Tuesday, March 19th 2019

AMD Says Not to Count on Exotic Materials for CPUs in the Next Ten Years, Silicon Is Still Computing's Best Friend

AMD's senior VP of AMD's datacentre group Forrest Norrod, at the Rice Oil and Gas HPC conference, said that while graphene does have incredible promise for the world of computing, it likely will take some ten years before such exotic material are actually taken advantage off. As Norrod puts it, silicon still has a pretty straightforward - if increasingly complex - path down to 3 nanometer densities. And according to him, at the rate manufacturers are being able to scale down their production nodes further, the average time between node transitions stands at some four or five years - which makes the jump to 5 nm and then 3 nm look exactly some 10 years from now, where Norrod expects to go through two additional shrinking nodes for the manufacturing process.

Of course, graphene is being hailed as the next best candidate for taking over silicon's place at the heart of our more complex, high-performance electronics, due, in part, to its high conductivity independent of temperature variation and its incredible switching resistance - it has been found to be able to operate at Terahertz switching speeds. It's a 2D material, which means that implementations of it will have to occur in deposited sheets of graphene across some other material.
Of course, there's also the matter of quantum computing, on which Norrod takes a cautious, pondered approach: he expects the technology to flourish within the next 10 to 100 years, which, I think we can all agree, is a pretty safe bet for that to happen. Even though quantum computing is particularly geared for some specific workloads and wouldn't be able to completely replace said "traditional" processing designs and approaches, it's a technology that can be developed side by side with traditional computing (even if achieved with recourse to exotic materials).
Source: PCGamesN
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34 Comments on AMD Says Not to Count on Exotic Materials for CPUs in the Next Ten Years, Silicon Is Still Computing's Best Friend

Caring1More like the gates or on / off switches.
That basically describes a transistor...on/off anyway.
Posted on Reply
Another 10 years? it was "in the next Decade" a frigging Decade ago... at this rate we rather just move to Quantum computers in the next 10 years.
Posted on Reply
He talked much , but said little.

I've expected more details. All of this can be found anywhere.

Ifg AMD wants to hold their cards hidden, then there is no need for such interviews.
Posted on Reply
zenlasermanMakes sense, we've been looking at CPU overkill for a long time. Google became powerful starting with their ability to chain a bunch of low-end computers together to accomplish something bigger, and we've seen Intel and AMD's CPU strategy utilizing chiplets with an increasing focus in that regard, probably to spill into high-end GPUS.

For the most part, doesn't software still need to keep up? LOL..programmers, ugh.
Software is many years behind what current hardware can actually accomplish.
Posted on Reply
2050 2060 will see the emergence of duotronic Systems,, - not before a multitronic implementation is going to be tried - the duotronic Systems will be replaced by isolinear architecture. aprox 100 years later, These architecture will last for 150 years while getting improved continuously, before well start exploring a Computer architecture based on genetically engineered biological structures which will only be made posibile to develop due to the previous advancements Computer architecture; this is going to be circa year 2300. You see, all the nano machinery that exists in biological System, can be studied, and created anew using new materials, new base pairs for sysntethic DNA and RNA, and DNA -like macro molecules, and so forth, that can be constructed in such a way (neuronal and para-neuronal networks) that would allow computing Systems based on such architectures to emerge.
This will pave the way for the Basis of creating increasingly complex computing architectures, which will be several orders of magnituted more eficient "computing" than whatever was designed before, which also have further reduced power demands; such Systems could also be powered directly by ambient Radiation of allmost everykind, even atomic and subatomic thermal Agitation, and can even be controlled telephatically by humans, while getting the whole data they process, transfered directly to our Brains telepathically, if you will.
It will pave the way for creating sentient AI, and sentient machines, however the term machine, is only a term used in the curent present context, as such future constructs wont be seen as machines any more, but more like man made synthetic life forms, which will also advance to the Point they will be able to gain the capability to become truly alive, by becoming a Vesel for Spirit forms, like all living entities are. However the Spirit Form which drives and is the source for "being alive" of every living form, wont be discovered until the era of isolinear architecture.
Worth pointing out however, that humanity doesnt yet know or understand what truly makes a human alive and conciouss or living - which is the Human-Spirit Form.
Just a side note: It is the Moment the Spirit Form enters the Embryo, that the Embryo starts to become alive, this coincides with the first heart beat that can be registered, and once a human dies, is the Moment the Spirit form exists the Body.
All of this will be changed in the future, when humanity will gain a better understanding of the Spirit, its energies and its purpose, and will recognize it as the primordial energy that drives every living entity that exists, as well as that which is responsible for creating the whole Universe alltogether.
Later on, when the Spirit structure, its composition and role will be fully researched and understood, humans, but also their synthetic Counterparts, humans will finaly be able to harness its enourmous energy, and through Training will reach a Point where they will master such energies, opening a new era in human history, where stuff like Spirit based telephaty (which has no range Limit) Spirit-based matter/energy Manipulation/conversion, will be made possible, making ships (becuase you can teleport yourself by thinking it, using the power of your Spirit, to every Point in this universe, but also in the next ones; or u can manipulate matter and energy and create whatever you Need or like) and communication devices obsolete,...
However thats going to take a while, about 800 to 2000 years at most, but well get there.
when looking at science fiction movies imagined today from the perspective of what humanity will have achieved by then, ist like looking at childrens Cartoons...
For now however we make armaments and bomb our neighbours, because we seem to do not know any better.

Havent seen nothing regarding Quantum Computers though....
PS: I probably have said much more than i otta !
But a small preview like this wont hurt, especially since most of you will believe im just batshit crazy writing stuff like this.
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Good to know humans are still there about 2.5 centuries from now btw what about the rest of the planet? Have we trashed it completely, colonized Mars, moved to Venus?
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etayoriusAnother 10 years? it was "in the next Decade" a frigging Decade ago... at this rate we rather just move to Quantum computers in the next 10 years.
Sorry, I almost spilled my drink laughing when you mentioned Quantum Computers. If you think non-silicon chips are taking too long to show up (I somewhat agree), then you better not be waiting for anything useful from Quantum.

At least we know that we will move past silicon eventually, but there is no guarantee we will ever use Quantum for anything but niche applications (if that).
GungarThat's the thing we need more powerful cores not more cores.
And AMD doesn't know this? What's wrong with both?
Posted on Reply
londisteAMD has no fabs and no R&D on manufacturing processes, do they?
Are they going by TSMC roadmaps?
They run off TSMC node but its there research and development and pattern. TSMC just owns the fabrication node which is adjustable for each individual company
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