Thursday, January 28th 2010

Phenom II X6 Series Details Surface, Slated for May 2010

AMD's upcoming six-core desktop processor, codenamed "Thuban" is on course for a May 2010, suggests a report. The series is likely to receive the brand name Phenom II X6. There are four models planned for release within Q2, 2010. The Thuban core is AMD's desktop implementation of the Istanbul core, in the socket AM3 package, supporting dual-channel DDR3 memory. It is a monolithic multi-core design with six x86-64 cores, each with 128 KB of L1, 512 KB of L2 cache, and a 6 MB L3 cache shared between the six cores. Just as with K10 dual, triple, and quad core processors where AMD used a HyperTransport interface clock speed of 1800 MHz (3600 MT/s), or 2000 MHz (4000 MT/s), the new processor will take advantage of HyperTransport 3.x interface, with a HT speed of 2400 MHz (4800 MT/s). Thuban will be built on GlobalFoundaries' 45 nm node.

The table below lists out details of the four planned models. The model number of the top part isn't known. Most likely it is a Black Edition part, which comes with an unlocked BClk multiplier. It operates at 2.80 GHz, with a TDP of 140W. A step below is the Phenom II X6 1075T, which has an expected TDP of 125W, the 1055T is a notch below, and 1035T being the cheapest part. The exact clock speeds of the latter three models isn't known as yet. A month ahead of releasing these chips, AMD will announce the AMD 8-series chipset platform, led by 890FX (high-end, best for CrossFireX), 890GX (performance integrated graphics with CrossFire support). The AMD SB800 series southbridge chips will feature native support for SATA 6 Gb/s. Its on-die SATA controller gives out six SATA ports complete with RAID support. Some existing AM3 motherboards based on 7-series chipsets may also support Phenom II X6 with a BIOS update.
Source: OCWorkbench
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277 Comments on Phenom II X6 Series Details Surface, Slated for May 2010

Wile E
Power User
TheLostSwedeDoesn't anyone here check Wikipedia?
Says 3.2GHz for the top model there, with 3, 2.8 and 2.6GHz models also coming.
Not that I can say that this is correct, but hopefully this is what AMD is planning rather than a top clock speed of 2.8GHz...
That's not what the OP claims. No way to know which one is accurate. I tend to believe the OP more, but 3.2 would be nice.
KeiWhat's wrong with 2.8Ghz....there's 6 cores remember? Not to mention if they've done further optimizations then 2.8Ghz on the X6 would be greater than 2.8Ghz on the X4 PII's just like 2.8Ghz PII is greater than 2.8Ghz PI.

There really aren't any major optimizations compared to current cores according to rumors. But the thing that's wrong with these from an enthusiast perspective is that I'm willing to bet they won't clock anywhere near as well as Gulftown.

This is still too little too late from AMD. They should've tried to jump straight to octo core or something to leapfrog Intel.
Posted on Reply
PP Mguire
KeiI totally understand where those people are coming from, but why are those people even contemplating looking at something they know they'll never use anyway. :p

If I were those people I'd be looking into the X2's, X3's, i3's, or i5 duals and leave this other stuff to the people that are actually gonna use it. I see absolutely no reason for 90% of the users here to worry about/"upgrade" to the X6's when they come out. Sure it's great for marketshare so by all means go for it, but not if you're gonna complain that it's not slaughtering or making your 4Ghz dual or tri obselete lol. :shadedshu

TIGRI think people are largely thinking of software that can't take advantage of all cores, so that clock rate matters more for many things, especially games. It will probably be a few years before ubiquitous multi-core software support erases sub-quad core CPUs from the market, and until that time, there will continue to be demand for high-clocking dual and triple cores over lower clocked 4, 6, and 8 core CPUs.

I do wonder what, if any optimizations might come between the current models and this.
Which is exactly what i was saying, and deemed a fanboy because i was stating facts.

A faster architecture and faster clocks with programs designed to use the less dense faster cpu will outperform something with more cores and less clocks when programs arent designed to use upwards (mostly) of 2 cores.

Its simple, i have had AMD through all the days and now have i5. Why? Because its simply faster in every aspect without the burnt wallet feeling i7 leaves you with.

I game, my i5 is faster than a 955 in all games i play (i used to have 955 both at 4ghz) so its easy to see why i would have an i5 over Phenom 2.
Wile EThat's not what the OP claims. No way to know which one is accurate. I tend to believe the OP more, but 3.2 would be nice.

There really aren't any major optimizations compared to current cores according to rumors. But the thing that's wrong with these from an enthusiast perspective is that I'm willing to bet they won't clock anywhere near as well as Gulftown.

This is still too little too late from AMD. They should've tried to jump straight to octo core or something to leapfrog Intel.
Another thing ive been saying. Of course im deemed a fanboy because im blatently saying im tired of crap, AMD. :wtf:
Posted on Reply
"Too little too late" isn't necessarily the way I'd look at AMD; their strategy often has been not leapfrogging cutting-edge tech like the ATI/nVidia duo, but rather to offer value, particularly in the lower segments. They haven't anywhere near the R&D budget of Intel, though working on things like the 22nm fab process with IBM and others certainly helps. Those strategic alliances keep them alive (and thank goodness for the sake of competition-driven pricing, not that Intel doesn't do what it pleases anyway), but can't keep AMD "on top."
Posted on Reply
PP Mguire
AthlonXP and Athlon64/X2 disagrees, sir.

Everybody and their brothers mothers cousin had an NF4 and 64/X2 combo back in the day :rockout:
Posted on Reply
It doesn't have to out-perform i9.

All it needs is shorten the gap, or keep it from widen. Keep the prices reasonable.
Posted on Reply
look - are we sure this will not support DDR2? sorry to be pedantic...
Posted on Reply
Editor & Senior Moderator
tonyd223look - are we sure this will not support DDR2? sorry to be pedantic...
FlyordieIt will support DDR2.
Technically Istanbul supports DDR2. But the thing is how many motherboard vendors are ready to give away supportive BIOS updates for their old AM2+ boards? I think not many, if not any.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
PP MguireAthlonXP and Athlon64/X2 disagrees, sir.

Everybody and their brothers mothers cousin had an NF4 and 64/X2 combo back in the day :rockout:
Hell, I still do have nf4 and an X2 in the kids' machine with a 4850.
Posted on Reply
PP Mguire
Wile EHell, I still do have nf4 and an X2 in the kids' machine with a 4850.
:rockout::rockout::rockout: :pimp:

I remember my X2 and the SLI 280. Oh that poor poor cpu :roll:
Posted on Reply
DDR2 support saves me £100 by allowing me to move my old memory on my 790GX board across... maybe I'm just skint :-)
Posted on Reply
Big Member
btarunrTechnically Istanbul supports DDR2. But the thing is how many motherboard vendors are ready to give away supportive BIOS updates for their old AM2+ boards? I think not many, if not any.
Man I hope they do. I don't want to upgrade my board just yet. Its funny I got into building computers because my other hobby (Firearms) is very expensive. Now my PC building is starting to rival that! Why cant collecting stamps me this fun?! I would save so much money.
Posted on Reply
I want one of these cpu..more with other Motherboards
Posted on Reply
KeiI totally understand where those people are coming from, but why are those people even contemplating looking at something they know they'll never use anyway. :p

If I were those people I'd be looking into the X2's, X3's, i3's, or i5 duals and leave this other stuff to the people that are actually gonna use it. I see absolutely no reason for 90% of the users here to worry about/"upgrade" to the X6's when they come out. Sure it's great for marketshare so by all means go for it, but not if you're gonna complain that it's not slaughtering or making your 4Ghz dual or tri obselete lol. :shadedshu

I'm looking at it from an overclocking stand point, if the chip default clock rate is pretty high, then it shouldn't be that much of a strain on the chip to get some really high numbers, and yeah most apps aren't multithreaded but people keep forgetting that the OS is...
Posted on Reply
PP MguireI game, my i5 is faster than a 955 in all games i play (i used to have 955 both at 4ghz) so its easy to see why i would have an i5 over Phenom 2.
lol....I didn't know the 955 @ 4Ghz was holding you back from being slow? :p (sorry had to take that cheap shot at you lol)

Just tell the truth you wanted a new's fine we all do that, it's why we're here really. None of us have really needed to upgrade from performance problems for like 5 years lol. :roll:

Seriously though I totally agree that the i5 is a smokin bargain, I thought about picking one up as my first Intel processor in a pretty good while. I want one just for fun, surely not for any speed issues...I'm not a benchmark king lol. :toast:

I wonder what the pricing will be like on these, I'm getting more curious about them now though 4 cores is still enough for what I do. 6 cores would help in a few occassions, but I could live without it........price dependant I'll still probably pick one up for fun. :D

Posted on Reply
Keilol....I didn't know the 955 @ 4Ghz was holding you back from being slow? :p (sorry had to take that cheap shot at you lol)

Just tell the truth you wanted a new's fine we all do that, it's why we're here really. None of us have really needed to upgrade from performance problems for like 5 years lol. :roll:

Seriously though I totally agree that the i5 is a smokin bargain, I thought about picking one up as my first Intel processor in a pretty good while. I want one just for fun, surely not for any speed issues...I'm not a benchmark king lol. :toast:

I wonder what the pricing will be like on these, I'm getting more curious about them now though 4 cores is still enough for what I do. 6 cores would help in a few occassions, but I could live without it........price dependant I'll still probably pick one up for fun. :D

I can't rememer where but i read this, but I remember some source saying that Hyper threading does have some adverse effects in gaming. I'll try and see if I can remember the link.
Posted on Reply
Heat can solve with coolers and good price? AMD only solves why I still go AMD..
Posted on Reply
PP Mguire
Keilol....I didn't know the 955 @ 4Ghz was holding you back from being slow? :p (sorry had to take that cheap shot at you lol)

Just tell the truth you wanted a new's fine we all do that, it's why we're here really. None of us have really needed to upgrade from performance problems for like 5 years lol. :roll:

Seriously though I totally agree that the i5 is a smokin bargain, I thought about picking one up as my first Intel processor in a pretty good while. I want one just for fun, surely not for any speed issues...I'm not a benchmark king lol. :toast:

I wonder what the pricing will be like on these, I'm getting more curious about them now though 4 cores is still enough for what I do. 6 cores would help in a few occassions, but I could live without it........price dependant I'll still probably pick one up for fun. :D

Well since im more into benching than gaming then yes the 955 was holding me back. At the time of 955 purchase i had 3 280s ;)

With 2 280s running on my 955 i got around 18-21k. With the i5 at 4ghz i got 27k. So yea i needed more power.
KonceptzI can't rememer where but i read this, but I remember some source saying that Hyper threading does have some adverse effects in gaming. I'll try and see if I can remember the link.
erockerIf the resolution was higher (1920x1200 for example) the numbers would be even closer. In my opinion price + heat output isn't worth going i7 for gaming.
But it is worth going i5 considering the price is almost identical for a 965 and 750.
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
there is a slight chance like super maybe that i get on of these soon i will keep the forums up to date on it :D
Posted on Reply
btarunrTechnically Istanbul supports DDR2. But the thing is how many motherboard vendors are ready to give away supportive BIOS updates for their old AM2+ boards? I think not many, if not any.
DFI did.
DFI LanParty DK 790GX-M2RS = Win

I should know, the BIOS date on my board is 1/22/10.
Posted on Reply
cdawallthere is a slight chance like super maybe that i get on of these soon i will keep the forums up to date on it :D
I have people setup in the shadows outside your bedroom window....we will know if you hold out on us. :p

Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
FlyordieDFI did.
DFI LanParty DK 790GX-M2RS = Win

I should know, the BIOS date on my board is 1/22/10.
crosshair II is still getting updates as we speak as is the M3A78T
KeiI have people setup in the shadows outside your bedroom window....we will know if you hold out on us. :p

which window lol i have two places i live
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
TheMailMan78Man I hope they do. I don't want to upgrade my board just yet. Its funny I got into building computers because my other hobby (Firearms) is very expensive. Now my PC building is starting to rival that! Why cant collecting stamps me this fun?! I would save so much money.
I got into computers because my hobbies of modifying cars and playing/buying musical instruments were getting too expensive. Now the computer takes almost as much money. lol.
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