Wednesday, June 24th 2009

Details on Intel's Core Brand Product Placement Emerge, Gulftown to be Named Core i9

Last week, Intel sketched out its strategy in dealing with its client processor brand Core, and placing its different kinds of processors in series of markers (such as "i3", "i5", and "i7"), on the merit of performance and features they offer, and not necessarily a segregation based on core type and socket type. This raised a big debate in our forums, on who is really going to benefit from this kind of branding.

Chinese website sourced information which explains what factors go into determining which brand marker a processor gets. The table elaborates on how different kinds of Intel processors (determined by core and socket types) cross different lines, with a few features toggled or enhanced. It is sure to throw up some surprises.

Intel may rebadge existing Wolfdale, Yorkfield, and Penryn Mobile chips into Core i3
As bizarre as it seems, it looks like existing Core 2 Duo and Core 2 Quad processors are bound for a new name tag, under Core i3. The processors will form Intel's value offerings, since they compare to the lower-end derivatives of the Nehalem architecture. At this point in time, we don't know if (and don't expect) higher-end Wolfdale and Yorkfield models to make it to this series, but rather the lower-end Core 2 Duo E7000, E8000, Core 2 Quad Q8000, Q9x00, etc. to do so, as they make the most market sense with Nehalem and Westmere derivatives higher up the order. The processors will continue to be driven by existing chipsets by Intel, which include members of Intel 3-series and 4-series.

Arrandale as Core i3, Clarkdale as Core i5
Intel thinks its desktop dual-core Westmere derivative Clarkdale is faster and more capable than its mobile cousin Arrandale. This could be because traditionally, mobile CPUs trade off clock-speeds for energy efficiency, and make up to an extant with large caches. The Clarksfield quad-core mobile chip will get the Core i7 marker. It will come in two distinct flavours, with L3 cache sizes of 6 MB and 8 MB.

Lynnfield in Core i5 and Core i7
This comes as no surprise since Intel's marketing heads had already made it clear that Lynnfield would span across two brand markers. The determining factors, seem to be HyperThreading technology, and perhaps clock speeds. The Core i7 Lynnfield chip has HyperThreading technology available as a feature, and may have higher clock-speeds. The first wave of Lynnfield chips that release in Q3 2009, will be only of the Core i5 kind, while the performance Core i7 ones will follow months later, in Q1 2010.

Say hello to Core i9
Intel's upcoming flagship client processor, codenamed Gulftown will get the higher Core i9 marker. This 6-core chip will have every performance enhancing feature in the book available, including a total thread count of 12, and a 50% increase in L3 cache over Bloomfield, at 12 MB. It will retain compatibility with the existing LGA-1366 socket, and X58 chipset, and will be available in Q1 2010.
Source: INPAI
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46 Comments on Details on Intel's Core Brand Product Placement Emerge, Gulftown to be Named Core i9

oh so they announce the i9 and people are saying ill have to scrap my i7 now for i9

well why not scrap your theoretical i9 for the cpu that is out 30mins before your death that way you get the latest and greatest available in your existence

ridiculous this naming scheme, its not like the old one was any better tho
the biggest flaw in the crown is the different socket types, now manufacturers have to make 2 types of board available and it dosnt bode well for upgrade options oh look i have to get a brand new mobo too if i want to go higher up the chain

its hard for anyone to say that they NEED something
Posted on Reply
Personally, I'm waiting for i11. Oh wait, will i11 come after i9? No, because it sounds like an i1 series revision. Perhaps i1 is good for Atom and i11 will be the new Atom.

So what comes after i9? i91? then i92? LOL.

No answers please... I'm just on the naysaying boat today.
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Im surprised Intel didnt just have a cut off period after the yorkfields / 8700 and name the new line up i1 or something - then go from there. The next tier of chips, much like the E2xxx series then the E5xxx series, would be like i2, then just add the E on the end for any extreme super do0p3r mega 1337 chip they decide to release.
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MoonPigI can see i9 costing alot. But it looks damn nice. Im VERY tempted.

I'll get a DX11 card, then an i9 setup. Nothing else.

Any ideas on cost?
It will cost $2000, if you ask me
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Good thing Intel keeping LGA1366 platform alive
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sunilGood thing Intel keeping LGA1366 platform alive
I suppose they have to:P
other wise i7 users would be pissed...
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I think everyone would be pissed if we needed an X68 for i9 already.
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intel is no bmw

intel thinks that by renaming their processors after bmw cars series they can charge more for their processors.

if you want to know where the hell the intel renaming comes from , the 'i' is copied from apple's iphone which the users associates with themselves ('i' is 'me') and the 3,5,7,9 comes from the expensive bmw,the purpose is that the unaware user and fanboys be happy paying more for the overheating intel cpus.
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the i7 lynnfield would be interesting for me to see. price and performance wise.
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tsk, tsk, tsk. if you've just upgraded to an i7 and r thinking of upgrading to an i9, then you'll never be satisfied. as much as i appreciate good hardware, i don't want to be caught in the spending debacle. seriously, the only people that should consider this are hardcore maya freaks and the likes, otherwise, for the rest of warcraft / cod / ut3 / crysis etc population, what you have is fine. geez, i'd lose faith in intel i9 is a difference socket. i'm hoping they really delay the release of i9 and work hard on it so that it becomes so good they'd have to name it j9.
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At least I have something to aim to (possibly, if I start saving now... give or take 1 or 2 years I'll be able to afford a used i9 and upgrade then)
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snakeoilintel thinks that by renaming their processors after bmw cars series they can charge more for their processors.
They charge more cause there better than there competitors <AMD> counterparts, thats just business and thats how it works with ALL business's (oh and a pII 955 cost nearly as much as the i7 920 and gets spanked by it)
snakeoilthe purpose is that the unaware user and fanboys be happy paying more for the overheating intel cpus.
Sounds like a touch of the green eyed monster there, so us i7 owners are fanboys ? lol i just want the best and if i have to pay for the best then so be it, im no fanboy i quite like AMD although imo they havent been able to cut it since c2d came out and everytime they have came close (pI/pII) intel have raised the bar. Sad but true :o
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Wile E
Power User
Just as I said in the other thread. This naming scheme is altogether stupid and confusing. Terrible, TERRIBLE idea on their part. :shadedshu

As a side note, I finally figured out what I have been saving up for, in my urge to resist early adoption (although the release of the 975xe had me a little tempted. lol). It seems i9 will be what I'm going to buy at tax time. $2k or not.
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Does HyperThreading REALLY help at that point; I'd imagine very few applications can utilize 12 threads efficiently.
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MilleniaDoes HyperThreading REALLY help at that point; I'd imagine very few applications can utilize 12 threads efficiently.
True. Though it does help me run a couple applications :)
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is there only going to be one i9 avaliable?

all these talks of them being over 1k does not sound right.

if they put out 3 different stock speeds like they did for the i7, i can see the lower speed being less than $400.

it would not be wise for all the i9's to cost over 1k, they would not sell too many of them compaired to a much lower costing chip.
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tastegwis there only going to be one i9 avaliable?

all these talks of them being over 1k does not sound right.

if they put out 3 different stock speeds like they did for the i7, i can see the lower speed being less than $400.

it would not be wise for all the i9's to cost over 1k, they would not sell too many of them compaired to a much lower costing chip.
i7/i9 is the high end platform

this is why they are scrapping the 920,950 and making you buy the expensive i5
Posted on Reply
Assassin48i7/i9 is the high end platform

this is why they are scrapping the 920,950 and making you buy the expensive i5
they arent making anyone buy anything.
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El Fiendo
So in that chart I count 4 socket types. I'm assuming the one processor listed as 1155 (instead of 1156) is a typo or will just fit into an 1156 socket. At any rate, what the **** are they thinking? They really need to poll their target markets on this differing socket thing. Right now the fact that there are so many sockets floating about is keeping me from upgrading. I would imagine I'm not alone.
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