Monday, April 17th 2023

NVIDIA to Target $450 Price-point with GeForce RTX 4060 Ti

NVIDIA is preparing its fifth GeForce RTX 40-series "Ada" graphics card launch in May 2023, with the GeForce RTX 4060 Ti. Red Gaming Tech reports that the company could target the USD $450 price-point with this SKU, putting it $150 below the recently launched RTX 4070, and $350 below the RTX 4070 Ti. The RTX 4060 Ti is expect to nearly max-out the 5 nm "AD106" silicon, the same one that powers the RTX 4070 Laptop GPU. While the notebook chip maxes it out, featuring all 4,608 CUDA cores physically present across its 36 SM, the desktop RTX 4060 Ti will be slightly cut down, featuring 34 SM, which work out to 4,352 CUDA cores. The "AD106" silicon features a 128-bit wide memory interface, and NVIDIA is expected to use conventional 18 Gbps-rated GDDR6 memory chips. The design goal behind the RTX 4060 Ti could be to beat the previous-generation RTX 3070, and to sneak up on the RTX 3070 Ti, while offering greater energy efficiency, and new features such as DLSS 3.
Source: Red Gaming Tech (YouTube)
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237 Comments on NVIDIA to Target $450 Price-point with GeForce RTX 4060 Ti

bugThis has nothing to do with miners or Nvidia losing their minds.

They went the way of RT, that is the explanation for current prices. RT needs a lot of hardware to be somewhat workable. Lots of hardware means big dies. Big dies are expensive. The problem is we got hit by Covid and supply issues, exceptional demand for silicone, all at once. And that send everything into chaos.

We, as customers, have out share of blame in this: we bought video cards at the new prices, showing AMD and Nvidia those prices are acceptable.

In a duopoly/oligopoly, the market has little influence. We can opt not to buy, that's the only thing we can do. And we didn't do that.
So thats why I said earlier the people are now idiots... because they are willing to pay that stupid amount of money for these cards. I never thought so many people has that rich!!! (and ofc stupid as a slave monkey)

The biggest problem here is that, for example, I bought my computer 4 years ago (I'm not rich! I replace my entire system every 8-10 years if I can)
So, I currently have an almost 5-year-old system, which was a top model at the time, but since then I haven't been able to install a "normal"(for example 6800XT) video card. Because everything is more expensive for us in the EU than, for example, in America.

But I'll go on, in my country (in stupid Hungary) there is such a huge VAT on these products that you'll be hooked if you see it. In addition to this, scalpers, miners, lack of chips and covid closures have come so far. (Just a quick example 6800XT with us is ~ $900 and it's the cheapest at the moment.) And now inflation, war, and total free robbery in the video card market, which many justify with such stupidity....if everyone continues to do this, next year we will start at $5,500 for the 5090 card. I know that this is an exaggerated and extreme example, but I would not be surprised if this was also an acceptable price for many people...and don't get me wrong, things are really moving in this direction, even if you're laughing at me now.

Anyway, it's not interesting, because we can't do anything if so many people pay so much money for these things all the time, but there are definitely a lot of idiots. Much to Nvidia's delight!
You can hate what I just wrote, but that's how I see and feel it and there is a lot of truth in it.
Posted on Reply
Space Lynx
droopyROOk, ok, Nvidia is bad but ... what is AMD doing, where are the 78xx cards with 16GB of vRAM ?
Why make 7800 series card when a 6800 XT alreadys beats/matches a 4070 ti in some games and costs only $540...
Posted on Reply
RelixoSo thats why I said earlier the people are now idiots... because they are willing to pay that stupid amount of money for these cards. I never thought so many people has that rich!!! (and ofc stupid as a slave monkey)

The biggest problem here is that, for example, I bought my computer 4 years ago (I'm not rich! I replace my entire system every 8-10 years if I can)
So, I currently have an almost 5-year-old system, which was a top model at the time, but since then I haven't been able to install a "normal"(for example 6800XT) video card. Because everything is more expensive for us in the EU than, for example, in America.

But I'll go on, in my country (in stupid Hungary) there is such a huge VAT on these products that you'll be hooked if you see it. In addition to this, scalpers, miners, lack of chips and covid closures have come so far. (Just a quick example 6800XT with us is ~ $900 and it's the cheapest at the moment.) And now inflation, war, and total free robbery in the video card market, which many justify with such stupidity....if everyone continues to do this, next year we will start at $5,500 for the 5090 card. I know that this is an exaggerated and extreme example, but I would not be surprised if this was also an acceptable price for many people...and don't get me wrong, things are really moving in this direction, even if you're laughing at me now.

Anyway, it's not interesting, because we can't do anything if so many people pay so much money for these things all the time, but there are definitely a lot of idiots. Much to Nvidia's delight!
You can hate what I just wrote, but that's how I see and feel it and there is a lot of truth in it.
Don't worry, we're neighbors, I get what you're saying.

I won't call people idiots for doing what they want with their money, though. Sure, I would have preferred if people, like me, stopped buying and made Nvidia and AMD think of lowering their prices sooner, but it is what it is.
Fwiw, I'm not rich, but I can afford to pay $1,000 for a video card. But since I rarely game, it just doesn't make sense for me to do that. There's a lot more useful things $1,000 will buy, including a week in Greece, for example.
Posted on Reply
Space LynxWhy make 7800 series card when a 6800 XT alreadys beats/matches a 4070 ti in some games and costs only $540...
You mean the 4070, not the 4070Ti ? Here, there is about 100$ price difference between a 6800XT and a 6950. I am currently split between a RTX 4070 that draws 200W and has DLSS3 and a RX6950 that pulls double the wattage but has 16GB of vRAM. A 7800XT with 16GB and 200W, and priced close to RTX4070 would have been the ideal card for me.
bugSure, I would have preferred if people, like me, stopped buying and made Nvidia and AMD think of lowering their prices sooner, but it is what it is.
Fwiw, I'm not rich, but I can afford to pay $1,000 for a video card.
No they won't. Neither AMD nor Nvidia will lower prices more than they have. And you don't have to be "rich" to afford a 500-1000USD/Euro card, it's not a bloody 70-100K sports car :)
RelixoI never thought so many people has that rich!!!
There is the second hand market, if you are so tight on your budget. You can get good deals on hardware if look every day. But calling everyone "stupid" will get you nowhere.
Posted on Reply
It's always hilarious to come into these threads and see one post after another proclaiming that "PC gaming is dead/dying/ending, consoles are the future" because GPUs are not $100 now.

Guys, hyperinflation is a thing. Costs are going up. Get used to it already. You will own nothing, and you will be happy.

When the PS6/Xbox series 2 comes out at $1000 people are going to twist themselves into pretzels.
Posted on Reply
droopyRONo they won't. Neither AMD nor Nvidia will lower prices more than they have.
Nvidia has already reported a decline in revenue from their gaming segment. If they generated less revenue at higher prices, they sold a lot less cards than they used to. Of course, if that stops with the "new" prices, they won't go any lower. My hope is they still don't gain back that revenue and will have to go even lower. Fingers crossed.
droopyROAnd you don't have to be "rich" to afford a 500-1000USD/Euro card, it's not a bloody 70-100K sports car :)
That's true, but simply having $1,000 to blow on a video card, doesn't mean it's automatically smart to do so. Still, the people who put most hours in gaming, besides the pros, are teenagers and youngsters who don't have a steady job now. They can easily part with $200-300 for their hobby (or ask their parents), but $700-1,000 is another story. Like @john_ said above, PC gaming won't survive this for long. At least not in its current form.
Posted on Reply
Space LynxWhy make 7800 series card when a 6800 XT alreadys beats/matches a 4070 ti in some games and costs only $540...
Power efficiency, chiplet cost reduction that could translate to final product
Posted on Reply
TheinsanegamerNIt's always hilarious to come into these threads and see one post after another proclaiming that "PC gaming is dead/dying/ending, consoles are the future" because GPUs are not $100 now.

Guys, hyperinflation is a thing. Costs are going up. Get used to it already. You will own nothing, and you will be happy.

When the PS6/Xbox series 2 comes out at $1000 people are going to twist themselves into pretzels.
Yeah, well, gaming is entertainment and when strapped for cash, entertainment is among the first thing to go.

My take on this is slightly different, though: gaming industry may be dying, but not gaming itself. I mean, if there is no longer a huge install base of powerful GPUs, we may not see FIFA 50. But smaller, smarter, more focused titles will always be with us, in some form. Think about titles like Lemmings, The Lost Vikings or Supaplex. They don't need Ubisoft behind them, yet they're tons of fun and actually make you think.
Posted on Reply
bugYeah, well, gaming is entertaining and when strapped for cash, entertainment is among the first thing to go.

My take on this is slightly different, though: gaming industry may be dying, but not gaming itself. I mean, if there is no longer a huge install base of powerful GPUs, we may not see FIFA 50. But smaller, smarter, more focused titles will always be with us, in some form. Think about titles like Lemmings, The Lost Vikings or Supaplex. They don't need Ubisoft behind them, yet they're tons of fun and actually make you think.
Agree, and then nothing of value is actually lost, quite the contrary I would even say...

This also puts an interesting perspective on further development of RT. In that sense I truly don't understand Nvidia's long term agenda.
Posted on Reply
bugThat's true, but simply having $1,000 to blow on a video card, doesn't mean it's automatically smart to do so.
You "blow" more than 1000$ on smoking or drinking each year ? if so, that is not smart to me. If not, good on you.. And here is where you or someone who dose can save up a lot of money and more important prolong a health life.
bughe people who put most hours in gaming, besides the pros, are teenagers and youngsters who don't have a steady job now.
Depends on the person. Whatever i do, i try to game at least one hour each day when i'm on shift and more when i have a day off :)

I don't think PC gaming is dying, just that it hit a wall, a plateau. And something has to happen to get us over it.
Posted on Reply
droopyRONo they won't. Neither AMD nor Nvidia will lower prices more than they have. And you don't have to be "rich" to afford a 500-1000USD/Euro card, it's not a bloody 70-100K sports car :)

There is the second hand market, if you are so tight on your budget. You can get good deals on hardware if look every day. But calling everyone "stupid" will get you nowhere.
This. I spent 899,- knowing full well this will probably last me another 5-6 years. For some its simply an adjustment of upgrade cadence. For me it was business as usual really, I only upgrade if the deal is right, that is I want an absolutely major perf/$/FPS jump or its not happening.

My previous psychological limit was set at 500-550 EUR, but that was with the idea of more frequent upgrading (every odd gen give or take) and lower resale value on cards. Today I can still sell a 1080 for close to 200 EUR. Its crazy if you consider how old the card already is, and it shows the performance increases gen-to-gen have stalled massively, in part due to a slower release cadence on GPUs ever since Pascal (and I believe Maxwell > Pascal was also already more than 1 year apart).

Second hand market has been problematic because there was barely any movement in graphics cards, and what did come available was mined on. Its going to take a year post-Ada I reckon to recover and get back a semblance of bang for buck... and then you're still risking to buy a mining card if its anything RDNA2 or Ampere or earlier.

Gaming won't die, PC gaming won't die, but people will move to newer GPUs more slowly, which will in turn slow down the progress of new technologies, because the mainstream market just isn't adopting soon. Again: RT is going to see this in a big way. We're already three generations (almost 5 years!) in and its still not moving anywhere big, starting to mimic VR. It exists, its nice to have, but you can do without just fine.
droopyROYou mean the 4070, not the 4070Ti ? Here, there is about 100$ price difference between a 6800XT and a 6950. I am currently split between a RTX 4070 that draws 200W and has DLSS3 and a RX6950 that pulls double the wattage but has 16GB of vRAM. A 7800XT with 16GB and 200W, and priced close to RTX4070 would have been the ideal card for me.
The power efficiency was my main reason to just get a 7900XT, the price difference is pretty much a new PSU & power gap. For just 70 added bucks I could move the whole budget to GPU instead of grabbing a 6950XT. And that money is recouped over the course of the 7900XT usage.
RelixoSo thats why I said earlier the people are now idiots... because they are willing to pay that stupid amount of money for these cards. I never thought so many people has that rich!!! (and ofc stupid as a slave monkey)

The biggest problem here is that, for example, I bought my computer 4 years ago (I'm not rich! I replace my entire system every 8-10 years if I can)
So, I currently have an almost 5-year-old system, which was a top model at the time, but since then I haven't been able to install a "normal"(for example 6800XT) video card. Because everything is more expensive for us in the EU than, for example, in America.

But I'll go on, in my country (in stupid Hungary) there is such a huge VAT on these products that you'll be hooked if you see it. In addition to this, scalpers, miners, lack of chips and covid closures have come so far. (Just a quick example 6800XT with us is ~ $900 and it's the cheapest at the moment.) And now inflation, war, and total free robbery in the video card market, which many justify with such stupidity....if everyone continues to do this, next year we will start at $5,500 for the 5090 card. I know that this is an exaggerated and extreme example, but I would not be surprised if this was also an acceptable price for many people...and don't get me wrong, things are really moving in this direction, even if you're laughing at me now.

Anyway, it's not interesting, because we can't do anything if so many people pay so much money for these things all the time, but there are definitely a lot of idiots. Much to Nvidia's delight!
You can hate what I just wrote, but that's how I see and feel it and there is a lot of truth in it.
Newer cards are actually sold at MSRP over here in the Netherlands. Maybe its about time to vote Orban away, power corrupts and I reckon Hungary isn't a popular market lately.
Posted on Reply
droopyRODepends on the person. Whatever i do, i try to game at least one hour each day when i'm on shift and more when i have a day off :)
You're no match for a teen with a few school hours each day and a summer vacation ;)
I was like that for maybe 10 years after getting a job. Then suddenly, I didn't even have time for that. On the flip side, you can imagine how relaxed I am looking at the new prices of video cards and people fretting over them :D
Posted on Reply
I'm seeing this constantly everywhere, on gaming and hardware sites, on youtube channels how we should be paying for so called "features"! I want to ask people should we pay for DP 2.1 display port, should we pay for AV1 video output, should we pay for GDDR6 technology, should we pay for DX12 as a "Feature", should we pay for Radeon 'Chill' as a feature, should we pay for 10bit HDR as a feature?

Should we pay for TAA antialliasing method as a feature? Should we pay for GPU's being able to output more than 720p video resolution? Should we pay for driver updates?

I don't see how people justify insane prices and premium pricing for so called "features"! These are NOT features, they are addons which we expect and have been done since the DAWN on MAN!

We don't go into the store and search for rock knifes and if we see a metal knife, we pay a $200 premium on it because it "features" metal in it, no we expect it to be metal, we expect it to be sharp when we buy it new and we expect it to not rust the 3rd time you wash it!

Even if AMD had ZERO raytracing capability and had NO upscaling on their own and had the same amount of say 12GB of vram as an Nvidia counterpart I would still not pay a premium on an Nvidia card because it has raytracing. Or at best and I'm stretching here, I'd pay say $20 more to have access to those addons, I certainly wouldn't pay $100 more for a card to be slower by 5% in 99.9% of games which use rasterization ONLY and have LESS vram! That is being a fool and being scammed HARD!

But Nvidia is expecting people to have less vram than their competition, be slower in 90% of games which use rasterization and don't even feature RT and again go to steam library, 99.9% of games are NOT RT capable, but still shell out $100 more for a "feature" like RT which can't even run in many games because they don't give you the vram to be able to do so!
Posted on Reply
tfdsafI'm seeing this constantly everywhere, on gaming and hardware sites, on youtube channels how we should be paying for so called "features"! I want to ask people should we pay for DP 2.1 display port, should we pay for AV1 video output, should we pay for GDDR6 technology, should we pay for DX12 as a "Feature", should we pay for Radeon 'Chill' as a feature, should we pay for 10bit HDR as a feature?

Should we pay for TAA antialliasing method as a feature? Should we pay for GPU's being able to output more than 720p video resolution? Should we pay for driver updates?

I don't see how people justify insane prices and premium pricing for so called "features"! These are NOT features, they are addons which we expect and have been done since the DAWN on MAN!

We don't go into the store and search for rock knifes and if we see a metal knife, we pay a $200 premium on it because it "features" metal in it, no we expect it to be metal, we expect it to be sharp when we buy it new and we expect it to not rust the 3rd time you wash it!

Even if AMD had ZERO raytracing capability and had NO upscaling on their own and had the same amount of say 12GB of vram as an Nvidia counterpart I would still not pay a premium on an Nvidia card because it has raytracing. Or at best and I'm stretching here, I'd pay say $20 more to have access to those addons, I certainly wouldn't pay $100 more for a card to be slower by 5% in 99.9% of games which use rasterization ONLY and have LESS vram! That is being a fool and being scammed HARD!

But Nvidia is expecting people to have less vram than their competition, be slower in 90% of games which use rasterization and don't even feature RT and again go to steam library, 99.9% of games are NOT RT capable, but still shell out $100 more for a "feature" like RT which can't even run in many games because they don't give you the vram to be able to do so!
Fools & Money Shall Be Parted.
I've been saying this since Huang first yelled 10 Gigarays as if that was somehow a fantastic number we should all be amazed at. Nobody to this day has the slightest clue what it meant. Lots of people apparently were mighty impressed as they bought Turing at premium prices that was barely a hair better than Pascal. And then they took that as their new baseline because 'muh RT perf'.

To each their own... All I see is idiocy. Even today RT perf is barely palatable except on a 4090... unless you path trace a square box, in which case the FPS nosedives to sub 30. I totally get why there is a 450 dollar 4060ti now - fools & money exist and they apparently LOVE to 'trade up'.
Posted on Reply
TheinsanegamerNIt's always hilarious to come into these threads and see one post after another proclaiming that "PC gaming is dead/dying/ending, consoles are the future" because GPUs are not $100 now.

Guys, hyperinflation is a thing. Costs are going up. Get used to it already. You will own nothing, and you will be happy.

When the PS6/Xbox series 2 comes out at $1000 people are going to twist themselves into pretzels.
I don't see that happening PS6/XBox will at most start at like $750 realistically. I can see it going up in over like $500 or so PS5 as for how much that's hard to predict with absolute accuracy, but I wouldn't expect it go up by over half again more the current price of this generation of consoles. Now I wouldn't be surprised to see like a PS7 or PS8 at that price. I suppose when they launch maybe they'll be price rouged that high and scalped, but that seems to be every launch these days on anything high in demand.
Posted on Reply
john_I do not? They control 90% of the market. They sell 9 times more GPUs than AMD or Intel and at higher profit margins, meaning that they have more room to maneuver. They can become the most loved company in the world in just one day. They can do a price drop of 20%-30% across the board and they are in an instance everyone's most favorite company. But obviously they don't need to do it yet, or any time soon. And no, YOU don't understand economy. If Nvidia gives performance at good prices this period, they will sell poorly in two years when they come out with their RTX 5000 series. So, they give serious performance increase in the high end, but at increased prices, some performance increase in the mid range, again at higher prices, with mid range meaning $600 to $1000 today, and they will only offer Fake Generation to those trying to remain under $500.

As long as there are new and exciting games in the PC market, as long as graphics for PCs are clearly superior to console graphics, as long as people can easily pirate PC games, there will always be a market for GPUs, even $1600 GPUs.

And if PC gaming dies, Nvidia will come out with Android gaming consoles. Full Nvidia hardware for everyone to enjoy. You really thing they don't have options? until 5 years ago I was expecting Nvidia to get squished by Intel and AMD, because both Intel and AMD can also offer CPUs to OEMs, meaning much better prices in APUs or combinations of CPUs and GPUs. I was clearly wrong. Nvidia is a company looking far ahead and you can be sure that even with PC gaming dead, they will still keep making a huge profit from gaming GPUs. They'll find a way or more.

And that's from an AMD fun, not an Nvidia shill.
that is when context is important. So Yeah if you look Intel already has a 9% GPU market share to match the 9% from AMD based on current numbers. Nvidia has an 81 percent market share not 90.

However this is why context is so important. If you look at computer sales as a whole and include Integrated Graphics, well then because Intel has been shipping all their CPU's with Integrated Intel actually controls 71% if the market. That kind of shows you the context of how many computers are actually sold and how many don't bother with a discrete option at all.

There is a reason Nvidia tried to grab up Arm. They wanted or need to find a CPU solution to go with their GPU solution to match AMD and Intel in the long term.
Posted on Reply
$450 for a mid-range card with a halved memory bandwidth?? are they serious?

Hoping the 7600 XT goes heads to heads with this in terms of performance at less price.
Posted on Reply
tfdsafI'm seeing this constantly everywhere, on gaming and hardware sites, on youtube channels how we should be paying for so called "features"! I want to ask people should we pay for DP 2.1 display port, should we pay for AV1 video output, should we pay for GDDR6 technology, should we pay for DX12 as a "Feature", should we pay for Radeon 'Chill' as a feature, should we pay for 10bit HDR as a feature?

Should we pay for TAA antialliasing method as a feature? Should we pay for GPU's being able to output more than 720p video resolution? Should we pay for driver updates?

I don't see how people justify insane prices and premium pricing for so called "features"! These are NOT features, they are addons which we expect and have been done since the DAWN on MAN!

We don't go into the store and search for rock knifes and if we see a metal knife, we pay a $200 premium on it because it "features" metal in it, no we expect it to be metal, we expect it to be sharp when we buy it new and we expect it to not rust the 3rd time you wash it!

Even if AMD had ZERO raytracing capability and had NO upscaling on their own and had the same amount of say 12GB of vram as an Nvidia counterpart I would still not pay a premium on an Nvidia card because it has raytracing. Or at best and I'm stretching here, I'd pay say $20 more to have access to those addons, I certainly wouldn't pay $100 more for a card to be slower by 5% in 99.9% of games which use rasterization ONLY and have LESS vram! That is being a fool and being scammed HARD!

But Nvidia is expecting people to have less vram than their competition, be slower in 90% of games which use rasterization and don't even feature RT and again go to steam library, 99.9% of games are NOT RT capable, but still shell out $100 more for a "feature" like RT which can't even run in many games because they don't give you the vram to be able to do so!
So you want more VRAM (presumably for future-proofing), but you don't want RT (again, presumably because it adds nothing to future-proofing). Is that right?

Hate it all you want, but once you flip on DLSS3, your Nvidia card will generate more frames per second. If more fps isn't something worth paying more*, I don't know what is. Those features add value. Not to you, apparently, but that doesn't means everyone else should ignore them because you do.

*I mean paying more in the general sense, not at these stupid prices in particular.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86My previous psychological limit was set at 500-550 EUR,
I have this issue too. I bought my 3060Ti more than a year ago and it was the most expensive GPU i ever bought. It was 3300RON (my local currency) but i sold a 6600XT and a 1070Ti for 3700RON. So it was the first time in history, i made a small profit of hardware :)
I too want a 7900XT, but only for 3 or let's make it 4 main reasons. The biggest is Total War Warhammer III, that has stutter with Ultra textures, if i drop them to High then vRAM usage is about 7.5GB and it's fine.
The other reasons are three games that should release this year, Starfield, Cyberpunk2077: Phantom Liberty and the one i want the most, STALKER 2 ! I don't care for anything else in 2023-2024. But the cheapest 7900XT is 4600RON(about 900USD/Euros) and i could sell my 3060Ti for about 1600RON(330$/Euros). So that means about 200% more money for 100% more performance :/
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Power efficiency, chiplet cost reduction that could translate to final product
I think the lack of new 7xxx cards lower in the product stack should tell you there's no cost reduction to be had. Microsoft basically said this explicitly when justifying why they made the Series S. Once, process shrinks used to enable them to drive down costs over time and hit lower price points, but today process shrinks only bring more performance without any cost savings.

You can see the same in the GPU market. New cards aren't shifting the price performance curve, just extending it outward.
Posted on Reply
bugSo you want more VRAM (presumably for future-proofing), but you don't want RT (again, presumably because it adds nothing to future-proofing). Is that right?

Hate it all you want, but once you flip on DLSS3, your Nvidia card will generate more frames per second. If more fps isn't something worth paying more*, I don't know what is. Those features add value. Not to you, apparently, but that doesn't means everyone else should ignore them because you do.

*I mean paying more in the general sense, not at these stupid prices in particular.
DLSS are fake frames. They aren't real. You can tell the difference. Most would prefer real improvements to rasterization over DLSS. DLSS 3 is only available on like 30 games. And Nvidia keeps fragmenting even that because they keep releasing new versions of DLSS but aren't releasing it to older cards that we all know could support it.

Anyone can make software. If we are going to rely on that why not just have a company become experts on that and you can buy the features from them that they enable on GPU's through special drivers. Like companies already do on Phones through apps for things like the Camera or to take advantage of certain phone features. Anyone can add features via software. And while FSR hasn't been as good as DLSS from Nvidia at least AMD open sourced it. People need to pay attention to the other things these guys are doing. Intel for instance is already becoming a legitimate contender in the Linux space with their linux support. Linux is becoming legit. Fedora is amazing now. With Proton support I can play anything. OBS yep. Davinci Resolve Studio. Yep. The only thing it really lacks is Adobe and if someone like Affinity would port their software to Linux I could switch over to Linux full time because it now does everything I need from Video work to streaming to gaming.
MrDweezilI think the lack of new 7xxx cards lower in the product stack should tell you there's no cost reduction to be had. Microsoft basically said this explicitly when justifying why they made the Series S. Once, process shrinks used to enable them to drive down costs over time and hit lower price points, but today process shrinks only bring more performance without any cost savings.

You can see the same in the GPU market. New cards aren't shifting the price performance curve, just extending it outward.
Shrinking of the the process should always provide some cost savings provided the chip production is at a high success rate. Why? Because the smaller you get the more chips you can produce on the same amount of product. I think the lack of product stack from AMD is still a matter of them fixing a few issues found on the higher end cards and still part of Covid. I think it could still be 2024 or 2025 until we see chip and electronic production get ramped back up to pre-covid levels. Demand is still outweighing what most companies can get out. You can see this in the extended market the most. Just look at a company like Analogue. They are still trying to push out orders for the Analogue Pocket from like 18 months ago. I have a friend still waiting. They announced the Analogue Duo October 2020 and it still hasn't had any updates or been released yet.

Covid is still rearing its head in the production of electronics in Asia. It will normalize eventually.
Posted on Reply
Probably will have $399 MSRP judging from performance/price and memory uplift 4070 brought in relation to 3070Ti/3080, we will see!
Posted on Reply
bugSo you want more VRAM (presumably for future-proofing), but you don't want RT (again, presumably because it adds nothing to future-proofing). Is that right?

Hate it all you want, but once you flip on DLSS3, your Nvidia card will generate more frames per second. If more fps isn't something worth paying more*, I don't know what is. Those features add value. Not to you, apparently, but that doesn't means everyone else should ignore them because you do.

*I mean paying more in the general sense, not at these stupid prices in particular.
I tried to flip on DLSS on my 1080. It wouldnt work. However somehow FSR did. Strange how that Nvidia featureset works lately. I also used Freesync on my 1080. Not Gsync.

And you are out of luck too if you own Ampere that somehow for reasons unknown cannot use DLSS3. Mighty cool features indeed! Imagine paying premium for DLSS2 on Ampere - fool & money parted! This has been Nvidias game and it never worked - PhysX should have made that abundantly clear, as much as Gsync.
Posted on Reply
dlgh7DLSS are fake frames. They aren't real.
All frame are fake. They're generated from a series of numbers fed into the GPU. And if you think non-DLSS3 frames are somehow more accurate, AA and AF would like to have a word with you.
dlgh7You can tell the difference.
I haven't paid for a card that does DLSS3, but from the videos I watched, no, you can't.
Posted on Reply
dlgh7Shrinking of the the process should always provide some cost savings provided the chip production is at a high success rate. Why? Because the smaller you get the more chips you can produce on the same amount of product.
You're making a physical argument for an economics problem. Chip demand is huge and supply is finite. TSMC can charge whatever prices they want.
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Jun 3rd, 2024 08:08 EDT change timezone

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