Friday, November 2nd 2018

Battlefield V System Requirements Outed: Ryzen 7 2700 or i7 8700 as Recommended CPUs

The official system requirements for the upcoming Battlefield V game have been outed, and there are three categories of such requirements now: Minimum, Recommended, and DXR. The minimum requirements are pretty steep as they are: DICE say at least an AMD FX-8350 or an i5 6600K CPU are required, alongside 8 GB of system RAM (on the graphics front, a GTX 1050 / RX 560 are mentioned).

The recommended system requirements do bring some interesting tables to the mix, though, with AMD's Ryzen 3 1300X and Intel's i7 4790 being hailed as good CPUs for the configuration. This is in stark contrast with the minimum requirements, but here's the gist: it appears that Battlefield V will be a well-paralellized game, though it will also require strong per-core performance (hence why the FX-8350 doesn't make the cut, and why a previous-gen i7 is higher on the list than the 6000 series i5 from Intel). Minimum RAM for the Recommended spec stands at a whopping 12 GB, though - I believe this is the highest I've ever seen for a game release. An RX 580 or a GTX 1060 round out the specs.
Finally, we come to the DXR recommended specs, and this particular requirement will surprise about three people: the minimum required graphics card is NVIDIA's RTX 2070... That's right, the lowest-tier available RTX-enabled graphics card (remember that DICE said they'd be optimizing DXR effects for performance, though, so those promo images could not represent the final product). The rest of the specs see a system bump that brings the specs up to the standards of top gaming PCs in this day and age, though, with a Ryzen 7 2700 (no, a 1700 apparently won't do), an i7 8700 on the Intel camp, and a whopping 16 GB of system RAM. All tiers require at least 50 GB of available storage.

Battlefield 5 Official PC System Requirements

  • OS: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10
  • Processor (AMD): AMD FX-8350
  • Processor (Intel): Core i5 6600K
  • Memory: 8GB RAM
  • Graphics card (NVIDIA): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 / NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 2GB
  • Graphics card (AMD): AMD Radeon RX 560 / HD 7850 2GB
  • DirectX: 11.0 Compatible video card or equivalent
  • Online Connection Requirements: 512 KBPS or faster Internet connection
  • Hard-drive space: 50GB
  • OS: 64-bit Windows 10 or later
  • Processor (AMD): AMD Ryzen 3 1300X
  • Processor (Intel): Intel Core i7 4790 or equivalent
  • Memory: 12GB RAM
  • Graphics card (NVIDIA): NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
  • Graphics card (AMD): AMD Radeon RX 580 8GB
  • DirectX: 11.1 Compatible video card or equivalent
  • Online Connection Requirements: 512 KBPS or faster Internet connection
  • Available Disk Space: 50GB
  • OS: 64-bit Windows 10 October 2018 Update (1809)
  • Processor (AMD): AMD Ryzen 7 2700
  • Processor (Intel): Intel Core i7 8700
  • Memory: 16GB RAM
  • Graphics card (NVIDIA): NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
  • DirectX: DirectX Raytracing Compatible video card
  • Online Connection Requirements: 512 KBPS or faster Internet connection
  • Available Disk Space: 50GB
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41 Comments on Battlefield V System Requirements Outed: Ryzen 7 2700 or i7 8700 as Recommended CPUs

windwhirlThat i7-980X you have is overclocked to 4.4 Ghz, right (according to your System Specs)? If so, it should be able to keep up at 1080p (don't know about anything above that).

Regarding the game, it surely supports DX12, since DXR (DirectX Raytracing) is only available on the latest version of that API.
Yes its overclocked to 4.43 GHz. I think it can more than just 1080P. Far Cry 5 runs great at 2560x1600 resolution and BF 1 4K no problem. Bofh games maxed out settings.

So Ray tracing is DX12 then. Dit not know that, But i do now.
Posted on Reply
I ain't worried at all, I am surely gonna disable this DXR features... :D
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  • Graphics card (NVIDIA): NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070
Looks like 720p is back on the menu boys
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Ok, so my rig is in between Min & Recommended. Running on High @ 1080p should be decent.
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So, the new RTX, supposed to make hardware accelerated Ray Tracing in real time a reality, needs a bigger CPU. Great.
Inflated prices and inflated requirements with no real tangible benefits, nice times for PC gaming.
Posted on Reply
Whats the point from wasting time money and loosing in multiplayer where only win these who haw best hardware. its physiologic terible. it gives feeling that you haw chance to win but real life they loose all time. its life damaging.
Posted on Reply
rebrandeonR7 2700X recomended for Ray Tracing ON where 6C/6T i5 8400 is +20% fasters than AMD junk
Haha. You are so true that with a 1080Ti tested on Techpowerup, an i5-8400 is less than 3% faster than a 2700X. With a 2080Ti, it might be around 7-8%. So congrats for your 20% lie, green eye. :)
Manu_PTIt does matter. 240hz is a thing and getting more and more popular. Also Ryzen cant even sustain 144 locked, I repeat, LOCKED fps for even 144hz monitors in A LOT of games.

Altho the dude is being disrespectful I know what he is refering to. Ryzen is only acceptable for high refresh rates when you pair it with 3466mhz CL 14 ram (good luck) plus a good 4,2ghz/4,3ghz (good luck) and only then it competes with an i5 8400 for high framerates.

Right now buying intel makes no sense tho due to the prices, but I said several times, when i5 8400 was 160€ and you could pair it with a 60€ B360 mobo and 70€ worth of 8gb 2666mhz, it was the best combo for gaming.

Those CPUs (8400) are pure gems. 6 cores, good clocks, low power usage, even stock cooler doesnt let it get past 70 degrees, and they are not that far behind from expensive i7s + cooler.

The problem is that suddenly everyone wants cores and cores and more threads. Most for nothing....
Hahahaha. Getting more and more popular in what group? :D Steam survey shows that 1,5% of the gamers have a 1080Ti. Techpowerup survey showed that only 6% of this community (which is much more interested in high-end tech than average gamers) preordered RTX cards. I'm sure a bunch of them cancelled their preorder when reviews arrived. So only a very small portion is interested in high refresh rate gaming.

And the 2600X is around 4% slower than a 8400, nearly with the same price back then - now it's a bargain compared to the 8400.
sinnedoneLol 20 fps difference and both are above mainstream 144hz monitors.

Troll indeed.

The world would surely be a boring place if all we had we're 8700k's.
In that BF1 test there is a 6% difference. And the troll is speaking about 20% average. :D Hope these kind of people quickly die out from these forums.
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Midland Dog
microsistagpu culling has to be removed since you can now reflect from objects offscreen, that increases draw calls so also cpu requirements
nailed it on the head
Posted on Reply
Man this thread is getting toxic. Iam not a fanboy of either Intel or Amd , infact I own both (and game on both) ; 5930k and 2700x .

What I dont like to see in repeated comparisons is 1080p ONLY !
Man I have NOT played in 1080p since my x58 i7 920 days (and I still have that running x58 system) . Even in x58 days I played games in 16:10 (1920x1200) . ~ Also to mention I dont want to see a bunch of charts for single threaded games as most of these comparisons or arguments do , this is 2018 not 2003 and most of the AAA games I play are multithreaded and over 4+ cores not single core . ~ So fanboys please quit showing 1080p single threaded charts all the time (and yes I do know BF1 is multithread). I play games in either UltraWide or 4k , but mostly 4k and could give a sh*t about 250fps gaming or 250hz monitor in/at 1080p ; as 1080p as been long dead for me as it has for many others (HOWEVER ... I would like to see more UltraWide and 4k 120hz become more popular and less expensive so as it to become mainstream )

Choose a platform you want and enjoy it , but dont start belittling someone for their choice as things are/have changed today in the cpu world . Competition is good and so are both platforms.
Posted on Reply
stereo55What I dont like to see in repeated comparisons is 1080p ONLY !
1080p is the most common resolution, followed by 768p, according to Steam (64% and 12%, respectively). When discussing about CPU/GPU performance in games, those resolutions are the first to be used in comparisons, for their popularity, unless the topic is specifically about 1440p or other resolutions higher than 1080p.
stereo55this is 2018 not 2003 and most of the AAA games I play are multithreaded and over 4+ cores not single core .
And yet Windows still overloads what is known as CPU 0, making single-threaded performance on that specific core very important still. And let's not forget that AMD had the FX-8000 series CPUs with 8 threads, and their performance was still disappointing.
stereo55Choose a platform you want and enjoy it , but dont start belittling someone for their choice as things are/have changed today in the cpu world . Competition is good and so are both platforms.
Indeed, things have changed. And thankfully, for the better.
Posted on Reply
Hey. Which Cpu will be bettet for this. My budget is locked to 9600k or similary priced 8700 nonk. People say there is real benefits from threads in BF nowdays. I skipped bf1 and would like some feedback on which path to take. I have already bought a board on Z390 because it was packed with promo bonuses and im waiting for soke good deal on 9600k now
Posted on Reply
rebrandeonim know AMD fanboys are tards but also blind and cant read reviews wooow ? Battlefield 5 is goign to run on same engine as Battlefield 1 so expect same rekt this must be pathetic to play games with Ray Tracing on AMD CPU such a bottlneck :(
Considering none of this shit is running at the same clock, i would damn well hope a 9700k at 4.9ghz would beat a 8700k at 4.7 by 3fps.. lol
Posted on Reply
rebrandeonim know AMD fanboys are tards but also blind and cant read reviews wooow ? Battlefield 5 is goign to run on same engine as Battlefield 1 so expect same rekt this must be pathetic to play games with Ray Tracing on AMD CPU such a bottlneck :(
Nice epic fail at math and cost/performance evaluation. And you get extra points for blind fanatic fanboyism.
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Definitely played this game with my first gen i3 and a 7970. PC game requirements have been bullshit for awhile now.
Posted on Reply
Are any of you gonna actually play this game? I got it, but talked to Mailman and he said the usual BF bunch isn't gonna play it.
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I run a 4480x1024 Res and had no problem playing Single player on Ultra. Played one round of Multiplayer on high
and owned it for me anyway. Recommended and Minimum requirements are a fucking joke. Gonna play it on my
1080p projector now.
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