Tuesday, January 21st 2025

EA Shutting Down Origin on April 17, Recommends Upgrade to EA App
On April 17, 2025, Origin will shut down, as Microsoft has stopped supporting 32-bit software. If you use Origin, you need to upgrade to the EA app, which requires a 64-bit version of Windows. Find out how to update your Windows operating system to get the most out of the EA app.
What is the EA app?
The EA app is our enhanced platform for PC games. Optimized for the best user experience, it lets you easily find what you need and get into the game quicker than ever. Don't have it yet? Download the EA app here. The EA app doesn't support 32-bit versions of Windows. You'll need to upgrade to a 64-bit operating system on your device to play your games. See if the version of Windows you're running is 32 or 64-bit.Will your account and games transfer to the EA app?
Yes, your account and games will transfer to the EA app. Log in to the EA app with the same account you use for Origin. When you log in, any games you had on Origin will be ready to play. Games that list in-game hours in Origin will list the same hours in the EA app. Anything you've saved through Origin's cloud will also transfer.We can't promise that mods will transfer to the EA app. Check with mod creators to see if your content can be transferred. If you think something's missing in the EA app, contact us.
Will you have to redownload your games?
If you're upgrading to a new operating system, you won't need to redownload your games. If you need to switch to a newer device, you'll need to transfer your data.
EA Dot Com - Help Section, Eurogamer
What is the EA app?
The EA app is our enhanced platform for PC games. Optimized for the best user experience, it lets you easily find what you need and get into the game quicker than ever. Don't have it yet? Download the EA app here. The EA app doesn't support 32-bit versions of Windows. You'll need to upgrade to a 64-bit operating system on your device to play your games. See if the version of Windows you're running is 32 or 64-bit.Will your account and games transfer to the EA app?
Yes, your account and games will transfer to the EA app. Log in to the EA app with the same account you use for Origin. When you log in, any games you had on Origin will be ready to play. Games that list in-game hours in Origin will list the same hours in the EA app. Anything you've saved through Origin's cloud will also transfer.We can't promise that mods will transfer to the EA app. Check with mod creators to see if your content can be transferred. If you think something's missing in the EA app, contact us.
Will you have to redownload your games?
If you're upgrading to a new operating system, you won't need to redownload your games. If you need to switch to a newer device, you'll need to transfer your data.
26 Comments on EA Shutting Down Origin on April 17, Recommends Upgrade to EA App
This has been a long time coming.
Congrats on your continued garbage DRM.. /s
I've seen this posted elsewhere but have found nothing supporting it. The only thing I can find is Microsoft stopped support of 32 bit versions of windows. I've found nothing on MS dropping support for 32 bit apps. Where is this coming from?
There is an option to go offline.
Its definitely lightweight in terms of cpu cycles and loading speed.
It requires internet access to launch (in standard mode at least) and downloads a fair bit of data on every launch.
Had to give 5 binaries internet access.
It installs a background service, is an option to turn this off, but when I turned it off the service stayed running when closing the app. So I expect the option just prevents it auto starting on windows boot.
It picked up all my origin games.
For promotions, its not that bad, you can turn off promotional notifications, and is no popups.
You can also disable auto game updates and auto app updates, so you keep that control.
They essentially stopped developing Origin something like 3-4 years ago and have been working on EA App that is the successor. It being a 64-bit app is just a marketable point. Pretty much the same as calling it EA App instead of Origin which does not really have a technical reason. They could have kept naming it Origin, run a parallel beta line and switch over at some point - like now. But they wanted some marketable bits, more brand recognition - Origin did not have EA in the name - etc.
All this has little to do with technical realities :)
While I have a certain dislike for the standard UI/UX in current crop of DRM platform apps, Origin was pretty clearly obsolete from both technical as well as look & feel aspect and needed overhaul or replacement. That ended up being replacement in form of EA App. As far as running and managing games and stuff, they have clearly been working on backend as well which is nice.
So just make sure there is nothing important in the origin folder before you switch.
As a C/C++ software engineer I know that this is Not a simple process of re-compiling 32-bit software because lots of small fixes are always needed. Usually, after a couple of weeks of porting the Beta version of software is ready for full scale testing.
Once again, it is really strange that EA doesn't want to do create 64-bit version of the application.
This is such an irony, that the Origin being hated garbage launcher. But now people hang on it, and even circuimvent the update to the EA App. Who could guess... They just copycating the Ubisoft. First they made Ubisoft Game Launcher, then Uplay, then turned it into Ubisoft Connect. EA and Ubi, like two degenerated cousins.
I havent bought an EA game since battlefield 3, the first and last game I owned that required origin. Nor have I bought an ubi game since being gifted blood dragon, the first and last game I own that needs uplay. Problem solved!
I suspect this was written by someone who does not understand that even the newest windows has a really efficient WoW64 emulation layer for 32bit apps.
Id say it's one of the best seamless Microsoft inventions. It just works.
In fact i feel it works so well that many developers use it as a crutch so as not to invest time into converting their otherwise constantly updated programs to 64bit. The best example is AIDA64 that even has 64 in the name, but is still 32bit. At least they did add dark mode support... Why would they put resources into converting a deprecated and superseded launcher to 64bit?
EA App is already 64bit.
I think that put some EA Software extra on my disk. I think I was also forced to deal with that unknown ea website.
Why not keep the old binaries on the windows system? Who cares for wasted disk space? (sarcasm)
Looking at those webpages show there are people answering questions without an idea. A year old question which was brought to attention. Are those folder contents lint or not. Without a fix.
example 1: answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/quot-outdatedEADesktop-quot-folder-expendable/m-p/10139919
example 2: answers.ea.com/t5/General-Discussion/Can-I-delete-anything-from-the-outdatedEADesktop-folder/m-p/12356587
Without testing or checking, a few asked before, see links provided, I consider ~600MB as lint space waste from EA. Checking the timestamp of that folder also give that expression.
I think even the EPIC Games Launcher for the game 'Dragon Age Inquisition' required the ea software.
I do not do much maintenance for my gaming only windows 11 pro installation. Thanks for the warning.
Software exectuted in Windows 11 pro tend to keep useless files in hidden folders. You may check some temp folders and such.