Tuesday, December 6th 2022

AMD Radeon RX 7900 RDNA3 GPU Launch Could Face Scarcity, China Loses Reference Card Privilege

AMD's next-generation Radeon RX 7900 high-end graphics cards are set to arrive next week and bring the new RDNA3 GPU architecture to the masses. However, it seems like the customers will have to fight for their purchase as the availability could be scarce at launch, leading to potentially increased prices with low stocks. According to Igor's Lab report, Germany will receive only 3,000 reference MBA (Made By AMD) units of Radeon RX 7900 series cards. In contrast, the rest of the EMEA region will receive only 7,000 MBA units. These numbers are lower than expected, so AIB partners may improve the supply once their designs hit shelves.

On the other hand, mainland China will not receive any MBA units of the new cards as a sign of increasing tension with Taiwan. Of course, AMD's board partners will supply their designs to China, and they are allowed to; however, it seems that only AMD is making a statement here. In addition to supply issues, the launch is rumored to be covered in BIOS issues such as memory leaks and the COVID-19 outbreak affecting production in closed factories. Of course, all of this information should be taken with a grain of salt, and we must wait for the official launch before making any further assumptions.
Source: via VideoCardz
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57 Comments on AMD Radeon RX 7900 RDNA3 GPU Launch Could Face Scarcity, China Loses Reference Card Privilege

R-T-BIt is technically fine in journalism as long as you warn the reader that it's explicitly an unfounded rumor and to reach his own conclusions. Ironically, TPU is getting flack for that here. If anything I think the warning should be more prominent.
I think "[Rumor]" at the beginning of the title would go a long way. (and for subsequent rumors.)
Posted on Reply
Paper launches as always. AMD and Nvidia both have older stocks of cards to sell, so it's not in their interest to sell newest card yet. If there isn't a new cryptocurrency powered by GPU mining like ETH we might expect the situation to get back to pre covid and ETH times at the end of next year...
Posted on Reply
Xex360Doesn't make sense, the 4090 with a much larger GPU and cooler is still available. Why wouldn't a "simpler" GPU be available?
Because Nvidia's FUD news and propaganda department says so..
Posted on Reply
EMEA (= Europe +Middle East + Africa) getting only 7,000 cards??? That's more than 2 billion population. Another day, another paper release What a joke :banghead:
Posted on Reply
RedelZaVednoEMEA (= Europe +Middle East + Africa) getting only 7,000 cards??? That's more than 2 billion population. Another day, another paper release What a joke :banghead:
Paper launch use to constitute 0 supply, did that change recently?
Posted on Reply
It's a paper launch essentially, sounds like they're rushing it out in time for Christmas when full production ramp up hasn't actually happened yet. Or not with enough time to get the cards made and out due to China issues.
Posted on Reply
GPUs are scarce at launch.

Posted on Reply
MarsM4NGamers: Ohh hell NOO! o_O Scalpers: YES baby! [busy setting up their bots]

Only 10k cards would really be low if true. Needs a quick trigger finger to get your hands on one.
I miss this show, it was pure comedy.
mb194dcIt's a paper launch essentially, sounds like they're rushing it out in time for Christmas when full production ramp up hasn't actually happened yet. Or not with enough time to get the cards made and out due to China issues.
If its two or three times that in North America, would it still be a paper launch?
Posted on Reply
Consider the small sample size and the facts surrounding AMD's new GPUs.

Even if we assume initial stock is low, that AMD's new GPUs are vastly smaller than Nvidia's and last gen AMD GPUs means that yields will be exponentially higher. Local and Online retailers would be receiving large shipments on a regular basis.

By extension, there's no reason to freak out and impulse buy one. $1,000 dollars is a lot of money and gamers should be considering how much power they actually need and how much price to performance they are getting relative to other products on the market.
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
PumperAs far as I know, you can only get the AMD reference GPUs from AMD directly in Europe and they are shipped straight from Taiwan, so this rumor makes no sense. Plus, you have to add VAT and import taxes on top of the $ price, which makes them more expensive than AIBs, so the whole thing is irrelevant anyway, and it does not say anything about AIB card shortage.
It's the typical sad rumor BS which seems to be news of today, just wasting everyone's time with BS with 0 facts as the norm.

TPU and others are just becoming the new Onion.
Posted on Reply
Sad if true, and it's hard to care if they undercut Nvidia by 200/300 bucks if you can't buy one anyway.

But these are AMD's $900+ cards, what about new cards for the masses?
Posted on Reply
FluffmeisterSad if true, and it's hard to care if they undercut Nvidia by 200/300 bucks if you can't buy one anyway.

But these are AMD's $900+ cards, what about new cards for the masses?
Both AMD and Nvidia will release them only when they've milked all the FOMO. Chances are the lower end cards will barely be any price to performance improvement just like the last 2 gens.

My suggestion is to simply cut back or upgrade less. Video cards are hardly worth the price the duopoly is asking.
Posted on Reply
I feel whats happening here is no different from what happened with the launch of RDNA2. I recall AMD kept on saying that they will have a big supply at launch at that point in time, but on the day, barely anyone can find the card. There was none found on Amazon, in brick and mortar shops, etc. Eventually I found a store that advertised the reference RX 6800 XT, but with a pre order lead time of 1 month at least.
defaultluserwell, i can certainly believe the xtx is losing money - when you trade blows with the 256-bit card at 384-bits wide with exactly the same memory chips as the 4090, you can logically surmise they are bleeding cash!

that firmware memory leak also sounds like situation: normal on a rushed AMD product launch - before rdna2, they were releasing new arch once every 3 years!
Lose money, no. It is more like they are making less money and Nvidia is charging way more than the product is really worth with the RTX 4080. There is no way businesses will release a loss making product without a way to recuperate the cost. Printer makers sells us cheap printers but earn from selling overpriced coloured water. Game consoles earn back by selling games/ collecting fees.
Posted on Reply
Minus Infinity
Oh dear god, nothing ever changes. More BS. Luckily i don't give a crap as I won't be upgrading for 6 months at least.
Posted on Reply
PumperAs far as I know, you can only get the AMD reference GPUs from AMD directly in Europe and they are shipped straight from Taiwan, so this rumor makes no sense. Plus, you have to add VAT and import taxes on top of the $ price, which makes them more expensive than AIBs, so the whole thing is irrelevant anyway, and it does not say anything about AIB card shortage.
In fact, Taiwanese merchants are very willing to sell things to the mainland. The shipping fee is only US$5 through SF Express, and it is also tax-free.
Posted on Reply
fancuckerTeething issues with the MCD/Chiplet design, efficiency claims called into question (sometimes wrongfully albeit), failure to capture the rasterization crown (the major saving grace of RDNA), raw RT performance beneath that of the 3090 Ti, and now production issues. An awful GPU cycle this round. I hope they can make a far better showing next time round (not the purported RDNA refresh). I admit that despite being team green I have an affectionate place for the 290X and 5870 in my heart.
Or they just putting priority on other chips right now. Woud'nt suprise me if Epyc has #1 priority.
Posted on Reply
XaledBecause Nvidia's FUD news and propaganda department says so..
Not really because they are available to purchase since launch. Or maybe no one is buying them, which makes sense given that they are the worst cards value wise launched by nVidia in the recent years, even the Titans had better value.
We will see what happen in North America, It's not usual for the rest of the world to receive cards a bit later.

And we will have to see what are the restocking. It will probably hard to get one for Holidays. Well that depend if they really sell that well, after all, they aren't Nvidia cards. Outside the portion of the tech communities that is willing to buy AMD, most people are just buying straight away Nvidia card as they know the name.
Posted on Reply
I thought Made by AMD / reference cards always just a short run.
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TPU addict
R-T-BI mean I've called WCCFtech out for a lot of low quality reporting, but being "far-left" is a new one on me.

Guarding from tech espionage is a seperate issue from making and selling a gpu.

It is technically fine in journalism as long as you warn the reader that it's explicitly an unfounded rumor and to reach his own conclusions. Ironically, TPU is getting flack for that here. If anything I think the warning should be more prominent.
Not really news if your just talking out of your azz.
Posted on Reply
You do realize The Onion is a satire site, correct? As in they don't even try to pretend they are real?

I wouldn't even compare WCCF to that, because they don't even have that level of integrity.
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MxPhenom 216
ASIC Engineer
Guwapo77Paper launch use to constitute 0 supply, did that change recently?
It didn't, people on forums are just NPCs now. They can't get a card, so its a paper launch.
Posted on Reply
So, when is this so called 'launch'? The 13th of december, but which time in Europe? And only through the website from AMD?
No one can answer these simple questions it seems...
Posted on Reply
HWSHHZSo, when is this so called 'launch'? The 13th of december, but which time in Europe? And only through the website from AMD?
No one can answer these simple questions it seems...
Wait till the 13th and we'll see if its nearly as bad as they say.
Posted on Reply
Guwapo77Wait till the 13th and we'll see if its nearly as bad as they say.
Sure, but I still don't know through which website I hope I can buy one of these cards? And at what time (NL)? Why can't I find this info anywhere?
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