NVIDIA is going to release yet another revision to its GeForce 8 family, the GeForce 8800GS 192-bit 384MB and 768MB. A quick look at the chart below will tell you the differences between the 192-bit 8800GS and other 8 series. The price tag of 8800GS 384MB will be 1199CNY or about 164USD, while the 768MB version will cost 1499CNY (~204USD). Redirect
here for some more pics and results.
56 Comments on NVIDIA GeForce 8800GS 192-bit 384MB and 768MB First Look
This should have been 96 SPs.
GS has 192bit bus, GT wins at 256bit.
Hooray I got a GeForce 8800 !!!
Which 8800?
I dunno.
...new tactic from NVidia.
32bit (1)-64bit (2)-96bit (3)-128bit (4)-160bit (5)-192bit (6)-224bit (7)-256bit (8)-288bit (9)-320bit (10)-352bit (11)-384bit (12)-416bit (13)-448bit (14)-480bit (15)-512bit (16)-etc.
All these bus widths are possible to make but only those bolded have been done, the "(number)" in the list after each bus width means the minimum number of GDDR3/4/5 chips that are needed.
Bus width = amount of chips working in parallel.
GDDR3/4 chips used therse days are 32bits "wide" ie. 32bits can be read/written at the same time. If you put 2 such chips on a video card you get 64bit bus - that means the GPU can read/write 64bits in/from it's memory pool in a single clock cycle. Put 10 chips and you'll get a 320bit bus (10×32bit) just like on the G80 based 8800GTS 320MB/640MB. 8800GTX/Ultra has 12 chips yielding a 384bit bus (12×32bit). 8800GS has 192bit bus thus it has exactly six GDDR3 chips on board (6×32bit).
Talk about confusing though.
The 64 extra bit on the memory bus aren't going to make much difference in performance.
Where as the extra 100Mhz memory clock on the GS and the extra 50Mhz core clock will.
Performance should be on-par if not superior.
I still say it's a type-o, and I say that you are condesending. If you really thought I'd be stupid enough not to notice the difference in memory bus, you'd have to be pretty pathetic to call me out on it.
That said, given the higher clocks of the 768MB GS model, I'd agree that the number of SPs is probably a typo - especially given that the core clock is 50MHz higher than on the 8800 GT, and nVidia cards have traditionally seen greater performance from higher core speeds as opposed to higher memory clocks.
Still, it'll be interesting to see exactly what effect - if any - the 192-bit bus has on performance. Given that 128-bit cards have generally been poor performers and 256-bit cards the opposite, it might be the case that a 192-bit bus is just a little too restrictive for the G92 core. Time will tell...