Thursday, January 28th 2010

Phenom II X6 Series Details Surface, Slated for May 2010

AMD's upcoming six-core desktop processor, codenamed "Thuban" is on course for a May 2010, suggests a report. The series is likely to receive the brand name Phenom II X6. There are four models planned for release within Q2, 2010. The Thuban core is AMD's desktop implementation of the Istanbul core, in the socket AM3 package, supporting dual-channel DDR3 memory. It is a monolithic multi-core design with six x86-64 cores, each with 128 KB of L1, 512 KB of L2 cache, and a 6 MB L3 cache shared between the six cores. Just as with K10 dual, triple, and quad core processors where AMD used a HyperTransport interface clock speed of 1800 MHz (3600 MT/s), or 2000 MHz (4000 MT/s), the new processor will take advantage of HyperTransport 3.x interface, with a HT speed of 2400 MHz (4800 MT/s). Thuban will be built on GlobalFoundaries' 45 nm node.

The table below lists out details of the four planned models. The model number of the top part isn't known. Most likely it is a Black Edition part, which comes with an unlocked BClk multiplier. It operates at 2.80 GHz, with a TDP of 140W. A step below is the Phenom II X6 1075T, which has an expected TDP of 125W, the 1055T is a notch below, and 1035T being the cheapest part. The exact clock speeds of the latter three models isn't known as yet. A month ahead of releasing these chips, AMD will announce the AMD 8-series chipset platform, led by 890FX (high-end, best for CrossFireX), 890GX (performance integrated graphics with CrossFire support). The AMD SB800 series southbridge chips will feature native support for SATA 6 Gb/s. Its on-die SATA controller gives out six SATA ports complete with RAID support. Some existing AM3 motherboards based on 7-series chipsets may also support Phenom II X6 with a BIOS update.
Source: OCWorkbench
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277 Comments on Phenom II X6 Series Details Surface, Slated for May 2010

Wile E
Power User
TheMailMan78I love 1911's. A good one will set you back about 3 grand. I own 8 of them. The rest of my collection are rifles and shotguns. I own about 35 firearms all together I think. I lost count. :laugh:

I love things that go boom! :rockout:
1911's are also my favorite hand gun.

Owning a Les Baer has been my dream for years. I'll likely settle for a Kimber tho, and do some upgrades myself. Like a Barsto barrel and such.
Posted on Reply
WTF are you guys doing? You're acting like the frigging Spanish inquisition! The guy stated a personal opinion, based on his own experience, which he is completely entitled to. This is not China...

1) The Phenom 2/Athlon 2 are a great series of CPUs. They are in no way slow but they are just not as fast as Intel's current offerings. Still they completely redeemed AMD of the flop that Phenom 1 was.

2) Intel is faster. End of argument.. I took the FC2 test specifically because it is the worst case scenario and it proves that under extreme circumstances Intel can be up to ~40% faster. It doesn't matter if it is due to optimizations, bribes or the magical touch of Jesus, it just is.

Problem is, you can't bloody tell the difference between 50, 60 or 70 fps (unless you're the secret cloned ninja offspring of Chuck Norris and Mr. T). On top of that the Intel platform is more expensive and provides less features at the same price point.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
cdawall1st off why is my 550BE a dual core? who the hell said that oh wait i forgot intel's don't unlock. also i take you ram at 2000mhz cas8 and want you to run one benchmark against mine 1800 cas6 find me one that says its slower.

also numbers were my Athlon X2 7750@3.3ghz ram@1260 on an asus crosshair II with a single 8800GTS 512mb vs a e7200ES@4ghz ram@1200 on an asus P45 with a single 8800GTS 512mb. both ran a 320GB seagate on XP and in gaming the both pulled within 5FPS of each in games with high pixel counts (crysis and such) AMD pulled ahead and what was even weirder in 3dmarks the AMD often posted higher framerates in gpu tests but the cpu tests were so favored on the intel side it was embarrassing.

Honestly AMD doesn't need to do much to stay competitive the 955/965 chips are quite popular with modders as they are inexpensive and clock well on the cheapest of boards. look at the AMD 785 series boards $50-75 and you can have a quad chugging along happily on the stock cooler@3.6-3.8ghz. hell still got DDR2? thats not an issue just get a 790GX board with DDR2 on it those are on clearance for all of $50 now.

sure i5 might be faster but it still has some major drawbacks
1. coldbug still exists on them even after you do the CB mod they still have one.
2. phenom II still out clocks it.
3. AMD beats it on total system price.
4. have to have DDR3

oh and here is that DDR3
If you notice in recent months, Phenom II no longer keeps up in the extreme 3D benches anymore. Leads me to believe the early advantage was bios or software related. Issues are apparantly fixed on the Intel side. The cold bug doesn't matter because Intel still way out performs Phenom II, even at the lower clocks.

Besides, why are we arguing gaming performance in a thread about a 6 core cpu? Games obviously aren't optimized to even use 6 cores yet, so the point is moot.

If current trends are any indication, what is likely going to be true, however, is that the Intel 6 cores are still going to be a fair bit faster than these clock for clock, and likely OC better for 24/7 usage in everything that isn't gaming. I crunch and encode a lot. Phenom II does not benefit someone like me.
Posted on Reply
Big Member
HalfAHertzWTF are you guys doing? You're acting like the frigging Spanish inquisition! The guy stated a personal opinion, based on his own experience, which he is completely entitled to. This is not China...

1) The Phenom 2/Athlon 2 are a great series of CPUs. They are in no way slow but they are just not as fast as Intel's current offerings. Still they completely redeemed AMD of the flop that Phenom 1 was.

2) Intel is faster. End of I took the FC2 test specifically because it is the worst case scenario and it proves that under extreme circumstances Intel can be up to ~40% faster. It doesn't matter if it is due to optimizations, bribes or the magical touch of Jesus, it just is.

Problem is, you can't bloody tell the difference between 60 and 70 fps. On top of that the Intel platform is more expensive and provides less features at the same price point.
And I can show you benches where the Phenom beats the i7 in gaming. Its not a black and white argument as you would think it to be.
Wile EIf you notice in recent months, Phenom II no longer keeps up in the extreme 3D benches anymore. Leads me to believe the early advantage was bios or software related. Issues are apparantly fixed on the Intel side. The cold bug doesn't matter because Intel still way out performs Phenom II, even at the lower clocks.

Besides, why are we arguing gaming performance in a thread about a 6 core cpu? Games obviously aren't optimized to even use 6 cores yet, so the point is moot.

If current trends are any indication, what is likely going to be true, however, is that the Intel 6 cores are still going to be a fair bit faster than these clock for clock, and likely OC better for 24/7 usage in everything that isn't gaming. I crunch and encode a lot. Phenom II does not benefit someone like me.
And boom goes the dynamite. Thats the point Ive been trying to make.
Wile E1911's are also my favorite hand gun.

Owning a Les Baer has been my dream for years. I'll likely settle for a Kimber tho, and do some upgrades myself. Like a Barsto barrel and such.
Kimber is shit man. Get a SIG GSR if you go production gun.
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
Wile EIf you notice in recent months, Phenom II no longer keeps up in the extreme 3D benches anymore. Leads me to believe the early advantage was bios or software related. Issues are apparantly fixed on the Intel side. The cold bug doesn't matter because Intel still way out performs Phenom II, even at the lower clocks.

Besides, why are we arguing gaming performance in a thread about a 6 core cpu? Games obviously aren't optimized to even use 6 cores yet, so the point is moot.

If current trends are any indication, what is likely going to be true, however, is that the Intel 6 cores are still going to be a fair bit faster than these clock for clock, and likely OC better for 24/7 usage in everything that isn't gaming. I crunch and encode a lot. Phenom II does not benefit someone like me.
i have no idea why its being argued but it was before i got here so i figured hell might as well toss my opinion in the mix. honestly i don't think it was the BIOS of the i7 boards that held them back more the boards themselves most of the records are on new boards not new bios's
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
Last I recalled this is about AMD 6core, who gives a fuck what intel is doing right now as this topic is about AMD.
Posted on Reply
cdawalli have no idea why its being argued but it was before i got here so i figured hell might as well toss my opinion in the mix. honestly i don't think it was the BIOS of the i7 boards that held them back more the boards themselves most of the records are on new boards not new bios's
I disagree, as in the first 6 months or so, there were no clear cut winner as to the fastest or "best" i7 motherboard, yet I have a rampage 2, and a DFI LANPARTY DK X58-T3eH6 (bought them before the calssified was out yet), and they were dead even in terms of preformance when I got them, now the rampage 2 gives me as much as 8-10 extra FPS in benches than the DFI board. While you can't dispute the fact most current records are held by new boards, or boards not yet on the market (rampage 3), I think it's a mistake to discount the effect that bios updates have had on maturing the preformance of the x58 platform.
eidairaman1Last I recalled this is about AMD 6core, who gives a fuck what intel is doing right now as this topic is about AMD.:cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:
Because AMD = FAIL and Intel = WIN DUH:nutkick:

Posted on Reply
lol....I had to search google a few times to figure out what the heck that meant. At first I thought it was something from the big bear country but I didn't recognize it.

le ha (French: direct translation for 'that was pretty hilarious man, at first I wanted to cut you') :D

Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
Sounds awesome.

But as a pure gamer and web junkie, my i7 build should keep me moving.:)
Posted on Reply
Keilol....I had to search google a few times to figure out what the heck that meant. At first I thought it was something from the big bear country but I didn't recognize it.

le ha (French: direct translation for 'that was pretty hilarious man, at first I wanted to cut you') :D


But that said, I don't see the six core being a game changer, in any way. This seems like little more than a copy and past of their Opteron 24xx series, same cache same everything, but not the same speeds I hope, as the Opteron 24xx's top out at a blazing 2.6 Ghz, and the top model here seems to be 2.8 Ghz, and seeing as the opteron architecture isn't exactly aimed at OC'ing I'm pretty skeptical to say the least.

Now that said I'm sure a fan boi, will come and point out some "critical" error in my opinion.
Posted on Reply
PP Mguire
erockerSo you turn this discussion into a hypothetical and untrue claim unto why I responded to you. I won't even bother. Good day sir.
If your going to join the pissing contest then at least have something more than a dildo to piss with. In other words if your going to claim you have used what were arguing about (both sides of the stick, i5/i7 and AMD) then at least be able to prove you have. I cought you saying ive never seen you post about or say anything in the regards of owning an i5 or i7. Youve always been right there with Mailman saying Phenom 2 is this or that.
KitkatPP_mguire with AMD banners = lame troll. At-least troll with some dignity. You don't stand by anything but trolling. Why are you here. No ones buying what your selling mainly because none of it is true. You want so bad for AMD chips to be "slow" they aren't. Past a numbers pissing contest there is in fact no substance in your (OFF TOPIC) argument with If the chip is so good why are you here in AMD X6 news reASSuring yourself it is???? Reading you comments on DDR its clear you have so much learning to do. Why not go off and learn about it b4 u talk about it. And when u learn about it don't post it here. Go to the intel TROLLING section of the forums and do it.

This person clearly has little to no knolege on how AMD OC or DDR relation even works...

CDawall actually does test... his credibility is insane... why challege jesus? you have NO credibility and even less now.
Whos trolling? Aparently you. Im not trying to sell anything here so your point is completely moot. As for DDR. Ive been playing with speed and timings since DDR first came out. Dont tell me i dont know shit about DDR.
eidairaman1he is going to push the right button soon and wont even exist on this forum anymore. He thinks he is all high and mighty because of his supposed origin, sorry I have Irish, Scottish, German, Russian, Native American Decent (What they Call a Heinz 57) I am an American Not an Irish-man etc.
My origin has nothing to do with anything. If i was gonna be banned it woulda been a long time ago for having more than just an argument on these forums over whos clearly the better chip.
cdawall1st off why is my 550BE a dual core? who the hell said that oh wait i forgot intel's don't unlock. also i take you ram at 2000mhz cas8 and want you to run one benchmark against mine 1800 cas6 find me one that says its slower.

also numbers were my Athlon X2 7750@3.3ghz ram@1260 on an asus crosshair II with a single 8800GTS 512mb vs a e7200ES@4ghz ram@1200 on an asus P45 with a single 8800GTS 512mb. both ran a 320GB seagate on XP and in gaming the both pulled within 5FPS of each in games with high pixel counts (crysis and such) AMD pulled ahead and what was even weirder in 3dmarks the AMD often posted higher framerates in gpu tests but the cpu tests were so favored on the intel side it was embarrassing.

Honestly AMD doesn't need to do much to stay competitive the 955/965 chips are quite popular with modders as they are inexpensive and clock well on the cheapest of boards. look at the AMD 785 series boards $50-75 and you can have a quad chugging along happily on the stock cooler@3.6-3.8ghz. hell still got DDR2? thats not an issue just get a 790GX board with DDR2 on it those are on clearance for all of $50 now.

sure i5 might be faster but it still has some major drawbacks
1. coldbug still exists on them even after you do the CB mod they still have one.
2. phenom II still out clocks it.
3. AMD beats it on total system price.
4. have to have DDR3

oh and here is that DDR3
Intels dont need to unlock because they arent using laserd chips to cover their low and midrange asses.

Cold bug? Had Intels on LN2 before. Dosent need helium to try and compete in the major overclocking aspect of things.

Total system price? Um 750 is 10 bucks more than 965. Takes new mobo, ram, and cpu to get competetive system prices. Sorry.

Exactly, have to have ddr3 on both systems to get comparable system performance. Which it seems you already have DDR3. Now do 8s with 2400mhz and see if your 1800 can still go toe to toe. Oh wait, your Phenom cant.
devguyI wouldn't judge results of AMD's SLI performance for dual 9800gtx or GTX280s using a 790FX chipset. I am familiar with the hack you are referring to, but if memory serves me correctly, the hack was not that great. Yes, there was an SLI speedup, as you pointed out, but I do not believe it was mature enough to give similar results as say an SLI speed up on a 780a or 980a (or even p55) chipsets. That is likely why you noticed a much bigger gain by adding your second nVidia card to the Intel platform, than to your AMD. Had you been using an Nvidia Phenom chipset, you likely would've had a different experience.
The 790FX chipset has always been better and cooler than the Nvidia counterparts. Sorry but hacking the software to run in SLI is essentially doing the same thing as Nvidia was doing except Nvidia had official support. I put a 955 in a 750a and got worse results than with the 790FX.
cdawalli have no idea why its being argued but it was before i got here so i figured hell might as well toss my opinion in the mix. honestly i don't think it was the BIOS of the i7 boards that held them back more the boards themselves most of the records are on new boards not new bios's
I have no idea why AMD fanboys want to argue who exactly has the better chip when the internet will tell them that i5/i7 IS better period. There is no argument for that.

Like i said, just because my name isnt Fits, BTA, or Wiz they want to throw a dick contest my way and people get pissed because ive had all these chips and speak with experience.

Hell will tell you that Intel has the ultimate chip right now end of story. I dont see what the argument is here hence im done.

As for the how it got derailed. I was started by simply saying there is no point for 6 slow cores when you can have 4 much faster cores doing the job for you. And so it began.

Good this thread anyways.
Posted on Reply
Crazy 4 TPU!!!
Past few pages where filled with a bunch of AMD fangirls. christ.:shadedshu

Yes, i7/i5 does have more power then what AMD has put out, that is something no one should even be talking about, its an obvious and true statement with so many credentials and backing up by varies sites. Now if you're trying to zero in on gaming, well it depends, a lot of it depends on the game itself. Now from what i have seen from various sites, its that the i7/i5's that are generally taking the crown with AMD trailing behind not to far off. the i7 and i5 have a great architecture and things like HT in the i7's offers a bit of a boost depending on the game. The Phenom II's are great CPU's but i really do believe that it's this generation of Intel CPU's that are taking the crown, even if it's not by a whole lot.

But as i said before. the AMD Phenom II x6 CPUs are gonna be awesome.:rockout:
Posted on Reply
PP MguireSorry but hacking the software to run in SLI is essentially doing the same thing as Nvidia was doing except Nvidia had official support. I put a 955 in a 750a and got worse results than with the 790FX.
Where is your proof of this? Not saying you're wrong, I'm just curious. Diagrams I've seen seem to state that nVidia really did make their own chipset for AM2+. The 780a was kinda like the 680a, but with HyperTransport 3.0 support, and an nForce 200 chipset to enable dual pcie 2.0 x16 slots (or 1 @ 16x, and 2 @ 8x). TweakTown has a simliar argument.

And for your 750a issue, bear in mind very few boards with that chipset had dual x16 slot support. That may not make a big difference with 9800GTX cards, but could mean something with GTX280s. And also, you didn't state if you got the same overclock on the Deneb with the 750a board as you did with your 790FX board.
Posted on Reply
CDdude55Past few pages where filled with a bunch of AMD fangirls. christ.:shadedshu
No kidding it's like AMD has announced they have designed and installed baby Jesus into a CPU.
CDdude55But as i said before. the AMD Phenom II x6 CPUs are gonna be awesome.:rockout:
I don't know, I kinda think PP Mguire may be right, as I stated before this looks like little more than a Opteron 24xx, with slightly higher clocks (ZOMFG 200 Mhz). We have a couple of these at work, and they aren't horrible, in fact I kind of like them, they feel snappier under high load IMO, but they are like the red headed step child of the server farm when compared to the Xeon's. But as I also said before, as they appear to be copy and pasted Opteron 24xx's and Opterons are not designed to overclock, they may preform well, but I suspect many a fan boi will be sorely disappointed, when his baby Jesus chip turns out to be a ford pinto when it comes to over clocking, also this will not be a game changer.
devguyWhere is your proof of this? Not saying you're wrong, I'm just curious. Diagrams I've seen seem to state that nVidia really did make their own chipset for AM2+. The 780a was kinda like the 680a, but with HyperTransport 3.0 support, and an nForce 200 chipset to enable dual pcie 2.0 x16 slots (or 1 @ 16x, and 2 @ 8x). TweakTown has a simliar argument.

And for your 750a issue, bear in mind very few boards with that chipset had dual x16 slot support. That may not make a big difference with 9800GTX cards, but could mean something with GTX280s. And also, you didn't state if you got the same overclock on the Deneb with the 750a board as you did with your 790FX board.
Just a hunch but I doubt you will be getting a response from him.
Posted on Reply
LOL, this thread has really turned to shit!!,

Im looking forward to the new 6core and personally think it will be premo especially for rendering etc
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
PP MguireIntels dont need to unlock because they arent using laserd chips to cover their low and midrange asses.

Cold bug? Had Intels on LN2 before. Dosent need helium to try and compete in the major overclocking aspect of things.

Total system price? Um 750 is 10 bucks more than 965. Takes new mobo, ram, and cpu to get competetive system prices. Sorry.

Exactly, have to have ddr3 on both systems to get comparable system performance. Which it seems you already have DDR3. Now do 8s with 2400mhz and see if your 1800 can still go toe to toe. Oh wait, your Phenom cant.

The 790FX chipset has always been better and cooler than the Nvidia counterparts. Sorry but hacking the software to run in SLI is essentially doing the same thing as Nvidia was doing except Nvidia had official support. I put a 955 in a 750a and got worse results than with the 790FX.

I have no idea why AMD fanboys want to argue who exactly has the better chip when the internet will tell them that i5/i7 IS better period. There is no argument for that.

Like i said, just because my name isnt Fits, BTA, or Wiz they want to throw a dick contest my way and people get pissed because ive had all these chips and speak with experience.

Hell will tell you that Intel has the ultimate chip right now end of story. I dont see what the argument is here hence im done.

As for the how it got derailed. I was started by simply saying there is no point for 6 slow cores when you can have 4 much faster cores doing the job for you. And so it began.

Good this thread anyways.
ok so to start this off a conroe L is a conroe thats been cut down thats what a celeron is. same goes all the way up the intel line wanna know what separates a i7 920 for an i7 965? its called binning everyone does it including your beloved intel.

and the latest AMD max oc's are all on LN2 (did i spell all correctly?)

now on ram yes my ram can hit 2400 CL8 however my platform cannot so to compensate i run tighter timings hence 1800 CL6 which still tosses close to an intel rig@2400CL8 also i don't see dozen's of intels hitting that speed i believe like one did.

an AMD can be built for well under $500 785G board, cpu, DDR3 done.

now hook a 955 to 780A or 980A and go look on XS i have multiple threads on it 780A clocks better than 790FX from the same time period. i hit a 435HT on my athlon II and 790FX hit 360HT :confused: but the AMD chipset is way better. also the word hacked brings something to mind like not the same as official.

no one is arguing Phenom is better that i7 i argued it competitive with i5 and beats it at the same price point hence why major OEM's are starting to move to AMD's (HP, Gateway, Acer, hell even some dell's)

i'm not making a pissing war you quite honestly are i pointed out that AMD can keep up with i5 and you blew a gasket.

oh and if these AMD's keep the same clocks as the current a 4ghz 6 core chip should out bench an i5 easily and maybe throw a bone at i7. there is supposed improved clocking on these chips so hopefully we will see around 4.5ghz on air but thats just me wandering off
Posted on Reply
cdawalli'm not making a pissing war you quite honestly are i pointed out that AMD can keep up with i5 and you blew a gasket.
Keep up, but not beat.
cdawalloh and if these AMD's keep the same clocks as the current a 4ghz 6 core chip should out bench an i5 easily and maybe throw a bone at i7. there is supposed improved clocking on these chips so hopefully we will see around 4.5ghz on air but thats just me wandering off
I don't think it's fair to compare a quad core budget chip with a six core chip that may have a price tag of 500 dollars ( I also feel the same about comparing a i7 975, with a Phenom 2 965) for all we know ( that would be like comparing the up coming i7 985, with a Phenom 2 965).
Also could you please cite your source for "improved clocking" for these chips, I have not heard any such thing, and as they share almost stat for stat (except a 200 mhz speed increase in the top model) the same specs as the Opteron 24xx's (same cache sizes as well) it's my speculation this is just a repackaged Opteron, and given that overclocking is not something an Opteron is designed with as it's primary function, I think 4.5 Ghz on air is a lofty and unrealistic goal.

Well see, but I think this is getting way too much hype for little more than a 700 word or so press announcement. I think it's best we get some better information, before people go proclaiming the birth of AMD's baby Jesus.
Posted on Reply
[H]@RD5TUFFKeep up, but not beat.

I don't think it's fair to compare a quad core budget chip with a six core chip that may have a price tag of 500 dollars ( I also feel the same about comparing a i7 975, with a Phenom 2 965) for all we know ( that would be like comparing the up coming i7 985, with a Phenom 2 965).
Also could you please cite your source for "improved clocking" for these chips, I have not heard any such thing, and as they share almost stat for stat (except a 200 mhz speed increase in the top model) the same specs as the Opteron 24xx's (same cache sizes as well) it's my speculation this is just a repackaged Opteron, and given that overclocking is not something an Opteron is designed with as it's primary function, I think 4.5 Ghz on air is a lofty and unrealistic goal.

Well see, but I think this is getting way too much hype for little more than a 700 word or so press announcement. I think it's best we get some better information, before people go proclaiming the birth of AMD's baby Jesus.
C3 revisions clock better.
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
[H]@RD5TUFFKeep up, but not beat.

I don't think it's fair to compare a quad core budget chip with a six core chip that may have a price tag of 500 dollars ( I also feel the same about comparing a i7 975, with a Phenom 2 965) for all we know ( that would be like comparing the up coming i7 985, with a Phenom 2 965).
Also could you please cite your source for "improved clocking" for these chips, I have not heard any such thing, and as they share almost stat for stat (except a 200 mhz speed increase in the top model) the same specs as the Opteron 24xx's (same cache sizes as well) it's my speculation this is just a repackaged Opteron, and given that overclocking is not something an Opteron is designed with as it's primary function, I think 4.5 Ghz on air is a lofty and unrealistic goal.

Well see, but I think this is getting way too much hype for little more than a 700 word or so press announcement. I think it's best we get some better information, before people go proclaiming the birth of AMD's baby Jesus.
nobody has listed a price yet on these chips and when was the last time AMD had a desktop chip over $300 on release? the FX series was the last i remember.

opterons have out clocked athlons for many many years even the phenom 1 based ones outclocked there phenom counterparts (opty 1354 for example)

and its hard to site the source that i got my info from....lets just say a little birdie whispered in my ear.

oh and for whomever said these have no DDR2 mem controller they are wrong no current AMD chip does not have a DDR2 and DDR3 mem controller on them even the 940's had a disabled DDR3 controller on them

and when did a $200 cpu become a budget chip? a $60 athlon II is a budget chip an i3 is even a budget chip an i5 is not
Posted on Reply
I wish AMD would hurry up and instill thier version of HTT... after seeing the boost the i7 gets with HTT, it seems like a waste not to have it.
Posted on Reply
hatI wish AMD would hurry up and instill thier version of HTT... after seeing the boost the i7 gets with HTT, it seems like a waste not to have it.
Perhaps it's already on certain high end chips, and just not enabled yet. As AMD seems to enjoying a new chip set every 3 months, maybe it's comign down the pipe.
cdawalland its hard to site the source that i got my info from....lets just say a little birdie whispered in my ear.
:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: Why not just say "because I said so".:shadedshu
cdawalloh and for whomever said these have no DDR2 mem controller they are wrong no current AMD chip does not have a DDR2 and DDR3 mem controller on them even the 940's had a disabled DDR3 controller on them
Even if they do have a DDR2 controller on them (I'm sure it does, as if it is a Opteron copy it will more than likely), it's not for sure that motherboard vendors will enable support for this CPU on DDR2 boards through the bios, they will probably attempt to sell you an 890 mobo with "enhanced support" or something like that, in stay of enabling mobos with DDR2 to use this chip.
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
[H]@RD5TUFF:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll: Why not just say "because I said so".:shadedshu

Even if they do have a DDR2 controller on them (I'm sure it does, as if it is a Opteron copy it will more than likely), it's not for sure that motherboard vendors will enable support for this CPU on DDR2 boards through the bios, they will probably attempt to sell you an 890 mobo with "enhanced support" or something like that, in stay of enabling mobos with DDR2 to use this chip.
go google my name and come back in 10 minutes after you see the multitude of engineering sample AMD and intel chips i have you may come back and post on the forums.

motherboard manuf. have already put thuban support on higher end board BIOS's check the cpu support list on AM3 DFI, ASUS and MSI boards so no they are not forcing you to buy 890FX this isn't intel if the old shit works they keep using it don't force an upgrade thats unnecessary.
Posted on Reply
cdawallgo google my name and come back in 10 minutes after you see the multitude of engineering sample AMD and intel chips i have you may come back and post on the forums.

motherboard manuf. have already put thuban support on higher end board BIOS's check the cpu support list on AM3 DFI, ASUS and MSI boards so no they are not forcing you to buy 890FX this isn't intel if the old shit works they keep using it don't force an upgrade thats unnecessary.
Having access to engineering samples is nothing special I have 2 i7's that are engineering samples that I got from work.

That said, we will see, we won't know for sure until the actual thing is in our hands. I will be ordering one to replace my 550BE for my download box:D.

You get butt hurt pretty easy.
Posted on Reply
where the hell are my stars
[H]@RD5TUFFHaving access to engineering samples is nothing special I have 2 i7's that are engineering samples that I got from work.

That said, we will see, we won't know for sure until the actual thing is in our hands. I will be ordering one to replace my 550BE for my download box:D.

You get butt hurt pretty easy.
my AMD's came from AMD in austin from the R&D dept. ask freaksavior he met my buddy from AMD he is pretty damn cool.
Posted on Reply
Wile E
Power User
cdawallnobody has listed a price yet on these chips and when was the last time AMD had a desktop chip over $300 on release? the FX series was the last i remember.

opterons have out clocked athlons for many many years even the phenom 1 based ones outclocked there phenom counterparts (opty 1354 for example)

and its hard to site the source that i got my info from....lets just say a little birdie whispered in my ear.

oh and for whomever said these have no DDR2 mem controller they are wrong no current AMD chip does not have a DDR2 and DDR3 mem controller on them even the 940's had a disabled DDR3 controller on them

and when did a $200 cpu become a budget chip? a $60 athlon II is a budget chip an i3 is even a budget chip an i5 is not
The last time AMD had chips over $500 was the last time they had the performance advantage, and no, not all of them were FX chips either. Iirc, the 939 X2 4800+ was even more than $500.

And regardless, I would bet money Intel's 6 core will be faster clock for clock, AND oc better for 24/7 settings.

And AMD is every bit as guilty at forcing upgrades at times. That argument is crap and has nothing to do with how good or bad this x6 is going to be, and you know it.

Quit tooting AMD's horn already. You have a vested interest in slinging their name around. Your bias is starting to get silly. Intel chips are currently more powerful, period. AMD has a better price on some products, but the top AMD chips are still overshadowed by Intel's chips in the same price range. 750 is more powerful than 965, plain and simple. But then you can choose to go even further by buying a chip in a class that doesn't even exist in AMD's line. If your budget is lower, sure, AMD is still a good choice, especially for gaming, but that's about where it ends.

Neither manufacturer is God. AMD had the lead for a couple of years, and unfortunately for them, awakened a sleeping giant. They will not be in the lead again until Intel gets complacent again. As long as AMD stays afloat, it will happen eventually I imagine, but I doubt it's going to happen any time in the near future, and especially not with these x6's.

In summary, I am unimpressed until they can keep up with or beat Intel in EVERYTHING. To me, performance for the price I'm willing to pay is God. My price usually extends into a range that I can buy higher end gear at rebuild time, as I save until I can do a full rebuild. As such, the only thing AMD has going for it (price) is completely useless in the case of someone like me.
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