Friday, September 27th 2019

China Starts Production of Domestic DRAM Chips

China's semiconductor industry is seeking independence in every sector of its industry, with an emphasis of homemade products for domestic use, especially government facilities, where usage of homegrown products is most desirable. According to the report of China Securities Journal, Chinese firm has started production of DRAM memory.

A company named ChangXin Memory Technology, founded in 2016 to boost domestic silicon production, on Monday started production of DRAM memory, aiming to directly replace the current supply of foreign memory from companies like Micron, SK Hynix and Samsung. Being build using 18 nm technology which ChangXin calls "10-nanometer class" node, this DRAM chip isn't too far behind offers from competitors it tries to replace. Micron, Samsung and SK Hynix use 12, 14, and 16 nm nodes for production of their DRAM chips, so Chinese efforts so far are very good. The company promises to produce around 120.000 wafers per month and plans to deliver first chips by the end of this year.
Source: TechNode
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56 Comments on China Starts Production of Domestic DRAM Chips

I wonder if other china companies will counterfeit changxin dimms. :laugh:

If you ever tested out aliexpress stuff you know what they do over there.

I got some ddr1 long ago qimonda sticks(infinion) spd says kingston.
BGA DDR1 is real lol
Posted on Reply
News Editor
Thanks, but no, just no.
I'm not interested in any kind of memory products out of China, as they simply can't deliver on quality and reliability.
Posted on Reply
natr0nI wonder if other china companies will counterfeit changxin dimms. :laugh:

If you ever tested out aliexpress stuff you know what they do over there.

I got some ddr1 long ago qimonda sticks(infinion) spd says kingston.
BGA DDR1 is real lol
Kingmax made BGA DDR1
Posted on Reply
TheLostSwedeThanks, but no, just no.
I'm not interested in any kind of memory products out of China, as they simply can't deliver on quality and reliability.
Same here ,but I will be happy if the surplus of memory in the west pushes prices down.
Posted on Reply
HokumKingmax made BGA DDR1
And DDR3.

My old 2x4 GB 1600 MHz Kingmax NANO rams are still working in H67 intel board with i5-3550s flawlessly.
Posted on Reply
TheLostSwedeThanks, but no, just no.
I'm not interested in any kind of memory products out of China, as they simply can't deliver on quality and reliability.
you live in china? it says for domestic use (that means for china's own use) everything else is made in china..
Posted on Reply
News Editor
killster1you live in china? it says for domestic use (that means for china's own use) everything else is made in china..
I live in mostly democratic, but mostly unrecognised China. Trust me, these things will make it out of China, their crap always does.
Plenty of crap eMMC in the market already from various dodgy Chinese sources.
Posted on Reply
Memory manufacturers working together in price syndicate taking competition out of the picture and pushing prices sky high accelerated China's plans to manufacture their own DRAM in a never before seen scale.

China realized they where vulnerable and dependent on foreign memory manufacturers and had to manufacture all their own memory.

So years of greed from memory manufacturers actually woke the dragon and they are now steamrolling in to the DRAM and NAND market.

This is good for consumers and bad for memory manufacturers since they get massive competition from China in the coming years.
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News Editor
fynxerMemory manufacturers working together in price syndicate taking competition out of the picture and pushing prices sky high accelerated China's plans to manufacture their own DRAM in a never before seen scale.

China realized they where vulnerable and dependent on foreign memory manufacturers and had to manufacture all their own memory.

So years of greed from memory manufacturers actually woke the dragon and they are now steamrolling in to the DRAM and NAND market.

This is good for consumers and bad for memory manufacturers since they get massive competition from China in the coming years.
Assuming this crap actually really works...
So many things out of China is sub-par quality, which would make this a big no no.
Posted on Reply
TheLostSwedeThanks, but no, just no.
I'm not interested in any kind of memory products out of China, as they simply can't deliver on quality and reliability.
No offense but this kind of comment is really silly to say the least !

1) Those chips are clearly aimed towards domestic applications ( read Chinese government ) so for you to be interested in this kind of memory you need them to be interested to sell those to you which is clearly not the case here !

2) How do you know those memory chips don't meet quality / reliability requirements , especially considering reliability is a key factor when it comes to government applications ?

Resuming this to : '' meh everything produced in China is crap '' is just that .... silly logic ..........
Posted on Reply
RH92No offense but this kind of comment is really silly to say the least !

1) Those chips are clearly aimed towards domestic applications ( read Chinese government ) so for you to be interested in this kind of memory you need them to be interested to sell those to you which is clearly not the case here !

2) How do you know those memory chips don't meet quality / reliability requirements , especially considering reliability is a key factor when it comes to government applications ?

Resuming this to : '' meh everything produced in China is crap '' is just that .... silly logic ..........
well as a consumer in asia i can tell you there is alot of crap from china that is counterfeit and worse quality then it should be. Im not sure if they open the factory off hours to produce extra to sell on blackmarket or if it is the defective stuff sold on blackmarket but there is alot, you never got a fake memory card from amazon? Prob made in china! i know i have at least 2x received fakes from amazon made in china that ddidnt pass the fake memory card test program i use.
Posted on Reply
News Editor
RH92No offense but this kind of comment is really silly to say the least !

1) Those chips are clearly aimed towards domestic applications ( read Chinese government ) so for you to be interested in this kind of memory you need them to be interested to sell those to you which is clearly not the case here !

2) How do you know those memory chips don't meet quality / reliability requirements , especially considering reliability is a key factor when it comes to government applications ?

Resuming this to : '' meh everything produced in China is crap '' is just that .... silly logic ..........
1. That might be the case, but they'll be available all over very quickly. Just wait and see.

2. Because I've dealt with far too many substandard Chinese products. Plenty of eMMC and flash coming out of Chinese these days and it's utter crap.

That's not what I said. As long as you have decent managers and quality control, you can get decent stuff made there. However, most things from local companies are just that, utter crap.

As an example, there are plenty of Chinese DRAM module manufacturers that buys what Kingston discards and somehow manages to create products out that. I bet that's great quality DRAM modules...
Obviously this is a bit different, but I simply don't trust the quality.
Posted on Reply
killster1well as a consumer in asia i can tell you there is alot of crap from china that is counterfeit and worse quality then it should be. Im not sure if they open the factory off hours to produce extra to sell on blackmarket or if it is the defective stuff sold on blackmarket but there is alot, you never got a fake memory card from amazon? Prob made in china! i know i have at least 2x received fakes from amazon made in china that ddidnt pass the fake memory card test program i use.
TheLostSwede1. That might be the case, but they'll be available all over very quickly. Just wait and see.

2. Because I've dealt with far too many substandard Chinese products. Plenty of eMMC and flash coming out of Chinese these days and it's utter crap.

That's not what I said. As long as you have decent managers and quality control, you can get decent stuff made there. However, most things from local companies are just that, utter crap.

As an example, there are plenty of Chinese DRAM module manufacturers that buys what Kingston discards and somehow manages to create products out that. I bet that's great quality DRAM modules...
Obviously this is a bit different, but I simply don't trust the quality.
Obviously there is alot of crap produced in China nobody can denie this but this is not the kind of products this articles talks about so yeah .... i believe there is a BIG difference between the kind of products you are describing and the kind of products this article talks about don't you think ?

There is a difference between alot of crap being produced in China and everything produced in China is crap , that's the point im trying to make here .... Objectively speaking there is no information that could indicate those memory chips won't meet quality/reliability requirements especialy considering the kind of usage those are destined to !
Posted on Reply
RH92Obviously there is alot of crap produced in China nobody can denie this but this is not the kind of products this articles talks about so yeah .... i believe there is a BIG difference between the kind of products you are describing and the kind of products this article talks about don't you think ?

There is a difference between alot of crap being produced in China and everything produced in China is crap , that's the point im trying to make here .... Objectively speaking there is no information that could indicate those memory chips won't meet quality/reliability requirements especialy considering the kind of usage those are destined to !
just not sure about quality control on china owned / made products, sure there is lots that is great but also lots that are rushed / overworked sloppy workmanship. id love to see a good ddr5 product that i can purchase i would give it a shot and risk counterfeit if purchased from somewhere i can return easily. Certainly wont be buying it from the local street market.
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News Editor
RH92Obviously there is alot of crap produced in China nobody can denie this but this is not the kind of products this articles talks about so yeah .... i believe there is a BIG difference between the kind of products you are describing and the kind of products this article talks about don't you think ?

There is a difference between alot of crap being produced in China and everything produced in China is crap , that's the point im trying to make here .... Objectively speaking there is no information that could indicate those memory chips won't meet quality/reliability requirements especialy considering the kind of usage those are destined to !
Have YOU actually used any eMMC from China in any product? I take it the answer is no. Based on the quality of their eMMC, I don't have high hopes for their DRAM.
I actually work with a lot of different products and have seen Chinese made memory products and they are, crap. You might save 50 cents, but compared to Kingston or Samsung, there's no competition.

Please don't skip things, you clearly missed the third line in my previous post.
Posted on Reply
TheLostSwedeI live in mostly democratic, but mostly unrecognised China. Trust me, these things will make it out of China, their crap always does.
Plenty of crap eMMC in the market already from various dodgy Chinese sources.
Newegg through all the shady side vendors they have nowadays.
Posted on Reply
If i may add to the "anti"-china goods, all of the made in china seagate barracuda 7200.11 hdd's failed but not the Thailand ones, at least all of mine...
I try to avoid some made in china goods like the plague...

And ofc eventually this china DRAM will find itself being sold in ebay, Ali, etc and likely will suck too...
Posted on Reply
Did China kill your parents or something lostweed? You are particularly hateful in this post.

JFC the amount of ignorance in this comment section is just, wow.

Sure go on hating all your "made in china crap" which probably consists of ALL of your PC components AND phone components.
Posted on Reply
natr0nI wonder if other china companies will counterfeit changxin dimms. :laugh:

If you ever tested out aliexpress stuff you know what they do over there.

I got some ddr1 long ago qimonda sticks(infinion) spd says kingston.
BGA DDR1 is real lol
Here's the thing.
If you've tried Corsair products it's often a chinese product designed in china, manufactured in china and rebadged by corsair, nzxt etc.
also you have the worst crap ever.

One of our more high volume manufactures in china makes a lot better quality than anything we found in USA.
we had one not being remotely close and some others that was crap but to say that "all chinese" is crap quality is rather uneducated.

Buying corsair, nzxt etc is like buying a service of a company finding you the good chinese stuff on your behalf.
And yes, I do know they have some in house designed, or modified products.

Lastly on the actual topic, that's what you get when you create export restrictions.. you reduce your supremacy in the market.. great job trump.
Posted on Reply
News Editor
xkm1948Did China kill your parents or something lostweed? You are particularly hateful in this post.

JFC the amount of ignorance in this comment section is just, wow.

Sure go on hating all your "made in china crap" which probably consists of ALL of your PC components AND phone components.
Hateful? Sorry, what?
I'm simply stating facts based on experience.

You're actually quite wrong there, most ICs are not made in China, but rather elsewhere, like Taiwan, Korea, the US, Singapore etc. where the foundries are.
The parts might be assembled into a product in China, but most of the products from non Chinese companies are fine, as they have their own QC/QA and they also own the designs.

If you've actually never used a Chinese designed product from a Chinese company, you shouldn't really bother commenting.
I have in fact developed products together with Chinese engineers and trust me, it's not fun. They rather not ask questions and go ahead and make stuff and then you have to go back to the drawing board 3-4 times and explain over and over again why they can't do things they way they did.
I've had situations where I have shown pictures of the type of connector I wanted, the engineer said sure, no problem final boards turn up and they went with a different part which then ended up breaking off the boards, as an example of the kind of "quality" design and workmanship they do.

So yeah, lot of you commenting here with ZERO experience when it comes to working with Chinese companies. I bet most of you haven't even been anywhere close to China.
ImsochoboHere's the thing.
If you've tried Corsair products it's often a chinese product designed in china, manufactured in china and rebadged by corsair, nzxt etc.
also you have the worst crap ever.

One of our more high volume manufactures in china makes a lot better quality than anything we found in USA.
we had one not being remotely close and some others that was crap but to say that "all chinese" is crap quality is rather uneducated.

Buying corsair, nzxt etc is like buying a service of a company finding you the good chinese stuff on your behalf.
And yes, I do know they have some in house designed, or modified products.

Lastly on the actual topic, that's what you get when you create export restrictions.. you reduce your supremacy in the market.. great job trump.
Dude, you have no idea what you're talking about here. Corsair designs all their products in the US, in Fremont, or in Taiwan.
They might be made in China (some are still made in Taiwan, like DRAM), but again with Corsair QC/QA.
Corsair doesn't re-badge stuff, although a lot of companies do.

Again, I never said the manufacturers were crap, with the right oversight they can clearly make good stuff, it's just that most of them don't, although I know this wasn't directed at me as such.
Posted on Reply
I have collaborated with engineers and scientisits from China on designing and manufacturing of multiple scientific equipment mostly used in biological research. My experience is the exact the opposite of yours. My peers from China are quite knowledgeable in their respective field and have great attentions to details. I have used "design in China" smart phones like Xiaomi and I found them pretty pleasant to use.

Oh and yeah I have been to China, multiple times for academia conferences.

Do not generalize a whole nation based just your own experience. And one more to the ignore list~
Posted on Reply
xkm1948I have collaborated with engineers and scientisits from China on designing and manufacturing of multiple scientific equipment mostly used in biological research. My experience is the exact the opposite of yours. My peers from China are quite knowledgeable in their respective field and have great attentions to details. I have used "design in China" smart phones like Xiaomi and I found them pretty pleasant to use.

Oh and yeah I have been to China, multiple times for academia conferences.

Do not generalize a whole nation based just your own experience. And one more to the ignore list~
So now you're comparing high level research and development to good old fashioned factory labor for mass production lines?

Sounds about right
Posted on Reply
This must be the stuff on
Posted on Reply
The Exiled Airman
ImsochoboHere's the thing.
If you've tried Corsair products it's often a chinese product designed in china, manufactured in china and rebadged by corsair, nzxt etc.
also you have the worst crap ever.

One of our more high volume manufactures in china makes a lot better quality than anything we found in USA.
we had one not being remotely close and some others that was crap but to say that "all chinese" is crap quality is rather uneducated.

Buying corsair, nzxt etc is like buying a service of a company finding you the good chinese stuff on your behalf.
And yes, I do know they have some in house designed, or modified products.

Lastly on the actual topic, that's what you get when you create export restrictions.. you reduce your supremacy in the market.. great job trump.
Wrong. China been copying other countries for years
Posted on Reply
It's just a matter of time and when they got things right quality will follow the market demand, and yes they will keep producing good and crappy things side by side as both make monies
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