Thursday, September 3rd 2020

NVIDIA Reserves NVLink Support For The RTX 3090
NVIDIA has issued another major blow to multi-GPU gaming with their recent RTX 30 series announcement. The only card to support NVLink SLI in this latest generation will be the RTX 3090 and will require a new NVLink bridge which costs 79 USD. NVIDIA reserved NVLink support for the RTX 2070 Super, RTX 2080 Super, RTX 2080, and RTX 2080 Ti in their Turing range of graphics cards. The AMD CrossFire multi-GPU solution has also become irrelevant after support for it was dropped with RDNA. Developer support for the feature has also declined due to the high cost of implementation, small user base, and often poor performance improvements. With the NVIDIA RTX 3090 set to retail for 1499 USD, the cost of a multi-GPU setup will exceed 3079 USD reserving the feature for only the wealthiest of gamers.
81 Comments on NVIDIA Reserves NVLink Support For The RTX 3090
But I do think they are reserving scalable compute for their quadro and enterprise lineup.
fyi: pcie peering went away in the 2000 series of GeForce line
Huge margins on those top chips. If people are going to spend like that, why not?
Until now I've never even considered not running multi GPU. We'll see what the performance numbers actually look like with the 3090 to see if it actually justifies its pricetag or if it's as ludicrous as the Titan RTX. I'll either pickup a pair of used 2080 Tis from Ebay to make it through one more generation, or bite the bullet and move to just one 3090. We shall see. I like having options, so definitely sad to see mGPU get phased out.
Now that almost no game engines even offer SLI support it's amazing that Nvidia even offer it as an option at all.
3 grand plus tax and thats US btw.
4000.00 canadian for that in SLI plus tax is about 4500. Ya no thanks. I could buy almost 2 cars for that price. Funny thing about that is I have played games IN SLI even if the game did not support it. It's always on reguardless. Heck even Old games work with it.
But now single RTX3080 KOs 2080Ti x2 SLI so if we don’t want 8K gaming performance then no SLI is OK now.
And what does it matter how much i earn yearly? I work for a living and because of that i understand the value of money. You sound like a rich snob, or some kid whose parents still pay for everything.
Of course, Nvidia's plan at that point is to sell you a new $900 card.
Either way, a fool. Money doesn't buy intelligence. God knows the world isn't fair and there's too many stupid people out there with lots of money. Especially today with internet being omnipresent.
I would have a different opinion if I saw developers and games that were supporting multi-GPU in a significant way like they were back back around 2013 (Meaning at least alot of the AAA games having some support) but recently I cant even name a game off the top of my head other than BFV that had any support (And even then it was not great).
I.e. some people won't be able to pay for housing if they purchase a 3090, some people can buy a 3090 and still have the $$$ to buy a car/yacht.
As someone who busted his backside for years trying to rise socially I can tell anyone who wants to know about the reality of compensation vs. the hardness of one's work.
So ya learned nothing ever lasts. Enjoy it while you can. My new job In montreal works in Hotels, and IT administration for 100's of companies so I never lost my job during Covid19 but to move here and get settled I went 30K in debt. Money is tight but I can afford the bills and food on table which is more important than gaming at this time.