Friday, January 27th 2023

Give Your Nintendo Switch New Life with nOS New Operating System

A new operating system for Nintendo Switch? Yes, please! Download nOS new Operating System today and join the revolution! Explore the various options nOS has to offer, including some not yet seen on this console, from writing texts to your day planning. Have fun, customize the platform, and make it your very own.

nOS new Operating System will allow you to transform your favorite console into an amazing, and surprisingly small personal computer. Enjoy every awesome feature of the nOS. Draw, write, calculate, organize your day, and play around at your convenience. Brighten up your day and customize the nOS to suit your every need. Find your favorite setup and create the fantastic user experience you deserve.
Get the game from Nintendo eShop (, with a crazy launch discount of 1.99 USD/EUR. Make it quick, though, as this special offer lasts only until February 16th for the US and February 26th for Europe. Once over, the price will return to the regular 39.99 USD/EUR.

nOS New Operating System - Main Features
  • Elegant customization options.
  • Reliable tools (Notepad, Sketchbook, Day Planner).
  • Brilliant design.
  • A charming puzzle game.
Source: Redder Games
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34 Comments on Give Your Nintendo Switch New Life with nOS New Operating System

Now here's a company that has managed to reinvent itself, its amazing how they stay current with ancient soft- and hardware approaches.
Posted on Reply
No hardware management, no neckbeards with quasi-anarchist zeal, no religious awakenings and CIA harassment. How is this an "operating system," exactly?
Posted on Reply
ShihabNo hardware management, no neckbeards with quasi-anarchist zeal, no religious awakenings and CIA harassment. How is this an "operating system," exactly?
It operates!
Posted on Reply
Is this a joke. They have grown ass men and women using this in their video while the UI screams 7 years old.

But remember everyone, always feed your pet first, then drink coffee!
Posted on Reply
This is just a app. Nothing OS about it.
Posted on Reply

Surely they can find something, anything, moar betta to spend their time & money on :)
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Now here's a company that has managed to reinvent itself, its amazing how they stay current with ancient soft- and hardware approaches.
Nintendo has always viewed everything as a whole thing. They don't need to be cutting edge and they have no intention of doing so. Also unlike MS and Sony they make a profit on their hardware. They see where they want to be what will work for it, what is functional for the item they want to make and then make money off it. Then execute on their exclusives and keep them exclusive.
Posted on Reply
To me it looks like MS Windows 12 UI prototype.
Posted on Reply
This is Nintendo's equivalent of Microsoft BOB.

:) :p :D

At two dollars, it is properly priced. For what it's worth, that's about $58 cheaper than the typical Switch game title.
Posted on Reply
nOS New Operating System - Main Features
  • Elegant customization options.
  • Reliable tools (Notepad, Sketchbook, Day Planner).
  • Brilliant design.
  • A charming puzzle game.
This is borderline satirical :laugh:

Key nOS Operational Functionalities -
1. It's real cool
2. no really guys you should try it
3. an screen
4. full color and it shouldn't break probably <3
Posted on Reply
AirisomIs this a joke. They have grown ass men and women using this in their video while the UI screams 7 years old.

But remember everyone, always feed your pet first, then drink coffee!
To be fair, if you search "rage quit" on Youtube, you'll be treated to a plethora of compilation videos of these same grown ass men (very few women) throwing literal tantrums (like the ones you see 3 year olds doing in the store when mommy or daddy doesn't get them what they want) over getting killed in a video game, wherein they pound on their desk like it's a fucking bongo drum, scream at their monitors, punch shit, literally snap their poor keyboards in half or rip the cords from their mouse -- and if you're lucky, you'll get to watch one of these roid monkeys do ALL of these things! :eek: :D

I simply relish these videos :D
Posted on Reply
Gmr_ChickTo be fair, if you search "rage quit" on Youtube, you'll be treated to a plethora of compilation videos of these same grown ass men (very few women) throwing literal tantrums (like the ones you see 3 year olds doing in the store when mommy or daddy doesn't get them what they want) over getting killed in a video game, wherein they pound on their desk like it's a fucking bongo drum, scream at their monitors, punch shit, literally snap their poor keyboards in half or rip the cords from their mouse -- and if you're lucky, you'll get to watch one of these roid monkeys do ALL of these things! :eek: :D

I simply relish these videos :D
Also let's not forget a huge amount of "grown ass gamers" are either massive neckbeards or at times sleep with female anime pillows. Always love it when you see the wall behind some grown ass man who's streaming his PC games and it's teenage lolita anime posters with upskirt shots and a massive collection of funko pops.
Posted on Reply
SOAREVERSORAlso let's not forget a huge amount of "grown ass gamers" are either massive neckbeards or at times sleep with female anime pillows. Always love it when you see the wall behind some grown ass man who's streaming his PC games and it's teenage lolita anime posters with upskirt shots and a massive collection of funko pops.
Yes I wonder about people that use anime avatars to thinking those are the same people :fear:
Posted on Reply
Yes I wonder about people that use anime avatars to thinking those are the same people :fear:
Let's not get in their personal business. That's between them and their waifu
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
SOAREVERSORAlso let's not forget a huge amount of "grown ass gamers" are either massive neckbeards or at times sleep with female anime pillows. Always love it when you see the wall behind some grown ass man who's streaming his PC games and it's teenage lolita anime posters with upskirt shots and a massive collection of funko pops.
Most Based, I wish I had anime body pillows, but last time I ripped it in half during my sleep. I'll pass on the funkos (they are Western くそ) but I'll definitely take some Nendoroids :)

Surely they can find something, anything, moar betta to spend their time & money on :)
Seems like this is something intended to introduce children to essential computing principles, with the planner, calendar, calculator, drawing pad, note pad, etc. - at least it's more intuitive than the educational stuff we used back in the 1990's.
Posted on Reply
Dr. DroI'll pass on the funkos (they are Western くそ)
Posted on Reply
Dr. DroMost Based, I wish I had anime body pillows, but last time I ripped it in half during my sleep.
@Gmr_Chick we have found him, her, it, they @ThrashZone and here you go, @Airisom get in here we found us one.
Posted on Reply
SOAREVERSORAlso let's not forget a huge amount of "grown ass gamers" are either massive neckbeards or at times sleep with female anime pillows. Always love it when you see the wall behind some grown ass man who's streaming his PC games and it's teenage lolita anime posters with upskirt shots and a massive collection of funko pops.
I'm a grown ass woman who sleeps with plushies (mostly my Sneki Snek Razer plushie -- it's so damn snuggily!) but anime....yeah, I was into some of it when I was in my early teens, but then it started getting weird and/or stupid and I kinda grew out of it and haven't looked back since (DBZ and Gundam Wing will forever be in my heart though).
Dr. DroI'll pass on the funkos (they are Western くそ) but I'll definitely take some Nendoroids :)
Are those related to hemorrhoids? :roll:

At ease, I'm joking. I know what Nendoroids are. But I do love the little Funko POPs I have.
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
Gmr_ChickI'm a grown ass woman who sleeps with plushies (mostly my Sneki Snek Razer plushie -- it's so damn snuggily!) but anime....yeah, I was into some of it when I was in my early teens, but then it started getting weird and/or stupid and I kinda grew out of it and haven't looked back since (DBZ and Gundam Wing will forever be in my heart though).

Are those related to hemorrhoids? :roll:

At ease, I'm joking. I know what Nendoroids are. But I do love the little Funko POPs I have.
Hahaha, don't worry about it. The whole idea was always to voice some dissent against putting other people down for what they like. That includes the Funkos I called Western crap (sorry Scrizz!), just looked like people were poking at weebs, no bullying, pls! :laugh:
Posted on Reply
SOAREVERSOR@Gmr_Chick we have found him, her, it, they @ThrashZone and here you go, @Airisom get in here we found us one.
No way, I leave that one be and knew why even though "they" play it down that pillow and a whole lot more "collectables" exist :laugh:
Posted on Reply
Looks like GNOME but that's mostly because of the MacOS'ish top bar and the gargantuan icons. I doubt it's an OS though, seems more like a PDA app pretending to be an OS.
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
Why is it anyone's business if someone else enjoys anime, collectibles or video games? I don't understand it. You guys... are adults yes? Should know better than shame and bully others for their hobby.

Guess not even the self depreciating humor could steer this conversation the other way... Unsubbing from this one, apologies for my part in the little mess.
Posted on Reply
Dr. DroWhy is it anyone's business if someone else enjoys anime, collectibles or video games? I don't understand it. You guys... are adults yes? Should know better than shame and bully others for their hobby.

Guess not even the self depreciating humor could steer this conversation the other way... Unsubbing from this one, apologies for my part in the little mess.
It's not really. Nor is being a weeb always a bad thing. I'd wager most people here own a couple figures or whatever as well. It is funny though to claim than Nintendo's cartoonish interface on a gaming device won't work because "grown ass men and women own a switch" when there is a multitude of evidence that gamers aren't grown ass anything regardless of their age. If you look through all the colletors editions, funko pops, anime fetishes, figures, posters, RGB techno lighting, plushies, anime fuck pillows, cosplays, rage quit videos on youtube, streamers acting like five year olds but drawn the line at "this stupid switch OS isn't for the grown ass adults that play games", well, that horse left the barn long ago.
Posted on Reply
SOAREVERSORIt's not really. Nor is being a weeb always a bad thing. I'd wager most people here own a couple figures or whatever as well. It is funny though to claim than Nintendo's cartoonish interface on a gaming device won't work because "grown ass men and women own a switch" when there is a multitude of evidence that gamers aren't grown ass anything regardless of their age. If you look through all the colletors editions, funko pops, anime fetishes, figures, posters, RGB techno lighting, plushies, anime fuck pillows, cosplays, rage quit videos on youtube, streamers acting like five year olds but drawn the line at "this stupid switch OS isn't for the grown ass adults that play games", well, that horse left the barn long ago.
At the end of the day, all of these things you mentioned (with the exception of gamer rage quit vids on Youtube; I laugh my ass off watching them, but deep down I know these dudes have very apparent anger issues and should probably get some help for it before it becomes a threat to a loved ones safety) are hobbies that people around the world enjoy - including many of us here, no doubt. And there's no age limit to stuff like this as well - I'm what I consider a "grown ass" woman in her 30's, but I LOVE toys like POPs and collectible figures, plushies, etc. My dad was the same way, and he was in his early 70's! I'd rather be this way than some dried up prude, serious all the time.

On the subject of Nintendo, they've always had this stupid label of being "for children" which has always rubbed me the wrong way, because the people that parrot this garbage clearly don't know that if it weren't for Nintendo coming along in the mid 80's, with Atari on its death bed (the real one, not the husk we have now) gaming as we know it would have probably faded into obscurity. And all these "hardcore" gamers can talk badly about Nintendo, but the fact of the matter is they are the only gaming company still innovating and making interesting and, most importantly, FUN games that anybody can enjoy, which I think is becoming a rare thing to find in gaming nowdays - seems like every game now has the be 24/7 competition, "git gud EZ" online multiplayer shit that, for me at least, quickly gets to be mentally exhausting and unfun (I'm so glad The Sims series hasn't gone multiplayer...yet. God I hope it doesn't, for the very reasons I mentioned).
Posted on Reply
Gmr_ChickAt the end of the day, all of these things you mentioned (with the exception of gamer rage quit vids on Youtube; I laugh my ass off watching them, but deep down I know these dudes have very apparent anger issues and should probably get some help for it before it becomes a threat to a loved ones safety) are hobbies that people around the world enjoy - including many of us here, no doubt. And there's no age limit to stuff like this as well - I'm what I consider a "grown ass" woman in her 30's, but I LOVE toys like POPs and collectible figures, plushies, etc. My dad was the same way, and he was in his early 70's! I'd rather be this way than some dried up prude, serious all the time.

On the subject of Nintendo, they've always had this stupid label of being "for children" which has always rubbed me the wrong way, because the people that parrot this garbage clearly don't know that if it weren't for Nintendo coming along in the mid 80's, with Atari on its death bed (the real one, not the husk we have now) gaming as we know it would have probably faded into obscurity. And all these "hardcore" gamers can talk badly about Nintendo, but the fact of the matter is they are the only gaming company still innovating and making interesting and, most importantly, FUN games that anybody can enjoy, which I think is becoming a rare thing to find in gaming nowdays - seems like every game now has the be 24/7 competition, "git gud EZ" online multiplayer shit that, for me at least, quickly gets to be mentally exhausting and unfun (I'm so glad The Sims series hasn't gone multiplayer...yet. God I hope it doesn't, for the very reasons I mentioned).
Again, wasn't mocking them just mocking the idea that "cartoon OS on a switch" is where you are going to draw the line. There's also a healthy and not healthy aspec to all these that gets glossed over. We've all seen streams where you see the rest of the room and sort of cringe at it. On the other hand I've always loved Castlevania and had a soft spot for it. So I'll always buy the collectors edition and have a few figures and I totally watched the Netflix animation a few times. Dunno, the series just clicked for me starting with the NES.

For Nintendo nobody smart calls them kids stuff. Even with the Wii it had the most gory, vulgar, and sexual game of it's generation that was utterly absurd on all levels and they OK'd it. Then another one almost as bad complete with the main character saving while taking a shit, jerking off repeatedly, and flat out demanding sex from half dressed women... constantly. That's just scratching the surface of some of the stuff they've OK'd through the years. Hell back in the old days of the original NES Zelda II got in trouble for being way to dark and including prostitutes. They got that reputation back in the SNES days when they pulled the blood from Mortal Kombat due to mass outrage and SEGA did not. Of course that lasted just a few moments before MK3 was out with all the blood and gore but people forget that.

We own most gaming systems and have two Switch devices, they get the most play. It just works and their exclusives are always well executed.
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