worldwide, expect 1-2 hours of work per day, Mon-Fri. Besides excellent language skills, it's a big plus if you understand the topics we're writing about. No need to get all the technical details, but it will help a lot if you know the difference between Mb and MB, NVMe and SATA, and can catch other similar mistakes, in addition to spelling and grammar. We're looking to fill this position by August.
Interested? Write to If you can, do tell us a bit about yourself, like age, location, time constraints, etc.
Interested? Write to If you can, do tell us a bit about yourself, like age, location, time constraints, etc.
238 Comments on TechPowerUp is Looking for a Content Proofreader
Or just depends on your(writer's) time zone :pimp:
It's not like we can just have mods go through spell-checking things as there's a procedure here, if you're quoting another source you cant edit their text however you feel sounds better especially with a global audience.
The final part is just you being an ass.
And for the last time - yes, I already understood that you don't edit those if it's part of a press release. Love you too! I was just glad that my input was appreciated :) /s
I feel like my previous post communicated it quite well, but I'm gonna say it again, just in case: While spelling mistakes and improper grammar generally annoy me, it's the lack of feedback after reporting them that made me snap. Yes, perhaps it could had been worded in a more positive manner, but I wanted to convey a fraction of my feeling of being ignored after reporting stuff.
However….do we need an assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant deputy secondary vice-co-chair fucknut no nuts proof reader? Might create a dozen or so jobs and really improve the website and world economy! :kookoo:o_O Yeah admittedly despite my final message joking about we all “typo“ there are definitely some that just shouldn’t make print, or be caught soon afterwards. Typos are everyone, we are all typos :)