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TechPowerUp is Looking for a Content Proofreader

TechPowerUp is looking for a content proofreader with a strong command of U.S. English. This is a remote, part-time position, the job entails proofreading our written content, like reviews. The position is paid and open worldwide, expect 1-2 hours of work per day, Mon-Fri. Besides excellent language skills, it's a big plus if you understand the topics we're writing about. No need to get all the technical details, but it will help a lot if you know the difference between Mb and MB, NVMe and SATA, and can catch other similar mistakes, in addition to spelling and grammar. We're looking to fill this position by August.

Interested? Write to If you can, do tell us a bit about yourself, like age, location, time constraints, etc.
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238 Comments on TechPowerUp is Looking for a Content Proofreader

Nuke Dukem
dgianstefaniI think taking a chill pill could be a good idea bro, this isn't a paid subscription based website with unlimited funds to throw at as many staff as could be ideal. Perhaps appreciate the services and general excellent quality techpowerup consistently offers over almost any other (free) technical publication on the internet.

The reader is being given an up to the minute in many cases, accurate and curated news feed
Free quality content is very much appreciated, "bro", has always been. Being ignored when trying to help out, however, is not.
dgianstefaniminor spelling mistakes are not the focus
Obvously. You already got that across.
dgianstefanialthough in an ideal world everything would be perfect.
Posted on Reply
As an aside & really not getting into the debate up there, but what spelling does the site follow these days? US or UK English?

Or just depends on your(writer's) time zone :pimp:
Posted on Reply
TPU Proofreader
R0H1TAs an aside & really not getting into the debate up there, but what spelling does the site follow these days? US or UK English?

Or just depends on your(writer's) time zone :pimp:
US english.
Posted on Reply
dgianstefaniUS english.
in other words American
Posted on Reply
TPU Proofreader
AM4isGODin other words American
English (Simplified) :D
Posted on Reply
Freshwater Moderator
Nuke DukemOkay, I'll start off by saying that I'm fully aware that everyone is in full raging boner mode with the Zen 4 and Raptor Lake leaks and annouces going on, so none of you probably care, but I'll say it anyway:

You guys -- the team that runs the site -- baffle me. On one hand you say you're looking for a proofreader, which implies that you strive to do better, that you care... But on the other you continiously demonstrate in practice that you don't really care for proper spelling or grammar.

Strike one:

Two weeks ago I pointed out two rookie mistakes in one news thread (then -> than, it's -> its) with the first one being in the title, which I found particularly egregious. Your staff member has his inbox disabled for plebs like me, so I had to tag him to get his attention. Nothing happened. No answer, no acknowlegement, no nothing...

Strike two:

One week ago. Another news article, another editor, another mistake I reported - this time it was incorrect sentence structure. Again, ever since I pointed that out, nothing has happened.

Strike three:

Yesterday I reported an improper use of an apostrophe for plurals and while this time I got a reply, it was a quite discouraging "It's a press release. We don't edit those for mistakes like that." and the apostrophe is still there. No hate towards the editor, he seems like a great guy, but the attitude of "We know it's there, but we don't and won't care..." was the last straw for me. And by the way, the first two articles weren't press releases. They were written by your staff.

Stating that you're trying to be better, but disregarding anyone who is trying to help you along the way is hypocritical, to say the least. And while I do know that people read the news while they're fresh and few would go rummaging around in the archives, having beginner mistakes until the end of time in there is just, as they say these days, bad optics.

If you're gonna do it, then do it right. Don't half-ass it while saying how you want to go all the way.
Why do you think they wanted a proof reader?

It's not like we can just have mods go through spell-checking things as there's a procedure here, if you're quoting another source you cant edit their text however you feel sounds better especially with a global audience.

The final part is just you being an ass.
Posted on Reply
Nuke Dukemin one news thread (then -> than, it's -> its)
I've pinged the author again, this shouldn't happen. You can always notify me, so I can whip my people, email, w2zzard on skype or forum pm (in that order of preference)
Posted on Reply
Nuke Dukem
Musselsif you're quoting another source you cant edit their text however you feel sounds better especially with a global audience.
There is no "sounds better" part when there are rules that dictate that the proper plural of "DSP" is "DSPs" and not "DSP's", period. Don't try to twist it, please.

And for the last time - yes, I already understood that you don't edit those if it's part of a press release.
MusselsThe final part is just you being an ass.
Love you too! I was just glad that my input was appreciated :) /s

I feel like my previous post communicated it quite well, but I'm gonna say it again, just in case: While spelling mistakes and improper grammar generally annoy me, it's the lack of feedback after reporting them that made me snap. Yes, perhaps it could had been worded in a more positive manner, but I wanted to convey a fraction of my feeling of being ignored after reporting stuff.
W1zzardI've pinged the author again, this shouldn't happen. You can always notify me, so I can whip my people, email, w2zzard on skype or forum pm (in that order of preference)
Posted on Reply
Nuke DukemThere is no "sounds better" part when there are rules that dictate that the proper plural of "DSP" is "DSPs" and not "DSP's", period. Don't try to twist it, please.

And for the last time - yes, I already understood that you don't edit those if it's part of a press release.

Love you too! I was just glad that my input was appreciated :) /s

I feel like my previous post communicated it qute well, but I'm gonna say it again, just in case: While spelling mistakes and improper grammar generally annoy me, it's the lack of feedback after reporting them that made me snap. Yes, perhaps it could had been worded in a more positive manner, but I wanted to convey a fraction of my feeling of being ignored after reporting stuff.

You misspelled quite. :p
Posted on Reply
Nuke Dukem
64KYou misspelled quite. :p
I absolutely applaud you for noticing and will correct it right away. :)
Posted on Reply
MusselsWhy do you think they wanted a proof reader?

It's not like we can just have mods go through spell-checking things as there's a procedure here, if you're quoting another source you cant edit their text however you feel sounds better especially with a global audience.

The final part is just you being an ass.
Nothing like having a Techpowerup mascot…the Jackass! Yep, definitely needed the proofreader, I lobbied to get head toilet scrubber but position was already taken!

However….do we need an assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant, to the assistant deputy secondary vice-co-chair fucknut no nuts proof reader? Might create a dozen or so jobs and really improve the website and world economy! :kookoo:o_O
W1zzardI've pinged the author again, this shouldn't happen. You can always notify me, so I can whip my people, email, w2zzard on skype or forum pm (in that order of preference)
Yeah admittedly despite my final message joking about we all “typo“ there are definitely some that just shouldn’t make print, or be caught soon afterwards.
Nuke DukemI absolutely applaud you for noticing and will correct it right away. :)
Typos are everyone, we are all typos :)
Posted on Reply
Tech, Games, and TPU!
W1zzardI've pinged the author again, this shouldn't happen. You can always notify me, so I can whip my people, email, w2zzard on skype or forum pm (in that order of preference)
I mean, having another proofreader or having THE proofreader work with the authors would work too. I've already helped one with their articles and communication works best. Iron fist ruling doesn't keep people.
Posted on Reply
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