Thursday, September 21st 2023

Cyberpunk 2077's Free Update 2.0 Rolling Out Now

The free Update 2.0 for Cyberpunk 2077 is being rolled out on PC, PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X|S! It brings an overhaul to a number of gameplay mechanics and core game features (such as the police system and Perk trees) along with various fixes and improvements. These changes apply to the base game and are available to all players on PC and current-gen consoles, free of charge. There's more to come on September 26th for owners of the Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty expansion!

You can continue playing from existing saves, but in order to have the best experience of the extensive changes we made, we recommend starting a new playthrough. Come September 26th, owners of Phantom Liberty will also have the option to jump straight into the story of the expansion by starting a new game with a new character that is already adequately leveled up. Because changes to crucial game systems are extensive, we strongly recommend uninstalling pre-2.0 mods until the modding community has a chance to update them. Outdated mods can disrupt the experience in many ways and, in some situations, may cause critical errors.
Please note that the change in PC system requirements announced in June comes into effect with this update. It's especially important to note that running the game on an SSD is now a requirement. We advise against running the game on an HDD (or on a SD card on Steam Deck) due to lower bandwidth which may cause new content to not stream properly.

This doesn't necessarily mean that 2.0 won't launch using the previous minimum requirements. However, because it wasn't tested with them and we won't be actively supporting them, we cannot guarantee the game will work. We recommend considering an upgrade to ensure a more stable gaming experience. Should you want to or need to, you can also revert to the 1.63 version of the game, available on Steam and GOG. See how to do it here.

The full list of changes would be way too long to publish, but we've listed the most notable ones here.

For more information about the update to PC system requirements, refer to our announcement here.
Sources: CyberpunkGame Tweet, Cyberpunk 2077
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24 Comments on Cyberpunk 2077's Free Update 2.0 Rolling Out Now

free update, as if we need to be grateful for them patching the game to what was promised (and we are still a far cry from that)
Posted on Reply
Does it worth buying and playing it nowadays?
I never played it before but always hear and read about it riddled with bugs.
Is it fun game to get?
Posted on Reply
Fierce Guppy
48GB! I hope you all have decent internet connectivity.
Posted on Reply
Fishfaced Nincompoop
mahanddeemDoes it worth buying and playing it nowadays?
I never played it before but always hear and read about it riddled with bugs.
Is it fun game to get?
Depends on your idea of fun.

FWIW RPS calls the expansion one of the best expansions ever made.
Fierce Guppy48GB! I hope you all have decent internet connectivity.
The download is "only" 28GB though, which is fine by todays standards.
Posted on Reply
Fierce Guppy
mahanddeemDoes it worth buying and playing it nowadays?
I never played it before but always hear and read about it riddled with bugs.
Is it fun game to get?
Watch it on to see if it is to your liking. Lirik is streaming it as I'm writing this.
FrickDepends on your idea of fun.

FWIW RPS calls the expansion one of the best expansions ever made.

The download is "only" 28GB though, which is fine by todays standards.
Weird. It was 48GB on my PC and I always kept the game updated.
Posted on Reply
Macro Device
mahanddeemDoes it worth buying and playing it nowadays?
I never played it before but always hear and read about it riddled with bugs.
Is it fun game to get?
If you don't consider this what they want you to think of this game and take everything with a grain o'salt you'll be more than fine. Funny non-existent physics, dumb gangsters, even dumber NPCs... Just a non-sandbox sandbox full of quirky content. And a great benchmarking tool.

If you want some deep and interesting plot, massively interesting side quests, innovative gameplay, hardcore next-gen graphics, and something along those lines, this is definitely not worth your time. I enjoy this game mostly because I like the aesthetics of a borderline empty city combined with complete mess. The best comparison I can come up with is "Fallout 4 but with better graphics and worse AI."

If you don't mind wasting time on refund just get it on GOG and see if it's what you wanted.
Posted on Reply
Not a Potato
Beginner Micro DeviceIf you don't consider this what they want you to think of this game and take everything with a grain o'salt you'll be more than fine. Funny non-existent physics, dumb gangsters, even dumber NPCs... Just a non-sandbox sandbox full of quirky content. And a great benchmarking tool.

If you want some deep and interesting plot, massively interesting side quests, innovative gameplay, hardcore next-gen graphics, and something along those lines, this is definitely not worth your time. I enjoy this game mostly because I like the aesthetics of a borderline empty city combined with complete mess. The best comparison I can come up with is "Fallout 4 but with better graphics and worse AI."

If you don't mind wasting time on refund just get it on GOG and see if it's what you wanted.
I can agree with this statement. If you're looking for a deep story-driven adventure and other stuff related to that, the Bethesda games and Cyberpunk 2077 won't have much of that on offer, but in terms of experimentation, exploration and sandboxed, open-world gameplay (especially with character skill trees, movement, etc.), thats what they're good at. Basically open-world RPGs with not much of a story but the bonus of user modding.
Posted on Reply
Macro Device
For those who are interested in perfromance.

Loaded the 2.0 version, and it destroys my CPU at high crowd density settings. At medium, framerates are at least on par with what I had on 1.63.

Now playing at 1440p High with FSR: Performance at vsync locked 77 FPS. GPU wattage never exceeds 99 W, which means my RX 6700 XT ain't even 75% loaded. The CPU is usually 40% loaded, sometimes less. I'd lock framerate at something way higher, like 120 FPS, but my monitor just can't do it.

Graphics are substantially better than in 1.63. Police are incredibly annoying now. Delicious crap!
Posted on Reply
mahanddeemDoes it worth buying and playing it nowadays?
I never played it before but always hear and read about it riddled with bugs.
Is it fun game to get?
Treat it as an average sandbox game attached to a really polished tech demo.
The developers and their sponsor will master the tech demo part of the puzzle, it is almost guaranteed.
The game part tho, is another story.
The devs promised many things before launch and failed to deliver
The 2.0 patch is more like the biggest piece of the puzzle, so the dev finally delivered their original promises.
Posted on Reply
mahanddeemDoes it worth buying and playing it nowadays?
I never played it before but always hear and read about it riddled with bugs.
Is it fun game to get?
Honestly I think this really depends on what expectations you have for it, as others have mentioned.
I did not board the hype train and just looked at the game on launch and decided for myself that it was worth it.
I wouldn't put it anywhere near my top 10, but I definitely felt like I got my moneys worth back then.
I notoriously have difficulties grinding a game out, eventually they just get boring and I need to do something else. Only Witcher 3 and CP2077 could engross me for over 8 hours for multiple days.
I thought it was good on launch (this sentiment not shared by some vocal people, but I agree it was awful on consoles (I play PC exclusively)) but I would be lying to myself if I thought it had anywhere near the same polish as Witcher 3.
So if you ask me anything added afterwards is just making it easier and easier to recommend this game now.
Posted on Reply
Macro Device
After playing for several hours I can confidenlty announce the game became significantly better. Still far from ideal but if you like this game you definitely won't regret updating.
Posted on Reply
Free, you think I'm paying for any updates?!.

You can try and make me, see how that goes.

I don't like the wording, like the next time you may get asked to pay, no, I did already.
Posted on Reply
mahanddeemDoes it worth buying and playing it nowadays?
I never played it before but always hear and read about it riddled with bugs.
Is it fun game to get?
I bought the game on day 1 after its release and was a super fun game to play. I didn't waste time focusing on the stupid bugs.
The story is very good, gameplay the same, graphics as much as you can hope; I actually don't understand all that hate regarding this game.
Posted on Reply
Funny how they label it as a 'free update' when all of those things should have been on release.
Thins like 'Car chases` or `Police system`. They make it sound noble, as if they are giving new features for free, but no, this is just basic things that have been promised.

In fact, a lot of promises afaik still aren't in the game and will never be. They just put those on, so that people are more motivated to buy their expensive $30 expasion.
Posted on Reply
Macro Device
Look at this bug! This bug is amazing! (upgrading the cyberware actually makes it more fragile)

I also hate what they've done with cars. They already were too effin slow. Why making them even slower than before?
Posted on Reply
TPU addict
mahanddeemDoes it worth buying and playing it nowadays?
I never played it before but always hear and read about it riddled with bugs.
Is it fun game to get?
Main story is short how ever if you do the side quests makes it a much better valued game. As for bugs i see them much more now than before.

Glad i did not get mine on steam ( GOG ) as i be forced to deal with what ever was released.

The game was $30 just a week or so ago then it went to $60 for a while and now it's $35.

But imo it's been a lot of fun and the bugs have not been game breaking and just odd or even funny at times. If i had hit the main quest line hard i would not of been as happy about getting it.
Posted on Reply
Works about the same as before performance wise. I would say a new save game might be a good idea, my old one since the release day has some "artefacts" in it.

What I do not like is how they decided to have the "Sub Twitch streamers and get a gun skin" for money. The company which repeated that there is no content differences. Why.
Posted on Reply
Beginner Micro DeviceFor those who are interested in perfromance.

Loaded the 2.0 version, and it destroys my CPU at high crowd density settings. At medium, framerates are at least on par with what I had on 1.63.

Now playing at 1440p High with FSR: Performance at vsync locked 77 FPS. GPU wattage never exceeds 99 W, which means my RX 6700 XT ain't even 75% loaded. The CPU is usually 40% loaded, sometimes less. I'd lock framerate at something way higher, like 120 FPS, but my monitor just can't do it.

Graphics are substantially better than in 1.63. Police are incredibly annoying now. Delicious crap!
This is why games as a service, need legacy modes, its screwing people over who were originally able to play the game on their hardware but now cant.

How witcher 3 handled it was a good way to do it, make the older lighter version of the game still available.
Posted on Reply
Macro Device
chrcolukneed legacy modes, its screwing people over who were originally able to play the game on their hardware but now cant.
When CP2077 rolled out, back in 2020, it was way harder to earn money for a decent PC so I consider this fine, especially knowing the game runs completely fine on Medium settings on a very handicapped CPU (yes, it has 8 cores; yes, this is Rocket Lake, but 3.8 GHz is atrocious as of today [my CPU is damaged, I can't run it faster than that]).

Optimisation became better overall. Performance is more stable and I get noticeably better graphics despite only losing 5 out of 125 average FPS I had on my preferred settings. I really don't mind what they've done with this game in this patch.

My only concerns are:
• Why did they make cars even slower? They've already been snails.
• One of cyber implants is bugged: upgrading actually makes its Armour level worse.
• They still have not introduced letterboxed fullscreen.
• It's the 5th version in a row where FSR works incorrectly (extreme ghosting of quickly moving objects).
• Why shooting hostile civilians back is considered a crime? Is the 2nd amendment a joke for them?
Posted on Reply
Beginner Micro DeviceWhen CP2077 rolled out, back in 2020, it was way harder to earn money for a decent PC so I consider this fine, especially knowing the game runs completely fine on Medium settings on a very handicapped CPU (yes, it has 8 cores; yes, this is Rocket Lake, but 3.8 GHz is atrocious as of today [my CPU is damaged, I can't run it faster than that]).

Optimisation became better overall. Performance is more stable and I get noticeably better graphics despite only losing 5 out of 125 average FPS I had on my preferred settings. I really don't mind what they've done with this game in this patch.

My only concerns are:
• Why did they make cars even slower? They've already been snails.
• One of cyber implants is bugged: upgrading actually makes its Armour level worse.
• They still have not introduced letterboxed fullscreen.
• It's the 5th version in a row where FSR works incorrectly (extreme ghosting of quickly moving objects).
• Why shooting hostile civilians back is considered a crime? Is the 2nd amendment a joke for them?
Well there is also the gameplay changes, massive changes to perks tree e.g. and is essentially a different game now, these sort of changes would expect when experimenting pre launch not years after launch on a single player game. The overhwleming feedback I see from the cyberpunk community that 1.x was better, so I will force steam to download the older version.
Posted on Reply
chrcolukThis is why games as a service, need legacy modes, its screwing people over who were originally able to play the game on their hardware but now cant.

How witcher 3 handled it was a good way to do it, make the older lighter version of the game still available.
Being all about facts, you should know that you can revert to 1.63 at any time. The older "lighter" version of the game is still available.

And "Games as a Service" have lootboxes and are always online. CP2077 doesn't qualify for either requisite.

A friendly reminder to take it easy on the FUD, my friend.
Posted on Reply
Macro Device
chrcolukThe overhwleming feedback I see from the cyberpunk community that 1.x was better
I don't know, 1.x is so disgustingly bad compared to 2.0 it's not even worth mentioning IMHO. I don't say 2.0 is exceptionally brilliant: no, it's got a lot of flaws and it's still not 100% of what they promised us before the day 0.

What I mean is that 1.x is complete rubbish.

Oh by the way, I got an incredibly weird bug. Long story short:

0. Load character A (Nomad) which I used to play a while ago. Move to the Metro: Stadium. Attempt to "teleport" to College Street. Success.
1. Load character B (Corpo) which I'm currently playing. Move to the Metro: Stadium. Attempt to "teleport" to the exact same College Street exactly the same way. Game completely freezes with the "watchdog timeout" error.

Regardless of what I do to hard-, software and whatnot, the character A does never crash and the character B does always crash. I don't want to start the new game because of this stupid bug. And no, I also tried 1.x builds (1.61, 1.63, 1.63 Hotfix) and they all behaved the same way. Character A works; character B doesn't work. Always.
Posted on Reply
FierceRedBeing all about facts, you should know that you can revert to 1.63 at any time. The older "lighter" version of the game is still available.

And "Games as a Service" have lootboxes and are always online. CP2077 doesn't qualify for either requisite.

A friendly reminder to take it easy on the FUD, my friend.
You can have posted this reply without the rest of the comment, I wasnt aware, so all you needed to say, was they agree and this is what they have done.

Games as a service for reference I refer to a game that has never ending development, the final product isnt the final product.

I will pass this info on, as many on steam dont seem to be aware this is possible.
Posted on Reply
its very old bug, but today it happen again.

after finished main quest, no matter what ending i choose (arasaka, rogue, panam), coming back into the night city, average fps always drop into 10-20fps... why ??

also, no matther what i choose the graphic option, its still very low average fps, 10-20fps, halved the fps before the final mission, because before the final main mission, it can 30-40fps in the middle of the city, 40-50fps in outer city.... why ??

when that bug happen, my GPU usage 99-100% but TDP 200-300w, usually 340-370w....

for normal, the game must have error 1st (crash to dekstop), then the average fps become normal....

why this happen ??
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