Tuesday, April 1st 2008
Ubisoft Expands Game Catalog on Steam
Ubisoft is delivering a slate of more than 40 action-packed games to Steam, including Assassin's Creed and the Tom Clancy series. Two fan favorites are now available to customers in Canada and the United States: the acclaimed action shooter, Far Cry, and the debut game in the groundbreaking stealth action series, Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell. Save 10% on either game when you buy before Tuesday, April 8th.
Starting today, the PC version of Assassin's Creed is available for pre-purchase. Be one of the first to play the highly-awaited PC adaptation of the console hit-complete with four bonus missions unique to the PC release-when it releases on April 9th.
Over the coming weeks, Ubisoft will bring many of its award-winning brands to Steam, including games from the Tom Clancy series, the Heroes of Might & Magic series, the IL-2 Sturmovik collection, and many more. The Ubisoft line-up on Steam will be the largest library of titles available from any single publisher or developer.
Starting today, the PC version of Assassin's Creed is available for pre-purchase. Be one of the first to play the highly-awaited PC adaptation of the console hit-complete with four bonus missions unique to the PC release-when it releases on April 9th.
Over the coming weeks, Ubisoft will bring many of its award-winning brands to Steam, including games from the Tom Clancy series, the Heroes of Might & Magic series, the IL-2 Sturmovik collection, and many more. The Ubisoft line-up on Steam will be the largest library of titles available from any single publisher or developer.
25 Comments on Ubisoft Expands Game Catalog on Steam
I'm confused...:confused:
I don't appreciate having to load something online to play games I've bought on disc.
Games on DVD/CD = got crappy copy protection that kinda hides viruses just like sony BMG rootkit
I pitty the fool who has to use steam
You probably read too much negative propaganda about Steam...
I live in Romania and Steam is the only way to buy original games without having to pay extra for originals CDs and DVDs (game prices are not regulated here, so a typical game can cost 20% to 30% more that the usual EU price if bought in stores).
Also, I use Steam because I can play TF2 at home and at work in the launch break, without having to lug around discs or use "almost" legal no-disc "patches"...
Oh yeah, you can play without being online...
this is a bit of a conundrum - its like knowing how read when you've been blind since birth.
You can download/play your game everywhere, you dont need your crappy disk to start the game
always updated version... etc
that is shit. I can understand if you download the game after buying it online, but if i bought the dvd why should i download more shit just to play the fracken thing.
after it you can make backups to HDD/SSD/ODD ;)
as to those protections, you do know they can include secrom or starforce or many of the other driver based protections in downloaded content dont you? check bf2 or 2142, i think those where 2 of the games that had the protection on the DEMO versions(what a crock!!!)
now nobody i know of is still using starfarce, and the other 2 arent that bad(safedisk/securom) they arent great but they at least work as intended without causing hardware damnage!!!
all the protection even/especly stuff like steam is cracked so fast that it dosnt matter that they protect it, if you know where to look ANY game that comes out has a crack to dissable the protection given some time on the more extream cases, but anyway, DRM NEVER WORKS, thats why stardock the makers of Galactic Civilizations II, and sins of a solar empire are NOT PROTECTED, read the linked artical, im suprised it didnt make news here.
basickly the guy in charge makes a hugely good point about pc gaming.
pc's are a great game platform, the problems is that game companys spend to much time building for the top 1% and not the other 99% of their market, they dont make games that anybody can play they make shit like crysis that most cant play decently without a massive hardware upgrade.
and that protection only hurts those who payed for the game, pirats arent effected by the protection and 'pirats dont count" because they arent the ones giving you the $.
personaly i know alot of ppl who only buy unprotected games, im not one of them, i refused to buy a game that i cant just use when i want to use it, without the orignal disk or on the road, alot of people feel the same way, hence the sales of stardocks games have HUGE sales, look at the numbers, they get NO publicity really unlike crysis and such, but they are top selling games of the years they come out, like sims, no publicity really but ungoddly popular!!!!!(i hate sims but meh to each their own)
set it to do not automatically update, done,no more 'needs internet connection' bullshit, worked for me when i had no internet access AT ALL for 6 months
really they could make it WORLDS better if they just followed stardocks example and accepted that those who matter are those who pay, not those who pirat, many of us refuse to pay for stuff thats got protection because it dosnt fuck over pirats, it ONLY fucks over those who PAYED for the game.
think about it, if you pay 40-70 for a game(normal us priaces as of last week) then you get hope install it and find out the games protection dosnt work with your system how are you gonna feel?
im gonna be pissed, as i have been in the past, then i patch the game up, and in some cases like NWN2 it was pushed out to fast and the updates dont even work properly(wtf is that) then i gotta hunt down a crack to make the game load because the protection dosnt like my system/os/drivers/WTFE, it just gets old, I still buy games on the rare ocation that had protection, but i get them used of uber bargin bim(5bucks or around that) because i refuse to pay for a game im gonna endup having to crack anyway.
good example, i bought breed, was playing having a good time, all of a sudden i couldnt go any farther then the game locked, after some searching around i disscovered that it was part of the protection, it used triggers at various events in game, now i OWNED the game, payed good$ for it, but still had to hunt down cracks because even the patches for the game didnt let me get past XX point, they wanted me to remove all burning software even nero, as well as revert to ms drivers for my ice/sata controlers, in the end it was EASYER to just crack it and remove the protection driver(using a remove tool i had to torrent to get because at the time they didnt have one published for pub use!!!)
blah, i get so sick of protection, hence i just get stuff thats not, less hassle all around :)
steam is better then it was, but its still got issues, eventuly they may work them all out, but im not gonna hold my breath.
saying steams flawless is like saying steam games are uncrackable ;)
in that case....
why the hell did i even bother to mention that I use to play CS (Counter Strike) in a 'steam' thread???? i know you love steam but please ease up on the catnip. your either not bothering to read what i type or your reading it but you no be understanding it & thefore flaming me for no aparant reason because you cant put 2 & 2 together & work out for yourself what im REALLY trying to say....
Who else here thought that I was refering to CS 1.6 (the non steam version) ?????
the statement is all there the only problem is that you fails to understands it