Wednesday, November 19th 2008

Gigabyte Announces Support for Upcoming 45nm AMD AM3/AM2+ Processors
GIGABYTE, a leading manufacturer of motherboards and graphics cards today is pleased to announce support for the soon-to-be-released AMD 45nm processors including socket AM3 and AM2+ on a full range of current platforms including the AMD 790FX, 790GX, 790X, 770, 780G, 740G as well as the NVIDIA nForce 750a SLI and GeForce 8200.
With a simple BIOS upgrade, GIGABYTE delivers an easy upgrade path for users wanting to take advantage of AMD's latest 45nm process technology enhancements including higher core clocks with greater energy efficiency over past generations, integrated DDR2/DDR3 memory controller (DDR3 memory support for AM3 processors and AM3 designed motherboards only), HyperTransport 3.0 and C1E enhanced power savings.

GIGABYTE has tested and verified the following products support AMD AM3 /AM2+ 45nm CPUs by upgrading to the BIOS version listed. To download the latest BIOS version for your board, please visit this page.
With a simple BIOS upgrade, GIGABYTE delivers an easy upgrade path for users wanting to take advantage of AMD's latest 45nm process technology enhancements including higher core clocks with greater energy efficiency over past generations, integrated DDR2/DDR3 memory controller (DDR3 memory support for AM3 processors and AM3 designed motherboards only), HyperTransport 3.0 and C1E enhanced power savings.

GIGABYTE has tested and verified the following products support AMD AM3 /AM2+ 45nm CPUs by upgrading to the BIOS version listed. To download the latest BIOS version for your board, please visit this page.
18 Comments on Gigabyte Announces Support for Upcoming 45nm AMD AM3/AM2+ Processors
God please get into Biostar's Bios coders brain and help them release an update to take 45nm AMD CPUs. I will offer you a bribe:D
Good news tho to Gigabyte board owners.
They're full of promises for people that eagerly spent too soon to much on never realized dreams, and yet there's never enough spice to keep that management pools on track with customers.:nutkick:
I wanna see the REAL support of 45nm am2+ cpus from damn not just a few spuun offs that couldnt fulfill all the specs required for SF Opterons, and yet another bullshit that ddr3 migration is really needed and actually subventioned by damn's politics toward the end user :mad::mad::mad:
So now comes AM2+ 45nm (Deneb)/AM3 and again end users are screwed by mobo manufacturers. There are no AM2 boards on the lists presented by Asus and Giga, which again goes counter to what AMD promised. Moreover, Asus totally f****d the owners of most of AM2+ boards, including their flagship M3A32-MVP Deluxe, by not offering support for Deneb/AM3. In fact only a handful of boards are supported, none of the SB600 boards are there also. This is why i gave props to Giga, even though they screwed me in the past, now at least the offer support for the new CPUs on all their AM2+ boards. So bottom line is, both AMD and their Taiwanese buddies are to blame here.
Actually Gigabyte and Asus are fore runners is giving bios updates on most of their models to support new cpus. Others just release new boards based on the same chipset, I guess its easier to build a new product than to write a bios update especially ECS, famous for those retarted Bios writers they have, they fu...g scrwed me on their stupid black edition board, u update the new bios they take away CPU voltage adjustments, then what good is that Black board for?
ASUS they must be holding out for a bigger press release day.....
Also, will they be releasing new boards for these CPU's?
The problem doesn't lie under chipset itself (well in the case nF4/nf5/nf(quasi)6 it does) cause nVidia couldn't and didnt want to predict the way the cpu will be developed, but as we saw since 130nm-90nm-65nm transitions mostly the blame didnt lie in chipsets cause they all could support the new features xept nf3/4 doesnt support AMD Pacifica (aka HyperV). But as we all could see amd690g and new nf 520/560 series could support new K8L aka Phenoms w/o problems except separate power planes and newely HT rate (well most of them support HT 3200 thru OCing eve nF4 could reach that and then again nf550/nf570 have some serious issues, maybe caused by the manufaturers flawkyness :confused:).
Back to am3/2+ ... OMG i cant believe that some hw freaks still doesnt know well that's been suspected even before PII that on 45nm is easily reachable to have 4ch memory controller (thru Bulldozer slides that should see the light of the dawn @45nm) so they can easily manage on what market they'll place their so expected cpus. But as damn become producer of their own chipsets, since they crunched ATi bone, and wanna make some market cap, like intel was doing the whole 5 yrs back since they didn't have integrated mch on cpu die, and now thru ugly licencing scheme of their holly CSI (crime scene reinvented). Well it's lucrative business unfortunately. So we in the end will be screwed once again since amd wanna sel more boards and whats best for early adopters than amd's chipsets since nvidia needs to figure out whats new (if any in this cpu revision)
So in the end i'm whooping about is that they dont have sence to utilise their 45nm cores on both markets since it's all the same and all cores have 2ch ddr2 + 2ch ddr3 capable of gangbang and unganged mode. So all they should have a reason to place chips on both market emerging ddr3 and not so lucrative ddr2 but that will still pull some profit especialy if they place same chips under same price.
In the end story goes that f*cking damn want to double up their crappy chipset bussines and place as many 890fx/850g chipsets all under the mask that they want to make seamless transfor to Bulldozer core. OMG that's totaly different architecture and guess again the new chipstes will be needed no matter that it'll work with ddr3 also. Yeah maybe they'll be somwhat compatible like core2 on 945 chipsets but that's crap and anyone who knows that from first hand wouldnt repeat it with amd once again. anywhay whenewer bulldozer came if any of those fancy last year's slides were true it will be a major jump not just HT & power planes enhancement like Phenoms and they try to sell us a fake beliefs that we need am3 to eary adopt Bully-core.
Reasons for am3:
1. populate market with as many chipsets as they could
2. cut down chips from Shangai servers chips w/ L3 to cheap (not to buyers cheap to produce :p) rana (it mean wound :o) & heka
3. cut down htpc mobo cost removing sideport memory that now it's needed for integrated gaming :laugh: and of coure enabling costly chipset to populate that differece
4. sell more chipsets year after
well if they offer cut down 50% in cost when i bring back my old mobo i might close up one ye but this is ludacris except considering the fact that in the next 12month we could coose good system w/ 4gb of ultra expensive ddr3 or extremely valuable system w/ 16gb of ddr2-800 for the same money that we need for only 4gb ... ultimate gaming??? well afaik games and whol system works better on much more lower latency ram than on quarter of high latency ram that hardly goes up to ddr3-2000MHz w/ cl9 while cl5 ddr2-1000MHz is reachable with most valuable rams w/ 4 sticks populated (well not in intels world but hank god yes in amds)