Tuesday, October 31st 2023

Microsoft Windows 11 23H2 Major Update Begins Rolling Out, Bets Big on Generative AI

Microsoft on Tuesday began rolling out Windows 11 23H2, the year's major update to its PC operating system. This release sees a major integration of AI into several features across the OS. To begin with, Microsoft Copilot, which made its debut with 365 and Office, is getting integrated with Windows. Powered by Bing Chat, Copilot is a GPT-based chatbot that not just gathers information from web-search, but can also be made to do a variety of OS level functions. For example, you can ask it to pair a Bluetooth device, or find something on your machine, find stuff within the files of your machine. The WIN+C key now brings up Copilot. Next up, Microsoft Paint gets its biggest feature update, with the generative AI-based Paint Cocreator feature. Not only will Paint assist your brush-strokes, in getting the shapes and contents right, but much like Stable Diffusion and Midjourney, Paint now has a prompt-based image generation feature. For now, Paint Cocreator is being released as a preview feature.

Microsoft Clipchamp, the video editor included with Windows, now has a set of generative AI enhancements of its own, with tools such as Auto Compose, which assists in building a movie with scenes, getting the sequence of clips and transitions right, getting the effects and filters right; and audio features such as narration and background score. Clipchamp also has integration with social platforms including Tik Tok, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Snipping Tool, the screengrab application of Windows, now gets a couple of AI enhancements too, such as scanning an image to extract and redact information. Photos gets AI-accelerated image recognition and categorization. Much like Google Photos, you can look for a picture by describing what you're looking for. As with each such annual major release, Microsoft will be releasing 23H2 in a phased manner through Windows Update, but if you're impatient and want to immediately update, or perform a clean installation, visit the link below.

DOWNLOAD: Windows 11 23H2 (Installation Assistant, Media Creator, ISOs)
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84 Comments on Microsoft Windows 11 23H2 Major Update Begins Rolling Out, Bets Big on Generative AI

TheinsanegamerNshould I start linking to tech articles of all the times MS broke windows with updates, or do you want to drop the "muh FUD" BS? This is crypto bro level delusional.

Oh, so you use the dickflutes that are nvidia and blame your problems on linux. Gotcha.
They happen, but they aren't common either, especially on Desktop these days. But it isn't a reason to use linux, as I've seen more patches break under Linux than Windows in recent memory. There's a reason why stability is associated with point release distros.

And of course its Nvidia's fault, but its part of the Linux experience.
Posted on Reply
CammThey happen, but they aren't common either, especially on Desktop these days. But it isn't a reason to use linux, as I've seen more patches break under Linux than Windows in recent memory. There's a reason why stability is associated with point release distros.
I would ask you to provide actual numbers to back up your claims, but you'd probably call that FUD too.
CammAnd of course its Nvidia's fault, but its part of the Linux experience.
So, by your logic, windows 11 IS a garbage fire, because intel's GPU drivers are super unstable game breaking trash? Or does "bad OEM mean bad OS" only apply to linux?
Posted on Reply
TheinsanegamerNI would ask you to provide actual numbers to back up your claims, but you'd probably call that FUD too.

So, by your logic, windows 11 IS a garbage fire, because intel's GPU drivers are super unstable game breaking trash? Or does "bad OEM mean bad OS" only apply to linux?
Really living up to your username aren't you. As for Linux breaking, its almost always dependencies breaking apps. Its why we have such a focus on Flatpak.

Never seen an Intel driver stop the desktop showing though, so nice strawman I guess?

But look, its not worth arguing with you (and is my last reply) as you're frankly a zealot who it wouldn't matter what I said. Its obvious that you use linux, so how about you enjoy it, and stay in your lane concerning Windows of which you obviously know nothing about but scary bedtime stories told on r/linuxmemes anymore.
Posted on Reply
Not sure what version are you guys talking about by I am already on this one:
Posted on Reply
Why is microsoft pressing so hard to make us find alternative OSes?
Posted on Reply
mahirzukic2Everybody (okay, maybe not everybody, but majority of people) fear the unknown. Nothing to be ashamed of.
I suppose there is a degree of truth to that but there is also a point where it becomes silly.
Posted on Reply
Ya noticed it with Edge now started to run Edge at start up also said edge edge edge is better then chrome which is edge based on chromium

So just tried a fresh install on a PC of 23h2, You can bring up the Shift F10 CMD but if you run the oobe/bypassnro it will not work. But I found a work around. Use the Same Shift-F10 to get cmd up then enable the Administrator account using net user Administrator /Active:yes

Then Run Regedit and goto the following key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OOBE and look for the setting LaunchUserOOBE change it from a 1 to a zero and also change the other option DefaultAccountAction from 1 to zero. Then reboot the computer.

You can now log in as Administrator and do what ever you want.

This was Home Edition btw


Posted on Reply
FoulOnWhiteMaybe everyone should just use linux, but i guess they use windows out of necessity.

Personally i don't mind win 11 and am already on 23H2
I'm just a few bits of effort away from using linux, that's really the problem. Effort.

But if Windows starts taking effort, that changes things. So far I remain on 10, and I see no reason to move yet. MS can choose to make my life miserable in a hundred ways, I dare them.

All I want is a glorified launcher for a few thousand games, an office package and internet, Mr. Nadella...
Also, every time I get Edge shoved into my face again, you lose favor points.
Posted on Reply
Corporations and governments constantly abuse their authority, work hand in hand to violate your rights as a citizen (I know that means nothing to some who give their rights up without even questioning it), and they open them selves and your data to vulnerabilities. So it's not "tinfoil hat" to try and mitigate that as much as possible. A lot of us want control over our data and privacy. If you don't, at best you are ignorant and naive, at worst a fool.

I definitely will be disabling the co-pilot features, but really just avoiding Windows when its not a necessity. ** Puts on tinfoil hat **

We can see who are the ones who will own nothing, eat bugs and like it.
Posted on Reply
Windows 10 , FTW, until we see windows 10 features back or maybe windows 12 will see but skipping 11 sorry Microsoft.
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
ChryIs it optional?
Been using 23H2 since RTM. If you already used Windows 11 before, there are no changes to the user experience. Only small improvements.

TBH wasn't even aware of the "AI focus", it's just a fad, it'll eventually go away like cryptocurrencies did.
CammSo much FUD in this thread... Just install Linux already if you're going to tinfoil this much.

For example, the Start Menu works perfectly fine without an internet connection, and prioritises installed apps, settings and local documents before web terms.

If you used W11 on launch and haven't used it since, have another look, its really come quite far since launch with a lot of improvements that I would miss rolling back to 10.
You've been a TPU member for 11 years, should know by now that the enemies of the state in this forum are:

1. Nvidia (this company is always wrong, everything they do is always evil, even if they do something right this must never be acknowledged)
2. Microsoft (they can never be trusted, nothing that they do is acceptable)
3. Intel (citing some obscure shady backroom deal or running afoul of some EU legislation 20 years ago)
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro1. Nvidia (this company is always wrong, everything they do is always evil, even if they do something right this must never be acknowledged)
2. AMD (whatever they price their products they're always too expensive. And hot too. And power hungry. Oh and supposedly their drivers suck too.
Dr. Dro2. Microsoft (they can never be trusted, nothing that they do is acceptable)
MS is just hilariously incompetent.
Dr. Dro3. Intel (citing some obscure shady backroom deal or running afoul of some EU legislation 20 years ago)
It went to court. They were told to pay damages (something they have not done to this day) so there is ample proof of their wrongdoing.
Posted on Reply
Dr. DroBeen using 23H2 since RTM.
Are there any "under the hood" improvements in 23H2 that might be worth upgrading for? For someone who primarily browses and games.
Posted on Reply
Chrispy_detach windows search from the internet via registry.
gimme gimme gimme
bugI would think if you're truly concerned about privacy, you would at least read the EULAs you agree to.
And do what? Not install Windows?
TomorrowIf you mean right click context menu then from what i remember holding down SHIFT and then rightclicking should show the full menu. There are of course numerous other options to default to full menu.
My fav is the InprocServer32 reg hack. Shows menus like in Windows 10.
Posted on Reply
Had to do a re-install today, I could no longer make a " \ " in the command prompt when you hit Shift+F10 and type the command OOBE\BYPASSNRO to force a local account creation; you have to use the "Alt+92" to get the " \ "character.

Microsoft are pure scumbags lol.
Posted on Reply
cst1992And do what? Not install Windows?
If you care about privacy and feel Windows doesn't respect that, yes, that would be the obvious choice.
Posted on Reply
Selayagenerative garbage.
Yeah tried it out, most of the times I get a prompt saying my request is against their responsible AI guidelines. I was only using a prompt like "Panda as Commander Shepard"


To me this is Microsoft's way to introduce more paid services within the OS. Hard pass.
Posted on Reply
GunShotNah, this can't be used as a violation (MS, governments, hackers, ect.) on infringing on citizens' privacy without any warnings all in the name - "to help/aid/protect the user(s) from themselves", eh?! :fear:
Posted on Reply
cst1992gimme gimme gimme
Create this reg DWORD key:

DisableSearchBoxSuggestions = 1
Posted on Reply
CammSo much FUD in this thread... Just install Linux already if you're going to tinfoil this much.

For example, the Start Menu works perfectly fine without an internet connection, and prioritises installed apps, settings and local documents before web terms.
Those features are almost 3 decades old.......... yes that's technically correct that those features now work "perfectly fine", but this isn't the own that you think it is.
Posted on Reply
Tomorrow2. AMD (whatever they price their products they're always too expensive. And hot too. And power hungry. Oh and supposedly their drivers suck too.
We actually just hate tech, we claim to be tech enjoyers to actually just hate on tech and enjoy the forest life, hunting, tending to our crops, free from the evils of technology
Posted on Reply
Dr. Dro
ChryAre there any "under the hood" improvements in 23H2 that might be worth upgrading for? For someone who primarily browses and games.
It performs great for games. Some small improvements on latest generation hardware, nothing to write home about I guess. I think it is worth upgrading.
Posted on Reply
abysalCorporations and governments constantly abuse their authority, work hand in hand to violate your rights as a citizen (I know that means nothing to some who give their rights up without even questioning it), and they open them selves and your data to vulnerabilities. So it's not "tinfoil hat" to try and mitigate that as much as possible. A lot of us want control over our data and privacy. If you don't, at best you are ignorant and naive, at worst a fool.

I definitely will be disabling the co-pilot features, but really just avoiding Windows when its not a necessity. ** Puts on tinfoil hat **

We can see who are the ones who will own nothing, eat bugs and like it.
I'm a privacy advocate myself and I'm still waiting on evidence that this harvests any data that you don't willingly provide to it.

Complaints only make sense when actual evidence of abuse exists. Otherwise you are just giving privacy advocates a bad name.
Posted on Reply
Legacy-ZAHad to do a re-install today, I could no longer make a " \ " in the command prompt when you hit Shift+F10 and type the command OOBE\BYPASSNRO to force a local account creation; you have to use the "Alt+92" to get the " \ "character.

Microsoft are pure scumbags lol.
Use a third-party tool to create your bootable USB and disable the account creation requirement, then disconnect from the Internet at installation time.
Worked for me.
Posted on Reply
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