Monday, March 16th 2009

Deteriorating world economy claims another victim in the tech world: NVISION, the annual flagship visual-computing promotional event by NVIDIA for 2009 is reportedly called off, according industry observer DigiTimes. NVISION draws parallels with MacWorld Expo, an event that showcases Apple technologies.
NVIDIA hosts the NVISION event ideally in the third quarter of an year. NVISION '08 was held in between August 25th and 27th, at the San Jose Convention Center, California, United States. The economic decline has reduced the number of attendees considering visiting the show, says NVIDIA. It was added that the company would hold several smaller forums in the coming fall.
NVIDIA hosts the NVISION event ideally in the third quarter of an year. NVISION '08 was held in between August 25th and 27th, at the San Jose Convention Center, California, United States. The economic decline has reduced the number of attendees considering visiting the show, says NVIDIA. It was added that the company would hold several smaller forums in the coming fall.
22 Comments on NVIDIA Cancels NVISION 2009
Trade shows in general suck now. Nobody goes to industry shows. Even consumer-focused shows are in severe decline.
Why spend the money on travelling when you can get all the info you need online?
I'll be happy when trade shows finally die.
It's the ridiculous entertainment 'value' with all the girls, boos, Nintendo music and overpriced junk food that turns them into a complete waste of time.
Id buy lots of tickets....
(and they could ban Nvidia GPUs like Nvision did to them, lol)
Anyway, with the way things are going, Intel trying to sue AMD and stuff, AMD would never ever pull of something like this.
I can just picture the red warriors already . . .
Never underestimate the loyalty or amount of members belonging to the red army.
AMD kept doing shows when they were down in the low. They have ONE BAD YEAR being beat by AMD/ATi and they cancel. What cry baby's IMO.