Monday, October 29th 2018
GALAX GeForce EX OC "White Gamer" Series: Epic Product Name Fail
While GALAX has introduced numerous solid graphics cards over the years, their product names are a bit of a mouthful, or in some cases just odd. The latest example being their EX OC "White Gamer" line, which, let's face it, is a tad off-putting to say the least. Of course we know that GALAX aren't racist, but you have to wonder how something like this happens. It probably comes down to marketing focusing too much on buzzwords, forgetting the context of said words in the process. In my humble opinion you can trace it back to the fact every company has to stick "Gaming" in every product name or on every box. In this case you would think the fact the product is a graphics card for gaming would be enough to get the point across.
It all started with MSI in 2013, when NVIDIA Kepler was all the rage. They released the "MSI GTX 780 Gaming", which was an amazing product, better than what most other graphics cards vendors had to offer. Competitors were surprised by the success of MSI's new cards and instead of searching into the reasons for their own products failures, their conclusion was that it must be the "Gaming" name, that drove the sales, so suddenly everybody started to fluff up their product names.Keeping in mind how popular white build themes have been the last few years, catering to that market can be considered a smart move by GALAX. Sadly in this case adding a color to "Gamer" resulted in what can only be described as an awful product name. While in this case I feel it is better to laugh it off as a huge marketing failure, it is hopefully something GALAX and other companies can learn from. Suffice to say you do not need "Gamer" in every product name, lets see some originality for once please. And no, using "Gamer" instead of "Gaming" is not originality. With that said, currently the various "White Gamer" products lack product and UPC codes. Which means there might be enough time for GALAX to correct the potential mistake before the social justice warriors begin marching with pitchforks in hand.Terrible product names aside, the GALAX GeForce RTX 2080 and 2070 EX OC "White Gamer" models feature triple fan coolers, aluminum backplates, and RGB illumination. They should, considering the company's track record be solid performers, packing everything potential buyers look for. However, with that product name, I can't see the series being anything more than a bad joke. What is truly head scratching is the fact that GALAX already has white themed cards, such as their OC White, EX OC White, EX-SNPR WHITE etc. So why they felt the need to reinvent the wheel leaves me a bit baffled. Still, this is a prime example of unfortunate product naming and here's hoping the mistake is fixed before its too late.
If you know of any other products with exceptionally bad names let us know in the comments.
Update Oct 30, 8 pm UTC:
GALAX has changed their product name to "RTX 2080 EX OC Gamer" and also fixed the packaging photos to use the correct images.
It all started with MSI in 2013, when NVIDIA Kepler was all the rage. They released the "MSI GTX 780 Gaming", which was an amazing product, better than what most other graphics cards vendors had to offer. Competitors were surprised by the success of MSI's new cards and instead of searching into the reasons for their own products failures, their conclusion was that it must be the "Gaming" name, that drove the sales, so suddenly everybody started to fluff up their product names.Keeping in mind how popular white build themes have been the last few years, catering to that market can be considered a smart move by GALAX. Sadly in this case adding a color to "Gamer" resulted in what can only be described as an awful product name. While in this case I feel it is better to laugh it off as a huge marketing failure, it is hopefully something GALAX and other companies can learn from. Suffice to say you do not need "Gamer" in every product name, lets see some originality for once please. And no, using "Gamer" instead of "Gaming" is not originality. With that said, currently the various "White Gamer" products lack product and UPC codes. Which means there might be enough time for GALAX to correct the potential mistake before the social justice warriors begin marching with pitchforks in hand.Terrible product names aside, the GALAX GeForce RTX 2080 and 2070 EX OC "White Gamer" models feature triple fan coolers, aluminum backplates, and RGB illumination. They should, considering the company's track record be solid performers, packing everything potential buyers look for. However, with that product name, I can't see the series being anything more than a bad joke. What is truly head scratching is the fact that GALAX already has white themed cards, such as their OC White, EX OC White, EX-SNPR WHITE etc. So why they felt the need to reinvent the wheel leaves me a bit baffled. Still, this is a prime example of unfortunate product naming and here's hoping the mistake is fixed before its too late.
If you know of any other products with exceptionally bad names let us know in the comments.
Update Oct 30, 8 pm UTC:
GALAX has changed their product name to "RTX 2080 EX OC Gamer" and also fixed the packaging photos to use the correct images.
117 Comments on GALAX GeForce EX OC "White Gamer" Series: Epic Product Name Fail
I swear, you guys get more worked up thinking of ways people MIGHT get offended than actually realizing no one will be offended by your absurd artificial scenario? They are both fairy offensive terms in english. You know, that language most of us speak stateside. See my post pointing out the difference two posts above yours.
We had another word for "PC" when I was growing up. One that hadn't morphed into it's own swear word.
It was called manners.
But forget that. Lets ignore this terrible name and say "yay, I love shity engrish when it's rude!" I got it. Shame the hatred of Political Corectness police or whatever they think is happening here exceeds the actual reading skill. That's honestly on you more than anything.
Jesus christ, why do I bother... why do I even come here for that matter.
Black edition, yes. White edition, yes. White Gamer? Why not just call it Stephen who works at SubWay edition? Literally all I associate "White Gamer" edition with is some average white guy playing fortnite at 3am. It does not scream power, it does not scream "cool", it just screams "we had no idea what naming scheme to use cause we used all the slightly dumb ones already". Feels very much like a Friday night before closing decision.
It already to em a while to stop putting huge milkers on graphics card boxes.
but then they could ve angered the little whiney non-racist rich whitey dudes... Well these Taiwanese guys werent out of words in the GPP case. when they made up different names for AMD cards even before GPP were started ....
Bit ironic.
You just single handedly threw TPU to the smelly pile of SJW-sites with this absolutely non-issue to anyone with even tinies bit of common sense left.