Monday, October 29th 2012
DRAM Makers Disappointed in Windows 8
Still reeling with over-production, swelling inventories, and spot-prices on free-fall, the DRAM industry had been banking on Microsoft's Windows 8 operating system launch to come to their salvation. Apparently, it didn't. As is customary with each new Windows launch, orders for DRAM components go up, as PC makers announce new products, and consumers purchase new RAM to upgrade their systems. Windows 8, which is essentially based on the same (albeit slightly tweaked) kernel as Windows 7, isn't really heavier on system resources. Let alone that, Windows 8 in itself is not expected to bring consumers to get a new PC, because Microsoft made it extremely simple and cheap to upgrade Windows 7 to 8. The industry's only real hope now is for hardware makers Intel, AMD, and ARM to introduce platforms that make use of DDR4 DRAM.
Tom's Hardware
35 Comments on DRAM Makers Disappointed in Windows 8
I am for one happy that the new Windows is streamlined and not bloated in any way, and does not need more RAM.
"WHEN LIFE GIVES YOU LEMONS...."When life gives you DRAMs - you make SSDs
As for DDR4, the only people they can complain about is MoBo manufacturers and developers for not including it. And I dare say the only people who will buy DDR4 immediately are the enthusiasts, and exactly how expensive is 16-32GB of DDR4 2133Mhz going to cost? It would probably be more cost effective to remain at DDR3 for the marginal increase in performance.
WARNING: Pic does contain language that is unsuitable for minors - those with young kids, please cover their eyes or ask them to go play hide and seek (they hide, you seek) before looking at the pic
My advice to RAM manufacturers... hardware RAM disk.
I personally have 4GB which was the normal back in 2008 and have never gone over 3.5GB.
Though in my next build I'm going to have min. 16GB or 32GB, but if price is right than 64GB for RAMdisk.
DRAM makers must furious with me, since I still use DDRII.
so somebody will always complain about M$, doesn't matter if they come out with a efficient product or sucky product :laugh:
That clip is from a finnish skit show "Kummeli", skit's name is "Jankon Betoni" (part 1).
Absolutely. Legendary. Finnish comedy.
$90 for 2TB
not cheap enough for ya ?
Why do you think Win7 ran more efficiently compared to Vista on the same hardware? with the same thing happening with Win8, albeit to a lesser extent.
Very bad business plan!