Tuesday, June 9th 2020

Far Cry 6 Set in Exotic Environment, Launching July 12th
Far Cry 6, the sequel to Ubisoft's popular franchise of Far Cry games, is supposedly launching on July 12th. Thanks to the report from Gamereactor.dk, they have obtained information that Ubisoft will unveil the latest game sequel at the Ubisoft Forward event. In translation, the website said: "The last [Ubisoft] game scheduled to be released before April (unless Ubisoft decides it's this game that should be postponed due to COVID-19 or that there are too many AAA releases in a fairly short window) is set to be a Far Cry. I don't want to ruin Ubisoft's plans by giving you all the information, but I can say with certainty that those of you who didn't like Far Cry 5's North American setting are likely to find this game more interesting when it's officially unveiled during Ubisoft Forward on July 12."
The game is said to be available sometime in 2021, however, that information could very well be not true, as the game launch is happening much earlier than that. It could be that Ubisoft is preparing to launch this with the wave of next-generation consoles, so we have to wait and see how it plays out.
The game is said to be available sometime in 2021, however, that information could very well be not true, as the game launch is happening much earlier than that. It could be that Ubisoft is preparing to launch this with the wave of next-generation consoles, so we have to wait and see how it plays out.
40 Comments on Far Cry 6 Set in Exotic Environment, Launching July 12th
Haven't touched much from this series, cause it became boring and repetitive (not story-wise, but from gameplay perspective).
I think since FC1 I've only played FC4 some time ago, and quite recently got hooked on an old hidden gem: FarCry3: Blood Dragon )))
That image for FC6 could have been taken anywhere along our coastline.
Our environment is varied, and vast.
Oh wait, its actually FC6
Far Cry 2 was a whole lot of fun even though it had such glaring issues.
I just hope that they will innovate and try something new other than the usual: "Unlock the map by turning on radio towers and clearing outposts" which at this point is just toooooooooo boring. All I want is a deep jungle or Savanah biome with innovative gameplay.
The good thing about Ubisoft is that once they find a successful formula they don't change it much (Far Cry games) or they try to put together all the successful formulas into one (AC Odyssey) but Far Cry hasn't changed much from a decade ago and it's time to change things a bit, however I hate it when companies change the gameplay for the sake of change (2K/Firaxis AM LOOKING AT YOU), I mean Firaxis had a massively enjoyable gameplay in Civ 3 but kept changing the gameplay a bit in each successive game to the point that Civ 6 was just "Meh" compared to games that were released almost two decades ago.
Might be interested if it's not again on that ancient single core engine
Not saying 5th wasnt fun, but first was something else.. especially at that time.
Missed opportunity? ;)
I'm confused. Do they mean April 2021?
FarCry 2 - yeah....
FarCry 3 - enjoyed the story enough to keep me engaged.
FarCry 4 - I don't know exactly what this game was about and I can't remember if I even beat it. Uplay says I have about 10 hours in the game....not sure where I ended in it or if I beat it.
FryCry Primal - never played, couldn't bring myself to getting it with how unmemorable and lackluster FarCry 4 was.
FarCry 5 - played through on co-op, it was okay. Doubt I would have played it, let alone remembered anything about it if I played it single player....then again, the game was a gift so I probably never would have bought it myself.
FarCry New Dawn - When did this game come out?
FarCry 6 - please stop making these games.
Hopefully they wont put in bullet sponge bosses like they did with new dawn.