Friday, September 23rd 2022

NVIDIA RTX 4090 Boosts Up to 2.8 GHz at Stock Playing Cyberpunk 2077, Temperatures around 55 °C
NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090 is turning out to be a cool operator, with the GPU reportedly boosting up to 2.8 GHz (2810 to 2850 MHz) at stock settings, when playing Cyberpunk 2077 at 1440p, in its "psycho" settings preset. with DLSS and Reflex disabled. At native resolution, the RTX 4090 scores 59 FPS (49 FPS at 1% lows), with a frame-time of 72 to 75 ms. With 100% GPU utilization, the card barely breaks a sweat, with GPU temperatures reported in the region of 50 to 55 °C. With DLSS 3 enabled, the game nearly doubles in frame-rate, to 119 FPS (1% lows), and an average latency of 53 ms. This is a net 2X gain in frame-rate with latency reduced by a third. The power-draw is also said to be significantly reduced. The card pulls up to 461 W when rendering at native-resolution, but this drops down to 348 W with DLSS 3 "quality," a 25% reduction.
77 Comments on NVIDIA RTX 4090 Boosts Up to 2.8 GHz at Stock Playing Cyberpunk 2077, Temperatures around 55 °C
You can have low fps with high power or high fps with low power.
Remind me of this:
What do you prefer- to be healthy and rich or poor and ill?
one socket for the cpu and one socket for the gpu and then add a custom fan yourself or watercool it.
instead of the massive heatsink block we get now and attaching onto the frail pci-e bracket needing column support holding the gpu up.
cheaper motherboards doesnt even have metal reinforced pci-e slots
Now, still pissed that:
1) will need a new PSU for this thing if I were to get it (yeah, my ITX psu doesn't have enough PCIe connections for the adapter). ATX 3.0 I guess is nice but they kind of pushed this quickly before PSU's were really available. At least here.
2) To sidestep the lack of real gain in performance, they need to use AI in order to "simulate" the frames by injecting frames between frames. DLSS 2.0 was nice that it just did upscalings. This new function isn't something good as per my opinion. I could say more regarding how this will just make more developers lazy but yeah, I think most of you get the idea.
3) Price - yes I know, you want to make your money but its hard with so many 3000 series still in the market unsold. But instead, why not drop the prices of the 3000 series and offer the 4000 series at reasonable price?
4) Does it need to be so big?
In this case it means the DLSS hardware is maxed out and cannot handle anymore from the pipeline.
With that said. I am more into the raw performance than using tricks to make the games playable. Something that needs to be addressed imo.
Or are they banking on people just OCing the heck out of it and getting a 800Watt powerdraw from the gpu alone?
also why does the power consumption drop? I would think that, regardless of settings, the gpu works as hard as it can to pump out as many frames as it can right?
If it would draw the full 460 watts, would one get higher fps then a mere 110? (and yes I say I mere because its brand new 1600 dollar card running cyberpunk....with DLSS...imo it should do 110 without any aid but thats just me).
(its probably like Djuice mentioned, a bottleneck)
otherwise, what for ?
We have a solution for you. Game on on RTX4000 series... overall system consumption over 600W as minimum. Don't fuss with that DLSS3, just leave your sweater hanging and enjoy the steaming hot air from the PC.
460W to achieve 59 fps at psycho in 1440p, with 98% load on GPU and yet somehow it stays at 50-55C?
To me this looks like from cold boot immediately into game (seeing how lowest temp is 33C). There wasn't enough time for temps to stabilize.
No hot spot shown no VRM temps shown, basically bare bones lacks a lot of detail.
Ok, let's benchmark 5 seconds after load and call it reliable data...