Wednesday, January 31st 2018

Samsung Enters Volume Production of a Killer Crypto-mining ASIC
One of the world's largest SoC, DRAM, and NAND flash makers, with its own semiconductor fabs, Samsung, is eyeing itself a large slice of the crypto-currency mining craze. The company reportedly entered volume production of a highly efficient crypto-currency mining ASIC, for an unnamed client from China. The client has placed a gargantuan order for crypto-coin mining ASICs contract-manufactured by Samsung, which appears to be targeted at Bitcoin, for now.
China's largest mining ASIC solutions providers, Bitman and Cannan, have similarly contracted TSMC to manufacture mining ASICs. An ASIC (from a mining context) is a single-chip solution that combines a CPU, a SIMD parallel-processing component tailored for mining, memory, and storage. It has infinitesimally smaller PCB, power, and thermal footprints compared to PCs with GPUs, and can be deployed in extremely large numbers for mining on an industrial-scale.
China's largest mining ASIC solutions providers, Bitman and Cannan, have similarly contracted TSMC to manufacture mining ASICs. An ASIC (from a mining context) is a single-chip solution that combines a CPU, a SIMD parallel-processing component tailored for mining, memory, and storage. It has infinitesimally smaller PCB, power, and thermal footprints compared to PCs with GPUs, and can be deployed in extremely large numbers for mining on an industrial-scale.
46 Comments on Samsung Enters Volume Production of a Killer Crypto-mining ASIC
I know SHA should be a cinch but there is more to most algos than that. Plus it's easy to shift PoW. I don't see the concern either way. No, it's not "free money."
The money is still by large organically sourced from wall street investors. :laugh:
I had someone tell me if trends continue then by 2020 all the world's electricity will be used on mining. I just laughed. All the world's huh? So my lights won't come on cause of a factory of video cards spinning somewhere? Get real people. It isn't free either, electricity costs,GPUs cost, ASICs cost. You really want some suits telling you how much your hard work is worth based on how much gold the suits can horde in a fort somewhere? If their gold disappears then the value of your same hard work disappears.
Precious metal was, is and will always be the best investment. Unless zombie apocalypse broke out. In that case I would say anti-biotic would be the most valuable thing.
Instead of acquiring money that has already been created through many controls of regulation, they create money with relative ease.
It isn't a sound design for any currency of choice for any government. Our societies are structured for good reason; we shouldn't base our lives off of such volatility.
The case for Cryptos is the decentralization and deregulation of value; cutting out central banks, governments, big circuit players from the equation of money transfer.
When 2 companies place order for millions of custom ASIC to take control of the blockchain, the underlying value of the crypto-coin is lost because, if their mining power is high enough compared to the rest of the players, they can throttle exchanges and negotiate on the entire value of the coin itself.
That said, I'm waiting for a big burst because I don't want to be rich, I want a damn graphics card.
Meanwhile samples brought to Europe were classified by the scientists on the continent as Ananas comosus. Interestingly, and kind of rare of an occurrence it was, the scientific name caught on and spread into common usage. Meanwhile the British and Spanish persisted in the use of the lay men's field name.
The Spanish language still uses pinyã today, interchangeably with annana. Frequent use: Pinyã Colada.
EDIT: Oops, was distracted on phone call with the boss. Should be Piña.