Friday, January 6th 2023

Samsung Profits Down by 69 Percent in Q4 2022

Consumer electronics giant Samsung had what can only be described as a terrible fourth quarter in 2022, with profits falling by around 4.3 trillion Korean Won, or US$3.4 billion, a drop of 69 percent compared to the previous year. This will be Samsung's lowest profit since Q3 2014 and Samsung has grown a lot as a company in those eight years. The revenue was also down nine percent from the third quarter of 2022, suggesting that Samsung is in for a rough start to the new year.

There seems to be a combination of reasons for the drop in profit, from lower demand for Samsung's range of smartphones and other consumer electronics, but also due to lower demand for memory chips, both DRAM and NAND, both of which Samsung is a big producer of. Samsung stated that "for the memory business, the decline in fourth-quarter demand was greater than expected as customers adjusted inventories in their effort to further tighten finances," which places Samsung in the same situation as its major competitors, who have also reported huge demand slumps.
Source: BBC News
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26 Comments on Samsung Profits Down by 69 Percent in Q4 2022

High prices mostly is what I've noticed all around only cheap stuff is crap
Not even looked at any more laptops they all suck either junk or price or both :kookoo:
Posted on Reply
Queue the next price fixing scheme.
Posted on Reply
No wonder, Premium prices for crappy and planned obsolescence. For all consumer eletronics ( mainly TV's, Washing Machines, Micro-waves, Mobiles, etc ). Xiaomi got better than Samsung at it ...
the only thing that still is relevant in the market are the SSD's and some RAM sticks ... other than that... avoid Samsung.
Posted on Reply
Yeah they nearly dumped the 980 pro m.2's weeks before good friday 2tb for
I was waiting for them to drop more and they never did so I never got one or two.
Posted on Reply
Keep up with grossly overpricing products(flagship cellphone price hikes every year going beyond ridiculous levels -i bought my flagship phone in 2018 for 500euro, now not even double that will get me the top-) and gouging customers and you get what's coming to you.

Now that the "quarantine bonanza" that the tech sector abused with their unfettered greed corpo trash with consumption levels dropping to even below pre-pandemic levels all these revenues and profits will drop like a rock
Posted on Reply
The end of free money. Boom.
Posted on Reply
Yeah they nearly dumped the 980 pro m.2's weeks before good friday 2tb for
I was waiting for them to drop more and they never did so I never got one or two.
That's because the 990 just launched at the time. There was also a BF deal on the SK Hynix P41 platinum 2TB for the same 2 TB and at the same price it's just a better drive then the 980. It trades blows with the 990 Pro even.
Posted on Reply
evernessinceThat's because the 990 just launched at the time. There was also a BF deal on the SK Hynix P41 platinum 2TB for the same 2 TB and at the same price it's just a better drive then the 980. It trades blows with the 990 Pro even.
Should of posted the hot deal here :cool:
Posted on Reply
You OVERPRICE the market you shoot yourself in the foot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on Reply
15 years ago I used to have a lot of Samsung stuff because it was decent quality and sensibly priced. Great TVs, phones, drives, white goods. I didn't choose it because of brand loyalty, I chose it because when looking at the market it was often one of the most favourably-reviewed options in whatever product category I was shopping in.

My Samsung TV, phone, and washing machine all died - prematurely, IMO due to what felt like corner-cutting. I'd just been stung in bulk at work by the defective 840/840EVO TLC NAND troubles, and without ever swearing off Samsung, I simply found good reasons not to ever buy their stuff any more. Samsung wasn't offering good value or well-reviewed white goods, They fell behind in review recommendations for mainstream phones, and only their flagship/halo products were getting great reviews. The mainstream stuff, and even the premium mainstream stuff was being soundly outperformed and at a lower price by many other brands.

I'm just one customer, but I've gone from repeat-buying Samsung to buying almost nothing of Samsung's. I don't really have anything against them at the moment, but they rarely offer an appealing product. Their good stuff is overpriced and their cheap stuff is unappealing in the contested markets of SSDs, phones, monitors, TVs, where all of the competition seems to be doing a better job for the same money.
Posted on Reply
Chrispy_15 years ago I used to have a lot of Samsung stuff because it was decent quality and sensibly priced. Great TVs, phones, drives, white goods. I didn't choose it because of brand loyalty, I chose it because when looking at the market it was often one of the most favourably-reviewed options in whatever product category I was shopping in.

My Samsung TV, phone, and washing machine all died - prematurely, IMO due to what felt like corner-cutting. I'd just been stung in bulk at work by the defective 840/840EVO TLC NAND troubles, and without ever swearing off Samsung, I simply found good reasons not to ever buy their stuff any more. Samsung wasn't offering good value or well-reviewed white goods, They fell behind in review recommendations for mainstream phones, and only their flagship/halo products were getting great reviews. The mainstream stuff, and even the premium mainstream stuff was being soundly outperformed and at a lower price by many other brands.

I'm just one customer, but I've gone from repeat-buying Samsung to buying almost nothing of Samsung's. I don't really have anything against them at the moment, but they rarely offer an appealing product. Their good stuff is overpriced and their cheap stuff is unappealing in the contested markets of SSDs, phones, monitors, TVs, where all of the competition seems to be doing a better job for the same money.
After dealing with one too many of their phones I have no idea why people buy these things.
Posted on Reply
evernessinceThat's because the 990 just launched at the time. There was also a BF deal on the SK Hynix P41 platinum 2TB for the same 2 TB and at the same price it's just a better drive then the 980. It trades blows with the 990 Pro even.
I grabbed one myself, I grabbed a 2TB KC3000 for in the same price range the day before. I was going to return the KC3000 but decided to just keep it. They both were such a darn good deal.
Posted on Reply
ZareekI grabbed one myself, I grabbed a 2TB KC3000 for in the same price range the day before. I was going to return the KC3000 but decided to just keep it. They both were such a darn good deal.
The KC3000 is a great drive. You made the right choice by keeping, the difference between it and the fastest is very very small.
Posted on Reply
Not much sympathy for Samsung's inability to make affordable RAM. They were making more profit than AMD was from each video card sold. 32GB of ram for PCs has also been grossly overpriced for a while.

Lower your prices Samsung and get Apple to go with 32GB standard lol...
Posted on Reply
Minus Infinity
Quick best way out of a sales slump is to raise prices. Just ask Olympus.

Also S22 sales were poor due to mimimal changes and almost total focus on the stupid Ultra model.

Their new OLED TV's are nice though.
Posted on Reply
It's going to be hard times for a lot of hardware manufacturers for a while. Partly due to the Pandemic/Lock Downs when tens of millions were buying a lot of hardware using Stimulus Checks so customers don't need a lot of hardware right now and partly due to fears about how bad the Worldwide Economy might get so a lot of people are cutting back on unnecessary purchases.

Before anyone feels sorry for hardware manufacturers remember the record profits they made during the Pandemic.
Posted on Reply
Samsung, it is time to lower prices for good products :). You can milk nvidia, but no the living souls.
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Better get those Xerox machines running!
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Minus InfinityTheir new OLED TV's are nice though.
All OLED TV's are nice, though.
What's hurt Samsung's bottom line was OLED denial for the first 5+ years of consumer OLED TVs. Samsung were pushing QLED instead of OLED right up until late 2022, losing 6 years of marketshare to LG and Sony.
Posted on Reply
Well their products has been to exspensive and the quallity has been going down and been to bad, no wonder they are doing bad.... lets hope they learn something.
Posted on Reply
TheinsanegamerNAfter dealing with one too many of their phones I have no idea why people buy these things.
I haven't used a Samsung phone since the S7 I had for work, but I believe Google told them to stop pissing about with Android's UI and as a result Samsung's phone interface isn't quite so full of crapware and pointless UI changes just for the sake of being different.

I'm still buying Pixels. If I want Android, I'll get it from the source. If I want IOS, I'll get it from the source. Unless the Pixels stop being good, I have no desire to get a non-Google phone full of vendor nonsense and BS that I didn't ask for and can't remove without rooting.
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