Sony has begun working on its next-generation gaming console under the Playstation brand, and Forbes learned that it's none other than AMD designing its graphics processing unit (GPU). AMD is far from new to the game console GPU business, as its GPUs already drive graphics processing in Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo Wii consoles. If launched anytime soon, the next-gen Playstation will create a rare moment where GPUs of all three major game console makers would be AMD-made. The current Playstation 3 console uses an NVIDIA GPU.
118 Comments on AMD Designing Next-Gen Playstation's GPU
Not to say they are worst than Nvidia , considering they need raw power and not sophisticated CUDA, physx or some other gimmicks , then AMD is really a no brainer , decent arhitecture in an envoriment where it will be properly optimized to the last drop of performance.
EDIT: Completely read that as CPU and not GPU. Forgive me, AMD make half decent GPU's.
Thats 3 very big contract to have :cool:
Didnt I read some where the the Wii 2 will also be AMD?
There's the article, granted it's quite a letdown if that's true, already aged tech going into a console that won't be out till more than likely the 9000s hit.
Now seriously. The console market is not very profitable for AMD/Nvidia, it's a very low margin market, so I don't think it's going to affect them much, compared to say gaining (or losing!) some ground in the GPU market, consumer and professional.
Nvidia is talking about more laptop design wins than ever before for Kepler. If true that angle is covered.
And regarding yields we don't know if they are lower than AMD's, lower enough to mean anything I mean. All they said is that they had lower than expected* yields, which is not to say the rest are not in the same boat. Like always the media has overdramatized a comment that was only suposed to explain why operating expenses went from $330-something to $380-something millions. At least that's what I read on the situation.
* Remember that Nvidia talked about not doing a paperlaunch, and they are going to (try to) release the entire lineup in 2-3 months (AMD in ~5-6 depending on when you start counting), that's a lot of chips in a short period and ANY yield problem, any yield lower than expected can affect you much more in this situation. Also remember that in the discreet GPU market Nvidia still has >60% market share and they want to retain it so they will need to launch more cards. They always release with a higher number of cards than AMD.
Then again, they are also still pushing CUDA very hard. And i think they're still very much HPC orientated with their designs. Amost as if the desktop market is an issue of pride more than design pedigree.
I just want Kepler info so I can go ahead and reassuredly buy my 7970.
Its pretty much confirmed the Xbox720 or "durango" will use and AMD gpu, hell we already have a rumer floating arround of the specific type of AMD GPU, an HD6670.
Sony isn't that much better, about 60% of the games i've played on my playstation required an update as well
Can't remember the same ever happening on my Nintendo consoles
Next-gen Xbox "Durango" also uses an AMD GPU.
Sony learned from its mistake, but it has nothing to do AMD or Nvidia's competence, they learned and went to a GPU directly.
And they go AMD in part because they can "bully" them, just as M$ did. Both Sony (PS3) and M$ (Xbox) reached agreement with Nvidia for a certain GPU at a certain price at a certain date. Nvidia delivered, but when their consoles were delayed for reasons not concerning Nvidia (i.e bluray), Sony and M$ tried to "bully" Nvidia into a new agreement over the price of those GPUs Nvidia had been stockpiling, because by that time, those chips had been made obsolete by other GPUs in the PC market.
anyways, i'm glad amd is getting some good news