Tuesday, September 22nd 2020

The Reason Why NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 3080 GPU Uses 19 Gbps GDDR6X Memory and not Faster Variants

When NVIDIA announced its next-generation GeForce RTX 3080 and 3090 Ampere GPUs, it specified that the memory found in the new GPUs will be Micron's GDDR6X variant with 19 Gbps speed. However, being that there are faster GDDR6X modules already available in a 21 Gbps variant, everyone was left wondering why NVIDIA didn't just use the faster memory from Micron. That is exactly what Igor's Lab, a technology website, has been wondering as well. They have decided to conduct testing with an infrared camera that measures the heat produced. To check out the full testing setup and how they tested everything, you can go here and read it, including watching the video embedded.

Micron chips like GDDR5, GDDR5X, and GDDR6 are rated for the maximum junction temperature (TJ Max) of 100 degrees Celsius. It is recommended that these chips should run anywhere from 0C to 95C for the best results. However, when it comes to the new GDDR6X modules found in the new graphics cards, they are not yet any official specifications available to the public. Igor's Lab estimates that they can reach 120C before they become damaged, meaning that TJ Max should be 110C or 105C. When measuring the temperature of GDDR6X modules, Igor found out that the hottest chip ran at 104C, meaning that the chips are running pretty close to the TJ Max they are (supposedly) specified. It is NVIDIA's PCB design decisions that are leading up to this, as the hottest chips are running next to voltage regulators, which can get pretty hot on their own.
The takeaway here is that the heat produced from the card is quite huge with a TGP of 320 W, meaning that the cooling is quite a problem which NVIDIA managed to keep under control, however, the design decisions resulted in some possible performance loss. Instead of NVIDIA using Micron's faster 21 Gbps chips, they are forced to use the 19 Gbps variants. It is not like there would be supply issues as NVIDIA is Micron's only GDDR6X customer, however, the real reason is heat management. The speedup from a slower 19 Gbps chip to faster 21 Gbps chips is plus 10%, meaning that the heat output would follow the percentage, resulting in even greater TGP of the card. The conclusion drawn here is that the current chips are limited by temperature only, as the card is pretty hot, and that is why NVIDIA doesn't use the faster GDDR6X variant.
Sources: Igor's Lab, via Tom's Hardware
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55 Comments on The Reason Why NVIDIA's GeForce RTX 3080 GPU Uses 19 Gbps GDDR6X Memory and not Faster Variants

do you know there's a BOM budget..
Posted on Reply
Watch 3080 Ti/Super is getting announced after AMD's keynote and it's equipped with those faster chips. :p
Posted on Reply
ParnAt 320W+ TDP I'm a bit surprised that nvidia hasn't released a water cooled version of the FE. I believe AMD did that for Vega (or was it Fury?).
Asus tuf is good solution to that, thermal readings are the proof of that.
Posted on Reply
Once again people are making a mountain out of what may not even be a molehill.

Firstly, nobody knows what safe temperatures are for GDDR6X, since that information isn't publicly available. 110 °C is the maximum temp for GDDR6 non-X, for all we know G6X could be rated to 125 °C.

Secondly, even if G6X is only rated to 110 °C, the modules have thermal throttling built in, so they shouldn't be damaged.

Thirdly, Igor himself states:
But even such a high value is no reason for hasty panic when you understand the interrelationships of all temperatures.
Finally, if you really have a problem with this, do what everyone sane does: buy an AIB version with a proper cooler.
Posted on Reply
They could go with 21Gbps if they went with 7nm TSMC. The chip would have had lower TDP, consequently allowing less robust VR and cooler PCB around the VR, allowing the use of faster memory. I guess that is going to happen with 3080 Super.
Posted on Reply
zorandesignThey could go with 21Gbps if they went with 7nm TSMC. The chip would have had lower TDP, consequently allowing less robust VR and cooler PCB around the VR, allowing the use of faster memory. I guess that is going to happen with 3080 Super.
It doesn't work like this, if you change the node you must do a complete redesign of the die. The Supers will be on Samsung, too.
Posted on Reply
okbuddydo you know there's a BOM budget..
Big OLD Mammaries?

On topic/
When cards get designed right side up heat will actually travel away from the chips naturally.
Posted on Reply
AssimilatorOnce again people are making a mountain out of what may not even be a molehill.

Firstly, nobody knows what safe temperatures are for GDDR6X, since that information isn't publicly available. 110 °C is the maximum temp for GDDR6 non-X, for all we know G6X could be rated to 125 °C.

Secondly, even if G6X is only rated to 110 °C, the modules have thermal throttling built in, so they shouldn't be damaged.

Thirdly, Igor himself states:

Finally, if you really have a problem with this, do what everyone sane does: buy an AIB version with a proper cooler.
No mountains in sight, but I did nearly break my ankle a few times now with all those molehills on my path. Definitely not a problem free gen, this, and hot memory on an FE is a new thing now. So the core doesn't throttle anymore, yay, now the memory does.
Posted on Reply
DeathtoGnomesWhen cards get designed right side up heat will actually travel away from the chips naturally.
Perhaps... but that requires a complete retooling of PCIe spacing. The space is available below the slot, not above it. At most you have room for a 1.5 slot card above the top PCIe slot as it stands.
Posted on Reply
EarthDogPerhaps... but that requires a complete retooling of PCIe spacing. The space is available below the slot, not above it. At most you have room for a 1.5 slot card above the top PCIe slot as it stands.
yea, yea, likely excuses.... :p
Posted on Reply
BoboOOZIt doesn't work like this, if you change the node you must do a complete redesign of the die. The Supers will be on Samsung, too.
Yup, NVIDIA has really split Ampere this gen - the lower-volume compute chips (GA100) are on TSMC 7nm, the consumer chips are Samsung.
Vayra86No mountains in sight, but I did nearly break my ankle a few times now with all those molehills on my path. Definitely not a problem free gen, this, and hot memory on an FE is a new thing now. So the core doesn't throttle anymore, yay, now the memory does.
Again, there is no way to know if these temperatures are problematic because we don't yet know what safe G6X operating temperatures are. So making a fuss about said temperatures is premature at best and FUD at worst.

Should evidence emerge showing that these temps are a problem, I will join in rightly criticising NVIDIA for putting form over function. But not before. There's far too much fanboyism and idiot brigades on these forums, I reject such nonsense wholeheartedly.
Posted on Reply
AssimilatorAgain, there is no way to know if these temperatures are problematic because we don't yet know what safe G6X operating temperatures are. So making a fuss about said temperatures is premature at best and FUD at worst.

Should evidence emerge showing that these temps are a problem, I will join in rightly criticising NVIDIA for putting form over function. But not before.
Mhm in the same way, Intel's current CPU operating temps are also not problematic, but they still urge them to limit all sorts of stuff, come up with 2810 ways to boost, and throttle like nobody's business. Come on, smoke > fire, its not hard. Even if they spec them for 120 C its a horrible temp figure to look at. There are lots of parts that will suffer around this temperature and those boards are cramped as hell. And lets not forget that even if they spec them for a very high 125C, you're still looking at major degradation risk for anything over 100C.

Why do you think these specs aren't public? Coincidence? Materials don't magically suddenly take more heat. They're just stretching up the limits of what's safe and what's not. As long as it makes the warranty period, right?

Time to put two and two together.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Mhm in the same way, Intel's current CPU operating temps are also not problematic, but they still urge them to limit all sorts of stuff, come up with 2810 ways to boost, and throttle like nobody's business. Come on, smoke > fire, its not hard. Even if they spec them for 120 C its a horrible temp figure to look at. There are lots of parts that will suffer around this temperature and those boards are cramped as hell. And lets not forget that even if they spec them for a very high 125C, you're still looking at major degradation risk for anything over 100C.

Why do you think these specs aren't public? Coincidence? Materials don't magically suddenly take more heat. They're just stretching up the limits of what's safe and what's not. As long as it makes the warranty period, right?

Time to put two and two together.
Now you are getting into conspiracy theory land, which is even worse than FUD. Please, use your brain to explain to me how it benefits NVIDIA to tarnish their reputation by purposefully shipping defective products that they know will get them into trouble down the road.
Posted on Reply
I really dont understand why they crammed all of that stuff on such a small PCB. its not like the PCB prices skyrocketed or something, and they needed to cut expenses. It just seems stupid.
Posted on Reply
Engineering Compromises...still fast enough
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
Assimilatorexplain to me how it benefits NVIDIA to tarnish their reputation by purposefully shipping defective products
No one said anything is defective but it might be bordering on becoming defective.
Posted on Reply
BytalesI really dont understand why they crammed all of that stuff on such a small PCB. its not like the PCB prices skyrocketed or something, and they needed to cut expenses. It just seems stupid.
Form over function. NVIDIA's FE designs are sadly copying the iPhone trend.
Vya DomusNo one said anything is defective but it might be bordering on becoming defective.
Do you waste time worrying that your phone or monitor or car or toaster might become defective? If not, why is the RTX 3080 FE an exception?
Posted on Reply
Vya Domus
AssimilatorDo you waste time worrying that your phone or monitor or car or toaster might become defective?
I do if there is a known issue, obliviously I can only worry about things that I know of.
Posted on Reply
AssimilatorAgain, there is no way to know if these temperatures are problematic because we don't yet know what safe G6X operating temperatures are. So making a fuss about said temperatures is premature at best and FUD at worst.

Should evidence emerge showing that these temps are a problem, I will join in rightly criticising NVIDIA for putting form over function. But not before. There's far too much fanboyism and idiot brigades on these forums, I reject such nonsense wholeheartedly.
Operating temperature range is 0 - 95C

Absolute Maximum ratings, storage temperature: -55C Min. +125C Max.

can be found under data sheet in this link.
Posted on Reply
uhh, can see again the problem with overheated micron chips like this happened already in some 20xx series cards...
Posted on Reply
AssimilatorNow you are getting into conspiracy theory land, which is even worse than FUD. Please, use your brain to explain to me how it benefits NVIDIA to tarnish their reputation by purposefully shipping defective products that they know will get them into trouble down the road.
planned obscolescence is a conspiracy theory now? I think you need to get real.

Nvidias cards generally aged just fine.
The hot ones however really didnt. Also on the AMD side. I dont see why this would be an exception to that rule. But you are welcome to provide examples of VRAM running close to 100C doing just fine after 4-5 years. I do have some hands full of examples showing the opposite.

And ehh tarnish reputation? The card made it past warranty right?
Posted on Reply
Vayra86planned obscolescence is a conspiracy theory now? I think you need to get real.

Nvidias cards generally aged just fine.
The hot ones however really didnt. Also on the AMD side. I dont see why this would be an exception to that rule. But you are welcome to provide examples of VRAM running close to 100C doing just fine after 4-5 years. I do have some hands full of examples showing the opposite.

And ehh tarnish reputation? The card made it past warranty right?
If you care about your card aging a million years just get a decent AIB card and everything will be fine. It's just one card out of tens avaliable.
I'm definitely disappointed that Nvidia has designed such a good looking card that cools the GPU itself just fine but somehow fails to keep the memory chips cool enough, I'd avoid the FE and look somewhere else.
Posted on Reply
M2BIf you care about your card aging a million years just get a decent AIB card and everything will be fine. It's just one card out of tens avaliable.
Obviously but that is not what this topic is about, is it... Nobody ever said 'buy an FE'. The article here is specifically talking about temps on the FE.

And we both know expecting 5-6 years of life out of a GPU is not a strange idea at all. Obviously it won't run everything beautifully, but it certainly should not be defective before then. Broken or crappy fan over time? Sure. Chip and memory issues? Bad design.

Now, when it comes to those AIB cards... the limitations of the FE do translate to those as well, since they're also 19 Gbps cards because 'the FE has it'.
Posted on Reply
Vayra86Obviously but that is not what this topic is about, is it... Nobody ever said 'buy an FE'. The article here is specifically talking about temps on the FE.

And we both know expecting 5-6 years of life out of a GPU is not a strange idea at all. Obviously it won't run everything beautifully, but it certainly should not be defective before then. Broken or crappy fan over time? Sure. Chip and memory issues? Bad design.

Now, when it comes to those AIB cards... the limitations of the FE do translate to those as well, since they're also 19 Gbps cards because 'the FE has it'.
Yeah; I just read the original article and it seems like the FE card suffers from stability issues under certain intensive workloads.
I expected so much more from Nvidia at this time and age...
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