Friday, February 7th 2025

Razer Viper V3 Pro Crowned the #1 Gaming Mouse for Esport Professionals

Razer has solidified its position as the ultimate choice for esports professionals with the Razer Viper V3 Pro officially crowned the #1 most-used gaming mouse by esports pros, according to (as of December 2024). This monumental achievement completes our pro peripherals trifecta of dominance, with the Razer BlackShark V2 Pro reigning as the #1 most used esports headset as of December 2024 and the Razer Huntsman V3 Pro TKL leading as the #1 most used esports keyboard as of December 2024.

What Sets the Razer Viper V3 Pro Apart
Razer's long-standing dedication to esports innovation has led to the creation of groundbreaking gear trusted by champions. The Razer Viper V3 Pro is not just another gaming mouse; its precision-engineered excellence is designed for, and by, esports pro athletes. From its ultra-lightweight form to next-gen sensor, the Razer Viper V3 Pro is meticulously engineered to meet the uncompromising demands of competitive gaming where a single millisecond makes all the difference. Extensive feedback on shape, weight, button placement and feel of switches were taken from pro players, with more than 45 of them testing the mouse across major tournaments such as the BLAST Fall Finals 2024 Copenhagen. We listened—and the result is a mouse that transcends expectations. Read more about "The Rise of the Razer Viper V3 Pro" on
Trusted by Pros
This crowning achievement underscores Razer's position as the go-to brand for esports champions. In the VCT 2024 World Champions, Team EDG's victory showcased the unbeatable synergy of Razer's gears. 'Smoggy' dominated clutch moments wielding the Razer Viper V3 Pro, while 'nobody' showcased pinpoint accuracy with the Razer DeathAdder V3 Pro, paired with the Razer Huntsman V3 Pro keyboard. We're proud to be the choice of championship-winning teams and rising pros alike, as seen in how our peripherals have dominated tournaments around the globe.

Commitment to Esports Excellence
Securing the #1 position as the most-used gaming mouse, keyboard, and headset by esports pros on (as of December 2024) is a testament to our unwavering commitment to esports excellence. This milestone is not the endpoint but a stepping stone toward even greater achievements. Here's to pushing boundaries, breaking records, and raising the bar for gaming excellence.
Source: Razer PR
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25 Comments on Razer Viper V3 Pro Crowned the #1 Gaming Mouse for Esport Professionals

Not surprised. It’s just a better GPX which was popular because it was generically “all things for all men” neutral and widely available. Which Viper V3 also is. And pros, especially in CS, are fairly conservative beasts and would take “safe and proven” any day over attempting to experiment with shapes or more niche brands.
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TPU Proofreader
Yep. Mine performs flawlessly.
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well gpx and gpx2 are basically the same mouse and combined 31% of playerbase is using those but nice try
Posted on Reply
yeah, but no... not gonna trust sponsored players ... Razer is, in my book and after extensive testing, an overpriced and overhyped brand ...

and from what i saw ... unless you are sponsored by Razer or extremely lucky, which i am... aside with Razer product, you will get a F-tier POS that will not pass 6 month before the first RMA

even the cheap less known "chinese" esport brand do better than Razer ...

around a dozen product from them and not a single one did pass the aforementioned 6 month ... even a mousepad...
well the Tartarus V2 did pass but ended up failing so hard afterward ... that i ditched it after almost singing praise about it ... glad i opened my eyes before it came to that ...

in the end many other brands do cheaper or better or even cheaper and better than them ... (and Razer is the only peripheral brand i positively hate )

man i need a Belkin N52e before Razer took over and ruined it... :cry:
Posted on Reply
The days when pros had to use the gear from vendors they are sponsored by are long gone, in most serious e-sports at least. They all can pick whatever they want in terms of peripherals. Take Team Spirits CS roster - the team is sponsored by Zowie. Out of 5 players, only a single one uses a Zowie mouse, another single one uses a Zowie pad and none use Zowie keyboards. So no, that’s not a factor at all these days.
Posted on Reply
These are just sponsored players so BS lol. That said, my Viper V2 Pro has been great for a couple years, only thing I wish is the battery was a little bigger so it lastest longer at 1KHz. (The weight is irrelevent as it slides around quickly on a desk not like I'm holding it up with my arm.) Anyway, it's great, so it follows V3 is great too, if this ever dies I'll get whatever is latest.
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phintsMy Viper V2 Pro has been great for a couple years, only thing I wish is the battery was a little bigger so it lastest longer at 1KHz. (The weight is irrelevent as it slides around quickly on a desk (supported by the desk) not like I'm holding it up with my arm.) Anyway, it's good, if it ever dies I'll get a V3 or whatever is newer.
well you are a lucky one ... but do yourself a favour ... don't go for the V3 if your V2 die ... luck is a fickle mistress ... My Tartarus V2 was a proof of that an exception, that did not last long, but still longer than the average proverbial 6 month Razer life duration :laugh:

joking ... well semi joking ... if it work for ya, my opinion about Razer should not matter... tho i would prefer if Razer would go "belly up" sooner rather than later ;)

a bit like Noctua although for them it's only "overpriced" that apply :D
Posted on Reply
phintsThese are just sponsored players so BS lol.
Jesus Christ, it’s not hard to verify that this isn’t the case. At all. Check which orgs Razer sponsors. Then check the players using their gear. Same with Logitech. Same with any brand. You would be surprised. For people too lazy to do their own homework ProSettings even has an article about it:
I know people like to dunk on Razer and not without reason, but making blatantly wrong statements about things one has no idea about isn’t the way to go about things.
Posted on Reply
OnasiJesus Christ, it’s not hard to verify that this isn’t the case. At all. Check which orgs Razer sponsors. Then check the players using their gear. Same with Logitech. Same with any brand. You would be surprised. For people too lazy to do their own homework ProSettings even has an article about it:
I know people like to dunk on Razer and not without reason, but making blatantly wrong statements about things one has no idea about isn’t the way to go about things.
And boy, do people like to dunk on Razer :rolleyes: Admittedly, while most of the peripherals I use are from Razer and I'm a "fan" of theirs, and have never had any problems with the Razer stuff I own, I will say that they tend to go overboard in regards to prices for certain peripherals (like asking $300 USD for a Blackwidow V4 Pro 75 just because it's wireless and has a stupid OLED screen on it compared to the wired V4 75) Other than that though, I like Razer.
Posted on Reply
OnasiI know people like to dunk on Razer and not without reason, but making blatantly wrong statements about things one has no idea about isn’t the way to go about things.
true, well i go by my own personal experience ... i got numerous Razer peripheral (a lot when i was years younger and not knowing better ... ) and rarely a single good experience ...

the "good", on the finger of one hand since the beggining: Boomslang (nothing to say about it, good thru and thru), Vespula (felt utterly bad when i saw the Roccat Alumic for half the price i paid the Vespula) and Tartarus V2 (which lasted 1yrs ... but given the fact that it was just a Belkin N52e with one extra row ... for a lil more than double the price ... i regreted Belkin N52e demise at the hand of Razer ;) )

all the rest... downright e-waste
Gmr_ChickAnd boy, do people like to dunk on Razer :rolleyes: Admittedly, while most of the peripherals I use are from Razer and I'm a "fan" of theirs, and have never had any problems with the Razer stuff I own, I will say that they tend to go overboard in regards to prices for certain peripherals (like asking $300 USD for a Blackwidow V4 Pro 75 just because it's wireless and has a stupid OLED screen on it compared to the wired V4 75) Other than that though, I like Razer.
well ... i really hope you will never go thru what i did ... an Orochi mouse and a Destructor mousepad whose surface flaked and peeled off after 4 month or a Lycosa membrane keyboard who wore off in less than 5 months, mice that developed double click syndrome or sensor jitter (a Naga and the aforementioned Orochi )

tbf ... every other brand i bought till today, most of the time cheaper, did way better ...
Posted on Reply
GreiverBladetrue, well i go by my own personal experience ... i got numerous Razer peripheral (a lot when i was years younger and not knowing better ... ) and rarely a single good experience ...
Your personal experience is your personal experience and it’s valid, if you got burned by Razer one too many times and don’t consider their stuff for purchase anymore - that’s more than fine. But implying that Tier 1 pros would just self-sabotage themselves nowadays, when e-sports is actually legit and highly competitive, just because of sponsorships is silly. They use what they feel the most comfortable and competitive on. I’ll give you another example apart from my Team Spirit one - an org in Valorant, I don’t remember which off the top of my head, entered a sponsor deal with Pulsar. They sent in all their mice for the team to play on and test. But when the season started, none of the pros rocked up to the competition with Pulsar mice. They just… didn’t like them for one reason or another and stuck with what they preferred. The sponsorship was still there, they still had Pulsar logos on their jerseys and Pulsar didn’t make a fuss. It was just business as usual.
Again, dunking on Razer is fine. I do it myself. But denying that the Viper V3 is just a very good mouse that a lot of pros found suits them well by just throwing out the old “it’s just sponsorship” when this practice has long been abandoned for competitive reasons is decidedly not fine. I understand that someone who isn’t into the e-sports scene might have that opinion from long ago, but these days it just isn’t true.
Posted on Reply
OnasiYour personal experience is your personal experience and it’s valid, if you got burned by Razer one too many times and don’t consider their stuff for purchase anymore - that’s more than fine. But implying that Tier 1 pros would just self-sabotage themselves nowadays, when e-sports is actually legit and highly competitive, just because of sponsorships is silly. They use what they feel the most comfortable and competitive on. I’ll give you another example apart from my Team Spirit one - an org in Valorant, I don’t remember which off the top of my head, entered a sponsor deal with Pulsar. They sent in all their mice for the team to play on and test. But when the season started, none of the pros rocked up to the competition with Pulsar mice. They just… didn’t like them for one reason or another and stuck with what they preferred. The sponsorship was still there, they still had Pulsar logos on their jerseys and Pulsar didn’t make a fuss. It was just business as usual.
Again, dunking on Razer is fine. I do it myself. But denying that the Viper V3 is just a bery good mouse that a lot of pros found suits them well by just throwing out the old “it’s just sponsorship” when this practice has long been abandoned for competitive reasons is decidedly not fine. I understand that someone who isn’t into the e-sports scene might have that opinion from long ago, but these days it just isn’t true.
alright i will say "imho, Razer is overpriced overhyped sh!t" i let down the "you get good product sent to you only if you're sponsored." you're probably right ... it's not the norm anymore nowadays.
Posted on Reply
Even in the case of the quote from the article, it’s actually pretty funny. Razer does indeed sponsor Sentinels directly. And of the whole six-man roster (5 players plus a substitute) only three use Razer mice and of those only two the Viper V3. And this is Valorant where, and this is a spicy take, the caliber of competition is nowhere near CS. It’s a haven for washed up players who couldn’t hack it in Tier 1 CS, mostly NA ones. The NA CS scene is completely cooked. So that also says something. Not to say these players are bad or anything, but let’s just say that I would take watching any CS Major, Kato or Cologne over anything Valorant has to offer.
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I agree with the sentiment that the basis for this claim is stinted due to the requirement that peripherals place on sponsored teams to use the sponsor's gear.

That said I also believe that logictech has been extremely lazy in terms of it's mice. They haven't been leading the market since the original GPX and it's got significantly more competitive since then. They haven't been competitive enough in bring down latency, mouse weight, quality, ect. It's not like they are trying new ideas ideas, they've kept the G Pro the same and they haven't even released a G305 refresh in god knows how long. I would personally love to see companies try new form factors altogether, perhaps do a high-end vertical or pen mouse. Maybe even a gyro mouse.

I see a lot of electronics fields having an increasingly large Chinese presence at the high end and it's because a lot of these companies got complacent and lazy. In some fields the Chinese are already ahead (like DACs / AMP). Western companies better pull their heads out of their rears or else they risk loosing all their markets to competitors. You can already get 8K low latency Chinese mice that rival razer for less than half the price. The quality is about on par with Razer and many of these companies are offer more customer friendly software.
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I just want some finger rests where I won't be accidentally pressing buttons.
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The Exiled Airman
I will just stick to TurtleBeach
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OnasiJesus Christ
Not a swear word.
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Sorry, I’ll use Yeshua of Nazareth next time for better punch. Tough crowd.
eidairaman1I will just stick to TurtleBeach
Yeah, Roccat Turtle Beach is still doing good stuff quality-wise. So far, even with a limited lineup they haven’t fallen off ofter the acquisition, which is nice to see. I still have an original Kone floating around somewhere at work, that thing is what, like a decade old at this point? Only ones with comparable “tank-like” build quality are Zowie and nowadays Vaxee.
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Escort professionals? For the games?
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Macro Device
evernessincemouse weight
No English word can describe how I hate how light mice are. Even the heaviest ones. The size is also ridiculously small. In the largest ones, too. I installed 0.9 lbs worth of metal inside my rodent just for it to become sane (Bloody V7).

Also, Razer and quality are antonyms. I owned two "waterproof" keyboards and one died after two spilled drinks and another, just of air humidity. Both, before the warranty even expired. Asked around and I'm not alone. Now using HyperX Alloy Elite. Not the very best but at least does its job much better than any Razer nonsense...
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SteevoEscort professionals? For the games?
Thanks now I have to unread that everytime I read Escorts... F*ck.. Esports
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I'm with ya on the Razzerio being crapola :D

I've also had bad experiences with many of their products, and will neva, eva, neva spend a single penny on their over-priced, over-hyped garbaggio....

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I wouldnt use a Razer mouse at all, had 4 different types, dont like them, their keyboards I love though, with yellow switches.
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OnasiI know people like to dunk on Razer and not without reason, but making blatantly wrong statements about things one has no idea about isn’t the way to go about things.
Except I never dunked on Razer if you read my entire post, I'm using their V2 Pro for two years right now and said I'd replace it with the latest version if it ever dies. The new one is ridiculously priced and I would like a larger battery for longer life at 1KHz though, they are all so light weight is irrelevant at this point.
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The Exiled Airman
SteevoEscort professionals? For the games?
I always felt the word 'professional' before esports, or 'professional sports player' was an oxymoron.
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