Friday, March 24th 2023

NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti Owners Reporting Bricked Cards During Diablo IV Closed Beta Play Sessions
A combination of the Diablo IV Closed Beta and NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti graphics card is proving lethal for the latter - community feedback has alerted Blizzard to take action, and they will be investigating the issue in the coming days, with assistance from NVIDIA. It is speculated that the game is exposing underlying hardware faults within an affected card, but it is odd that a specific model is generating the largest number of issues. Unlucky 3080 Ti owners participating in the closed beta are said to be experiencing unpleasant or inconsistent in-game performance at best, and BSODs followed by non-functional GPUs at worst.
A Blizzard forumite, ForANge, chimed in with their experience: "My graphics card also burned out. While playing, the fans of my Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3080 Ti suddenly started running at maximum speed. At the same time, the signal from the monitor disappeared. After turning off the power and trying to turn it back on, I couldn't get it to work anymore. The card is just under a year old. It happened during a cutscene with flowers when they showed a snowy landscape."Sulfate had a similar encounter with their card, albeit with a slightly more explosive effect: "I got to the Church where the flashback scene plays, then fans on my GPU went to max, all three monitors went black and I then killed the power. Smelled that burnt electronics smell. Waited a bit then tried to power back on, and monitors stayed black. After (waiting) a bit (I) killed power, popped open my case tried to power back on. Motherboard has post error lights and shows a solid white, which means error with video card. My Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3080 Ti is dead in the water."
The Blizzard team has posted a message in the thread, and it offers advice for those affected:
"If your card is still not working, try these troubleshooting steps:
2) Display resolution when running Diablo IV
3) Display mode (Windowed/Windowed Fullscreen/Fullscreen)
4) Max Foreground FPS, Max Background FPS
5) Diablo IV graphic quality settings, preset with Low/Medium/High. Or more detail with custom settings."The New World, an MMO produced by Amazon Games, gained unwanted notoriety for its apparent ability to kill the mighty RTX 3090 back in mid-2021. Blizzard fans with long memories are also recalling that Starcraft 2 was rumored to be a GPU slayer, roughly around the time of the game's launch. There is early talk of the Diablo IV Beta defaulting to an uncapped frame rate setting, which may send the graphics card into peak performance mode and draw unusually high volumes of power. Community members are suggesting that it is best to cap frame rates via the in-game menu, and to double-check whether the Max Frame Rate setting is disabled within NVIDIA's Control Panel.
Blizzard Forums, Blizzard Forums Stickied
A Blizzard forumite, ForANge, chimed in with their experience: "My graphics card also burned out. While playing, the fans of my Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3080 Ti suddenly started running at maximum speed. At the same time, the signal from the monitor disappeared. After turning off the power and trying to turn it back on, I couldn't get it to work anymore. The card is just under a year old. It happened during a cutscene with flowers when they showed a snowy landscape."Sulfate had a similar encounter with their card, albeit with a slightly more explosive effect: "I got to the Church where the flashback scene plays, then fans on my GPU went to max, all three monitors went black and I then killed the power. Smelled that burnt electronics smell. Waited a bit then tried to power back on, and monitors stayed black. After (waiting) a bit (I) killed power, popped open my case tried to power back on. Motherboard has post error lights and shows a solid white, which means error with video card. My Gigabyte GeForce RTX 3080 Ti is dead in the water."
The Blizzard team has posted a message in the thread, and it offers advice for those affected:
"If your card is still not working, try these troubleshooting steps:
- Conduct a complete power cycle (AC OFF->AC ON) and see if GPU can be detected under Windows.
- If GPU can be found under Windows, do a clean driver install.
- If that doesn't work, please reply and include the following information or logs:
2) Display resolution when running Diablo IV
3) Display mode (Windowed/Windowed Fullscreen/Fullscreen)
4) Max Foreground FPS, Max Background FPS
5) Diablo IV graphic quality settings, preset with Low/Medium/High. Or more detail with custom settings."The New World, an MMO produced by Amazon Games, gained unwanted notoriety for its apparent ability to kill the mighty RTX 3090 back in mid-2021. Blizzard fans with long memories are also recalling that Starcraft 2 was rumored to be a GPU slayer, roughly around the time of the game's launch. There is early talk of the Diablo IV Beta defaulting to an uncapped frame rate setting, which may send the graphics card into peak performance mode and draw unusually high volumes of power. Community members are suggesting that it is best to cap frame rates via the in-game menu, and to double-check whether the Max Frame Rate setting is disabled within NVIDIA's Control Panel.
44 Comments on NVIDIA RTX 3080 Ti Owners Reporting Bricked Cards During Diablo IV Closed Beta Play Sessions
High price and cheap components
This is not the games fault by any means! this is the manufacturers problem using insufficient quality controllers and/or cooler. Nvidia could be to blame here as well because they specify the specs and what is needed to cool etc for the different partners. Reminds me of the fermi days a little. Again not the games fault.
And the 12vHPWR adapter "issues" were never blamed on NVIDIA? Nor the New World issue that was mentioned in the news post that affected EVGA cards, mainly?
Did I miss the space invaders issue from I guess nvidia drivers bricking cards think that was 20 series wasn't it ?
so even if the card was overclocked, nvidia has made an effort to “stop” too high overclocks… (when is a last time afterburner, ”released the magic smoke”, lol, or burned an nvidia card. the fact that nvidia limits the clock rate/power limit… means they “approve” of software overclocks… so i still think that mandatory warranty would cover it.
also, if you card is bricked by a game, how is nvidia going to know if you overclocked it?
As we discussed on the older thread, the issue seems to be a bad vrm controller paired with a asymetric gpu vrm config. Affected gpus include some gigabyte 3080/tis and one limited batch of EVGA 3090s (yes the same ones that died in New World beta).
People always have to pull out the whataboutisms and red herrings to prove their precious AMD gets bullied, because mindshare or some such nonsense. It wasnt nvidia drivers, no idea WTAF you are going on about there.
The space invaders issue was a problem stemming from early batches of GDDR6 having overheating issues. It was limited to the 20 series and appears to have been fixed before ampere's launch, as later 2000s and lower end 3000s do not have this issue.
Blizzard Ent : Say no more fam
So you get triggered at me for saying " I guess nvidia drivers bricking cards" dude it was just what I stated "Guessing" so relax dude you'll give yourself a stoke :kookoo:
Point really was nvidia has had at least two questionable series so far 20 & 30 jury still out on 40.
Luckily most 3000 series cards are still in warranty.
"Shortly thereafter, GPU manufacturer EVGA confirmed that some of the bricked GPUs they received from New World players were actually at least partially caused by manufacturing issues related to the smoldering process."
"At the moment, the EVGA RTX 3090 FTW Ultra and Gigabyte RTX 3080 Ti seem to be the two GPU models most commonly affected by this issue. That being said, RTX 3090, RTX 3080Ti, RTX 3080, RTX 3060 Ti, and RTX 3000 laptop users have all reported having their GPUs bricked while playing New World. That’s not necessarily a comprehensive list of GPUs that have been affected so far, but as you can see, it does sound like higher-end RTX cards are at greater risk of failure at this time."
"First off, as noted above, EVGA has already admitted to hardware problems with some of their GPUs that were contributing to this issue, so we can’t rule out the possibility that many of the bricked GPUs reported so far may have simply been defective. If that is the case, then you could argue that New World is exasperating the issue rather than outright bricking otherwise perfect GPUs."
As forums aren't flooded with reports it's most likely a limited batch of cards with manufacturing issues. Bad apples dying under stress. Or Nvidia is pushing their high end cards too far.
Was offered trial of this game as a Virgin Media customer, feels like I dodged a bullet now.