Tuesday, June 16th 2009

BFG Disputes EVGA's Claim to be The ''Undisputed Leader for Water Cooling Solutions''

Earlier this month, EVGA announced its GTX 295 HydroCopper water-block which it plans to sell separately, and not pre-installed with the GeForce GTX 295 CO-OP Edition. In the company's press release, EVGA called itself the " the undisputed leader for water cooling solutions". Apparently this statement hasn't gone down well with its market competitor BFG, which circulated an email across its press-contact list officially challenging the statement, just so the claim doesn't remain "undisputed".

The reasons BFG claims, revolve basically around the longer history the company had with selling factory-fitted water-cooling ready graphics cards, the fact that all its offerings are factory-fitted solutions unlike EVGA's, which relies on user installation, puts the installation risk entirely on the customer, amongst other regular claims of having superior customer support and lifetime warranty.

To quote BFG;
BFG Tech:
  • Has been offering water cooled graphics cards since the BFG GeForce 6800 Ultra
  • Has sold over 15 different water cooled GeForce model/variants
  • Has sold most of those water cooled models as true single slot solutions with both water block and bracket only consuming one add-in card slot
By contrast, EVGA:
  • Only started offering water cooled graphics cards since the GeForce 8800 series, once again following BFG's lead (see lifetime warranty, 24/7/365 tech support - [evga support still isn't open on holidays, btw], etc)
  • Typically has only offered dual slot water cooled graphics cards which take up an additional add-in card slot
  • Has fewer water cooled GeForce model/variants not including products that were announced and never launched
  • In some cases, has started selling only the water block to customers, but not a fully assembled water cooled graphics card. Just selling the block alone puts the installation risk entirely on the customer.
Press releases containing hyperbolic statements aren't new. One is never far away from a recently-public company declaring itself a "world leader" in the comfort of a press-release, although BFG acknowledges that, and chooses to stand up to its dispute.
Who wants popcorn?
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15 Comments on BFG Disputes EVGA's Claim to be The ''Undisputed Leader for Water Cooling Solutions''

Senior Monkey Moderator
I'll have some popcorn. These pi$$ing matches are always more enjoyable with popcorn. :toast:

If BFG's claims are true that would make EVGA the "undisputed follower for water cooling solutions".
Doesn't sound as impressive. lol
Posted on Reply
*stands back with coke in hand*
*takes a sip*
*takes another sip*
*takes the last sip*
ahh screw this...
*throws empty can away, and walks off...*
Posted on Reply
BFG has a legitimate beef here, and from what I know all of their rebutals are true. EVGA FTL on this one.
Posted on Reply
"Probably the best beer in the world"

IMHO its kinda stupid of BFG to go emailing its untrue as it is just a cheap marketing touch you see everywhere on every market these days. Or is it just a good ocasion of getting yourself on top of hardware news sites for free? :)
Posted on Reply
caleb"Probably the best beer in the world"

IMHO its kinda stupid of BFG to go emailing its untrue as it is just a cheap marketing touch you see everywhere on every market these days. Or is it just a good ocasion of getting yourself on top of hardware news sites for free? :)
Really? So, if your closest competitor (in whatever business you're in) started proclaiming it's the "leader" in an area that you know that you have more experience in, you'd just let it go? Emailing across a press release list is the fastest way to respond.
Posted on Reply
Senior Monkey Moderator
I agree, there is nothing wrong with responding to a competitor claims, as long as you can back up your marketting spin with verifiable facts.
Posted on Reply
KreijI'll have some popcorn. These pi$$ing matches are always more enjoyable with popcorn. :toast:

And beer. :toast:
Posted on Reply
crazy pyro
Sign me up for some popcorn, could be an interesting argument.
Posted on Reply
LOL to all of this.

This is a Pro Con list with BFG with all the pros and EVGA with all of the cons.

Complete BS.

I have received nothing but the best support from EVGA, also installing your own cooling solution is fine with EVGA. Most companies void your warranty.

Recently I installed a BFG 295 LC in a customers system, They sent me 2 DOA cards and finally hit a good one on the third try.

Awesome job on QC BFG.

EVGA also has a much better community and technology support group.

All I can say is BFG is looking for a fight because they know they suck.

I am being as rash as BFG, so don't confuse this with my actual personality.

Also it says a lot about EVGA to not stoop dow to the level of BFG (Childish)

Posted on Reply
The Doctor is in the house
~The_Dude~Also it says a lot about EVGA to not stoop down to the level of BFG (Childish)~
EVGA will stoop to that level to defend themselves. Asus and gigabyte do it all the time. It's not a matter of being childish it's defending the company against damaging accusations.
Posted on Reply
Oh great another Gigabyte vs Asus argument....
Posted on Reply
~The_Dude~LOL to all of this.

This is a Pro Con list with BFG with all the pros and EVGA with all of the cons.

Complete BS.

I have received nothing but the best support from EVGA, also installing your own cooling solution is fine with EVGA. Most companies void your warranty.

Recently I installed a BFG 295 LC in a customers system, They sent me 2 DOA cards and finally hit a good one on the third try.

Awesome job on QC BFG.

EVGA also has a much better community and technology support group.

All I can say is BFG is looking for a fight because they know they suck.

I am being as rash as BFG, so don't confuse this with my actual personality.

Also it says a lot about EVGA to not stoop dow to the level of BFG (Childish)

Actually all you've done here is bitch about how EVGA is better than BFG so how dare BFG try to set things straight. You're silly. Just because you think EVGA is better doesn't mean BFG is wrong here.
Posted on Reply
Eleet Hardware Junkie
they both need to shut up and start using EK and other popular companies block on their cards instead of using their own bulky designs.
Posted on Reply
OMG! REALLY? Everyone claims to have the "best" or the "first" or the "fastest"or the most "exclusive" blah, blah, blah out there. At this point I'd almost rather have "plane-jane" purposeful looking component that comes a plain box with a name and specs on it without all of the gimicky propaganda. Although I can't wait for the "+++Ultra Black, Blackened Blacker than Black XXX MAGNUM-Extreme-FTW" editions of "anything" that comes out. I'm sure they will be awsome! (note mild sarcasam)lol
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