Earlier today, we brought you a story about NVIDIA TITAN V setting you back by up to $7,196 for two cards and two $600 NVLink cables. We got word from NVIDIA that the card neither features NVLink, nor supports SLI, and have since edited it. The NVLink fingers on the TITAN V card are rudiments of the functional NVLink interface found on the Tesla V100 PCIe, being developed by NVIDIA, as the TITAN V, Tesla V100, and a future Quadro GV100 share a common PCB. The NVLink fingers on the TITAN V are concealed by the base-plate of the cooler on one side, and the card's back-plate on the other; so the female connectors of NVLink bridge cables can't be plugged in.
With the lack of SLI support on what is possibly it's fastest graphics card based on the "Volta" architecture, NVIDIA seems to have responded to market trends that multi-GPU is dying or dead. That said, it would be interesting to see if professional overclockers chasing benchmark leaderboard glory pick up the TITAN V, as opposed to two TITAN Xp in SLI or four Radeon RX Vega 64 in 4-way CrossFireX.
49 Comments on NVIDIA TITAN V Lacks SLI or NVLink Support
NV Link connector looks like this :
And Titan V has a standard SLI finger (single) on official NV pics.
Angle on this photo confused me (together with "lack of NVLink support" on Anandtech article) :
Still... From same anandtech article...
mirroring what happen to Intel from 2011-2017
now either AMD or Intel need do some serious pressure to Nvidia
HB SLI bridge is at around 1.5 GB/s per SLI connector so a little over 3 GB/s total.
NVLink maxes out at 150+150 GB/s. This bridge according to Nvidia's own specs does 40GB/s (80GB/s with two bridges) Even with much wider connector, the bridge itself needs to be pretty substantial. So far we have seen primarily mezzanine NVLink connectors in workstations and servers.
Looking at this, I am actually starting to wonder what connector AMD is going to come up with for InfinityFabric.
I was very confused with it not being clear on the PCB rendering and some other pictures where two of these should connect but some pictures actually show two connectors properly, one right above GPU and the other towards bracket.
Wait what. 600 bucks.
Poor answer.
Rich answer.
600 bucks for a brigde :kookoo:. Dosent matter sli is on the way to a slow deafh and has no plans for volta. Gtx 1080 ti shut keep me going for a year or two.
This is meant for deep learning machines, where they don't use stuff like SLI. They just stack them and they get dressed individually.
Wait for gamer-grade stuff.
Having done that exact setup myelf i could clearly state 'yeah nah, not gunna work' (VRAM too low) but he's still doing it anyway :/
Fallout 4 I got working in SLI just fine.
Also in SLI games run soo much smoother. Been working with SLI since my Diamond Monster Voodoo 2's
And sure price..
Titan V is not the GEFORCE BRAND. there will come a Titan there is and will support SLI.