Saturday, June 22nd 2024

Legendary Overclocker KINGPIN Leaves EVGA and Joins PNY to Develop Next-Generation GPUs for Extreme OC

Legendary overclocker Vince Lucido, aka KINGPIN, has reportedly partnered with PNY to develop next-generation GPUs for extreme overclocking. KINGPIN, known for his unparalleled expertise in pushing hardware to its limits, revealed the partnership during a recent interview with Gamers Nexus at Computex 2024. The move comes as welcome news to enthusiasts who have been eagerly awaiting KINGPIN's next venture since EVGA's departure left a noticeable gap in the high-end GPU segment. Previously, he was the leading engineer of EVGA's high-end KINGPIN designs aimed at pushing the GPU to its limits. However, since EVGA decided to leave the GPU business, KINGPIN was looking for a new company to work on the next-generation GPU designs.

This time, the company of choice for KINGPIN is now PNY. While he has been in contact with many companies like GALAX and ASUS, he claims that it would be very crowded to work there as there are "too many cooks in the kitchen" with these companies already having in-house overclockers. He has also been talking with MSI, but the company wasn't interested in making GPUs for extreme overclocking. However, PNY has been very interested in shaking up the high-end GPU market. KINGPIN claims that there is a massive hole in the high-end GPU market, and he hopes to fill it with a collaboration with PNY. Next-generation GPU designs assisted by KINGPIN will reportedly arrive for the upcoming NVIDIA GeForce RTX 50 series of GPUs when we hope to see the legacy EVGA left to continue at PNY.
Below, you can see the full video interview by Gamers Nexus.
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195 Comments on Legendary Overclocker KINGPIN Leaves EVGA and Joins PNY to Develop Next-Generation GPUs for Extreme OC

DemonicRyzen666Steam is only one platform not the entire world. Stop acting like it's all of PC gaming as whole for the world, when it's not.
I owe you an apology I misread your message. Unfortunately we are seeing the enthusiast market being replaced by ai as a priority. I believe the past 2 years ( mid range stagnation)was just a precursor to what will be the future at the top as well. With no competition this will be inevitable. Maybe that is why many purchased the 4090 ( due to performance delta) although like you said might not be significant market demographic in the grand scheme of things. So the question is if the enthusiast level gaming is not a priority where does that leave Kingpin's future ( especially after +2 year break)?
Posted on Reply
GodrillaUnfortunately we are seeing the enthusiast market being replaced by ai as a priority.
Which is seriously effing irritating!! :banghead::fear:
Posted on Reply
evernessinceAs I pointed out earlier, even AMD's bulldozer received 19.4% marketshare yet GPU wise AMD only sits at 10% GPU marketshare. We can (hopefully) all agree that RDNA is a better architecture than bulldozer. To say the the market thinks AMD only deserves 10% despite this juxtaposition fails to provide any logic behind such reasoning. You said your last good AMD card was the R9 290X but that card was not as good comparatively to the 6900 XT / 7900 XT. The blower 290X ran at up to 101-102c stock. Aftermarket cards were much better but it was still a small step up form the 7970 GHz. I had both those cards and a 780 Ti and I dealt with plenty of the models throughout that generation for customer builds. AMD's drivers are much better now, a decent amount of 7970 cards had intermittent flickering issues. It wasn't the end of the world but it was annoying. It was about as annoying as some picky 3000 series cards. Had a couple of occasions where a 3060 would look like it's artificating on a customer's display even though it was completely fine during testing. Turns out they just don't like certain displays over HDMI.
My reference of the 290X which was a decent AIB model was the last time I debated between the two brands for my primary system not that they haven't made anything worth buying since. I generally liked the 6000 series even with it's downsides, 570/580 were solid as well. I'm mostly talking about their high end being a dissappointment because honestly other than RDNA2 they haven't even tried really over the last decade unless you consider Fury/Vega trying.... Even then RDNA2 likely only looked ok becuase Nvidia chose a crappy node for ampere to save money....

Different markets aren't really comparable a cell phone is more important to most people than a gpu but a removable battery probably is not on the majority of people top 5 must have features it wouldn't even be in my top 10. The big difference is apple and android are actually competitive with each other driving at least both companies to make better products every year we are lucky if a 4060ti is any better than a 3060ti in Nvidas mind because they don't even view amd as a competitor or threat to their market dominance with usually a much larger release gap.

Bulldozer was definitely worse than RDNA2 but it also didn't happen during a pandemic making cards unoptanium at sane pricing. When I grabbed my 3080ti at it's stupidly high msrp a 6900XT was 1400-1600 usd so regardless of how competitive it was it wasn't a good buy. Neither was the 3080ti but I needed a gpu in that performance class becuase my Titan Xp was worth more than it should have been 800 ish at that time smh and wanted to unload it from my secondary pc.

The 980ti, 1080ti, 2080ti, and 4090 had no answer from AMD is what I'm talking about or at least nothing I would consider over them from AMD. I mean even some of the 80 class cards had no competition.

The 6900XT vs 3090 and 3080 vs 6800XT was interesting though, and if I could have gotten a 6900XT at msrp maybe although that was a get whatever you can in your performance needs generation if it's close to msrp.

My dissappointment in RDNA3 was due to how good RDNA2 was and how BS their performance slides were at it's reveal although still better than the 2x-4x bs nvidis claimed

This generation had some of the worst Nvdia cards from a PP standpoint and AMD still couldn't make a dent if that isn't the market deciding somthing I don't know what is.

None of that really matters at the end of the day people need to actually use the hardware to know if they'll like it or not the 7800X3D is a good example thought I'd love it but I was over it after 2 days.... The internet thinks it's awesome I don't and I don't really care who's right.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterWhich is seriously effing irritating!! :banghead::fear:
Crazy part is in the world of ai the industry can't put together a smart 12V-2x6 cable with thermal sensors on both sides. All the ai but nothing useful imo!
Posted on Reply
oxrufiioxoBulldozer was definitely worse than RDNA2 but it also didn't happen during a pandemic making cards unoptanium at sane pricing. When I grabbed my 3080ti at it's stupidly high msrp a 6900XT was 1400-1600 usd so regardless of how competitive it was it wasn't a good buy. Neither was the 3080ti but I needed a gpu in that performance class becuase my Titan Xp was worth more than it should have been 800 ish at that time smh and wanted to unload it from my secondary pc.
That makes sense. All cards were crazy expensive at the time so I can understand just grabbing Nvidia if you are going to spend a boatload regardless.

I have to wonder if AI is also factoring into marketshare as well. The 4090 is very popular for that workload (that's why I got mine). After all those marketshare figures are as percentage sales in a given quarter and the everyone including the Chinese were snapping 4090s up.
oxrufiioxoThe 980ti, 1080ti, 2080ti, and 4090 had no answer from AMD is what I'm talking about or at least nothing I would consider over them from AMD. I mean even some of the 80 class cards had no competition.
Yeah the 980 ti was competing against the R9 390/X which was really just a 290X. That's the result of Rory reed reallocating what little money AMD had to it's future is fusion initiative. It really wasn't until after Ryzen's success that AMD was able to fund it's GPU division properly. Unfortunately it appears we may be going without anything above mid-range for AMD again as they instead focus on AI.
oxrufiioxoThe 6900XT vs 3090 and 3080 vs 6800XT was interesting though, and if I could have gotten a 6900XT at msrp maybe although that was a get whatever you can in your performance needs generation if it's close to msrp.
I was considering buying into that gen as well but held off due to the pricing. The pandemic really killed enthusiasm for that gen.
oxrufiioxoMy dissappointment in RDNA3 was due to how good RDNA2 was and how BS their performance slides were at it's reveal although still better than the 2x-4x bs nvidis claimed
Oh everyone including AMD was disappointed in RDNA3. They were shooting for chiplet based GPUs but only got half-way there with the hard half being left undone.
oxrufiioxoThis generation had some of the worst Nvdia cards from a PP standpoint and AMD still couldn't make a dent if that isn't the market deciding somthing I don't know what is.
Well like you said above could be a combination of the pandemic with other factors explained above.

I would say there are extra-ordinary circumstances that have taken the market for a ride. It was the pandemic and now it's AI.
oxrufiioxoNone of that really matters at the end of the day people need to actually use the hardware to know if they'll like it or not the 7800X3D is a good example thought I'd love it but I was over it after 2 days.... The internet thinks it's awesome I don't and I don't really care who's right.
Something becomes the default recommendation and often gets pushed without consideration for an individual's use case. The 7800X3D is a good CPU but it's a CPU for a specific use case for a specific group of people.
Posted on Reply
GodrillaCrazy part is in the world of ai the industry can't put together a smart 12V-2x6 cable with thermal sensors on both sides. All the ai but nothing useful imo!
Exactly. It's pure, narrow-minded, daft, nitwitted nonsense.
Posted on Reply
As a current 4090 owner, who previously also used; 3090, 3070ti, 1080, 680
I can mention some other fraudy acts by nvidia just to remind these loyal fanboys
TheGPP program which were exposed by Kyle Bennett
Raising the price of high end gpus from 700$ to 2000$
Re-present existing technologies such as adaptive-sync in new names; G-sync and lying about g-module thing that let monitor prices increase dramatically
Make-up non-existing cards such as Founder-Edition and send them to reviewers with fake MSRP and no availability or availability in very low quantities just to manipulate reviews, initial ones in-particular
Officialy lying about cards availability, selling numbers and MSRP in the mining time
Making various versions of the same gpus in laptops, 120w, 140w, 160w and give manufacturers the full capability to fraud customers (for examples selling a 4080 laptop that is slower than another laptop with 4070)
Adding lag in default then provide an option to remove that lag a feature! (anti-lag)
Steams' stats are either manipulated by Nvidia or even by Steam/Valve
Valve banned AMD GPU users for enabling anti-lag! This incident is highly suspecious as well.
Nvidia bribed many tech sites youtube chanels like Hardware canuks, who has spread/ been spreading lies for ages, about how "bad" are AMD drivers, exploding AMD cpus/gpus and how "good" Nvidia's drivers are, and even people who barely know what a GPU is are definitely affected by these lies.

Lastly, I still cant believe the huge loss of a quality brand like EVGA that made really good quality and good looking cards
With no respect to all current garbage brands, but they'll never make good cards as EVGA
With Nvidia almost alone in the field now, they wont even bother to. But there will always be loyal bandwagon fans.

I still miss my 3090 that I had to sell because there were no room left for it after I bought the brick of 4090
Posted on Reply
Abit boards, Voodoo gpu's, EVGA ....

Posted on Reply
XaledAs a current 4090 owner, who previously also used; 3090, 3070ti, 1080, 680
I can mention some other fraudy acts by nvidia just to remind these loyal fanboys
TheGPP program which were exposed by Kyle Bennett
Raising the price of high end gpus from 700$ to 2000$
Re-present existing technologies such as adaptive-sync in new names; G-sync and lying about g-module thing that let monitor prices increase dramatically
Make-up non-existing cards such as Founder-Edition and send them to reviewers with fake MSRP and no availability or availability in very low quantities just to manipulate reviews, initial ones in-particular
Officialy lying about cards availability, selling numbers and MSRP in the mining time
Making various versions of the same gpus in laptops, 120w, 140w, 160w and give manufacturers the full capability to fraud customers (for examples selling a 4080 laptop that is slower than another laptop with 4070)
Adding lag in default then provide an option to remove that lag a feature! (anti-lag)
Steams' stats are either manipulated by Nvidia or even by Steam/Valve
Valve banned AMD GPU users for enabling anti-lag! This incident is highly suspecious as well.
Nvidia bribed many tech sites youtube chanels like Hardware canuks, who has spread/ been spreading lies for ages, about how "bad" are AMD drivers, exploding AMD cpus/gpus and how "good" Nvidia's drivers are, and even people who barely know what a GPU is are definitely affected by these lies.

Lastly, I still cant believe the huge loss of a quality brand like EVGA that made really good quality and good looking cards
With no respect to all current garbage brands, but they'll never make good cards as EVGA
With Nvidia almost alone in the field now, they wont even bother to. But there will always be loyal bandwagon fans.

I still miss my 3090 that I had to sell because there were no room left for it after I bought the brick of 4090
Yeah I have great memories with 8800 ultra, 480s sc in sli , 580 ftw, 690 classified, 1080ti ftw hybrid , 2080ti hybrid xc2, 3090 hybrid xc3. Customer service was always great to me.
Posted on Reply
XaledAs a current 4090 owner, who previously also used; 3090, 3070ti, 1080, 680
I can mention some other fraudy acts by nvidia just to remind these loyal fanboys
TheGPP program which were exposed by Kyle Bennett
Raising the price of high end gpus from 700$ to 2000$
Re-present existing technologies such as adaptive-sync in new names; G-sync and lying about g-module thing that let monitor prices increase dramatically
Make-up non-existing cards such as Founder-Edition and send them to reviewers with fake MSRP and no availability or availability in very low quantities just to manipulate reviews, initial ones in-particular
Officialy lying about cards availability, selling numbers and MSRP in the mining time
Making various versions of the same gpus in laptops, 120w, 140w, 160w and give manufacturers the full capability to fraud customers (for examples selling a 4080 laptop that is slower than another laptop with 4070)
Adding lag in default then provide an option to remove that lag a feature! (anti-lag)
Steams' stats are either manipulated by Nvidia or even by Steam/Valve
Valve banned AMD GPU users for enabling anti-lag! This incident is highly suspecious as well.
Nvidia bribed many tech sites youtube chanels like Hardware canuks, who has spread/ been spreading lies for ages, about how "bad" are AMD drivers, exploding AMD cpus/gpus and how "good" Nvidia's drivers are, and even people who barely know what a GPU is are definitely affected by these lies.

Lastly, I still cant believe the huge loss of a quality brand like EVGA that made really good quality and good looking cards
With no respect to all current garbage brands, but they'll never make good cards as EVGA
With Nvidia almost alone in the field now, they wont even bother to. But there will always be loyal bandwagon fans.

I still miss my 3090 that I had to sell because there were no room left for it after I bought the brick of 4090
So you avoided playing New World on that EVGA 3090? could have popped that cherry of a GPU LOL

EVGA is the trashiest of brand
Posted on Reply
nguyenEVGA is the trashiest of brand
Are you done with the irritating and woefully ridiculous trolling?

You digging up dirt on EVGA(that everyone paying attention already knew about) without mentioning the drama and BS from companies like ASUS, BeQuiet, Corsair, EK, Galax(y), Gigabyte, Logitech, MSI, Patriot, etc., etc. makes it seem like you know how to selectively nitpick at your not favorite brand. Putting this another way, you calling EVGA the "trashiest" while ASUS, EK, Gigabyte and the like lurk about, is so disingenuous that it makes you look like you have no grasp whatsoever on any sense of decency and/or reality.

EVGA may have had problems, but they are FAR from alone and no where near the worse offender.

You need to pull your head out and take a sniff of what you're shoveling about..
Posted on Reply
Didn't KP & Co get laid off from EVGA along time ago due to the Company winding down or is my dementia getting worse?
Posted on Reply
Visible Noise

There are videos like the above that demonstrate the over-tesselation. That video doesn't even go over the undermap tessellation that occurred in that game either, which was another problem.
People still believe this? It only occurred when debug wireframe mode was switched on which disabled all geometry culling. There was no “over tessellation” or an ocean under the entire map during normal gameplay.
Posted on Reply
nguyenIf EVGA couldn't earn profit at MSRP it should be their fault and no one else. Nvidia shouldn't bail them out even if EVGA was their oldest partner (this was the final push that EVGA boss couldn't accept).
EVGA couldn't earn a profit because Nvidia forced them to sell at MSRP, it's hilarious you refuse to believe that nvidia is to blame, nvidia has their made up MSRP with their nearly impossible to obtain FE cards yet forces their AIB's to match their prices. Even though it costs AIB's to design and test a cooler design and come up with several card SKU's. It's basic business economics yet nvidia loyalists keep wanting to shift the blame.
nguyenSo you avoided playing New World on that EVGA 3090? could have popped that cherry of a GPU LOL

EVGA is the trashiest of brand
Keep in mind Nvidia approves of the cards AIB's design, yet EVGA had to pay for that one, its like the 3090 power spike issue which was already mentioned in this thread, Seasonic wasn't at fault for it, Nvidia was.
EVGA is far from the worst, every company makes mistakes, IMO it is more important how the company handles their mistakes, EVGA knew how to take care of their customers and offered the best customer support out of any of the companies selling nvidia cards.
Asus has the repuation for not fixing RMA's and blaming the consumer for damage, Gigabyte had gpu boards cracking yet refused to RMA them.
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
If everyone else could turn a profit but not EVGA that indicates a problem within EVGA. It doesn't take a genius to figure that one out, but there are other priorities involved...
Posted on Reply
:D:DDidn't KP & Co get laid off from EVGA along time ago due to the Company winding down or is my dementia getting worse?
Yes, however it was within about the last 2 years at most.
Posted on Reply
lexluthermiesterAre you done with the irritating and woefully ridiculous trolling?

You digging up dirt on EVGA(that everyone paying attention already knew about) without mentioning the drama and BS from companies like ASUS, BeQuiet, Corsair, EK, Galax(y), Gigabyte, Logitech, MSI, Patriot, etc., etc. makes it seem like you know how to selectively nitpick at your not favorite brand. Putting this another way, you calling EVGA the "trashiest" while ASUS, EK, Gigabyte and the like lurk about, is so disingenuous that it makes you look like you have no grasp whatsoever on any sense of decency and/or reality.

EVGA may have had problems, but they are FAR from alone and no where near the worse offender.

You need to pull your head out and take a sniff of what you're shoveling about..
Blah blah blah, EVGA is dead now while other brands will thrive, if you had paid attention in middle school you should have known about survival of the fittest theory.

No doubt if other well-known brand were just as incompetent as EVGA they would collapse in due time, no feeling from me either as I can just pick up some other new brand that are competent

No idea why you are defending a dead brand, I guess you love incompetency LOL
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
XaledValve banned AMD GPU users for enabling anti-lag! This incident is highly suspecious as well.
There is a lot of debunked nonsense and conspiracy theory here but I will address this point, it was exclusively AMD's fault.

NVIDIA Reflex has an SDK where the developer has control over how the technology works, whereas AMD took the lazy route and cooked up something internally without public documentation and started injecting this DLL onto games to achieve the desirable effect.

It was unsanitary and unsafe, had the potential to break the game and was a security issue because that is exactly how game hacks operate. That's why AMD pulled Antilag+'s first release.

They have worked with Valve and other AC vendors to work something out since. AMD's own incompetence cannot be attributed to Nvidia or bribery.
Posted on Reply
It doesn't take a genius to figure out the other AIB's are making up for lost profit by producing the overpriced high end SKU's over the lower priced ones that aren't 4 slot bricks or at least have less RGB crap. Other AIB's can also make up the cost with motherboards, especially Asus with the premium they have on motherboards.
EVGA's only problem was the CEO didn't want to sell the brand, which is understandable as another brand could ruin the reputation they had earned, anything else is made up assumptions from those who think nvidia can do no wrong.
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
Hecate91It doesn't take a genius to figure out the other AIB's are making up for lost profit by producing the overpriced high end SKU's over the lower priced ones that aren't 4 slot bricks or at least have less RGB crap. Other AIB's can also make up the cost with motherboards, especially Asus with the premium they have on motherboards.
EVGA's only problem was the CEO didn't want to sell the brand, which is understandable as another brand could ruin the reputation they had earned, anything else is made up assumptions from those who think nvidia can do no wrong.
I don't think that for any AIB, the expensive aftermarket models are the best sellers. EVGA probably sold 100 XC3 cards for every FTW, and probably a thousand for every Classified.

If all it took was Nvidia selling a few first party cards through a single outlet at MSRP to throw EVGA completely off balance, it was only a matter of time anyway.

If one removes the emotional element you'll find that things have been going that direction and that there was much that could be done to remedy the situation and make the company thrive, the owner just decided that he wanted to retire instead. That's all it ever boiled down to, not some grand conspiracy to kill off the greatest AIB that's ever lived or anything.
Posted on Reply
Dr. DroI don't think that for any AIB, the expensive aftermarket models are the best sellers. EVGA probably sold 100 XC3 cards for every FTW, and probably a thousand for every Classified.

If all it took was Nvidia selling a few first party cards through a single outlet at MSRP to throw EVGA completely off balance, it was only a matter of time anyway.

If one removes the emotional element you'll find that things have been going that direction and that there was much that could be done to remedy the situation and make the company thrive, the owner just decided that he wanted to retire instead. That's all it ever boiled down to, not some grand conspiracy to kill off the greatest AIB that's ever lived or anything.
EVGA death was of insignificant to the industry that Nvidia was able to flood the market with RTX4000 just fine. Funny that someone predicted EVGA was able to affect Nvidia bottom line in any way

Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
nguyenEVGA death was of insignificant to the industry that Nvidia was able to flood the market with RTX4000 just fine. Funny that someone predicted EVGA was able to affect Nvidia bottom line in any way

No, I don't think it was insignificant, it was a great business opportunity to the competition and a tremendous loss for us consumers. EVGA was beyond reproach as an AIB, brand and company. Sure they made mistakes, but no one is perfect.

I just believe that their demise is being misattributed to Nvidia. It is a privately owned corporation and what happened to it is the direct consequence of the choices taken by its owner and upper management. That is all.
Posted on Reply
Dr. DroNo, I don't think it was insignificant, it was a great business opportunity to the competition and a tremendous loss for us consumers. EVGA was beyond reproach as an AIB, brand and company. Sure they made mistakes, but no one is perfect.

I just believe that their demise is being misattributed to Nvidia. It is a privately owned corporation and what happened to it is the direct consequence of the choices taken by its owner and upper management. That is all.
Brand name is pretty much pointless, only talented people working for that brand are of importance.

In the way it's better for the industry when the boss thinks he can no longer compete and just let his crews spread their wings somewhere else, instead of slowly dying as a company.
Posted on Reply
nguyenBrand name is pretty much pointless, only talented people working for that brand are of importance.

In the way it's better for the industry when the boss thinks he can no longer compete and just let his crews spread their wings somewhere else, instead of slowly dying as a company.
It is only better for brainless fanboys, to have no competition and also no quality graphics cards brands. Only for blind fanboys or Nvidia's propaganda employees who just keep posting even when they %100 wrong.
Posted on Reply
Somebody remind me what's the topic of this thread cause it's been derailed so hard.
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